February, 2011
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What Is Insight From My Soul? How Do I Access it? ~ 2-16-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of February 16, 2011 was a partial whiteboard meeting. Eloheim did an amazing presentation about the tool: Equal Signs. The video clip today is from the end of that presentation when Eloheim was asked about Insight.
All of the members of the Council participated in the meeting as well.
You can access the entire video or audio of the meeting by following the links below.
The book is moving right along. The cover art has been finalized, the content is 98% finalized, and I am doing all the zillion things that need to be done in order to have it offered as an ebook, paperback, and hardcover. Stay tuned! I anticipate having more news very soon.
Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to get out of our brains and centered into the moment.
Visionaries: Talked about embedded advertising and how we can be conscious of it and use it as a game to open our awareness.
Eloheim: Used the white board to discuss the equal signs tool.
The Girls: Encouraged us to recognize that we have become more than we were, and to experience the grander version of ourselves.
Warrior: Continued his story of having more children, then discussed worry and how worrying makes you impotent by taking you out of the moment.
Fred: Talked about remembering the experience of why we chose to live our lives in the human form.
Matriarch: Closed with a message of love and encouragement.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011

A Crash Course In How to Love Yourself ~ 2-9-2011
Hello everyone!
First some announcements!
The book is coming along nicely. It has been to the editor and is now back with me. I am adding the copyright page, the acknowledgments, some background information about the Council, the ISBN, and a few other things. THEN IT WILL BE READY!!!
Once that is done, I will do the additional things that are required for me to sell it on Amazon as a Kindle book and on the other ebook platforms. Things like cover art, writing the blurb (back cover copy), and getting it converted to the correct format to be read on all sorts of different devices.
The meeting of February 9, 2011 included messages from each of The Council members. The highlights for me were Eloheim taking the What is True Now? to a new level, the Warrior making it home in time for the birth, and the Girls giving us a crash course in loving ourselves.
The Girls star in the YouTube video this week:
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011
Guardians: Opened the meeting with a request to open and clear.
Visionaries: Discussed out hold-out places of fear, and advised us on moving toward consciousness using our tools.
Eloheim: Talked about using the “I’m tempted” tool and “What is true now?” to help us change our neural pathways from fear to consciousness.
The Girls: Gave us a crash course on loving ourselves.
Warrior: Continued his story of Marianna giving birth, including the panic he feels and how he deals with it.
Fred: Checked in on our crown chakra connection to our souls’ perspectives.
Matriarch: Closed with a message of love, and suggested we take the time to notice our crown chakra connection.
January, 2011
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Fear-Based and Consciousness-Based Operating Systems ~ 1-12-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, January 12, 2011 is a meeting we won’t soon forget! The night before, Eloheim kept me awake for over an hour telling me all about the meeting and making sure I knew just what was needed for the presentation they had planned.
This was the first time in over 8 years of weekly meetings that we didn’t sit in a circle. Everyone sat in two half-circle rows so that they could all see what Eloheim was writing.
Eloheim proceeded to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. I have included a portion of their talk in the video below.
It was very different to channel Eloheim in this ‘mode’. Typically Eloheim reads the energy of the room. This time, since they were summarizing their teachings they didn’t access the energy of the room. To me, it constantly felt like I was trying to remember something and couldn’t…for 85 minutes.
Added to the challenge was that Eloheim can get distracted by ANYTHING! Imagine keeping them on track when they were sitting in a new chair and writing on a white erase board! This just might have been the first time they ever really wrote. They did draw a picture for us once before, but an entire night of spelling and spatial orientation and all that…..never before.
I’m right here doing a compare U2U and I’m just going to say it, this would have been impossible not that long ago.
Making something hard look easy once again. 🙂
The whiteboard meeting! Eloheim planned a special presentation for the meeting. The other Council members did not interact verbally in this meeting. Eloheim used a whiteboard to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system, and explaining the tools we use to make our transition while creating the presentation.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011

Are You Living or Just Coping? ~ 1-5-11
Hello everyone,
January 5, 2011 started off with The Guardians doing silent energy work and the Visionaries jumping in to passionately speak about uncertainty. This meeting is FULL of examples of how we easily experience uncertainty in some situations (How does the car actually work? How does my body actually digest its’ food?) yet become paralyzed in other situations (What does he think of me? What job should I take?)
