October, 2008
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ELOHEIM 10-5-08: Experiencing Authenticity and Bliss
This clip includes the opening comments from our meeting at Crystal Bill’s Crystal Showroom on October 5, 2008. Bill has an amazing selection of crystal including some of the largest crystals I have ever seen in person! His website is: http://www.elegantcrystals.com
The clip begins with Margaret Henderson providing intuitive sounds. Margy is a sound healer in Sonoma, CA. Her website is: http://www.spiralsounds.net
Eloheim speaks about using our new vibrational level to live more authentically. They also talk about living from Bliss which they also describe as living from a state of neutral observation.
Now we are entering a time where you subtly adjust your flow through society as you continuously increase the vibrational level you carry and the vibrational level that you Soul is able to infuse in you so that you can access higher levels of information, higher levels of insight, and really live from a place of clarity and insight.
While we were at Crystal Bill’s, Bill took this photo of me holding a very special crystal. The crystal was illuminated from below and projected a rainbow across my face!
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