July, 2011
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GUEST AUTHOR: Kate – Why is this film in my camera?
Hello everyone! Today we have the third installment in my continuing Guest Author series. You can read the first two posts here and here.
Today Kate tells us about her journey with Eloheim and her favorite Eloheim tool: Why Is This Film In My Camera?
When I first came across Veronica Torres and her work with Eloheim and the Council, I knew right away that the information that was coming through her was what I was looking for. I had been on a spiritual path for many years and was familiar with “the talk” but at this point, I was looking for concrete tools to help me “walk the talk.” I wanted to take my spiritual “beliefs” and put them into action.
Eloheim is all about the tools so this was perfect! Each tool (and there’s a full tool box of them!) has been incredibly helpful to me, but the one I use every single day is Why is this film in my camera? Whenever there’s anything going on in my life that I don’t want to be there, it’s automatic now for me to ask myself, “Why is this film in my camera? or why am I creating this? What subconscious beliefs (or static as Eloheim calls it) am I holding on to, that are sabotaging me from creating the peaceful, drama free, abundant, healthy and absolutely fabulous life that I really want?”
I love this tool because it brings everything right back to me where I have control over my own beliefs and my own responses. Pointing fingers outwardly simply doesn’t bring me any satisfaction anymore. In fact, it feels like a complete waste of my time and energy now to indulge in the dramorama. It took awhile to move away from it and occasionally, where a belief is really firmly entrenched, I find myself back in the blame groove for a few seconds but very quickly now, I’m able to recognize what I’m doing and switch back to asking myself, “Why this film is in my camera?” It takes me out of victim mode and puts me firmly in the driver’s seat.
Working with Veronica, Eloheim and the Council for the past year and a half has been dramatically life changing for me I love being a part of the Wednesday meetings and more often than not, the topics for the evening are synchronistically, exactly what I myself have been dealing with that particular week. Through the weekly gatherings we’re encouraged to take the next step, and the next and the next and always with a “tool” to help us navigate our way. There’s a great combination of fun and laughter, as well as a sincerity and respect for the process. It’s down to earth, practical, hands on spirituality which suits me perfectly!
Kate Iredale
Thanks Kate! Why is this film in my camera? is a tool I haven’t thought of in awhile. Thanks for the reminder! That tool was the star of the show during the 10-20-10 meeting. Here are the Girls talking about it:
One of the ways to love and appreciate yourself well is that when you look out and you see the movie screen and you like what you see and it feels good and it’s conscious and it’s high-vibrational and supportive of growth and maybe it’s even fun … love yourself for having put that film in your damn camera. Hello? Do you hear what we’re saying? When the flowers on the side of the road are beautiful, love yourself for putting that film in your camera. Yes? OK? Remember, it can’t happen in your world unless it’s true in you. So you can appreciate yourself, appreciate yourself, for what you see in your world.
If you would like to hear the entire 10-20-10 meeting for $1.99, please follow this link:
Would you like to share your story? Please email Eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.

Conscious Awareness Creates Transformation! ~ 6-29-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of June 29, 2011 was one of those meetings where the entire Council builds on the same subject – To live as your truth, you must acknowledge your truth, and then use conscious awareness to create the transformation you seek. We had a great time and had a large group of folks join us online. More details below:
On 6-28-2011 I was interviewed on the Channels’ Channel radio show. This interview focused on how I became a channel, what it’s like to channel, and my insights on how it helps my spiritual journey. Eloheim has a great message about service mentality toward the end. You can listen by clicking on this link.
The Guardians: Have the intention for attention! What happens if the non-distracted truth of you is in this moment? The completeness of you includes your internal acknowledgment of shadow or shame. Let the truth of you be true.
The Visionaries: Conscious awareness creates transformation it cannot do anything but! Bring the truth of you to every moment. Described what living as Homo spiritus is like. YouTube video below.
Eloheim: Revisited the 10 things, Checking things off the list, Short factual statements, and Circle of possibilities tools and spoke about alternate expressions (past/future lives). They also reminded us that ascension includes ascending all lifetimes and that ascension doesn’t mean “up” but means that your soul comes in. Re-languaged the word abundance. If thinking could have solved it, it would have solved it long ago because you sure have thought about it enough!
