April, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Shovel or Ladder? ~ 4-22-09
The Eloheim channeling meeting of 4-22-09 covered many subjects. This 10 minute clip is from the middle of the meeting. In it, Eloheim talks about setting boundaries, asks if you’re giving yourself the “energetic bends” by vacillating between low and high vibrational states, and introduces a new concept: Are you choosing the shovel or the ladder?
Yes, the choice for consciousness is challenging, we will never discount that, but habitual response is a pit of pain that you can’t get out of through any other means we have seen.
So we will give you a shovel or a ladder. It is your choice.
Ask yourself, “Do I have my hand on the ladder or my hand on the shovel?” Am I going to dig myself in deeper out of fear, guilt, lack, victim hood or am I going to put my hand on the ladder and say, “Something has to change!”
Am I going to keep climbing the ladder even when my ‘pit partners’ say, “What are you doing, where are you going, who do you think you are, are you getting too big for your britches?”
4-22-09 95 minutes
-Infusing Transformation. You are an inspiration to those not in body. Gracefully navigating the waters of life.
-You are role models for this transformation – role models without responsibility
-Without judgment, there is nothing to forgive.
-There is no right-wrong, bad-good; neutral observation with boundaries
-Pointing a finger at someone else actually points 3 back at yourself
-The habit is: this happened to me – Victim
-The reality is: this is happening for me what can this teach me?
-Boundaries without consequences are just hot air.
-Ladders vs. shovels – Both are work but which one gets you where you want to be?
TOOL – In the moment, ask yourself, am I picking up a shovel or climbing a rung on the ladder, conscious journey, awareness in the moment of the moment.
You are not allowed to be mean to yourself!!! ? It’s like hitting yourself with a hammer; energetically same damage as if you smacked your physical self with a hammer.
-Each moment is a gift disguised
Put bows on every moment and see the gift – unwrap the package and get to the gift inside each moment’s happenings
-Matching energy with situations – aware of consciousness level about situations can change the situation regardless
-Eloheim discusses Native American energies
-What’s the thing that you want to see different in your life – if we flipped a switch, what would you notice most that was different?
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in April 2009

ELOHEIM: Change is coming, what change do you want in your life? ~ 4-15-09
The Eloheim Channeling meeting held April 15, 2009 was a continuation of the meeting held on April 8th.
This clip is from the beginning of the meeting. Eloheim summarizes the reason for them asking, “What is your superhero power?”
As we move into Homo Spiritus, things will change. As Eloheim has told us many times,
You can’t have change without change.
Part of the coming change is the experience of new ‘abilities’. Eloheim has dubbed these superhero powers. They explained:
You are putting all this transformational energy into being human.
The result of this transformational journey is that things start to be different in your life.
The invitation we extended last week was, “What do you want to have change?” The way we phrased that is, “What do you want your superhero power to be?” Because a different way of experiencing the human form (ie: flying, breathing under water, extra strong, etc) is what you have referred to as ‘being superhero’ in the past.
We could have come up some much more serious way of describing this, but why would we have done that?
We wanted it to be fun!
The focus is to open us up to ‘coloring with more crayons’ and changing our paradigm to include things that we have never experienced before.
The entire meeting is Eloheim talking with different group members about the superhero power that they were attracted to. The process is fascinating. It becomes really clear that the superhero power you are attracted to has what Eloheim has dubbed, ‘the pit’ attached to it.
Two examples which came up (These are summaries, Eloheim is far more detailed and explains them at length in the full meeting):
Superhero power – invisibility. Why choose invisibility? So that I don’t have to deal with other people. “The Pit” – trying to use invisibility as a coping mechanism for the challenges you feel in being human. Becoming conscious of ‘the pit’ and healing what it reveals removes the barriers between you and the actual experience of the superhero power.
Superhero power – teleportation. Why choose teleportation? So that I can easily travel around. “The Pit” – how does your family react to this new ability? Do you keep it a secret? If not, what if your kids start telling their friends? It is important to be conscious of the environment in which your superhero power operates. Are you choosing teleportation as a coping mechanism so you can ‘get away from it all?’
Personally, I have gone through about 12 superhero powers in this process and still haven’t settled on one that doesn’t feel like it is primarily a coping mechanism! The process is VERY revealing about things I want to avoid or areas that I am still healing. It also shows how far I have come in certain parts of my life as I know that the answer to the question, “why do you want that superhero power?” has evolved considerably.
Remember, superhero powers:
Be cautious that you are not choosing a superhero power that is actually a description of your naturally high vibrational state (perfect health, unconditionally loving, abundant, healed core emotion, etc.)
