Eloheim and The Council » Browsing Articles in "Warrior"

May, 2010

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ELOHEIM: Where you HIDE from yourself 5-12-10

We are busy creating our entry for Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. Voting will begin on May 24th! More details in the next newsletter.

The meeting of May 12, 2010 focused on how we hide things from ourselves. The entire Council shared insight on this topic. There was also a long discussion of clarity versus certainty.

We upgraded our technology to include a flip camera for capturing video of our events. Of course, upgraded technology = learning curve which contributed to the delay in getting the newsletter out this week.

The other contributing factor was that the Warriors really knocked me out this week. I am going to copy a FaceBook conversation here because it so clearly illustrates everything I want to share:

Sue: It was a fantastic meeting Veronica and I love the Warrior. You talked about holding back with them – I kept seeing you trying to hold back a team of Clydesdale horses when they came in. Great facial expressions from the Warrior which helped me to really get an image of who they are. And the Matriarch, as usual, made me teary. The puzzle pieces and the connections were awesome. Thank you so much.

Thanks Sue! Mary said it this way:

“There are times when I think they want to bust out of your skin. Which I would imagine is not very comfortable for you. Or your skin.”

🙂 both your assessments made me smile. The Warrior comes with so many PICTURES! There is this amazing mental movie that I don’t get with the other members of the Council. I… See More can see what he is wearing and all the weaponry and the forest and the fields and everything. It is remarkable. Last night he was, get this, sort of picking his teeth after eating. I am serious! He was looking down at the fire, it was dark out, he was picking his teeth and talking. Then, he would look up and it was like he was looking at ME! No wonder it took until 5:30pm to feel like myself again!

I think if you watch the video you can get the picking teeth image. I can see why you’re uncomfortable if they’re looking right at you. Even your hair looked different to me as they were talking. Oowh-weee. Talk about wondering what your left toe is doing!!! You must really have to resettle back into your body.

I haven’t watched the video yet. I bought a new flip camera for recording the meetings and I just didn’t feel up to figuring it all out today! I know there is a LOT more the Warrior has to share. There is something big coming with that dude.
I know we have barely scratched the surface.

So, without further ado! Here is the video of the Warrior we were discussing. I am still trying to sort out the Flip camera’s software so I went for the simple choice of including the Warrior unedited and uncut.

If you would like to listen to or watch the entire 5-12-10 meeting, follow these links:

5-12-10 ~ 87 minutes

Guardians: Opened the meeting by discussing bringing the body into the transformation that we’re experiencing, especially when we work on our shadow aspects.

Visionaries: A further examination of where we lie to ourselves, and how to transform those places we are ashamed of or fear. If you want to have transformation in your life, you have to deeply say “Yes” to what the current truth of you is.

Eloheim: A deep discussion of truly working through our shadow areas. They see us in fear of doing the work to fully examine our shadow areas, but want to reassure us that bringing the light of consciousness to our shameful aspects will in fact bring us to our true selves.

The Girls: “It’s all right.” By allowing ourselves to have ease with ourselves as we work through our shadow areas, we bring ourselves closer to the truth of our soul’s perspective.

Warrior: As we walk onto the field of battle, which is within us, we must be ready and armed with the tools we’ve been given.

Matriarch: Closed the meeting by reminding us: Each of the members of the Council is embracing you and supporting you on different levels, so that you can experience the completeness of you.


Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010


Price: $7.99

ELOHEIM: This is HARD and I CREATED it ????? 5-5-10

We just learned we have advanced to Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. Round 2 officially starts on May 24th.

Round two has us creating a book proposal which includes:

A one page description of the book,
a detailed outline of the book,
a sample chapter,
our author bios,
our complete marketing plan,
and a list of published books/authors that are most like our book.

So, we will be busy and I will be sure to keep you informed. THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!

See the entire list of Round 2 authors (we are number 1933): http://www.nexttopauthor.com/round2.cfm

Hello everyone!
Last night’s meeting was a lot of fun. The Visionaries ‘stole’ Eloheim’s planned topic so Eloheim switched to discussing and expanding upon their Pin The Tail On The Donkey example. It is all captured in the video below and had everyone laughing.

The Girls, Guardians, Warrior and Matriarch all contributed to the meeting as well.

The Warrior’s contribution was especially powerful this week. I am getting more and more….I don’t think comfortable is the right word, but perhaps able is…able to hold the Warrior’s energy. There are so many visuals when I channel the Warrior. None of the other Council members come in with such a mental movie playing in my head.