The Girls: If something pops up in more than one area of your life, work on those first; they aren’t the hardest thing, they are the just the loudest!
Fred: One year anniversary! Fred spoke about the lament, “I want to go home!” Reminded us that home is within. “You come home to the interior truth and validity of you.”
The Warrior: Spoke about The Council’s tools. Asked us to make a list of our three favorite tools and bring (or email) the list to next week’s meeting. If you would like to learn about The Council’s tools, please refer to our books The Choice for Consciousness and The Homo Spiritus Sessions. They said that this information would give The Council the opportunity to evaluate how the tools are being used so that they can help us more effectively.
Matriarch: Was fascinated by The Warrior’s changed role on the Council and hoped we would all participate in the “home work” assignment.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
June, 2011
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GUEST AUTHOR: My Private Session with Eloheim
Here is the second entry in our new Guest Author series. The first entry by Randy Sue Collins about her Eloheim inspired coming of age ceremony for her daughter can be read on this page. Would you like to share your experiences with Eloheim and The Council’s teachings? Send an email to eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
Dear Veronica and Eloheim,
Where do I start?!
Since I found you several years ago, the way I live and view my life has become easier, more peaceful and much clearer. The way I act and react has changed. You touched a chord deep inside me, and your methods and tools were exactly what I needed as my next step. As the saying goes, When the student is ready, the teacher will appear and this student was ready for the Eloheim.
Your humor and plain speaking is what drew me in, no esoteric, hard-to-understand speeches from the Eloheim. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly would love to be a physical part of Veronica’s group and just have conversations every week with her, the Eloheim and the rests of the Council. Ahhhhhhh……bliss.
Anyhow, my favorite eye opening moment was the Core Emotion tool**. I did a session with the Eloheim last year and worked on my core emotion. I have used this tool every single time since then whenever I am triggered by someone. Oh wow, there it is again, my core emotion rising up to bite me, asking to be healed. Each time though, it is smaller and smaller and more easily recognized and released. I am to the point now where when someone does something that used to trigger me, I can stand back and go, “Hmmmm, that used to make me feel like I don’t matter (my core emotion) but now I know I do matter, most importantly, I matter to me and it’s not important to my soul’s growth if they don’t feel the same.”
I can use a work example for you. This most recent event happened about two months ago. Last Fall, we changed departments and supervisors once again. They have moved my position five times in six years because they don’t know where to put us. We have grown and the need for us has grown but the company is still figuring our job out. This last time was upsetting because it felt like we “don’t matter,” again, it’s like we are the unwanted foster children and they just keep putting us somewhere, anywhere to get us out of their hair. I had to work through those feelings and I knew my core emotion was triggered big time but I did it and was able to help one of my other coworkers at the same time.
This last time two months ago I was triggered by a new demand they put on us that no one else has to adhere to, and I could feel those, “I am less than them, I don’t matter” feelings rise up again. It also triggered my control issues at the same time. Instead of stewing for a week, I was able to work through the feelings and be done with them in less than a day. Amazing. I do matter!! I have no control over anyone else, but I can control how I act and react. And I choose to value myself no matter the situation I am in.
I loved this Core Emotion lesson so much I took what I learned and taught it to my spiritual group in a class one night a month ago. I know I did not do as good a job as the Eloheim but I gave them and Veronica full credit for the lesson. I was able to walk one person through the steps so she could find her core emotion which helped the others understand how to do it. Yesterday I heard from my friend in the group that I had helped and she told me she used it to clear her emotions from an upsetting encounter with her sister. She says it usually takes her a long time to calm down and then she just represses it so she can move on. This time she says, “My emotional state dramatically changed.” This time it was crystal clear to her why she was reacting that way. Yippeee, the Eloheim strike again!
From their teachings, I am able to not take on someone else’s emotions and problems as my own. I don’t gather them and keep them anymore. With their humorous take on life, I look at things with a lighter view. And I can help others find their way with the tools too, giving the Eloheim full credit for them. I often remember the analogy they told us about how it was like we were put blindfolded, with the use of one leg and one arm, in a room full of obstacles and given the tail to pin on the donkey which was way over on the other side of the room. That makes me laugh and relax. Yup, that’s me, hopping wily nily through the room, I’ll get there in my own way and time but in the meantime, what an interesting trip! You just gotta laugh!
