January, 2011
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GUEST AUTHOR: Rene Duer, Astrologer – 2011 The Year of Balance
2011 – The Year of Balance – Saturn in Libra
2011 is here and it’s The Year of Balance! Eloheim and the Council made this announcement back in December – just a tad early – but then we all know that “time” is speeding up! I find this fascinating as one of the major planetary aspects of this coming year is transit of the planet Saturn through the sign of Libra. This transit began in late October of 2009 and will continue through October 5, 2012. We are approximately half way through this transit. (Saturn retrograded back into late degrees of Virgo for about 3 months in the late spring early summer of 2010). It feels so perfect that Eloheim has called our attention to this transit at this time – the halfway point – what most of us might think of as the point of balance – or the center.
The ideas of balance and the center are intriguing ones. They are so simple and yet so complex. We can easily envision two children perched at either end of a see-saw, grinning at each other, legs dangling, having achieved perfect balance; a stunningly simple example of the principle of the fulcrum and the lever. We can look to geometry and remember the various formulae for finding the centers of circles, squares and triangles. We can think of plotting points on a graph, always counting out from the zero point; the center and intersection of the x and y axis’s – also representative of the intersecting planes of matter (horizontal) and spirit (vertical). On a personal and physical level we can feel our own center of gravity. Anyone who has ever been skiing, ice skating, ridden a bicycle, practiced yoga, played football, baseball, or basketball, danced, or even walked upright knows the feeling of being in or out of balance.