If you would like to watch the webcast replay or download the complete audio recording, here are the links:

5-5-10 ~ 79 minutes

Guardians: Opened the meeting by asking us to bring the truth of ourselves into the moment. We bring what is into the moment, acknowledge it and then expand from that place—expanding from the truth of you into the possibilities that exist for you. The possibilities that exist for you are found in the moment.

Visionaries: We are creators and we create in every moment and we always have choice. Advised us to not fall into the belief that we are the victims of our creations. If we don’t appreciate or enjoy what we create, we state preferences, set boundaries, and move in another direction.

Eloheim: Discussed the idea of the Pin the Tail on the Donkey game, how we desire and enjoy challenge, yet we also feel victimized by it.

The Girls: Further discussed the idea of creatorship and victimhood. Told us: Once you recognize, “Oh, wait, I’m being a victim,” you are immediately in consciousness. That consciousness raises your vibration and allows you access to your creatorship immediately.

Warrior: Fear may affect you, but it doesn’t tell you who you are. Invited us to call on them when we are in need, and that they will walk with us.

Matriarch: Encouraged us to connect with them through the heart chakra, and discussed the process of growth and change. You take in, and then you release that which you don’t need. You allow high-vibrational information to come in, which displaces low-vibrational information. You allow consciousness in, which displaces victimhood and fear.

Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010


Price: $7.99

April, 2010

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ELOHEIM: Transform Shame, Guilt and Embarrassment 4-21-10

Hello everyone,
This week’s meeting was really powerful. The Council is focused on helping us transform our relationship to our shadow places so we can continue ascending and live as Homo spiritus.

The love you have for yourself is being corroded by the places that you are hiding from yourself. The Girls

You have hidden from yourself to survive….hiding from it is the survival instinct….but we are here to evolve the survival instinct to give you the opportunity to transform out of the fear based operating system into the consciousness based operating system. Eloheim

You have moved into the right relationship to the truth of you! You walk into the field [of battle] but the field is within you.The Warrior

4-21-10 ~ 77 minutes

Eloheim: Energetic billboard tool: Energetically what are you telling people about yourself? You’re a culmination of all your life experiences and now a culmination of your soul’s expressions and you’re emanating that into the world. Job interviews, you’re interviewing them to see if you want to emanate in their environment. Explains what a core emotion is.

Visionaries: Part of what is the conundrum for you about emanation is that you are uncomfortable with the completeness of you. The best place for you to start with owning your energetic is with owning your shadow.

Warrior: What have you conquered? You have conquered the inertia, you’ve moved past the procrastination, and you’ve transformed the fear that you feel when looking at your truth. You have moved into the right relationship with the truth of you.
WE are always with you.
BE Courageous!!

Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010


Price: $7.99

ELOHEIM: Dealing with Sandpaper People 4-14-10

Wednesday’s meeting was really nice. Waller made this great slide show sharing Eloheim’s teachings on their new tool “short factual statements.”

You are not here for the conclusion! The Visionaries

How am I supposed to love me when I know all of this about me? The Girls

If you don’t love yourself well, the moment is a scary place because you are afraid of your own company. The Girls

Here is video of The Visionaries, The Girls and Eloheim. The Warrior, The Guardians, and the Matriarch also shared during the meeting.

4-14-10 ~ 84 minutes

Visionaries: There is a misunderstanding that you are going to “get somewhere” past this and that this is what you’re doing by ascending; No. You are here now. It’s the journey, not the destination. The only place where things are happening is here, now.

Eloheim: The question of You. Accumulation of all of the “now’s” is ascension. You can’t get ascension until you get “the now.” The triggers you experience are the hand holds for you to climb with. Sandpaper people—You can ask for the same lesson to come to you in another way from someone less harsh. It’s up to you. With possibility comes responsibility comes free will transformation. Keep your “wax” precious to you—share your flame, keep your wax for yourself.

TOOLS discussion
What’s my big toe doing? (check in with body)
2010 version of self—who am I now and what is my truth, now?
Stay present in the moment.
Speak your truth
Stay out of “service” mentality
Hold firm to your boundaries; or create a boundary as the situation requires
Make clear and concise statements
Eloheim discusses the manifesting process of the “why” of the “want” and using clear, concise statements of why you want.

Girls: Don’t give your wax away—You can love yourself most/best—transform your inner most secrets by making clear, concise statements about them and looking again. The gift that you give to the all that is; is self-love. Short, factual statements. Stay present in the moment.

