Dorothy’s Journey With Eloheim

About 7 years ago, I was doing what I usually did in my spare time, which was read or listen to the spiritual teachers that I was searching out on YouTube. I love Kryon, Abraham, Bashar, Wayne Dyer, and many more. Some I still pay attention to, many have dropped off my radar since then. So, I was on YouTube, listening to a teaching when one of Eloheim’s videos came up in the suggestions. Okay, that topic sounds interesting. So I clicked. And was hooked.

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In the late 90’s, I had what I call an awakening. At that point, my life was not going the way I wanted it to go and I didn’t know how or if I could change anything about it. One day, I watched an Oprah show, who was at the beginning of her spiritual teacher phase, and I sat in my chair and cried as I heard the truths spoken out loud. I hadn’t cried in years. I felt broken open.

My heart had heard the call.

I started reading every book I could find on evolution and ascension, beginning with one certain author. When I ran across a different spiritual author, I was just as fascinated and checked out their teachings. I moved from one book to another, one teacher to another, devouring one concept after another in rapid succession as well as leaving some behind that didn’t resonate with me. I was learning so much about myself. Life began to make sense. Step by step I grew.

It took me a year, but I finally figured out how to meditate and calm down this busy mind of mine. I found and practiced different ways to heal my emotional wounds. I found online mentors and spiritual teachers and groups who expanded my understanding of what life really is about. I had sessions with spiritual healers. I found a love of nature’s wisdom, crystals, tarot and symbolism. Still, I was looking for something. That all led me to that day when I found Eloheim’s teachings.

What is most important to me is my continuing, evolving relationship with myself. Life gets better and better when I evolve. And then I can share that evolved self with others. I like myself more and that has spread out into my world. I like everybody else better, too! To do that, I connect with Eloheim. They teach in a way that deeply resonates with me. They give me practical tools that help me live as a happy, healthy human being yet maintain a balance with my spiritual self. And holy cow, are they ever hilarious!

My ongoing private sessions with Eloheim means they know me intimately and can see my progress. My very first private session with Eloheim was a Core Emotion session over five years ago. I was a nervous wreck, what would they see in me? I thought. What if I just sound stupid? What if I can’t talk at all? I don’t even know what I’m doing! That truly was a mind-blowing and mind-expanding hour! I cried and laughed. The truth and the love always does that to me. I learned so much about myself in that initial hour that I have walked around since that time, understanding exactly when and why the unhealed core emotion of mine was asking for attention.

Something I finally learned with Eloheim is that of taking full responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions. In other words, I accept that I create the life I have. And then I choose to not beat myself up for those things I don’t like, instead I choose to learn and grow from my experiences. I have let go of blaming everyone else for how things have turned out in my life when I let go of my prized victim mentality. It’s clear to me that everything in my life is here because I put it here, attracted it here, and keep it here. It is clear to me that I am the creator of my own life. And what a difference that has made in how I live!

I continue to schedule sessions with Eloheim just for check-ins and fill ups, and I listen to every online meeting, as well as attend retreats – which are amazing by the way, you meet some of the coolest people there with zero agenda except kindness, support, and evolution. The very first time I met Eloheim in person, I almost backed out as I waited my turn. It was all I could do not to run away, but they have become my friends who care about me and I love talking to them. At times I have cried buckets at a session, but usually I just need some clarity on a subject. Their words to me a year ago during a check-in session were, “My god, you’re a different woman!” That was very sweet to hear because I have worked long and hard on myself. To have my growth validated by a nonphysical energy, a being I love and respect, and who loves me unconditionally despite knowing me inside and out is amazing.

I am a completely different person than ten years ago, five years ago, two years ago. Yet I often feel like I have simply rediscovered the me I was as a young child, the me I hid and buried and wore masks to cover up with for various reasons of survival. With their ability to see under the mud and masks, Eloheim has helped me free the real me. I have learned to stand in the truth of me. Along the way, I have had to let go of those who preferred me to stay quiet and on the preprogrammed path. I can’t do that anymore. And Eloheim has helped me find my courage and confidence to get to this point.

Eloheim tells us, we are your friends, not your bosses, and not your authority figures. We may have been charged with the creation of this universe but we are not above you in any way. We walk beside you. We are your equals and we know you as a soul emanation. We are here to support you as you live a human life, and we want to help you evolve out of Homo sapiens into Homo spiritus, a blending of your soul with your physical self so both aspects live in partnership on this planet. Eloheim’s commitment to us shows during every single meeting and every single session. I come away with new resolve, new thoughts, new ahas, and new ideas to integrate, as well as practical tools to use every time.

There are teachers who will resonate with each one of us. And when we find the one that speaks to our soul, then it’s time to listen. And you know it when you find it. Just like I did with the very first Eloheim video I “happened” to view on YouTube six years ago.

Thank you for sharing! It’s wonderful to be on this journey with Eloheim with you!
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