October, 2010
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Why is that Film in Your Camera? 10-20-10
Hello everyone!
Last Wednesday’s meeting was “one of the most impact-full” meetings we have ever had. Eloheim started the meeting by drawing a picture which illuminated their new idea: The Discernment of the Why.
As we realize we create our reality and we take responsibility for our creations, how do we discern WHY we created what we have created and how do we shift that creation to something we prefer?
I have to agree with the emails I have been receiving, Eloheim’s explanation and examples have sunk so deeply into me. It is quite remarkable. I find myself looking at my life in a brand new way.

A New Way of Dealing With Triggers ~ 10-13-10
The meeting of October 13, 2010 was very interesting. The Visionaries continued the discussion of a new relationship to triggers. I have included their comments in the video below.
Eloheim went on to share a new way of looking at the moment.
There is a very thin walkway between fantasy and over thinking. Neither one of those states is going to give you a connection to the moment. There is something that makes the moment uncomfortable or you would be in the moment.
The Warrior continued their story.Cedrick leaves the castle with the Warrior’s men!
We keep a keen eye on the aspects of ourselves that need transformation.

October Q&A ~ 10-10-10 ~ A new tool and MORE!
Hello everyone,
We had a wonderful event on 10-10-10. It started off with a potluck which always delights Eloheim.
The meeting began with an introduction by The Visionaries. Eloheim answered questions and ended the meeting by introducing a new tool: The Strongest Chakra.
I have received multiple emails about this new tool and how powerfully it is already working in people’s lives. It sure is helping me!
This week’s video is a review of the tool: Short Factual Statements. Eloheim feels this is the most powerful tool they have given us recently and this is a great review of how it works.
The list of questions answers during the meeting is below
Continue Reading…
August, 2010
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ELOHEIM: How to be in the Moment when Triggered ~ 8-11-10
A quick post to share some video from the August 11, 2010 meeting. Eloheim and The Council continued their conversation about the difference between Feelings and Emotions. In the video below, The Visionaries summed it up nicely and connected it to the teaching: You are responsible for your reactions to your creations. They are pretty amazing like that! Continue Reading…

ELOHEIM: Feelings are NOT Emotions ~ 8-4-10
I woke up on Wednesday morning receiving a download of information from Eloheim. What does that even mean? Well, it is sort of like listening to a lecture. I don’t hear it with my ears. It it most similar to the voice I hear when I am thinking. However, it doesn’t ‘sound’ like my voice and they tell me about things that I haven’t considered before. Therefore, it’s Eloheim.
The download went on whether or not I was paying close attention. The most similar thing I can think of is when I used to listen to books on tape. The story continues even if I am not listening carefully.
But, Eloheim was talking about something I was very interested in, so I was paying attention!
They wanted to explain the difference between Feelings and Emotions. THIS WAS HELPFUL!
The entire Council decided to weigh in on the subject as well. I have clipped out the Visionaries section for the YouTube this week. I like how the Visionaries present material. It almost feels like they are reading from a script. They are very concise about it all. I also love how the rest of the Council rounds out the explanation and adds their unique insights.
During the meeting, folks were passing around a big, plastic bag of those yellow Goldfish crackers. When the Girls came in they wanted to try a fish cracker. One cracker on my tongue was all it took. It was absolutely overstimulating to them. My whole body felt like I was scratching my nails on a chalkboard. I had intense chills going down my spine. My tongue felt like it was coated with about an inch of …. stuff. The Girls let the cracker FALL OUT OF MY MOUTH! Then they did this crazy thing with my tongue trying to get the flavor off. The people participating live seem to have voted it the funniest moment in the history of my channeling.
I thought the funniest part was that the Girls wouldn’t put MY FEET back on the ground because they didn’t want to touch the fish cracker WITH MY FEET.
Like I said, lots of good stuff in the webcast replay. YES! The Warrior continued their story. They kindly didn’t leave us on such a cliff hanger ending this week!
8-4-10 ~ 88 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to bring our attention the moment and be present.
Visionaries: Discussed emotive states and the difference between emotions and feelings. Emotions are habitual, feelings are in the moment.
Eloheim: Expanded on the discussion of feelings and emotions, and took questions to help illustrate the concept. Also, gave us a weather report for the autumn and winter, into spring.
The Girls: Had a humorous time trying to eat a goldfish cracker. Brought the discussion of feelings and emotions around to self-love and the difference between vulnerability and weakness. They advise: Recognize and express your feelings and let that give you vulnerability rather than weakness.
Warrior: Continued the story of going to see the king, and dealing with Eric, illustrating unconsciousness versus consciousness.
Fred: Explained that by discerning the difference between emotion and feeling and delving into feeling in the moment, we allow our soul’s perspective into our being.
Matriarch: Invited us to allow ourselves to take the time to revel in the feelings of joy that can be associated with physicality.
Audio from the five meetings held in August, 2010
June, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Short Factual Statements TOOL 6-9-10
Today I have the video from 6-9-10 and a new cartoon!
June 9, 2010 was a powerful meeting. Eloheim and The Council elaborated on a new tool: Short Factual Statements (followed by a period).
I used this tool just this morning to deal with ‘disappointment’ and I can tell you it WORKS!
I have included Eloheim introducing the tool and The Girls giving their take on it in the Youtube video below. If you would like to watch the ON DEMAND webcast replay or download the complete audio recording of the meeting, the links are just below the video.
But, before we get to that, here are three bits of news and my latest Cartoon!
Watch Veronica on the radio! Or, if you rather, you can just listen. Veronica will be on the Mornings in Sonoma radio program Friday, June 18th at 9:15am Pacific. You can listen http://sunfmtv.com/fm/ (link at the very top of the page) or watch http://sonomasuntv.com/ online.
Wow, have you seen our voting page lately??? They have added a comments section just below our video. Please consider leaving a comment of your own and if you haven’t voted, please do that while you are there!
I just received confirmation that the expert panel (their opinion counts for 50% our score in round two) will take the comments into account. Your comments are part of our proposal!!!
Here is the link to our page:
My newest cartoon! A classic Eloheim quote: You Can’t Have Change Without Change done up in old school black and white. Do you have a favorite Eloheim quote or concept you would like me to put into a cartoon? Email: eloheimchannel@yahoo.com
6-9-10 ~ 84 minutes
Eloheim: Short, factual statements. Examples of short, factual statements with health issues and with work and self-confidence issues.
Visionaries: Living from a place of clarity and insight is the path to Homo spiritus. Clarity is an easeful path.
Girls: When using short, factual statements, be sure not to wallow in self-deprecation. Be doubly careful that not only are you observing what you’re tempted to from a position of the moment, but that you’re cautious not to abuse yourself in the process.
Warrior: By telling yourself the truth about the moment and allowing yourself to experience yourself there, you have the opportunity of self-revelation. To experience transformation requires courage to face what is actually present. Are you ready to live in the truth? Stay where the moment is, experiencing the truth of what you see and know, and asking for it to transform into something that is more constructive, more high-vibrational, and moving away from fear.
Matriarch: Sees the energy of the group as luminescent, touching in truth, which is an energetic state that reflects accurately the actuality of living your soul’s perspective, the actuality of existing, experiencing, and knowing the truth of you.
To download the audio recording of this meeting for $1.99, please follow this link: Shopping Area.
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010