Superhero powers are something ‘out of the box’ and brand new!
I noticed a typo in the title of the You Tube video. I decided to leave it there! It takes about an hour to fix it and I am not inclined to spend that hour in that way. Having spent YEARS as a perfectionist I am happy to say I can leave it there and it won’t even bug me.
4-15-09 93 minutes
What do you want changed?
What are you afraid of that your powers might solve?
Super-Hero Power Guidelines:
-1) It’s Fun
-2) It sounds good on a t-shirt
-3) You haven’t done it before
Phase Two of Super-Hero Powers: The Fears—The Shadow Side of the Desire-Take a deep breathe about all of this – you go in the pit, you work your way out. No big deal. Take a break. It’s all just helping you to sort out the un-healed parts.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in April 2009

ELOHEIM: Superhero Powers, What’s Yours? 4-8-09
I suspect that we will remember the meeting of 4-8-09 for some time to come. As I write this the following morning, I can still feel the meeting unfolding and the energetic expanding.
Two days before the meeting, Eloheim asked me to send an email to the group asking them to prepare. Here is a portion of that email:
They have made it clear that we need to bring ‘all of our tools’ Wednesday night.
If this email message brings up:
Unhealed Core emotion
A desire for certainty
Disaster thinking
Bringing the past or the future into this moment
Habitual response
or any of the other things they have been teaching us to transform,then, deal with it (using your tools) before Wednesday. Ask each other for help if you need to. I would suggest that speculation (although tempting) is not helpful in this situation.
They asked me to email so folks would have a chance to shift any stuff that comes up before hand rather than during the meeting. They want to hit the ground running. They are asking for as much consciousness as we can bring. They aren’t fooling around on this.
Eloheim has taught for some time that we are moving from homo sapiens to homo spiritus. They have also taught that “you can’t have change without change.”
During this meeting, they started teaching us what it is that actually changes during this process of personal transformation.
They did this by asking us:
1. If you had a superhero power, what would your superhero power be? What brand new thing to you want in your life?
2. Why? The why is going to get us where we are going. Let’s call this equivalent to your second level core emotion process. This is as important as your core emotion was when we did core emotions.
3. Now that you have looked at why, answer the first question again as it is very likely you found in your superhero power choice: fear, unhealed core emotion, pattern of trying to cope with life, a desire to change your life in an unconscious manner, etc. Now that you have looked at why, what is your revised superhero power?
There is a shadow side to what you decided your superhero power should be and we want to know that you know what it is! As you start having these new experiences you want to make sure that you are investing in the new experiences that actually further your conscious journey and don’t instead fuel habit.
The temptation is to take a superhero power that will help you keep coping rather than increase consciousness. Because all of your life everything you have been able to do has been a coping mechanism for things you haven’t been able to do.
3. What do you think your superhero power fixes in your life? What problems do you have in your life that it would fix?
4. What do you think is the current block to getting this power?
Some people in the group chose states of being (ie: unconditionally loving) as their superhero power. Eloheim sent them back to the drawing board for a more ‘selfish’ choice and explained:
1. Superhero powers feel fun
2. It is something you are not currently experiencing. It is something you have not ever had. It is not just your healed way of being in the world. STRETCH! It is something new! It is a new crayon in your box!
3. The description of it makes a good t-shirt (this is Eloheim after all)All of these things may feel ‘pie in the sky’, they feel ‘pie in the sky’ because there is unhealed energy between you and it.
The meeting includes the group offering their choices and Eloheim discussing them. It was quite powerful! Here is a portion of the meeting toward the end.
4-8-09 – 110 minutes
–If you could have a Super-Hero Power what would it be?
–What does this tell you about your core emotion? Or
–What is the shadow side of this power?
–What is your revised Super-Hero Power based on this observation?
–What thrills you about having this power?
–How might this separate you from your spiritual journey?
–What is everyone else going to think of you when you are so different?
–What is this teaching me?— Where am I not trying to see the possible color crayons?
–Time to get specific about what different looks like.
–Why are you afraid of coloring with all of your crayons?
–Coping Mechanism – Body protects the survivability.
–Eloheim discusses the Portal that opened last week during the meeting’s discussion.
–Check your fears at the door – Stay in the moment and own your stuff.
–Understanding is over-rated – unnecessary to understand how the rest of the Earth will adapt to Homo spiritus
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in April 2009
March, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Emotions and the Spiritual Journey ~ 3-25-09
REMINDER: Eloheim will be in Martinez, CA this Sunday the 29th at 4:00pm. Email eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for details.