I could go on and on but I’ll stop now….
Thank you Veronica for being brave enough to put yourself out there and do this for all of us.
I love you all.
Thanks Dorothy! It’s wonderful to hear your story and see how Eloheim’s teachings have helped you. If you are unfamiliar with Eloheim’s Core Emotion teaching, here is the definition:
**Core Emotion (CE)
Your core emotion is a theme present in every thought, action, feeling, dream, hope, experience, and desire. It is present in all moments of your life. Your core emotion is unique to you and unique to this lifetime. Discovering your core emotion often answers long-standing questions such as: “Why does this keep happening?” “Why do all my relationships follow the same pattern?” “Why can’t I get past this blockage in my path?”
Most people experience their core emotion from an unconscious or unhealed perspective. Learning to work with your core emotion from a healed or conscious perspective is often described as “life-changing.” Since the core emotion is present in all aspects of your life, bringing consciousness to the core emotion brings consciousness to all aspects of your life.
The exploration of your core emotion is one of our specialties. We have a specific process for revealing your core emotion and helping you move from an unhealed to a healed relationship with it. Because of the intensely personal nature of this exploration and the time required to fully explore it, we only offer this process through private sessions. For more information, see the private sessions page.
Eloheim and The Council are best know for their straight forward approach and the myriad of specific tools they offer to help us move out of habitual responses and into conscious interactions with our lives. Their book, The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living, Vol. 1 features 22 tools along with over 100 definitions of terms and concepts. The Choice for Consciousness is available from all major, online, book retailers and by visiting this page.

Soul’s Insight is a FULL BODY Experience! 6-22-2011
Hello everyone! Our channeling session of June 22, 2011 was really fascinating. The Council expanding on many classic tools and brought new insight to their latest tool: The circle of possibilities. If you missed the introduction of The Circle of possibilities tool, visit this page.
“It’s the best tool we have right now to help you live as Homo spiritus; this is the Homo spiritus tool!” The Warrior
The Guardians: Examined our energy fields to see what we had brought with us and what we desired to experience. They asked, “What do you want us [The Council] to see and is that what you are portraying? You are an active participant in this exchange.”
The Visionaries: “How do you know the truth of you?” Took the “What is true now?” tool to a deeper level and expanded on the “What is in my lap?” tool. “This moment is a note in the entire song of your soul. Remember the larger picture!”
Eloheim: Revisited the “Vulnerability vs. weakness” tool and clarified how to “want” to be vulnerable. “How do you interact with the truth that has happened?” Powerful conversations with the group about parenting, manifestation, and possibilities.
The Girls: “Lay out the facts and let the reality of the facts give you the flavor and taste of the underlying issue. What is the life I want?”
Fred: “Bring your soul’s insight into all seven chakras and make insight a full body experience.” YouTube Video
The Warrior: “We experience you as room to grow, we don’t experience you as being forced to grow. How can we help you see yourself as ‘room to grow?’ ” Expanded on the “Circle of possibilities” tool, “It’s the best tool we have right now to help you live as Homo spiritus; this is the Homo spiritus tool!”
Matriarch: Illuminate the truth of you, for you.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011

Q&A with Eloheim ~ 6-12-2011
Q&A with Eloheim ~ 102 minutes
We had a great Q&A with Eloheim on June 12th. The list of questions answered are below.
Here is part of the answer to the question: I have been so unbalanced lately. Feeling very frantic and nervous and jittery. What’s happening?
During the answer, Eloheim referrers to their tool: Equal Signs. I have included the video about Equal Signs below. It’s a great tool, easily one of the most powerful tools Eloheim has given us.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
Questions answered during the June 2011 Q&A:
I’m wondering what this squeaky, electronic crackling noise inside my head is. I have been experiencing this sensation since 2005, around the time that I had created an extreme victim situation where people were doing terrible things to me. This noise in my head often triggers me – it feels intrusive. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t like it a lot of the time. Is it my soul? I have no idea. It just feels really weird and I’m wondering why I still get it after all this time.
