April, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Superhero Powers, What’s Yours? 4-8-09
I suspect that we will remember the meeting of 4-8-09 for some time to come. As I write this the following morning, I can still feel the meeting unfolding and the energetic expanding.
Two days before the meeting, Eloheim asked me to send an email to the group asking them to prepare. Here is a portion of that email:
They have made it clear that we need to bring ‘all of our tools’ Wednesday night.
If this email message brings up:
Unhealed Core emotion
A desire for certainty
Disaster thinking
Bringing the past or the future into this moment
Habitual response
or any of the other things they have been teaching us to transform,then, deal with it (using your tools) before Wednesday. Ask each other for help if you need to. I would suggest that speculation (although tempting) is not helpful in this situation.
They asked me to email so folks would have a chance to shift any stuff that comes up before hand rather than during the meeting. They want to hit the ground running. They are asking for as much consciousness as we can bring. They aren’t fooling around on this.
Eloheim has taught for some time that we are moving from homo sapiens to homo spiritus. They have also taught that “you can’t have change without change.”
During this meeting, they started teaching us what it is that actually changes during this process of personal transformation.
They did this by asking us:
1. If you had a superhero power, what would your superhero power be? What brand new thing to you want in your life?
2. Why? The why is going to get us where we are going. Let’s call this equivalent to your second level core emotion process. This is as important as your core emotion was when we did core emotions.
3. Now that you have looked at why, answer the first question again as it is very likely you found in your superhero power choice: fear, unhealed core emotion, pattern of trying to cope with life, a desire to change your life in an unconscious manner, etc. Now that you have looked at why, what is your revised superhero power?
There is a shadow side to what you decided your superhero power should be and we want to know that you know what it is! As you start having these new experiences you want to make sure that you are investing in the new experiences that actually further your conscious journey and don’t instead fuel habit.
The temptation is to take a superhero power that will help you keep coping rather than increase consciousness. Because all of your life everything you have been able to do has been a coping mechanism for things you haven’t been able to do.
3. What do you think your superhero power fixes in your life? What problems do you have in your life that it would fix?
4. What do you think is the current block to getting this power?
Some people in the group chose states of being (ie: unconditionally loving) as their superhero power. Eloheim sent them back to the drawing board for a more ‘selfish’ choice and explained:
1. Superhero powers feel fun
2. It is something you are not currently experiencing. It is something you have not ever had. It is not just your healed way of being in the world. STRETCH! It is something new! It is a new crayon in your box!
3. The description of it makes a good t-shirt (this is Eloheim after all)All of these things may feel ‘pie in the sky’, they feel ‘pie in the sky’ because there is unhealed energy between you and it.
The meeting includes the group offering their choices and Eloheim discussing them. It was quite powerful! Here is a portion of the meeting toward the end.
4-8-09 – 110 minutes
–If you could have a Super-Hero Power what would it be?
–What does this tell you about your core emotion? Or
–What is the shadow side of this power?
–What is your revised Super-Hero Power based on this observation?
–What thrills you about having this power?
–How might this separate you from your spiritual journey?
–What is everyone else going to think of you when you are so different?
–What is this teaching me?— Where am I not trying to see the possible color crayons?
–Time to get specific about what different looks like.
–Why are you afraid of coloring with all of your crayons?
–Coping Mechanism – Body protects the survivability.
–Eloheim discusses the Portal that opened last week during the meeting’s discussion.
–Check your fears at the door – Stay in the moment and own your stuff.
–Understanding is over-rated – unnecessary to understand how the rest of the Earth will adapt to Homo spiritus
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in April 2009
March, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Quality of Life ~ 3-18-09
Eloheim meeting held on 3-18-09 in Sonoma, CA – 89 minutes
Topics covered:
The group decided which section to upload to YouTube this week.
This section is a humorous look at how habitual fears degrade our quality of life. Eloheim uses two different examples to illustrate the point. The conversation then flows into an explanation of where we are on the Spiritual Journey and on the path to ascension.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in March 2009
February, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Fear Patterns, Concurrent and Cascading
Eloheim has spent the last month discussing various aspects of fear. They have made it very clear that transforming our relationship to fear is a key component of the Spiritual Journey at this time.