I received a request for Eloheim to talk about emotions and how they relate to the Spiritual Journey. This meeting includes a lengthy discussion of romantic relationships including information on living with an unconscious partner.
This meeting is so full of information that Lois took 8 pages of notes!
Here are a few highlights from the first part of the meeting.
Later in the meeting:
The end of the meeting:
3-25-09 – 108 minutes
-How do we trust the emotions we are having?
-What about “sleeping partners”? When romantic love vs. spiritual growth becomes a necessary choice.
-Telling the truth is an act of consciousness-deep lies are embedded in fear.
-All relationships can teach, but what are you wanting to learn?
-Re-learning is only necessary if you choose.
-The choice for consciousness does not need props;-i.e. equipment, place, environment, etc.
-The ultimate act of Free Will is to align your desire for free will with your desire for consciousness;no one can make you and only you can decide to.
-Consciousness has a global effect–hundredth monkey syndrome.
-Spiritual Cleansing-break down the emotion-Why Why Why Why-be willing to see.
-Negative self talk is NEVER allowed.
-People habituate out of boredom;fill your space with neutral observation-body evaluation.
-Define the stimulus of ALL emotions; happy and sad.
-Eloheim talks about who they are-who is present at the meeting.
-We cannot tell you anything until you ask! the gate must be opened by you and your questions.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in March 2009

ELOHEIM: Quality of Life ~ 3-18-09
Eloheim meeting held on 3-18-09 in Sonoma, CA – 89 minutes
Topics covered:
The group decided which section to upload to YouTube this week.
This section is a humorous look at how habitual fears degrade our quality of life. Eloheim uses two different examples to illustrate the point. The conversation then flows into an explanation of where we are on the Spiritual Journey and on the path to ascension.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in March 2009

ELOHEIM: What’s Great about NOW! ~ 3-11-09
Some of the members of the group were discussing the March 2009 channeling from Tobias. John and Marilyn asked if Eloheim could offer a message that talks about, “What is great about now.” So, they did! They are almost (but not quite, this is the Eloheim we are talking about!) speechless in their amazement about what we are experiencing this incarnation.
You are taking a fear based system (a body that is built on protecting) and you are turning it into a system that is built on consciousness.
You are rearranging your relationship to fear in order to completely evolve your experience: quantum leap, evolution, changing to Homo Spiritus, name it what you like.
You are on the very cusp of something that is unprecedented in human history.
Do you have a subject you would like to hear discussed in our group? Feel free to email eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in March 2009
February, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Don’t Bring Your Baggage to the Moment! 2-25-09
This clip is from the meeting held February 25, 2009 in Sonoma, CA.
This was the first meeting where Eloheim came through with my eyes open for the entire meeting. The week before, there were long stretches of eyes open and in the intervening days, the private sessions were all done eyes open. However, when this meeting started it was eyes open from the start!
Whew! Strangely enough, it felt normal to have my eyes open, but it also felt new and different. I had always wondered what it would be like to channel with my eyes open and I had tried to do it in the past, but it just didn’t work. I would get too caught up in the idea of having my eyes open to allow Eloheim’s message to flow.
Then, last week, it just happened.
The interesting part of this for me is that I was unable to follow the conversation. I spent the entire meeting asking questions like, “Did that make sense?” and “Did they even complete that thought?” I figured that since no one said anything or got up and left, Eloheim must have been making some sort of sense! Turns out they were.
When I first started channeling a similar experience occurred. Eloheim would finish a sentence and I wouldn’t be able to remember how the sentence began! Now, that was a strange experience. Especially as it went on for 90 minutes.
As I worked with the video I made another observation. I very carefully set up the camera to center my head in the screen THEN Eloheim slouches and the video ends up looking like I have no body. Which is an ironic twist now that I consider it.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009

ELOHEIM: Fear Patterns, Concurrent and Cascading
Eloheim has spent the last month discussing various aspects of fear. They have made it very clear that transforming our relationship to fear is a key component of the Spiritual Journey at this time.
In this clip, they describe two different fear patterns.
This clip is especially interesting as you can see how Eloheim develops a concept and then build on it as the meeting continues.
Cascading anxieties tend to take you into your childhood where you hear the voice of an authority figure telling you that you are not doing a good something-or-other.
Concurrent anxieties are issues which are alive in your life today.
