November, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Greatest Hits Flashback #1 Souls
This morning, I was filling an order for the CD version of one of our recent meetings.

ELOHEIM: Energies of December 2008
Wow! Eloheim was ON FIRE and ready to go about three hours before the meeting started. By the time the meeting began they were bursting at the seams. This meeting was very powerful. In it, they focus on: The Energies of Thanksgiving, The Energies of the Holidays, The Energies of December 2008, and The Energies of the year 2009. The entire meeting was 85 minutes and was held on 11-26-08.
There is SO MUCH in this introductory talk that I can’t even begin to find specific sections to quote! It starts off big and gets faster and faster! I can’t imagine trying to shorten this material so I am going to provide two clips to cover the 17 minutes of information.
These clips contain the unedited beginning of the meeting and includes their discussion of the energies for the remainder of 2008. The meeting begins with Barbara playing her didgeridoo and Richard playing his crystal bowl.
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ELOHEIM: New Relationship to Your Guides 11-19-08
En-soulment: you become more and more and more of who you have always known it was possible you could be.
There is no good or bad, there is only learning to be had.
[You don’t] erase anything that you have been, but embrace everything you are.
All of the guidance you need is accessible within your own journey.
To hear Eloheim’s discussion of the Ah Ha moment from earlier this month, please visit this link:
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ELOHEIM: The Tipping Point and Your Contribution!
This clip is from the 11-12-08 meeting in Sonoma. Eloheim explains how we are at the tipping point moving into high vibrational living. They clarify how we can each make a contribution toward the increase in vibration of our entire race.
We are talking about the discipline to hold the course, to hold onto the truth of the matter, which is: lower vibrational temptations are constantly presented to you, non-stop, opportunities for fear are constantly presented to you, opportunities to feel like you are in lack are constantly presented to you, those things don’t abate, what does abate is your willingness to engage with them….you are learning not to fall for the trap of low vibration, the trap of habit.
Be disciplined in the energetic you are willing to run….that is the great service you can offer.
As you are at this fulcrum point, you are being invited to be disciplined about your contribution.
…when you spill the orange juice in the kitchen it DOES matter how you react to that, even if you are the only one in the house. It DOES matter. It does matter, because that could be the tipping point! You don’t know. We don’t know. But, the tipping point is there and your contribution not only blesses you on your spiritual journey but it infuses society with a high vibrational energetic which can help with the tipping point.
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ELOHEIM: Owning your Reactions or Neutral Observation
During the 11-5-08 meeting Eloheim further clarified the concept of Neutral Observation and re-phrased it as Owning Your Reactions.
Owning your reactions means being conscious in the moment. It also means not letting it (the reaction) run away with you. Not run away from you, but run away with you.
Own your reaction(s) because that let’s you learn from them rather than judge the moment.
This leads to Bliss. “Bliss” is the space where every moment teaches me.
This too can teach me, this too is something I can learn from.
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ELOHEIM: You can’t have change without CHANGE!
This clip is from the beginning of the 11-5-08 meeting. In it Eloheim talks about how the US election results are part of a huge energy shift. “Today is the first day of the run up to 2012!” Eloheim gets quite passionate toward the end of this clip!
The full meeting also included a lengthy discussion of the new presidential administration.
As the new energetic establishes itself …. keep in mind the exponentially more powerful, more transformational, ability that high vibrational action has.
As you feed the system with your high vibration you’re not pushing against a wall any more, you are flowing, it is like you are all rowing in the same direction now, instead of kind of rowing to keep your place in the stream, you are actually rowing with everyone else in movement toward transformation.
Movement through growth is the Soul’s journey as a Homo Sapiens moving into Homo Spiritus….Today is the first day of the run up to 2012!…The energy has transformed, and shifted, and moved into a new category.
We are moving along the ascension path and that the energetics have shifted to facilitate that.
You’re living transformationally! But the job isn’t done!
When you hear them chanting YES WE CAN, that’s not just YES WE CAN because Barack Obama says. That’s YES WE CAN because their Souls are screaming for an opportunity to experience growth.
When you hear that add on, YES WE CAN experience growth, YES WE CAN live high vibrationally, YES WE CAN infusing the society with consciousness, YES WE CAN be leaders simply by taking a breath.