When coping craps out, consciousness comes in. Turn on the engine of consciousness. – The Visionaries
I don’t know what’s going on here – YEAH!!!! You are uncertain all the time and this isn’t something to be ashamed of. – The Visionaries
Eloheim tied the uncertainty/certainty idea into how we handle our relationship to safety.
[Being uncertain] is normal human stuff. If you are not resisting I don’t know….you take away the tension. We’ve come to the meat of it – what do you do with uncertainty? – Eloheim
The Girls, wow, they are great!
If you desire certainty and control all the time, but you can’t have it, then you can feel like a failure. A new relationship with uncertainty makes it easier to love yourself. – The Girls
The Warrior
MARRIED!!!!! Everyone agreed that they should pick up the story right where they left off the week before. It is the story of the wedding feast and making peace with the neighboring king through Cedric and the other stable boy getting into a fight! This week’s story concluded Chapter 1 of their story.
Fred and the Matriarch finalized the meeting by adding their unique signatures.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
Guardians: (Silent energy work)
Visionaries: A deep discussion of uncertainty. Moving out of just coping with our fears and into finding comfort in uncertainty.
Eloheim: Told us that being uncertain is our nature, and when we become comfortable with our nature, we can be more in the moment. Questions and answers about uncertainty and practical usage in our lives.
The Girls: Because we can never attain certainty, striving for it leads us into being mean to ourselves. Whenever you want certainty, you’re setting yourself up to fail. When we can find peace with uncertainty, we can find serenity. Peace with uncertainty is serenity.
Warrior: Continues his story of the wedding, using Cedric getting into a fight with a boy from the neighboring kingdom to help illustrate the points: When you tell your truth you help other people to be more sure about who you are and where you stand. When you’re comfortable in uncertainty, you make it easier to be around you.
Fred: Talked about the joy of uncertainty, using a story comparing playing pool to creating the universe and the fun and creativity that can only be experienced in uncertainty.
Matriarch: Commented on The Girls’ talk about setting ourselves up to fail when we look for certainty.
December, 2010
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Energies of 2011 – The Year of Balance ~ 12-29-10
Hello everyone!
The last meeting of 2010 was wonderful. Each of the Council members gave a send off to the new year. Well, aside from The Girls. They basically skipped their section so that we could all hear more about the Warrior’s wedding! The Warrior got married and it was beautiful!!! What a fun meeting!
The video clip is Eloheim speaking about the energies of 2011 – The Year of Balance.
Happy Balanced New Year to all of you!!!
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010
Guardians: Opened the meeting by urging us to release and leave behind everything that we do not want to carry forward into 2011, primarily energetics pertaining to our first chakras. They encourage us to say, “I’m ready to release the patterns that no longer serve me.”
Visionaries: Urged us to practice reclining into uncertainty as much as we can. In doing so, we open ourselves up to a vast array (infinite) of possibilities. They gave us a fun visual to go along with the concept: the bowling alley.
Eloheim: Talked about resistance to acknowledging the truth, especially the fear of death. We don’t have to dwell on our fears to acknowledge them, but if we don’t at least acknowledge them they will nag at us in conscious and unconscious ways. Also, with 2011 being the “year of balance,” a discussion of what it means to balance our chakras.
The Girls: Came in quickly to say they enjoyed the physical experience of having a mani-pedi with Veronica, and to express their joy at the Warrior’s wedding.
Warrior: The Wedding! The Warrior and Marianna marry.
Fred: Discussed what the idea of infinite possibilities means. Also made New Year’s resolutions about becoming more comfortable in the body and communicating in human language.
Matriarch: Some script-holders reflect our truths to us. The Matriarch suggests that we gaze into our own truths and allow them to be emanated into the world.

How do I know if I am living the TRUTH of me? 12-22-10
Hello everyone!
The meeting of December 22, 2010 was really powerful. I love this video clip from the Visionaries. It is one of those ‘sum up the recent concepts’ type of videos. It really helps when they offer a bit of the big picture in this way.