The generating experience: the trauma, the drama, the thing your Soul wants to learn results in cascading and concurrent fears. Of course the generating event needs to be dealt with. Sometimes you can’t tackle the generating event until you have transformed all the fear pictures you are being shown. You are too wrapped up in [the fears] to even become conscious of the generating event.
Recent Eloheim messages about fear:
Transforming Fear from 1-28-09
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009

ELOHEIM: Transcript, What are you afraid of?
The last three Eloheim meetings have focused on our relationship with fear.
Eloheim has made it clear that a major step in the Spiritual Journey at this
time is to learn that fears are “options not mandates.”
Recently a wonderful volunteer has come forward to transcribe some of the
Eloheim materials. This allows me to offer Eloheim quotes to supplement the
videos I have already provided.
A lot of your fears, and this means everybody, are fears about:
“I won’t be able to handle it. I won’t be able to handle it therefore it has to
be bad. This is bad because I can’t handle it.”
Where the reality that is being handed to you now is, “This too shall teach me.
And I don’t know what I’m capable of handling until the moment arises because
I’ve never been “challenged” this way at the vibrational level I’m currently
This is one of the key components of this discussion tonight. Please take this
with you. You have not experienced your world from the vibrational level that
you are currently occupying with the supporting vibration of the planet at the
level the planet is currently occupying. You’ve never had to deal with life
from this place, therefore any fear you have of not being able to handle it is
actually negated by the reality of,
“I don’t know what I can handle. I have not been asked to handle this yet.”
So you’re afraid of something because at a previous vibrational level and/or a
past life you were not able to do it. .. you’re still carrying that
reluctance,”I’m not capable, I’m not capable.”
When the moment arises that you have to deal with something and you bring this
high vibrational attention to it, with the insight of the Soul, conscious of
the fears that you’re experiencing, all of a sudden they fall away.
We saw this happen with Veronica when her cat went missing, she didn’t think
she could handle it, she didn’t think she could do the things that she’s done
in the process of looking for the cat, she found herself crawling around
underneath the house, she thought, “I never in a million years would have
thought I would find myself underneath the house,” but there she was underneath
the house. She literally sat there with a flashlight thinking, “I’m under a
house! How can I be under a house? I should be afraid!” But she recognized,
that uncomfortable, yes. Afraid no. Uncomfortable, yes; Not a preference;
Wouldn’t do it again given the choice.
But making the choice to get up and make a speech, or climb underneath the
house with a flashlight or believe in your own human ability to believe in your
own body’s connection to the truth; That’s what you’re being asked.
That’s why we’re talking about this tonight. Because the fears are telling you,
“you can’t” and the “you” they’re talking to is a previous version of you.
And if you don’t get conscious of the fact that the “you” that fear is talking
to isn’t who you are [now], it’ll be more challenging than it needs to be for
you to deal with the things that come up. Understood?
So you are here saying, “I’m well, yet I fear being unwell,” but the reality is
that the vibrational level that you’re able to maintain is the ‘well vibration’
and the fear of the old you somehow coming back and taking that away from you
is just the body saying, “we’re really unsure of what’s going on here.”
That’s where you reassure your body: We’re on the path; Let’s be conscious. And
when the fear comes up you say, “Yup, that’s the old fear, that’s the old me,
the old me lived that way. I don’t live that way anymore. How do I live? I
live from insight, I live from consciousness and I live from awareness that
fears are not controlling me, they’re simply advising me. And I can say yes or
no to their advice.”
For more information about this meeting, please visit:
December, 2008
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ELOHEIM: 3 Spiritual Decisions
The channeling session of December 17, 2008 was quite unusual. Eloheim decided to give each person at the meeting a ‘mini session’. They walked around the circle working and talking with each person. This clip comes from a section of the meeting where Eloheim was ‘taking a break’ and sat down to share the Three Spiritual Decisions.
During this clip you will see something that doesn’t happen very often! I blocked Eloheim’s ability to share their story by wanting to use my brain to remember the first time this story had been shared.
Eloheim decided, for the first time, to not coddle me in this, but to wait for me to stop trying to ‘figure it out’ before sharing the rest of their message. In the past, they would have worked with me to make me feel more comfortable. This time, they just waited me out.
There is always learning available!
By the way, YES, it was cold that night. Remember, this is California. When it gets down to 31 degrees outside, it feels VERY COLD to me! Some might notice that I am sitting directly in front of the fireplace. You might also notice that I didn’t feel warm enough to take off my hat. Freezing is FREEZING to this California native!
This clip focuses on the Three Spiritual Decisions, the change in energy between 2008 and 2009, creating your reality, being a victim, the call to light workers for spiritual focus, and much more.