Before the May 9th meeting, I asked Eloheim to teach something that would “stretch” me. I got my wish! The video below is the Guardians starting the meeting by explaining how to live in Level 6 and how that gets us to Level 7.

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This is ROCKING MY WORLD!!! The Guardians, Visionaries, and The Warrior were especially powerful.

Learn about Levels 1-5 by watching this video:

Learn about Levels 6 and 7 in this new video:

This meeting is about abiding in level 6 – ‘what trigger?’ – where one encounters a generating event but doesn’t go into the reactive habit of being triggered.

It’s time to take a little jump here. Transformation requires having a genuine willingness to lay down the old stories. Living in level 6 means consciously erasing the presence of a trigger by your reaction to it in the moment. You catch yourself at the generating event and OWN it. “I’m in a generating event. This is happening FOR me.” You monitor your reaction so quickly and so thoroughly that you erase the actual trigger. See how quickly you can make that choice and not accumulate baggage and static. You may still experience body reactions and anxiety, but you can hold that consciously as well.

Visionaries: As a human, you will always encounter generating events. Will you choose to go into trigger, or will you choose conscious awareness and acceptance? The latter is living in level 6. Level 5 (“This trigger is mine”) is a resting place, but level 6 is a transit level, a bridge to level 7 – Oneness and non-duality. In level 6, you leave behind all your learned reactions to the world. You go INTO your experiences more deeply.

Eloheim: Irrational fears are coming up for some. There is intensity in the energy, but you can use it as fuel, rather than fear. “I am willing” is about opening up and being willing to experience something new. It’s letting go of control. But when you go into something new, fear will be there. Fear is an indicator that you are challenging the survival instinct; it’s not a gauge of whether or not you should do something. Since change and fear go together, listen to the part that says. “This is good!” Listen to that. Let the “sparkle” be the louder voice. Then be in step-by-step. It’s not “Will I ever…?” but “What is NOW?”

You are uncertain by nature and making friends with uncertainty is a big part of the spiritual journey; your relationship to uncertainty a hallmark of where you are in the Ascension journey. Own the fact that the only control you have is in your reaction in the now moment. Be calm moment by moment and milk the nuances that are there. Sink deep into your truth. And when you know your truth, you don’t need to sell anyone on it, you can just sit in it and let it emanate out of you. Be still and sink. If things come up, if you find something big in your lap, sink deeper. Go deeper into the fractal layers, where there is more space and more potentials.

If you deal with your survival instinct, if stay attentive in level 6, then level 7 – oneness, and the glories that exist therein – unfolds naturally. You don’t get there by wishing it or by hoping. You get there step-by-step and being with what is in your lap. And then, in level 7, your natural being starts to emerge and your awareness expands. You find you can expand to anywhere on the planet and experience the earth as if it’s your physical playground.

Your correction to reactions to generating events clears a space. Don’t refill the space with more stuff. Keep it open and then fill it with high vibrational responses and insight from your soul. This is the break-open place that was talked about last week. Abide in it, go deep, and fall through into the deeper layers of experience.

Warrior: When you have generating events, you need to stand courageously and not make them into triggers. You have movie versions of this, when armies are lined up just before the fighting begins, and there is one leader gesturing “hold.” The action is held is a state of quiet readiness. You go deep – so that you’re clear on what’s going on – and then move purposefully. Hold, then move purposely. Don’t let habit slap you around. Killing your habitual ways of responding is abiding in level 6. If you attentively move through it, if you purposely abide there, then level 7 will be yours.

Matriarch: Nothing stands in your way but you. Generating events WILL happen and when they do, hold. You don’t have to react and you don’t have to search for an answer immediately. “What is true now? It’s happening for me.” Abide in the discomfort. Hold and then choose for the “aha.”


Audio downloads of the seven meetings held in May, 2012


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