I’m not completely following a government rule to the letter that I don’t really agree with (not taxes). But keep feeling funny about it, it pops up every few months or so because of something I hear on tv etc. I get myself into a state, tight solar plexus, tight chest, everything tight and start attracting parking tickets etc. Then feel angry with myself for feeling this way as it really isn’t a big deal (especially when I look at what our politicians in the UK have been up to lately) and I need to look after myself, and I snap out of it. Although having healed a lot recently I have always seemed to feel guilty about something, most of the things utterly ridiculous, so I feel this could be about something deeper than the subject matter. It often drags me down when I get happy. Not sure what I should do about it in terms of completely clearing my negative feeling around this. I feel if I could get clear about this and my social anxiety problem I would be really happy!
I have something that I would like clarity on. When I’m in public, I have a conscious awareness that young children, elderly people, and animals, especially if they are very young, or very old, will stare at me for extended periods of time–they can’t take their eyes off me. It feels like some form of communication going on, but I really have no idea, so I just give them my attention and continue smiling through the moment. QUESTION: Does this have anything to do with ENERGETICS? And if so, what can I do to take this to the next level of consciously connecting with them?
I packed my car with essentials and drove out of my cage to a cottage in Ferndale. This adventure has been quite transformative. I got the insight that my triggers are my hand holds to ascension: the cottage was not clean, it is overcast almost every day, and I am very isolated with no friends around. I stated my preference about the lack of cleanliness to the property manager, and then started in cleaning, which I am still doing. It is a very grounding exercise. The overcast gives me the opportunity to find ways to brighten my day with things I love to do, or explore new things that might bring me joy. The isolation gives me an opportunity to connect deeply with nature and with myself. It also gives me the opportunity to be more outgoing when I am around others. My latest insight is to go more deeply into the moment with each of these activities, and to relax into not having to do something every moment, but to “be” more in the moment. The lack of sun really gets me down. The cleaning is not the reason I came here. When I am out in town, I have so much fun being with people and enjoying the new stuff, and then I drive back here and hate being in the isolation and cold and damp. Do you have any other tools I might use to deepen this experience in Ferndale?
I feel like I have dealt with my belly/back-up plan issue from last time so I would like to know what is the next biggest issue that stands between me and manifesting my freedom.
What do i need to know about the medical condition of bleeding during menopause?
I have been so unbalanced lately. Feeling very frantic and nervous and jittery. What’s happening?
I know I haven’t found “the perfect place” to move, but what I have available to me is really beautiful and has so much of what I want. My roommate has let me know in exact terms what is missing in my chosen place. In frustration over both his correctness and negativity I barked at him to stop. The interesting part is that I created all of this! Wow. How might I now create a voice of positive support?
What is the career that’s best for me? I’m 21 and have been getting into Reiki and learning spiritual tools and practicing seeing auras and being aware of the body and mind and what they’re telling me. I have a vision of what I want to be doing but I’m not sure really what is best for me to focus on to realize myself as a whole, enlightened being.
I was listening to an older meeting (June 2009) which contained a reference about obtaining the ability to “change our physical structure.” As this would be a really fun potential, I was looking for some more information in order to achieve this.
This week I am being triggered by a cousin of mine graduating. I want to transform this because I have had this issue since I was younger and I just want to heal it more than anything. The thing is that when I was younger I grew up in a very poor environment and we were kind of seen as the scrubby kids in the family; poor and always getting into trouble a lot. My cousins are younger than me and I see how the family treats them so differently. They make a bid deal about all their achievements and birthdays and how they do sports etc. The family never cared about our birthdays and we were too poor to participate in sports in school. I know I am sounding very victim mentality about this and what I am feeling is a lot of anger towards the fact that growing up nobody really cared about our situation or tried to help and yet my cousins are praised for everything they do. I know I create my own reality and I always am proud of the things I made it through as a kid but still I have an emotional response to the situation. Can you point me in a direction for transformation on this? I know I am not a victim but the emotion of it is hard to transform for me.
