February, 2016
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It’s all YOU and all here for YOU
Many years ago Eloheim told us that we would leave duality and live in a state of bliss. Bliss being a state with no opposite where you move from aha to aha to aha.
I believe the teachings of the Jan 27th and the Weekend with E have given us the pathway to that state of bliss. Now, it needs to be integrated.
We have the steps and we have the background. WE HAVE IT!
Step 1: Stop telling your physical world ANYthing you don’t want it to act on immediately
Step 2: Catch yourself whenever you find you are off center, running the hamster-wheel mind, feeling unsettled, or acting frantic. Chances are you are allowing the survival instinct to be in charge and to drag you into the past or the future. Return to the moment by connecting with nature, your body, or whatever works for you. Repeat this step as many times as needed to come into balance.
Step 3: Go deeper into the moment (still gathering tips on this one). Use the elevator tool from the weekend event perhaps. Remember, you are not seeking a “solution” or “answer” you are discovering ALL that you are.
Those steps are just the tip of the iceberg from the teachings Eloheim has offered us in the past few months.
Order the Body, Personality Awareness teaching first.
Eloheim’s latest teaching is AMAZING and offering such new ways to navigate and transform life!
I’ve made a special package which includes the three Body, Personality, Awareness sessions. This special package gives you access to the audio and video of three sessions. Watch ON DEMAND or download to your device.
This package includes the session of November 4, 2015 which is the funniest and most actionable channeling I’ve ever done AND you get a preview of the energies of 2016!!
Then jump into the Weekend with Eloheim event from January 2016
Here is a quote from an attendee at the weekend event:
For me this weekend was unprecedented in informational download, as well as energetic shift potential. I imagine us all arriving on a train to a launching pad where we load onto a spacecraft that none of us have as of yet ever had the scope of imagination or vision until this very moment to imagine. Whee! I think it might be warp speed from here on out.
A quote from a subscriber who listened to the recordings:
I have listened to all the videos from the weekend…I snaffled them as soon as they were available! They are unprecedented. Expanded my understanding of the teachings so I can fill up more when I use the tools. There is more richness there. I love the way, when you use words, they fill out my experience…of everything, it is very kewl.
I’ve added the session of January 27th to the three sessions from the weekend. You receive all four (approximately seven hours of channeling) for one package price. Audio and Video. Watch here on my site or download to your device.
June, 2011
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Soul’s Insight is a FULL BODY Experience! 6-22-2011
Hello everyone! Our channeling session of June 22, 2011 was really fascinating. The Council expanding on many classic tools and brought new insight to their latest tool: The circle of possibilities. If you missed the introduction of The Circle of possibilities tool, visit this page.
“It’s the best tool we have right now to help you live as Homo spiritus; this is the Homo spiritus tool!” The Warrior
The Guardians: Examined our energy fields to see what we had brought with us and what we desired to experience. They asked, “What do you want us [The Council] to see and is that what you are portraying? You are an active participant in this exchange.”
The Visionaries: “How do you know the truth of you?” Took the “What is true now?” tool to a deeper level and expanded on the “What is in my lap?” tool. “This moment is a note in the entire song of your soul. Remember the larger picture!”
Eloheim: Revisited the “Vulnerability vs. weakness” tool and clarified how to “want” to be vulnerable. “How do you interact with the truth that has happened?” Powerful conversations with the group about parenting, manifestation, and possibilities.
The Girls: “Lay out the facts and let the reality of the facts give you the flavor and taste of the underlying issue. What is the life I want?”
Fred: “Bring your soul’s insight into all seven chakras and make insight a full body experience.” YouTube Video
The Warrior: “We experience you as room to grow, we don’t experience you as being forced to grow. How can we help you see yourself as ‘room to grow?’ ” Expanded on the “Circle of possibilities” tool, “It’s the best tool we have right now to help you live as Homo spiritus; this is the Homo spiritus tool!”
Matriarch: Illuminate the truth of you, for you.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
April, 2011
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Choosing Where to Put Your Attention ~ 4-20-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a great time during our April 20, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians talked about “becoming conscious of things you are not ready to attend to.” They reminded us that we can be aware of things, but not require ourselves to take action. “Am I really ready to interact?” They did not give us a pass to be unconscious of things, just reminded us that we can use our free-will to decide what we want to interact with. The Visionaries continued this idea and tied it to the concept of “going with the flow.”
Eloheim stayed on this theme. Their main talk started with: “If you were a Guru” and went from there. I chose it for the YouTube video this week.
Your awareness will expand and your ability to physically do something will not. What you choose to apply your physical skills toward is your free will and the difference [between the two] is your spiritual challenge. Eloheim
The Girls explained how to use the behavior we observe in others to focus our own spiritual journey.
When you become aware of other people’s journeys ….you are not emanating your truth if you are wondering why “they won’t get it.”
Fred made everyone laugh describing the sports he would want to play. Yes, he tied this into spiritual truths as well. He is amazing.
The Warrior told the story of their first time hunting a dragon and how they learned that “you don’t eat dragon.”