The meeting also included Eloheim speaking at length (this was one of our longest meetings ever) at how possibilities can bring up fear and what to do about it. I found this conversation extremely helpful!
Let’s frolic in the field of infinite possibilities!!!
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010
Guardians: Opened the meeting by asking us to concentrate on presence, and reminding us to use the “I’m tempted to…” tool to be present with the truth of ourselves.
Visionaries: Discussed: What is the truth of you? They walked us through some ways to help us discover our truth in any moment.
Eloheim: An in-depth look at last week’s “homework”: When you look at the field of infinite possibilities, what do you think is possible but not possible (for you)? Used answers from the group and other examples to illuminate the concept of being open to possibilities.
The Girls: (Want a pedicure!) Explained that the concept of infinite possibilities doesn’t have to center on grand or huge or extravagant things or events, it can focus on small things. Remembering to be kind to yourself while being open to possibilities is a good way to love yourself.
Warrior: Continues his tale of going to see the queen, and has new experiences with infinite possibilities, including his betrothal.
Fred: Tells us that the entire universe is designed to support our shifting into Homo spiritus, and wants us to feel that the universe supports us souls.
Matriarch: Told us that they experience us as present, growing, and complete at the same time.

Teach Children To Emanate Their Truth 12-19-10
Hello everyone! We had a great Q&A on December 19, 2010. The free video clip is Eloheim answering the question:
In what way can I serve my children without constantly coming into conflict with what their father thinks is always best for them and without weakening my own position?
A great video which goes on to talk about how to emanate your truth and how to model emanating your truth to others.
Follow the Read More link for the video and the list of all of the questions which were answered.
REMINDER: We hold a Q&A on the third Sunday of each month at 1:00pm Pacific.
12-19-10 ~ 88 minutes ~ December Q&A
Questions answered during this meeting:
In what way can I serve my children without constantly coming into conflict with what their father thinks is always best for them and without weakening my own position?
I have been exploring self love through the healing of an illness over the past year. My recovery process forced me to stop and rest. Subsequently, I have had to take over a year off from working. I now feel like I’m ready to look at rejoining the work world among other things. Yet, I feel so awkward and fearful… The questions swimming in my mind are: What kind of a job should I look for? Will a job be there for me? Will the type of job I need be okay for sustaining my health? How do I go about doing this now?
I have recently been experiencing a strong feeling of distancing myself from my current “life”…any insights would be lovely…thanks
I have a question that is really bugging me while at the same time being kind of taboo. I strongly dislike children (and babies), always have, even when I (technically) was one myself. I say technically because I always felt like an adult trapped in a child’s body. No matter how many horrible incidents there were, now I’m an adult and supposed to like them… right? Well, I don’t, and I wonder if this is a past life influence leaking into this life.
How can I be the completeness of me with my parents?
I’m in love with Fred (one of the members of the Council). Exactly what is it that Fred is doing up there? (Smile.)
I am not where I want to be and don’t have what I want and after over a month of being as open as I possibly know how to be, the only clarity I have gotten is that I have even less interest in the 3D life as I did before, which is surprising but not what I would consider helpful. So my Soul is obviously trying to tell me something but I don’t have a fricken clue as to what that might be. So what is my Soul trying to tell me and I know how to slow the process down but how can we speed it up, a lot?
My body’s immune system apparently is shot and I’m experiencing a lot of strange virus symptoms, fevers, aches and pains. I know I’ve gone through major shifts this year so I’m trying to accept that I’ve challenged myself. Is there a conscious way I can support myself and my body to come back into balance?
I had a question regarding emotion and consciousness; it seems that both of these cannot exist in the same space. Whenever I feel emotional about something, I find it hard to do anything other than be in the moment of that emotion, be it anger, frustration, etc. I am aware in the moment that if i take a step back and try to look at the bigger picture than I will probably feel better, but I find it incredibly hard to do so. It’s as if I prefer to sit in the emotion in an unconscious way. Of course I would very much prefer not to handle it this way, but I am unsure of how to stop the “flow of emotion” to be able to do this. Do you have any insight on this?