The question I have is about my dad. My dad is the only person remaining in my life that I feel continues to invade my day-to-day life with negative energy. There is a lot to this, but on a simplified level, he is the typical plugged-in, closed-minded mirror of the mass consciousness. While I am working to embrace uncertainty, my dad continues to try and push certainty onto the situations in my life (that involve him) so that he in turn can be certain of things in his own. This is extremely frustrating due to the fact that he is attempting to make plans around my living situation (I live in a house he owns), which in turn leaves me feeling rushed to make rash decisions. I’m anxiously awaiting the day that I am free of any obligation to my father, but until then, I’m stuck DREADING having to even speak with him (I simply can’t stand him anymore). Can you provide any helpful insight or anything that may help me with this?

Deep Sadness Due to Soul Disconnect ~ 6-08-2011
Hello everyone,
Last Wednesday was a busy day for me. I was interviewed by David McMaster on the New Potentials program just before our weekly meeting. David and I talked about self-publishing and I also channeled Eloheim. You can listen to the 60 minute program by following this link:
Veronica and Eloheim interviewed by David McMaster on New Potentials
There was lots of powerful information in the June 8, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians: Your attention directly impacts the information available. You give us permission through your attention to access your energy field, to access what is happening within you and that allows us to assist you in releasing that what you are ready to release and to help you open to what you are ready to open to.
The Visionaries: Got tongue tied for the very first time! Free will is: Everything is your responsibility. Your attention creates an energetic, transformational place. Where will the depth of me be explored? Where will I have an energetic exchange?
Eloheim: Followed up on recent questions by three group members. Revisited the “Go to the bathroom” and “What’s behind the mirror?” tools. They also spoke about the deep sadness that can result when “the truth of me is not accessible to me” due to the separation we feel from our Soul.
The Girls: Explained how saying, “I can’t believe so and so has that problem” alerts your soul to something it might find interesting even if you don’t! They then detailed how to respond to seeing choices that others make that you don’t want to make.
Fred: Spoke about the energies of Chiron – the energy of the things being revealed.
The Warrior: Started a new chapter in his story picking up 20 years later. Talked about what it is like to be older and experiencing changing roles. Spoke about Cedric’s kindness.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting with a “hug.”
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011

The Choice for Consciousness, Vol. 1 FREE Sample
FREE sample of The Choice for Consciousness, Vol. 1
This sample contains seven tools. The full version of this book contains 22 tools and over 100 definitions of terms and concepts along with special features and additional information.
The full version of The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living, Vol 1. is available on Amazon.
Ebook ~ $3.99
Paperback ~ $9.99

A Doorway to a New Experience ~ 6-1-2011
Hello everyone,
The channeling session of June 1, 2011 included messages from each of the Council members.
The Guardians: What is in your experience that you are ready to move beyond? It is very important to be aware of that which you wish to infuse with your soul’s perspective.
The Visionaries: Is it “go” or “no go”? We will tell you that it’s “no go” if your habits, baggage, static, and un-boundaried perspectives are not being attended to. You don’t have to be finished or done. What you need to be is willing to align your free will behind the idea that this is what you desire and be attentive to what arises.
Eloheim: Took questions from the group including a profound discussion about lack. They also introduced a new tool: Doorway to a new experience.
The Girls: Were very impressed by Eloheim’s new tool and spoke about how the energies shifted in the room as the tool was explored. They also spoke about desiring “healing above all else.”
Fred: Finally talked about the energy of the Sun. The Sun is the life force, it’s the engine. It’s all about receiving!
The Warrior: Talked about setting boundaries quickly. Get clear about what your truth so that you can express it clearly early in the emotive cycle.
Matriarch: Remember, when you get triggered be sure to say, “I accept you, but I want more than you” to ensure you don’t build more static during the transformation of the trigger.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
May, 2011
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Remaking Relationships with Clear Boundaries ~ 5-25-2011
Hello everyone,
We had a great meeting on May 25, 2011.
The Guardians: Spoke about how strongly they felt the group “emanating their truth.”
The Visionaries: Summarized “the plan” of this incarnation and updated us on our progress. “More often now you are being reminded of triggers rather than being triggered.” We are past the “prep” work and we are now living from the Homo spiritus paradigm.
