I want you to feel FREE! Free to discover your gifts. Free to share those gifts with confidence. Free to earn passive income from your gifts so you can feel FREE to live life the way you have dreamed of living.

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In my years of work with private clients I’ve heard things like this over and over again:

“I know I have something to offer the world, but I have no idea how to get it out there”

“I always get stuck and feel so discouraged whenever I try to make my website”

“It’s all so confusing. I just can’t bring myself to try and I feel so horrible that my gifts just sit inside me unexpressed.”

“I wish I had more money. I feel so trapped in my job”

“I would love to be self-employed

, but I don’t know where to start”

“I just wish I felt more free”

You are unique!

You have gifts to offer this world!

NOW IS THE TIME!! Here’s how!!!

I’ve spent the last 6 months crafting the Everyday Expertise course.

I will provide you with comprehensive, streamlined, step-by-step instruction. When I say step by step, I mean it. You don’t need to be a techy person to do this. I have done all the research so all you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions. You just have to keep stepping and at the end you will have a web presence, e-commerce, a course landing page, and class hosting all in one.


Together, we will discover your Everyday Expertise – the thing that you already know – and shape that expertise into a one-hour, online course that will generate passive income for you. What’s passive income? Passive income comes from work you do once that you get paid for over and over and over again for years to come.


QUESTIONS???? email youreverydayexpertise@gmail.com