July, 2011
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GUEST AUTHOR: Kate – Why is this film in my camera?
Hello everyone! Today we have the third installment in my continuing Guest Author series. You can read the first two posts here and here.
Today Kate tells us about her journey with Eloheim and her favorite Eloheim tool: Why Is This Film In My Camera?
When I first came across Veronica Torres and her work with Eloheim and the Council, I knew right away that the information that was coming through her was what I was looking for. I had been on a spiritual path for many years and was familiar with “the talk” but at this point, I was looking for concrete tools to help me “walk the talk.” I wanted to take my spiritual “beliefs” and put them into action.
Eloheim is all about the tools so this was perfect! Each tool (and there’s a full tool box of them!) has been incredibly helpful to me, but the one I use every single day is Why is this film in my camera? Whenever there’s anything going on in my life that I don’t want to be there, it’s automatic now for me to ask myself, “Why is this film in my camera? or why am I creating this? What subconscious beliefs (or static as Eloheim calls it) am I holding on to, that are sabotaging me from creating the peaceful, drama free, abundant, healthy and absolutely fabulous life that I really want?”
I love this tool because it brings everything right back to me where I have control over my own beliefs and my own responses. Pointing fingers outwardly simply doesn’t bring me any satisfaction anymore. In fact, it feels like a complete waste of my time and energy now to indulge in the dramorama. It took awhile to move away from it and occasionally, where a belief is really firmly entrenched, I find myself back in the blame groove for a few seconds but very quickly now, I’m able to recognize what I’m doing and switch back to asking myself, “Why this film is in my camera?” It takes me out of victim mode and puts me firmly in the driver’s seat.
Working with Veronica, Eloheim and the Council for the past year and a half has been dramatically life changing for me I love being a part of the Wednesday meetings and more often than not, the topics for the evening are synchronistically, exactly what I myself have been dealing with that particular week. Through the weekly gatherings we’re encouraged to take the next step, and the next and the next and always with a “tool” to help us navigate our way. There’s a great combination of fun and laughter, as well as a sincerity and respect for the process. It’s down to earth, practical, hands on spirituality which suits me perfectly!
Kate Iredale
Thanks Kate! Why is this film in my camera? is a tool I haven’t thought of in awhile. Thanks for the reminder! That tool was the star of the show during the 10-20-10 meeting. Here are the Girls talking about it:
One of the ways to love and appreciate yourself well is that when you look out and you see the movie screen and you like what you see and it feels good and it’s conscious and it’s high-vibrational and supportive of growth and maybe it’s even fun … love yourself for having put that film in your damn camera. Hello? Do you hear what we’re saying? When the flowers on the side of the road are beautiful, love yourself for putting that film in your camera. Yes? OK? Remember, it can’t happen in your world unless it’s true in you. So you can appreciate yourself, appreciate yourself, for what you see in your world.
If you would like to hear the entire 10-20-10 meeting for $1.99, please follow this link:
Would you like to share your story? Please email Eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.

Conscious Awareness Creates Transformation! ~ 6-29-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of June 29, 2011 was one of those meetings where the entire Council builds on the same subject – To live as your truth, you must acknowledge your truth, and then use conscious awareness to create the transformation you seek. We had a great time and had a large group of folks join us online. More details below:
On 6-28-2011 I was interviewed on the Channels’ Channel radio show. This interview focused on how I became a channel, what it’s like to channel, and my insights on how it helps my spiritual journey. Eloheim has a great message about service mentality toward the end. You can listen by clicking on this link.
The Guardians: Have the intention for attention! What happens if the non-distracted truth of you is in this moment? The completeness of you includes your internal acknowledgment of shadow or shame. Let the truth of you be true.
The Visionaries: Conscious awareness creates transformation it cannot do anything but! Bring the truth of you to every moment. Described what living as Homo spiritus is like. YouTube video below.