In this clip, they describe two different fear patterns.
This clip is especially interesting as you can see how Eloheim develops a concept and then build on it as the meeting continues.
Cascading anxieties tend to take you into your childhood where you hear the voice of an authority figure telling you that you are not doing a good something-or-other.
Concurrent anxieties are issues which are alive in your life today.
The generating experience: the trauma, the drama, the thing your Soul wants to learn results in cascading and concurrent fears. Of course the generating event needs to be dealt with. Sometimes you can’t tackle the generating event until you have transformed all the fear pictures you are being shown. You are too wrapped up in [the fears] to even become conscious of the generating event.
Recent Eloheim messages about fear:
Transforming Fear from 1-28-09
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009

ELOHEIM: The Fear Freeway ~ 2-4-09
The meeting of February 4th was a continuation of the discussion of fear from the previous meeting. Click here to visit that posting.
Eloheim introduced a new concept: the fear freeway. It is a very entertaining way to look at our habits. Here are some quotes from the entire meeting. The video below covers the section about the fear freeway and includes a discussion of rewriting our neural pathways.
In this clip, Eloheim refers to the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know. You can learn more about that movie here.
[Life] could be MORE, are you interested?
Feel the fear and open to insight anyway!
You are asking the body to inform this moment rather than control this moment.
When you experience fear say, “I know that this is only a choice; this isn’t the only state of being that is allowed here.”
You have always thought that there was [only] one way of being: Fear or Not Fear – Duality. What we are trying to wake up in you is a brand new paradigm that says, “there is also consciousness.”
You have the golden ticket and all you want is wind in your hair down the fear freeway! There’s more for you but you have to make the spiritual choice using your free will to get on that back road and re-write those neural pathways. If there isn’t an AH HA, look for it!
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009
January, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Defining High Vibration ~ 1-14-09
This clip is from the beginning of the meeting held 1-14-09. In it Eloheim clarifies what they mean by ‘High Vibration” and “High Vibrational Living.”
Here are some quotes from the clip:
It’s not ‘I feel good’ so I am high vibrational or ‘I feel sad’ so I am low vibrational.
Consciousness generates high vibration. Conscious acts raise your vibrational rate. Being in a conscious frame of mind, even if you don’t like what you are experiencing, is the key to being a high vibrational being in this world.
Am I conscious about how I am feeling?
Am I aware of what’s going on in my body right now….am I asking for this moment to show more to me than what the surface level is revealing?
Judgments and triggers from the past shape your current time, shape your current experience.
Take that ‘fresh look’ at what you are experiencing.
There is a deeper layer of revelation available to you, but you are the one who has to use free will to choose to explore it.
Are you asking, ‘what is this teaching me?’
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January 2009
December, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Going With The Flow
Here is another clip from the 12-17-08 meeting. If you missed the first clip from the meeting, please visit: https://eloheim.com/2008/12/19/eloheim-3-spiritual-decisions/ to watch it.
Here, Eloheim is specifically addressing a question I had from earlier in the week. I was presented with a new situation. I decided that I would just “go with the flow” and practice neutral observation along the way. I thought this was putting Eloheim’s teachings to work for me. The situation turned out to be quite uncomfortable.
Upon reflection, I realized that I needed to set boundaries in similar situations going forward. I also realized that I was a bit confused about how “going with the flow” and “setting intentions” and “neutral observation” and “boundaries” all fit together.
Some quotes from the clip:
Going with the flow is being a victim.
The difference is the attitude…remember neutral observation comes with the ability to set boundaries. Don’t forget that part. That is the only thing that makes neutral observation work. Otherwise, neutral observation is just (being) numb.
Go with the flow is ‘I am going to do my best to stay neutral no matter what happens.’ That means you are at the whim of others.
If you just say, ‘I am going to go with the flow’, mean: ‘I am going to be neutral and set boundaries as this flow occurs’. Not just, ‘I am going to suck it up and whatever comes down the pipe I am going to take.’ There is a BIG BIG BIG BIG attitude difference.