Warriors: We empower you all to show up with your tools. Which tools do you carry close to you?—Most comfortable tools? Keep them sharp and clean; in good repair; get new ones all the time. PRACTICE THEM. Use every opportunity to practice. Be not afraid to practice. Be ready to USE them.


Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010


Price: $7.99

ELOHEIM: Break out of Lack ~ 3-31-10

Wow, do I have news before I get to this week’s meeting:
1. Have you voted for us as the Next Top Spiritual Author?
Every vote is needed and it is quite easy to do. Follow this link to our page: http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=1933

2. The Q&A channeling sessions are going to be held every 3rd Sunday of the month. For April, that makes it the 18th. If you have questions for Eloheim, this is your chance to ask them! We also webcast our weekly meetings. Register on this page: https://eloheim.com/web-casts/

3. I will be on KSVY radio next Friday, April 9th, at 8:45am Pacific. I will be a guest on the Mornings in Sonoma program. You can listen live from the radio’s website: http://sunfmtv.com/fm/?cat=6

4. Please follow this link http://EzineArticles.com/4027921 to read an Eloheim article about the four levels of the law of attraction. This is a new venue for sharing the Eloheim teachings and the more clicks we get, the better our ranking will be and Waller says that is really important. Please click and share!

On to this week’s meeting!

The meeting included all six members of The Council sharing their insights. The video below includes Eloheim speaking about lack and how to ensure that you are comparing YOU TO YOU here in 2010 and not somewhere in your past.

Eloheim also talked about what The Council does at the meetings. The Girls took Eloheim’s “What is your left big toe doing?” tool to another level. The Warrior took us deeply into how to access our alternate expressions (past lives) and receive the gift that even violent lifetimes have for us. The Guardians did multiple energy clearing sessions. The Visionaries talked about the overall picture and The Matriarch did another powerful meditation.

3-31-10 ~ 78 minutes


Guardians: Energetically you can release without having to understand or know or examine even everything that comes off.

Visionaries: Now, the grand step that’s currently ready for you is the grand step that says, “I can live, I can live, from consciousness.” We want to facilitate you living from a position of consciousness where in essence, as Eloheim has called it, it becomes a healthy habit to default to consciousness.

Eloheim: Tool – who answers the door? Describes how the Council communicates. Tool – . “I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways,” Lack is one of the lowest-vibrational states you can find yourself in.

The Girls: We want to make sure that you recognize that you’re in a body. You’re in a bod-y. And your body needs from you love for you.

Warrior: You want knowledge of and acknowledgment of the foundational aspects of the Warrior lifetimes.

Matriarch: When you find yourself confused or distraught or mixed up, there can be solace in the idea and the fact that you’re not alone. But not simply, “I’m not alone, I’m not alone,” but, “I am part of something that is non-divisible.” Non-divisible.


Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010


Price: $9.99

March, 2010

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ELOHEIM: This is a CHOICE ~ The Warrior and More 3-24-10

Hello everyone!
First some news. Tomorrow, March 29th, marks the beginning of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. I will send an email tomorrow morning with all the details! Please join us for this brand new chapter in the Eloheim journey.
In the video, I have included Eloheim explaining how each of the members of The Council attune to a specific chakra and how you can use that resonance to work with them in a new way.

The Warrior joined us again this week and this time I have included their message.

The video concludes with Eloheim talking about boundary setting and re-experiencing your core issues from a more powerful, healed place.

3-24-10 ~ 86 Minutes

Guardians: Opened the meeting by offering us a clearing of any energetic excess we no longer need.

Visionaries: Told us that all of the Council walks with us through our world. Discussed triggers: A trigger is an opportunity for you to know you; and then the next step, out of the triggered state and into consciousness, is you expressing the vision of you.

Eloheim: Took comments and questions about last week’s experience of the new Warrior energy coming through, and how it affected people since then.

The Girls: Looked at what the second chakra energy in our lives really means, from the fun aspects to the very serious aspects.

Warrior: Told us that judging ourselves, especially in our shadow aspects, brings suffering. Advised us to remember that our reactions to triggers are a choice.

Matriarch: Talked about lifting the veil from our true selves and allowing ourselves to experience our true nature. Asked us to accept the paradigm shift away from: “Will I ever get there?” to: “I’m there and I just need to reveal the truth of me.”


Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010


Price: $9.99



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