Eloheim: Revisited the 10 things, Checking things off the list, Short factual statements, and Circle of possibilities tools and spoke about alternate expressions (past/future lives). They also reminded us that ascension includes ascending all lifetimes and that ascension doesn’t mean “up” but means that your soul comes in. Re-languaged the word abundance. If thinking could have solved it, it would have solved it long ago because you sure have thought about it enough!
The Girls: If something pops up in more than one area of your life, work on those first; they aren’t the hardest thing, they are the just the loudest!
Fred: One year anniversary! Fred spoke about the lament, “I want to go home!” Reminded us that home is within. “You come home to the interior truth and validity of you.”
The Warrior: Spoke about The Council’s tools. Asked us to make a list of our three favorite tools and bring (or email) the list to next week’s meeting. If you would like to learn about The Council’s tools, please refer to our books The Choice for Consciousness and The Homo Spiritus Sessions. They said that this information would give The Council the opportunity to evaluate how the tools are being used so that they can help us more effectively.
Matriarch: Was fascinated by The Warrior’s changed role on the Council and hoped we would all participate in the “home work” assignment.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
June, 2011
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Are You Being a Passive Participant in Your Journey? ~ 6-15-2011
Hello! The June 15, 2011 meeting was full of new tools and new concepts. The meeting started with me telling a story about a miraculous healing experience I had some years ago. I was very surprised that I told this story. I hadn’t shared it with many people. The Council refers to this story several times and used it to spark a fabulous conversation about possibilities.
I clipped out Eloheim explaining how you team up with your Soul. The YouTube video is below.
“You do things every single day that your soul can’t do and we can prove it to you!” ~ Eloheim
The Guardians: We feel more possibilities in your energy fields. Every part of you is accessible.
The Visionaries: We don’t gather to do small things. This is a serious process of transformation. We are here to help you do what it is you wish to do. You’re drawing out of us what you need. Where do you wish to go?
Eloheim: You are not a passive participant in your journey! “I created this and I am ready to have an active interaction with my creation.” Eloheim also spoke about the way you work with your soul and the team you create together. New tool: The circle of possibilities.
The Girls: Turn the tables on your reactions to your creations, when you wake up in the morning say “I am ready to interact with my creation!” Go on the offensive and kick your habits’ asses and name them as tools to use later.
Fred: Checked in on our crown chakras and advised us how to work with the energy we had received during the meeting. Say, “I see you” to the places that are ready for transformation.
The Warrior: Expanded on the “Circle of possibilities” tool and tied it into how it would look on the battlefield. They further explained how to apply it to our habits, fears, and insecurities.
Matriarch: Put her spin on the “Circle of possibilities tool,” expanding it in a powerful way.
Thank you Veronica & Eloheim!
I woke up this morning….I had made a list of goals yesterday and there were some things I had to do to make them happen………..things I didn’t really feel excited about…..but I said “I am ready to interact with my creation!” and pushed forward.
I had to stay on the phone on hold to deal with an old issue I’d been putting off. Luckily they had pleasant music and I was playing on the computer. During that time I received a payment for an order and someone inquiring to sell my product in the U. K………………I thought “Wow…..dealing with my creation isn’t so bad after all……”
Thank you!
I sell flower & gemstone essences: Here is the web page: http://ajourney4you.com/classes-2/ and here is the facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Journey-for-You-Flower-Gemstone-Essences/180929798629452
Just wanted to share….too much to type during a Wednesday night broadcast! LOL!
In Truth, Simplicity and Love,
Shelli L Speaks
Founder ~ A Journey for YOU
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011

Deep Sadness Due to Soul Disconnect ~ 6-08-2011
Hello everyone,
Last Wednesday was a busy day for me. I was interviewed by David McMaster on the New Potentials program just before our weekly meeting. David and I talked about self-publishing and I also channeled Eloheim. You can listen to the 60 minute program by following this link:
Veronica and Eloheim interviewed by David McMaster on New Potentials
There was lots of powerful information in the June 8, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians: Your attention directly impacts the information available. You give us permission through your attention to access your energy field, to access what is happening within you and that allows us to assist you in releasing that what you are ready to release and to help you open to what you are ready to open to.