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October, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Energies of November 2008 NOW NOW NOW
This is from the opening of the meeting on 10-29-08. Eloheim covers the energies of November 2008. This talk also gives some very interesting insights on the election. Eloheim refers to Light Workers ‘no longer holding the rope’ and that they are now ‘Spiritual Free Agents’. If you would like further information about this shift that happened back at the end of March 2008, follow this link:
Here are some quotes from the 10-29-08 meeting:
Now is the time for you to do what you came here to do, which is to be high vibrational, conscious, and allow yourself the experience of observing from a neutrally observant place.
Neutral simply means this: that you don’t make a decision about the right or wrong of what you are seeing. You let yourself see it as a learning experience and you say ‘what is this teaching me’. It is ok to set boundaries from the place of neutral observation. What we would advise against is setting boundaries based on emotional reaction.
Go into neutral observation FIRST and then find your way into setting boundaries for yourself. This isn’t the time for celebration, this is a time to integrate your tools so that you can infuse the energetics of your maturing Soul Group with a new concept. Which is right/wrong win/lose don’t exist in our reality. What exists is opportunities to learn and opportunities to bring a higher vibrating consciousness into our culture.
Now is the moment you have been waiting for!
Everything that is being shown to you is being shown to you as an opportunity to grow.
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ELOHEIM: Past Lives, Concurrent Lives 10-15-08
This clip is part of the 10-15-08 meeting. I had a cold and was feeling “under the weather”. Eloheim was excited about my cold symptoms and had all sorts of fun when I sneezed and even more fun when I ALMOST sneezed.
In this clip Eloheim explains how the idea of ‘past lives’ and the idea of ‘all our life times are happening concurrently’ fit together.
I like how Eloheim says “you can’t understand this” and then sort of ‘digs deep’ to try and explain it anyway! At the time, my foggy brain wasn’t of much help (which Eloheim points out to comedic effect).
Since the process of channeling is the translation of energetics into vocabulary, it does require mental processing on my part. I don’t choose the words they use. However, they do use my mental processes (available vocabulary especially) as they select the terms they want. I am not sure that makes clear sense, but it is the best I can do to describe it!
This clip is a good example of the conversational style which many of our meetings follow.
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ELOHEIM: Soul to Soul Vibrational Communication 10-15-08
This clip is from the 10-15-08 meeting. Often Eloheim opens our meetings with a talk which typically last 30 minutes or so. This meeting they left the subject up to the group. One of the participants asked a question about music. He wondered if music exists in other types of incarnations or even on a Soul level.
This subject led into a very interesting discussion about communication. The clip I chose describes Vibrational Communication and how we communicate Soul to Soul. Eloheim speaks to Margaret Henderson who opens and closes our meetings with intutive sounds. Eloheim describes how sound healing works and talks about the potential that exists within that modality.
When you are generating vibrations from your entire being and it is not limited to language, but is actually infused consciousness….this is the ability to communicate vibrationally.
When your vibration gets high, you emanate ripples of high vibration. Imagine that you were actually able to modulate and, in essence, control those ripples that you send out. Then you have a completely new level of communication available to you which is modeled on the communication style you use as a Soul.
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ELOHEIM 10-5-08: Experiencing Authenticity and Bliss
This clip includes the opening comments from our meeting at Crystal Bill’s Crystal Showroom on October 5, 2008. Bill has an amazing selection of crystal including some of the largest crystals I have ever seen in person! His website is:
The clip begins with Margaret Henderson providing intuitive sounds. Margy is a sound healer in Sonoma, CA. Her website is:
Eloheim speaks about using our new vibrational level to live more authentically. They also talk about living from Bliss which they also describe as living from a state of neutral observation.
Now we are entering a time where you subtly adjust your flow through society as you continuously increase the vibrational level you carry and the vibrational level that you Soul is able to infuse in you so that you can access higher levels of information, higher levels of insight, and really live from a place of clarity and insight.
While we were at Crystal Bill’s, Bill took this photo of me holding a very special crystal. The crystal was illuminated from below and projected a rainbow across my face!
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