October, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of October, 2008 It’s all about Choice!
Eloheim spoke at length at the beginning of the October 1st meeting about the energies of October 2008. I did my best to condense this information into a 10 minute clip! If you would like to purchase a CD of the entire meeting, please email Eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
October is about Choice!
Eloheim is channeled five times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Private sessions by phone or in person may be arranged by sending an email to eloheimchannel@yahoo.com. If you wish to receive an email when new messages are posted to the Eloheim site, please follow this link: http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=135615
September, 2008
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ELOHEIM VIDEO: 9-24-08 Ask, does this support High Vibrational living?
During this clip, Eloheim gets SERIOUS. They talk frankly and directly about how we are living and how those choices affect our ability to live in a high vibrational manner.
The question that needs to be asked over and over again: Is this a high vibrational situation? Because if it is not, especially now, you need to re-think the situation.
There is NOTHING ELSE YOU HAVE TO DO but be high-vibrational.
If, for some reason you think the consequences of ‘sucking up’ a low vibrational situation are somehow acceptable, then we want you to reconsider what you feel you deserve and what standards you have for yourself. Because no one else can give you permission but yourself. This is the pathway to embracing who you truly are. This is the way to become an Ascended Being.
Eloheim is channeled five times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Our meetings are open to the public and admission is by donation. Private sessions by phone or in person are also available. For session information or to purchase a CD of any of our previous meetings, email Eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
August, 2008
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ELOHEIM VIDEO: Use language to break habitual response
This short clip is from the 8-13-08 meeting. In it, Eloheim explains how to use language to remove yourself from the habitual responses of the culture.
Veronica channels Eloheim 5 times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Phone sessions are also available. Email eloheimchannel@yahoo.com for more information.

ELOHEIM: How to use Energies of Aug 08 to fuel Ascension
Here Eloheim explains how to tap into the flow of the energies of August 2008 to fuel the Ascension path. This two part clip includes comments from one of our group members expressing how powerful this tool has been for her so far this month. The end of part two includes a preview of the energies of September 2008.
Anything that triggers you, anything that you prefer to have differently, anything you are ready to heal, anything you are ready to release, anything you are ready to transform, anything that you are just ready to dump, drop or be done with, any state of being you would like to experience, any agreement you are making with your Soul. This is the month to get clear about what you are ready to have going on for the next two years.
Eloheim is more reserved and is very forthright during these clips. These clips came after an incredibly emotional opening to the meeting. The emotion I experienced as the channel was generated by the extraordinary amount of compassion that I felt from Eloheim.
This compassion is driven by their understanding of how challenging it can be to walk the ascension path and to ‘argue with our biology’: When our biology tells us that change is dangerous and should be avoided, when our biology tells us to avoid the unknown, when our biology tries to ‘keep us safe’ by limiting our transformation.
They explained that the biology which keeps the body functioning even when we ‘want to give up’ is the same biology which keeps us in habitual response in order to facilitate a feeling of safety. As we walk the path of Ascension, we have to rewrite our habitual responses to triggers. Often, this means confronting deep seated fears and anxieties. Eloheim’s compassion for our predicament was nearly overwhelming.
The only way I was able to process and release this compassion was through tears. This is why my voice sounds different in these clips.
Eloheim makes it quite clear that they are here to assist us on the ascension path to the best of their abilities. I included an extended amount of video on this so that you would get the full sense of what they are offering.
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
July, 2008
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ELOHEIM VIDEO: Recognizing Your Ascension Path
In this quick clip from the 7-23-08 meeting, Eloheim discusses the decision to have your Spiritual Journey become the number one priority in this incarnation and how that relates to the Now and to the Ascension process.
The Eloheim are consistently able to provide penetrating insight into the Spiritual Journey and have been of incredible help to many who felt stuck in their Spiritual Growth. (see below the video for comments)
We hold 5 public meetings per month in Sonoma County, please accept this invitation to join us if you are in the area. Individual sessions by phone can be arranged by sending an email to eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
Thank you for all you do and being so willing to pass on this wonderful, healing, energetic information. Your group has changed my life so much for the better, I can’t tell you. Now I truly feel like I am on purpose when I go out in the world! What a gift. And I am seeing the results of my sharing what I learn each week.
— Randy C., Kenwood, CA
For thirty years I have explored many avenues on my spiritual path. I have read many books, attended lectures, meditation groups, and seminars. I had lots of knowledge, but I found applying it was difficult. My book knowledge really didn’t help me deal with everyday emotions or events. A year ago I began to attend the Eloheim group in Sonoma. The messages have been life changing. I can feel myself responding differently, as I apply what I have learned. I look at events differently, looking for the gift, rather than slipping into emotion. Eloheim’s teaching is Truth for me. I find it pertinent and supportive. It takes diligence and mindfulness, but the results are powerful. I am very grateful for what I am learning. Thank you Eloheim and Veronica.
— Marilyn P., Sonoma, CA

ELOHEIM VIDEO: How the NOW Leads to Bliss
From 7-23-08 part 2 of 2:
When you stop and (are) conscious of the now, the next moment is a moment of discovery. When you allow yourself to be swept along with habitual responses to the now, and your judgment that something (you are experiencing) is bad, the next moment is suffering.
So, you choose.
It is a Spiritual Choice.
The video image is quite dark as the sun went down and the room lights were off. This is part two of the discussion about the moment from the meeting of 7-23-08.

ELOHEIM VIDEO: 7-23-08 A New Look at Lack of Money
7-23-08 part 1 of 2:
Last Wednesday Eloheim deepened the discussion about lack and how lack operates in our lives. The discussion covers how ‘arguing with the now’ energetically aligns you with lack.
I had never made this connection before and this information really shifted my perspective.
I added the very beginning of the meeting to the front of this clip so you can experience how Eloheim comes in. Margy Henderson, Sound Healer, shares intuitive sounds at the beginning and end of each meeting as Eloheim comes in and leaves.
These quotes really stood out for me:
Whenever you argue with (the) Now, you are aligning yourself with lack. Because of habitual response, when you internally experience lack, even unconsciously, the slippery slope you end up at the bottom of is – the lack of money.
The feeling attached with any state is based on judgment and habitual response. Remember, (a) feeling is an option not a mandate. (A) Feeling is indicating a place where you need to make a Spiritual Choice.

ELOHEIM VIDEO: Guidelines on raising your vibration
Here is a portion of the meeting from Nov. 15, 2006. We plan to add additional and newer videos in the coming weeks.