The Visionaries: Got tongue tied for the very first time! Free will is: Everything is your responsibility. Your attention creates an energetic, transformational place. Where will the depth of me be explored? Where will I have an energetic exchange?
Eloheim: Followed up on recent questions by three group members. Revisited the “Go to the bathroom” and “What’s behind the mirror?” tools. They also spoke about the deep sadness that can result when “the truth of me is not accessible to me” due to the separation we feel from our Soul.
The Girls: Explained how saying, “I can’t believe so and so has that problem” alerts your soul to something it might find interesting even if you don’t! They then detailed how to respond to seeing choices that others make that you don’t want to make.
Fred: Spoke about the energies of Chiron – the energy of the things being revealed.
The Warrior: Started a new chapter in his story picking up 20 years later. Talked about what it is like to be older and experiencing changing roles. Spoke about Cedric’s kindness.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting with a “hug.”
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011

A Doorway to a New Experience ~ 6-1-2011
Hello everyone,
The channeling session of June 1, 2011 included messages from each of the Council members.
The Guardians: What is in your experience that you are ready to move beyond? It is very important to be aware of that which you wish to infuse with your soul’s perspective.
The Visionaries: Is it “go” or “no go”? We will tell you that it’s “no go” if your habits, baggage, static, and un-boundaried perspectives are not being attended to. You don’t have to be finished or done. What you need to be is willing to align your free will behind the idea that this is what you desire and be attentive to what arises.
Eloheim: Took questions from the group including a profound discussion about lack. They also introduced a new tool: Doorway to a new experience.
The Girls: Were very impressed by Eloheim’s new tool and spoke about how the energies shifted in the room as the tool was explored. They also spoke about desiring “healing above all else.”
Fred: Finally talked about the energy of the Sun. The Sun is the life force, it’s the engine. It’s all about receiving!
The Warrior: Talked about setting boundaries quickly. Get clear about what your truth so that you can express it clearly early in the emotive cycle.
Matriarch: Remember, when you get triggered be sure to say, “I accept you, but I want more than you” to ensure you don’t build more static during the transformation of the trigger.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
May, 2011
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Doing the “Stump and Stew”? I’m in Confusion! ~ 5-18-2011
Hello everyone!
Powerful meeting on May 18th, 2011 and I’m not the only one who thinks so!
This last channel was so great…there wasn’t a thing in it I couldn’t use…thank you so much.
There were so many amazing sections that I had a really hard time deciding which section to use for the YouTube video! I finally settled on “doing the stump and stew!”
You’re stumped and then you stew. Then you stew until you’re stumped!!
Those authority figure voices you are still hearing? You need to say, “Not my voice!”
When you know it’s not your voice, you won’t listen to it with the same authority!
If you have a project that feels stuck or confusion about moving forward, this is the video for you! It’s a longer video than I normally post, but I didn’t want to break up the teaching.
Each of the Council members made profound contributions to this meeting. Eloheim offered a new tool: “Past-Future-Moment,” told us what it looks like energetically when we are mean to ourselves, discussed the “Stump and Stew,” and explained how they are able to read our energy. Fred offered a powerful update about his portal. The Matriarch offered a new way of looking at our progress. The Girls talked about how when we deny an aspect of ourselves, we deny “the all” access to it as well. The Warrior offered further insight on how to work with the survival instinct.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
March, 2011
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Equal Signs – The Tool – PowerPoint Video
Hello everyone! Mary has finished the PowerPoint video of Eloheim’s recent talk about their tool Equal Signs. For twenty-two additional tools and much more, see the bottom of this post for Eloheim’s first book, The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living – Vol. 1
For more video from this meeting, please visit:
February, 2011
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Only Compare YOU to YOU (U2U) ~ 2-2-2011
I mean WOW! This meeting was incredible. It just knocked my socks off.