ELOHEIM: 3 Spiritual Decisions
The channeling session of December 17, 2008 was quite unusual. Eloheim decided to give each person at the meeting a ‘mini session’. They walked around the circle working and talking with each person. This clip comes from a section of the meeting where Eloheim was ‘taking a break’ and sat down to share the Three Spiritual Decisions.
During this clip you will see something that doesn’t happen very often! I blocked Eloheim’s ability to share their story by wanting to use my brain to remember the first time this story had been shared.
Eloheim decided, for the first time, to not coddle me in this, but to wait for me to stop trying to ‘figure it out’ before sharing the rest of their message. In the past, they would have worked with me to make me feel more comfortable. This time, they just waited me out.
There is always learning available!
By the way, YES, it was cold that night. Remember, this is California. When it gets down to 31 degrees outside, it feels VERY COLD to me! Some might notice that I am sitting directly in front of the fireplace. You might also notice that I didn’t feel warm enough to take off my hat. Freezing is FREEZING to this California native!
This clip focuses on the Three Spiritual Decisions, the change in energy between 2008 and 2009, creating your reality, being a victim, the call to light workers for spiritual focus, and much more.
September, 2008
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ELOHEIM VIDEO: 9-17-08 Who You Truly Are
This video is from the 9-17-08 meeting. Eloheim talks about the Energetic Opportunity to find out “who you truly are” which we all have access to right now. This clip builds and builds to a very powerful summary of what we are able to access right now!
I am no longer going to deny the expansiveness of my Soul that I have access to.
Eloheim is channeled five times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Our meetings are open to the public and admission is by donation. Private sessions by phone or in person are also available. For session information or to purchase a CD of any of our previous meetings, email Eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
August, 2008
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ELOHEIM: How to use Energies of Aug 08 to fuel Ascension
Here Eloheim explains how to tap into the flow of the energies of August 2008 to fuel the Ascension path. This two part clip includes comments from one of our group members expressing how powerful this tool has been for her so far this month. The end of part two includes a preview of the energies of September 2008.
Anything that triggers you, anything that you prefer to have differently, anything you are ready to heal, anything you are ready to release, anything you are ready to transform, anything that you are just ready to dump, drop or be done with, any state of being you would like to experience, any agreement you are making with your Soul. This is the month to get clear about what you are ready to have going on for the next two years.
Eloheim is more reserved and is very forthright during these clips. These clips came after an incredibly emotional opening to the meeting. The emotion I experienced as the channel was generated by the extraordinary amount of compassion that I felt from Eloheim.
This compassion is driven by their understanding of how challenging it can be to walk the ascension path and to ‘argue with our biology’: When our biology tells us that change is dangerous and should be avoided, when our biology tells us to avoid the unknown, when our biology tries to ‘keep us safe’ by limiting our transformation.
They explained that the biology which keeps the body functioning even when we ‘want to give up’ is the same biology which keeps us in habitual response in order to facilitate a feeling of safety. As we walk the path of Ascension, we have to rewrite our habitual responses to triggers. Often, this means confronting deep seated fears and anxieties. Eloheim’s compassion for our predicament was nearly overwhelming.
The only way I was able to process and release this compassion was through tears. This is why my voice sounds different in these clips.
Eloheim makes it quite clear that they are here to assist us on the ascension path to the best of their abilities. I included an extended amount of video on this so that you would get the full sense of what they are offering.
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2

Save the Date, Oct 5 Eloheim Channeling at Crystal Bill’s
Please mark your calendars for our next channeling event at Crystal Bill’s beautiful Crystal Showroom in Mill Valley (Marin County), California.
It will be held on Sunday, October 5th from 4-6 pm. Admission is by donation. There will be plenty of time to view and shop Bill’s amazing inventory.
Crystal Bill’s Showroom
407 Ash Street
Mill Valley, CA
(415) 381-6627 (RSVP appreciated)
Cost: by donation
Map Quest Map of this location
Here are some images from our previous events. Including an amazing orb!