Eloheim: Used several examples from the group to speak about setting boundaries. Eloheim elevated “setting boundaries” to equal importance with clearing static/baggage, transforming triggers, and breaking habits; setting boundaries is a vital step on the ascension process.
The Girls: Setting a boundary is a loving act! What you are saying is, “It is not my truth to interact with you in this way.” Don’t set boundaries from an energetically apologetic way – use clarity.
Fred: Made everyone laugh by trying to share his message in a quick way.
The Warrior: Talked about how they experience setting boundaries given that they live in a more survival oriented lifetime.
Matriarch: Enjoyed the irony that The Council is teaching us to set boundaries in order for us to learn that we are all one.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011

Not Do to Get, but BE to RECEIVE ~ 5-15-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a great Q&A this month. The list of questions answered is below. The YouTube video is Eloheim talking about DO TO GET.
Next month’s Q&A will be moved to June 12 as the 19th is Father’s Day.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
Questions answered 5-15-2011:
Not so much a question as a statement: I feel as if my “field” is larger and as a result I am becoming more magnetic. It is subtle, but I am noticing more people interacting with my field. It’s pretty cool! On to the question part: Since I don’t have a specific question, I’d
like to know what my soul is currently showing you for me, so that I can use the information.
Metaphorically speaking, my life feels like a car that has been taken apart in a garage with an engine to be rebuilt. A few parts are still missing – like spark plugs, and I need the new tires put on. I’m attending to a number of key things right now – looking for job, potential new housing options, etc. Particularly, I feel like I’m being sidetracked or stalled by other people in my family, and sort of stalled in general. I appreciate insights or tools in how to get unstuck.
I am willing to hear what you have to say about this issue that is residing in my lower belly. I have gone through intense clearing in this area but after a while it comes back. Can you please help me identify and deal with this once and for all and anything else that you think it would be helpful for me to know.
I am currently enjoying the new experience of left elbow pain. I’ve thrown away the possibility of knowing ‘why’ and am currently wringing out the experience to foster change. I say ‘no’ to extra work. As of last week I closed my bodywork business. Cutting away that anchor allows me to have relationships with people that don’t involve my professional hat. It frees me to move to a new city or a sunny beach, change my phone service and dream of being an artsy shop keeper. The possibilities are infinite. I wonder, dear Eloheim, how I might continue to create this new life without all the pain and physical limitations?
Can you talk about the weather patterns? It’s been raining and flooding everywhere. What’s that about?
When I am alone and looking to do something that will raise my vibration what would be the best thing to do?
I find working with a family member drains my energies. Am I violating my own boundaries or is this a new assignment that I have taken on?
I have been having an experience I would like to describe to Eloheim and then ask my question. Randomly out of nowhere I have been experiencing something hard to describe but here is the best way I can say it. It starts randomly that all of a sudden I get this feeling come over me in a quick moment that is a mixture of an instant lightheartedness and a feeling of renewed excitement of the moment that is not caused by anything happening around me. This feeling triggers almost like a memory of a feeling that I have had before. Because of the feeling in that moment it makes me instantly have a new perspective that I can only best describe as a fresh perspective…it’s starting to make me have this realization of wow it is possible to feel this way right now in this moment without anything around me initiating it…it’s basically just a feeling. The moment lasts shortly…but I am experimenting with imitating the feeling myself to kind of spark myself into trying to maintain the perspectives that I have been getting. I hope this makes sense it is hard to describe. My question is can you take a look at me energetically and tell me what you see about this.
About 4 years ago after a dentist appointment my jaw locked up. I have seen many medical and “alternative” health practitioners and no one has an idea as to what is going on. I feel I am holding on or resisting something but not sure what. I have been through times of trying to change it, fix it, but now am getting more comfortable just living with it. The question I have is what is the lesson this has for me?
Lately I’ve been feeling too “big” for my environments. For example, things seem too “small” for me (like the walls are closing in, etc.), making it hard to get comfortable, and I’m much more easily frustrated. I’m clearly ready for a big change but I’m feeling overwhelmed and less and less grounded in the process. I’m currently (desperately) seeking to move into a new home but I feel like I’m holding myself back on this by not addressing this drastic change in energy. Is there anything you can tell me about this?
Can you talk about “Do to get”?