Picking the clip for YouTube was so challenging. The entire first hour was a highlight reel. If you just see the YouTube, you are only seeing about 10% of what was covered in any meeting. There is always amazing material that doesn’t make the YouTube, but this week was especially full of powerful concepts.
I finally decided to clip out Eloheim’s reactions to my cello lesson for the YouTube this week. Eloheim used it to take the You to You tool to a completely new level and tied it to re-queue and rewriting neural pathways. I intended to include 15 minutes in the YouTube video, but I only got 10 to upload. It isn’t a YT problem, it is a getting-used-to-the-new-camera problem. However, I am so deep into the book project right now, I am just going to leave it at 10 minutes.
REMINDER!!! I will be interviewed before the meeting next week. Please join us: The Crimson Circle has started their own online radio station, Awakening Zone. I have been invited to be a guest on the New Potentials program on February 9, 2011 at 5:00pm Pacific. Follow this link to tune in!
What we cannot stand is when you are mean to yourselves! The way you prove to us that you are not being mean to yourself is to do Compare You to You!
The reason you have a hard time loving yourself completely, is that you know too much about yourself.
The invitation is to do You To You regularly and see where you are tempted to say: “But if you only knew.”
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011
Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to focus and be present.
Visionaries: Discussed “intention” and what it means in our lives. Where we put our attention creates a force of attraction for our intention. What you’re attentive to creates the intentions that are fulfilled in your life.
Eloheim: Encouraged us to use our tools, which led to a deep discussion of the “compare you to you” tool. The used Veronica’s experiences learning to play the cello as an example of how the “compare you to you” tool can be used in everyday experiences. Also, a close look at equal signs and the idea of “suffering equals safety.”
The Girls: Talked about how they actually view and experience us, compared to how the Matriarch views and experiences us. They also encouraged us to take to heart the lessons that Eloheim taught this week.
Warrior: Continued the story of going to a possible battle with their neighbor’s neighbor, and tied it into what community means to us.
Fred: Talked about how they view us in comparison to how The Girls view us, and our connection with All-that-Is.
Matriarch: Closed the evening with a message of love, and encouraged us to give ourselves an energetic slap on the back for our incredible perseverance.
November, 2010
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Respecting Yourself, Setting Boundaries ~ 11-17-10
Hello everyone! The November 17, 2010 meeting was full of great information:
Visionaries: Something new is on the horizon! Abide in ‘I Don’t Know’ as a position of strength.
Eloheim: You’re not meant to have the final product figured out. What you are meant to do is, in the moment, open up to what insight allows. Ideas don’t come when you are trying to be at the end. Ideas come when you are in the now.
Eloheim also gave a long description of the Re-Queue tool to help us handling situations, problems, and triggers.
In this week’s video clip, The Girls talk about the challenge of setting boundaries and the importance of doing so.
Warrior: Is officially smitten by the Queen! Their discussion centered around working with chakras that aren’t our strongest in order to become more balanced. The year of 2011 is the year of balance.
Fred: Gave an example of working with the portal reminding us that we can slow down the flow of transformation, but be sure not to limit it. Be kind to yourself by asking it to slow down and be gentle with yourself by not going into lack when you do!
The Matriarch: Closed with a powerful definition of ‘transformational energy.’

By the way you LOVE yourself you will be known! 11-10-10
Hello everyone!
REMINDER: Our Q&A with Eloheim is coming up on Sunday the 21st at 1:00pm Pacific. Do you have a question for Eloheim? This is your chance to ask it.
The Eloheim and The Council channeling session of November 10, 2010 included an extensive exploration of “the most powerful tool” The Council has given us: Short Factual Statements.
The Warrior continued their story including meeting the new King who turns out to be a Queen (whom the Warrior seems to be quite enamored of).
The video clip this week is the Girls explaining:
You show people how to love you by the way you love yourselves!
Loving yourself well allows other people to know how to love you.