The Matriarch closed the night in her wonderful way.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

How Does Time Work? How Can We Work With It Differently? ~ 4-6-2011
Hello everyone!
I put in a request to Eloheim to speak about time. I have been experiencing so many strange time shifts and collapses and speed ups and you name it! The feedback I have received is that I am not the only one so I figured it was time 🙂 to get some insight about it.
Eloheim covered the topic in quite a lot of detail. The YouTube video this week is a portion of their comments.
We’re talking about the energetics of what you call time! The movement of creation is infinite and constant and you’re experiencing it from only one view point but you actually have infinite perceptions of it from your Soul’s perspective. ~ Eloheim
The entire April 6, 2011 meeting was wonderful and included powerful messages from each Council member. The Council continues to discuss how we are working with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives.) This week, they tied that idea into how we perceive and interact with time.
The Guardians and the Visionaries explained that energetically we have left the canyon and are now standing on the edge of a vast vista. The vista includes limitless potentials and lots of places that we are uncertain about.
The vista of possibilities is now yours to play in ~ The Visionaries
The Girls shared that the suspect strongly that connecting to “UFOs” is actually connecting to “future lifetimes.” They go on to remind us not to equate technological advancement to spiritual advancement.
You are the one you have been waiting for ~ The Girls
Fred spoke about the energies of Neptune. The Warrior offered a rousing pep talk. The Matriarch made everyone laugh by following the Warrior’s talk with a vision of us all as babies carrying swords on our backs.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011
March, 2011
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Equal Signs – The Tool – PowerPoint Video
Hello everyone! Mary has finished the PowerPoint video of Eloheim’s recent talk about their tool Equal Signs. For twenty-two additional tools and much more, see the bottom of this post for Eloheim’s first book, The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living – Vol. 1
For more video from this meeting, please visit:
January, 2011
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Dealing with Heartbreak Consciously ~ 1-19-2011
Hello everyone!
Our meeting on January 19, 2011 began with the Guardians doing energy work on everyone. They see us “bringing forth a whole presentation of your energetic structure.”
The Visionaries noted that “fear is so strong and so limiting and so familiar to you all that it can be present without your awareness.” They continued, “You don’t have to have a solution! You just have to be aware of what IS! Be aware of the truth of the moment where it is possible for the truth of you to be known. What judgments do I have about the truth I find myself in?”
Eloheim asked people to speak about their reactions to the previous meeting. The video clip this week is Eloheim responding to an inquiry about heartbreak. “Your relationship to change is really under the microscope at this time.” Eloheim also indicated that there seems to be “something cooking” for the first part of March and suggested that March 9th might be an especially important meeting.
The Girls reminded us “What better way to stay in the fear-based operating system than to be mean to you, what better way to backtrack the work you have done than to be cruel to you in that way.”
The Warrior jumped ahead five years in their story. They spent time catching us up on the events which have transpired and left off by saying they will be speaking about community in the coming weeks.
Fred…Fred was Fred. “We want you on a steady progression of transformation that feels like it meets your needs and it gives you opportunity.” They also got all happy with the fact that they got to experience ‘holding it’ as I needed to use the bathroom.
The Matriarch expressed how much we are loved. It was awesome.
You can watch the video replay or listen to the audio recording by following the links below.
Follow the READ MORE link to access the free video clip.
Continue Reading…

Fear-Based and Consciousness-Based Operating Systems ~ 1-12-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, January 12, 2011 is a meeting we won’t soon forget! The night before, Eloheim kept me awake for over an hour telling me all about the meeting and making sure I knew just what was needed for the presentation they had planned.
This was the first time in over 8 years of weekly meetings that we didn’t sit in a circle. Everyone sat in two half-circle rows so that they could all see what Eloheim was writing.
Eloheim proceeded to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. I have included a portion of their talk in the video below.
It was very different to channel Eloheim in this ‘mode’. Typically Eloheim reads the energy of the room. This time, since they were summarizing their teachings they didn’t access the energy of the room. To me, it constantly felt like I was trying to remember something and couldn’t…for 85 minutes.
Added to the challenge was that Eloheim can get distracted by ANYTHING! Imagine keeping them on track when they were sitting in a new chair and writing on a white erase board! This just might have been the first time they ever really wrote. They did draw a picture for us once before, but an entire night of spelling and spatial orientation and all that…..never before.
I’m right here doing a compare U2U and I’m just going to say it, this would have been impossible not that long ago.
Making something hard look easy once again. 🙂
The whiteboard meeting! Eloheim planned a special presentation for the meeting. The other Council members did not interact verbally in this meeting. Eloheim used a whiteboard to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system, and explaining the tools we use to make our transition while creating the presentation.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
December, 2010
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How do I know if I am living the TRUTH of me? 12-22-10
Hello everyone!
The meeting of December 22, 2010 was really powerful. I love this video clip from the Visionaries. It is one of those ‘sum up the recent concepts’ type of videos. It really helps when they offer a bit of the big picture in this way.
