July, 2008
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ELOHEIM VIDEO: Preparing for the energetic shift of Aug 08
This video is from the July 16th meeting. In this meeting, Eloheim describes the upcoming energetic shift due to take place during August 2008. There are four aspects to this shift: Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, The Olympics, and many community leaders experiencing life reviews.
Toward the beginning of part one, Eloheim talks about “letting go of the rope” and “becoming a spiritual free agent” which happened during the major energy shift of late March 2008. If you aren’t familiar with these concepts, you may want to review this post from the April 1, 2008 session before watching the videos.
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
Eloheim is channeled in Sonoma, CA every Wednesday evening. Meetings are open to the public.