Can’t make the entire Sonoma retreat?
October 4-7, 2015
Here are additional options:
Sunday October 4th, arrive at 4pm, dinner and channeling ~ $90.00
Mon or Tues (October 5th or 6th) full day: including breakfast, lunch, dinner, channeling, all activities ~ $190.00
Mon or Tues NO breakfast: includes lunch, dinner, channeling, all activities ~ $170.00
Mon or Tues NO breakfast, NO dinner: includes lunch, channeling and afternoon activities (leave before dinner) ~ $140.00
Wed (October 7th), breakfast, lunch and channeling ~ $105.00
Wed, lunch and channeling ~ $85.00
***It is possible to add overnight accommodations to a single day attendance. Contact me for pricing.***
Come to the entire event as a day guest (no breakfast, no lodging) ~ $499
Come to the entire event as an overnight guest (shared room, all meals included) ~ $699
Come to the entire event as an overnight guest with your own room (all meals included) ~ $1100