December, 2014
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Think and Feel in Balance! A Round Table Conversation with Eloheim
Think Less, Feel More – November 19, 2014
An amazing session with Eloheim FULL of powerful support for our journey!!!
Watch the entire session ON DEMAND
This meeting began with Eloheim focusing on how to integrate the thinking part of ourselves with the feeling part in order to be a whole, balanced person. They described how the Industrial and Technological Revolutions had suppressed our connections to nature, plants, animals, and the seasons and replaced that with scientific methods, which required the need to prove and reproduce results. We elevated thinking over wisdom and insight. Thanks to those revolutions of technology and industry, we have now gone beyond the survival mode and freed up our time, and so we are feeling the desire to get out of hamster wheel thinking and feel more. Thinking so much has not served us. At this point in our evolution, we are able and desiring to reconnect to the heart. We are asking the heart to join the conversation and to be a part of making decisions.
Eloheim suggested we take a hammer and bust up that hamster wheel thinking, lay out the pieces, and deal with them one at a time. Thinking is a tool when it’s applied to the part of life it’s in charge of, ie driving, balancing your checking account, body coordination, cooking. Insights and ahas are the other part of life, and there is no need to prove or justify them as they come. Honor the times when you need to be in your heart and the times when you need to use your brain. It’s a team. Don’t beat yourself up as you learn to use both in balance.
Then Eloheim touched on magnetizing. We magnetize new things from our new emanations and it’s time to find comfort in uncertainty. Our relationship to everyone and everything has changed as we changed. We magnetize new relationships and in the process, set standards for who and what we want in our lives. Not engaging in victim talk is setting standards.
The rest of the meeting was about Duality and the usage of duality terms. Continue Reading…
June, 2013
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Thoughts, Memories, and Choice
Our June 26, 2013 session was our annual visit to Napa. We had a lovely potluck dinner and social time before the session. It’s always nice to spend time together in this way.
Guardians: This is a new beginning. This is an opportunity to be a new being, to live in a new way, to be something you haven’t been before. Strip away the static between you and infinite possibilities. See how close to no-static you can be. Don’t let your thoughts have their way with you. Be totally in the “now” moment. Open to a new way of interacting with the things in your life, even when you’re in “the marketplace.”
Visionaries: We are deepening the moment that we’re in. Your relationship to this moment can be something so attentive, so aware, so non-projecting that the “now” becomes that fractal thing. It expands. The “now” expands! When you get in that place, you will start to know yourself the way you know yourself as a soul. And you will have energetic awareness of each other, with no words needed. In order to get to this place, put your thoughts under your purview. It’s either/or. Expansion OR static. Expansion OR thoughts. It’s either/or. That’s why you practice, and that’s why you become aware of what’s in the way. See what is “now” not what “should be.”
Eloheim: You will be rewarded by eliminating static in your life. Continue Reading…