The meeting also included Eloheim speaking at length (this was one of our longest meetings ever) at how possibilities can bring up fear and what to do about it. I found this conversation extremely helpful!
Let’s frolic in the field of infinite possibilities!!!
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010
Guardians: Opened the meeting by asking us to concentrate on presence, and reminding us to use the “I’m tempted to…” tool to be present with the truth of ourselves.
Visionaries: Discussed: What is the truth of you? They walked us through some ways to help us discover our truth in any moment.
Eloheim: An in-depth look at last week’s “homework”: When you look at the field of infinite possibilities, what do you think is possible but not possible (for you)? Used answers from the group and other examples to illuminate the concept of being open to possibilities.
The Girls: (Want a pedicure!) Explained that the concept of infinite possibilities doesn’t have to center on grand or huge or extravagant things or events, it can focus on small things. Remembering to be kind to yourself while being open to possibilities is a good way to love yourself.
Warrior: Continues his tale of going to see the queen, and has new experiences with infinite possibilities, including his betrothal.
Fred: Tells us that the entire universe is designed to support our shifting into Homo spiritus, and wants us to feel that the universe supports us souls.
Matriarch: Told us that they experience us as present, growing, and complete at the same time.

Confused About Your Future? Uncertainty is Infinite Possibilities! 12-15-10
Hello everyone!
Wow, what a busy last seven days. Between channeling, having company, channeling the Q&A, and recovery from everything — the newsletters are late, late, late.
So, I will be brief as I also want to get the Q&A post from the 19th done before the meeting tonight. 🙂
December 15, 2010 continued the idea of uncertainty being the portal to Homo spiritus and ascension. Here is a GREAT video from the Visionaries.
If you don’t like the word uncertainty, use the word possibilities!
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010
12-15-10 ~ 90 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by urging us to leave any baggage from the past behind as we enter the opening portal of now.
Visionaries: Talked about the uncertainty portal and advised: “Look for uncertainty for that will be the portal. Uncertainty will bring you into the moment and uncertainty with the moment will take you into Homo spiritus on the path to ascension. Because it’s going to uncover the places within you that you have hidden from yourself or you’ve been unwilling to look at.” They closed by suggesting we “frolic in the field of infinite possibilities.”
Eloheim: There was a small group present at the meeting, so Eloheim asked a question around the circle and also around the webcast participants: What does it bring up in you to frolic in the field of possibilities? They went into each of the answers offered up by the group. Also, a discussion of short, factual statements as opposed to short, factual paragraphs.
The Girls: By becoming more comfortable in uncertainty, we have the opportunity to thrive in a place that is stereotypically stressful. We make it easier on ourselves, and thus open to more interaction with others.
Warrior: Continued their story of being with the queen. This week, a neighboring king and his five sons come for a visit. Uncomfortable uncertainty ensues.
Fred: Just popped in for a few quick words about how much he enjoyed the Warrior’s story.
Matriarch: Reflected on the word “beloved,” and how we are her beloved.

A New Relationship to Uncertainty – The Portal to Homo spiritus ~ 12-8-10
Hello everyone,
The meeting of December 8, 2010 started early for me. Eloheim was talking, talking, talking at 3:00am about how this meeting was the culmination of the 8 years we have worked together.
I feel the meeting lived up to this introduction.
The idea that uncertainty is the new place strength has helped me so much.
The video this week is the Visionaries explaining how all of Eloheim’s teachings have contributed to this portal into Homo spiritus. They go on to explain that they are reclaiming the word uncertainty and give their definition of the term.
Homo spiritus starts on uncertainty. You put both feet on uncertainty and you look toward consciousness for a life that includes serenity, bliss, and peace. Uncertainty is the absolute place of all possibilities being present.
On Surfing the Psychic Waves, Kristina talks to surfers, psychics and metaphysicians about meditation, healing, spirit guides to further explore the concept of “we are all one” and the concepts of peace within a meditation, psychic and spiritual space.
Click this link to listen: Kristina Walsh Interviewing Veronica 12-10-10
12-8-10 ~ 88 minutes
Guardians: Urged us to keep in the moment and not go to thought and habit.
Visionaries: Discussed how uncertainty is the portal from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. “Everything we’ve worked with you as the Council up until this point has led to this doorway that you stand in front of now, and that doorway is ‘Can I allow myself to recline into uncertainty as the place of potential that it exists, or do I demand that I retreat into the fear-based operating system, seek certainty, and chase my tail some more?’ On December 8th of the year 2010, you passed through a portal you have been working toward for a very long time and we don’t just mean these last eight years.”
Eloheim: Used examples and answered questions about uncertainty. Uncertainty is itself an operating system, an attitude shift.
The Girls: Talked about what it looks and feels like to live from your soul’s perspective.
Warrior: Continued his story of going to meet the queen, illustrating the question: What do you do when you have the choice for what you want? Do you get bigger, or do you stay small? Stay or run?
Fred: Urged us to have a different relationship to uncertainty, to reclaim it as the position of power.
Matriarch: Asked us to be especially gentle with ourselves as we turn the corner from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system.
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010