Ready day 1 and 2 here
Read day 3 and 4 here
Read day 5 and 6 here
Read final days here

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Day three

First full day at the house. Mark was playing tour guide and took us to a special spot. A Buddhist Peace Park.

The energy there was really strong. It swirled in a clockwise direction. At one point I said to Mindy, “I wouldn’t even try to walk counter-clock wise and I bet you would fall down.” It was STRONG energy. They had erected a structure and the tradition is to walk around it three times.




Mark said that there was a Medicine Wheel on the property so we walked up to it. He lead us in a small ceremony there. As soon as I stepped into the circle I felt the FACILITATOR’S energy! Wow, that was a surprise. I’ve only channeled them once so to have them pop up like this was putting me on notice that something big was coming. As we moved around the circle and I was at the South point.

(I hope I have that right, I’m no good with directions) I felt a huge energy lift out of the ground.

It was like 3 feet of energy oozed out of the land all around us. I was told it was released sadness. That the people who visit the peace park come with the “I want peace BUT _____” and often that is a feeling of hopelessness or longing for it to be different which all penetrated the ground as sadness.


I moved to the next part of the wheel (West I think) and all of a sudden this strong female presence came into my body and started flinging the released sadness into the sky. It was windy and this area was shaped in such a way that the wind moved in a circular way so the energy was pulled up and away. Where I was standing, the view was just of the clouds. That’s all I could see and the energy was just flying up and away with the wind into the clouds. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.

When I moved to the North spot I sat down as I could feel a verbal message coming in. It actually felt like the entire Council was coming in as a group (new experience).

Their message was about the importance of working step by step. Being aware that every step we take affects up, but our steps also affect what we step upon.

The channeling was so unexpected, we didn’t record it, however
Mark remembers it like this:

“Many have walked this circle looking for peace. Yet what is brought is usually “It should be other. It should be different. It should be another way.”

These thoughts are put into the ground. Over time, it is predominant in the energy.

As we know, nothing changes but step by step.

As you walk upon the earth in the upcoming days, know that your thoughts are shifting the energy.

As you put one foot in front of another upon these red rocks, know that change IS happening, step by step.”




I was left in a bit of awe as a few things happened that were new and wonderful. First

, I was able to hike up to the peace park without pain. Most people wouldn’t even call it a hike, however, it was the longest/hardest walk I’ve been on in years and I was able to do it!

All that Pilates work is working! Yeah!

I was also able to allow these unfamiliar (yet not scary in any way) energies flow through me without using my brain to process/understand any of it. Amazing compare me to me!!!

The rest of the day is another blur of sleep/food/puzzle/laughing/conversation. I don’t actually remember what we did other than Thai food for dinner!!!!

Day four

So far I’ve spent the entire day here at the house. Most of it alone. I realized that there was sadness here in this house as well, so I worked with the Council to clear it. This house was once a drug rehab facility so I can imagine there were some trapped stories hanging about. It was mostly in the “meeting space” (which I knew at the first moment I entered it we wouldn’t be using for our sessions). Hopefully they were released after we spent time clearing. I haven’t walked to that part of the house to check. It’s a big house and quite a bit of walking for me to get there!

It rained and thundered and lightening earlier and is totally sunny now. I set the energies here in the house and prepped for the channeling tonight. E is very energized about our upcoming time together and they have me feeling like a kid in a candy store!

We had a fun dinner out and emerged into the rainy night to head home for the channeling session!

Eloheim was SUPER ready to go.

The session was focused upon the expansion of the Body, Personality, Awareness (Level 7 –It’s All Me) teaching. The group formed an amazing energy which allowed Eloheim to take the conversation into Level 8 (Watch it Move) and on to Level NINE!!

This was the first real conversation about Level 9 (Choiceless Choice) and WOW! It would be impossible for me to properly summarize it here; recordings will be available upon my return. Amazing!

After channeling we spent time working on the puzzle and sharing our responses to the channeling.

Eventually I went to bed LOL.


I will post more about our trip in the coming days.


Order the recordings!

The kick off event – The Uncertainty Spectrum. Click here for more details. This channeling is referenced in the Sedona channelings.

Price: $14.99

The four retreat recordings – Over five hours

Price: $39.99