March, 2014
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A New Relationship to Time ~ 2014-03-12
This powerful session included a of discussion about the Levels of Creating. It ended with Eloheim talking about our relationship to time and providing an exercise for us to do. The Q&A was four days later and Eloheim and Mary continued their conversation about time then. Watch the YouTube video for more.
Watch or download the meeting recording.
March 12 ~ Sonoma
March 16 ~ Sonoma
Guardians: There is a great need of support for where you are right now, what you’re stretching to. You are “stretching” into new potentials.
Visionaries: We see the energy as “tighten down the load” as in a heavily-loaded truck. You need to get out to pull and tighten the ropes – take in that little bit of slack that has built up. You’re doing a very profound thing. One foot is in the old place and one foot is stretching to the new place. Don’t keep one foot planted in the old-certainty place. Lift it off it without losing balance. It’s not easy – it requires effort – but it can be full of ease, grace and satisfaction. Continue Reading…
April, 2013
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Manipulate Time, New Portal to Alternate Expressions 2013-03-27
This was a VERY powerful session and included fascinating information about a new relationship to time and a new portal to interact with our alternate expressions. Continue Reading…
November, 2011
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Fred Begins a New Teaching ~ Jumping Time Streams 11-16-2011
Very informative and intense session about the practicality of being in the moment and much was addressed about developing Quantum awareness, multidimensional aspects of self, integrating the experiences of connecting to not only past lives but the infinite probabilities
to create from, and handling the confusion that might arise from such state of awareness .
The Guardians and the Visionaries spoke about how giving our conscious attention to the past and baggage diminishes their influence in the present moment and dissolves our conditioned focus on them thus freeing us to create from the current version of us. There was a detailed discussion of letting go of the past and whole new way of living and creating in the world.
Eloheim addressed human relationship aspects, letting go of all the preconceived notions about relationships, and bringing the authentic version of self into interaction with others which can give us fulfilling co-creation.
Eloheim then took on to explaining what Fred is working on. They used the example of ‘chair lifts’ to explain the quantum awareness we are tapping into including alternative expressions and a lot of probable pasts as well! Eloheim explained that since everything is accessible in the present moment, we can connect to a multitude of probabilities and timelines to choose from. This can be confusing to our conditioned mind which is mainly accustomed to a linear way of thinking. Eloheim advised us “not to over think the process,” but to experience it using the uncertainty tools. This will open us to whole new way of living and integrating all that is happening within.
The Girls spoke about taking care of our body and its needs while being grounded in the root chakra and the importance of balance during these times of change.
Fred explained that his current focus is to facilitate connection to many more great possibilities for us to choose from.
Matriarch lovingly reminded us of the importance of allowing “step by step” unfolding of the process and finding completeness in each step without having to rush to the end result. She explained that we can connect to many more steps NOW rather than just one linear possibility.
Audio from all six channeling sessions held in November, 2011
April, 2011
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Choosing Where to Put Your Attention ~ 4-20-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a great time during our April 20, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians talked about “becoming conscious of things you are not ready to attend to.” They reminded us that we can be aware of things, but not require ourselves to take action. “Am I really ready to interact?” They did not give us a pass to be unconscious of things, just reminded us that we can use our free-will to decide what we want to interact with. The Visionaries continued this idea and tied it to the concept of “going with the flow.”
Eloheim stayed on this theme. Their main talk started with: “If you were a Guru” and went from there. I chose it for the YouTube video this week.
Your awareness will expand and your ability to physically do something will not. What you choose to apply your physical skills toward is your free will and the difference [between the two] is your spiritual challenge. Eloheim
The Girls explained how to use the behavior we observe in others to focus our own spiritual journey.
When you become aware of other people’s journeys ….you are not emanating your truth if you are wondering why “they won’t get it.”
Fred made everyone laugh describing the sports he would want to play. Yes, he tied this into spiritual truths as well. He is amazing.
The Warrior told the story of their first time hunting a dragon and how they learned that “you don’t eat dragon.”
The Matriarch closed the night in her wonderful way.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011