My question is about my childhood. I have been recently having a lot of dreams that have me as a child in them, but I’m watching myself in third -person in the dreams, and I was wondering if there is any meaning to having so many dreams with that theme. But also, another element about my childhood is that I don’t have a very good memory of it at all, and I’ve always wondered if there was any explanation for that? And do these two things tie together at all?
I feel like I’ve been trying “fit in” for so many years -trying to stay under the radar and not have people look at me like I’m strange, different, doesn’t fit in – that kind of thing. I don’t think I really know what being the truth of me really is or means.
I feel like I do appreciate what I have in my life but most is not what I would prefer. I would drop probably 95% of it like a hot potato if I could manage to manifest what I would prefer so I guess I am not sure what more to do.
Are the Guardians and council I experience outside of me or a part of me?
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010

Confused About Your Future? Uncertainty is Infinite Possibilities! 12-15-10
Hello everyone!
Wow, what a busy last seven days. Between channeling, having company, channeling the Q&A, and recovery from everything — the newsletters are late, late, late.
So, I will be brief as I also want to get the Q&A post from the 19th done before the meeting tonight. 🙂
December 15, 2010 continued the idea of uncertainty being the portal to Homo spiritus and ascension. Here is a GREAT video from the Visionaries.
If you don’t like the word uncertainty, use the word possibilities!
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010
12-15-10 ~ 90 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by urging us to leave any baggage from the past behind as we enter the opening portal of now.
Visionaries: Talked about the uncertainty portal and advised: “Look for uncertainty for that will be the portal. Uncertainty will bring you into the moment and uncertainty with the moment will take you into Homo spiritus on the path to ascension. Because it’s going to uncover the places within you that you have hidden from yourself or you’ve been unwilling to look at.” They closed by suggesting we “frolic in the field of infinite possibilities.”
Eloheim: There was a small group present at the meeting, so Eloheim asked a question around the circle and also around the webcast participants: What does it bring up in you to frolic in the field of possibilities? They went into each of the answers offered up by the group. Also, a discussion of short, factual statements as opposed to short, factual paragraphs.
The Girls: By becoming more comfortable in uncertainty, we have the opportunity to thrive in a place that is stereotypically stressful. We make it easier on ourselves, and thus open to more interaction with others.
Warrior: Continued their story of being with the queen. This week, a neighboring king and his five sons come for a visit. Uncomfortable uncertainty ensues.
Fred: Just popped in for a few quick words about how much he enjoyed the Warrior’s story.
Matriarch: Reflected on the word “beloved,” and how we are her beloved.

A New Relationship to Uncertainty – The Portal to Homo spiritus ~ 12-8-10
Hello everyone,
The meeting of December 8, 2010 started early for me. Eloheim was talking, talking, talking at 3:00am about how this meeting was the culmination of the 8 years we have worked together.
I feel the meeting lived up to this introduction.
The idea that uncertainty is the new place strength has helped me so much.
The video this week is the Visionaries explaining how all of Eloheim’s teachings have contributed to this portal into Homo spiritus. They go on to explain that they are reclaiming the word uncertainty and give their definition of the term.
Homo spiritus starts on uncertainty. You put both feet on uncertainty and you look toward consciousness for a life that includes serenity, bliss, and peace. Uncertainty is the absolute place of all possibilities being present.
On Surfing the Psychic Waves, Kristina talks to surfers, psychics and metaphysicians about meditation, healing, spirit guides to further explore the concept of “we are all one” and the concepts of peace within a meditation, psychic and spiritual space.
Click this link to listen: Kristina Walsh Interviewing Veronica 12-10-10
12-8-10 ~ 88 minutes
Guardians: Urged us to keep in the moment and not go to thought and habit.
Visionaries: Discussed how uncertainty is the portal from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. “Everything we’ve worked with you as the Council up until this point has led to this doorway that you stand in front of now, and that doorway is ‘Can I allow myself to recline into uncertainty as the place of potential that it exists, or do I demand that I retreat into the fear-based operating system, seek certainty, and chase my tail some more?’ On December 8th of the year 2010, you passed through a portal you have been working toward for a very long time and we don’t just mean these last eight years.”
Eloheim: Used examples and answered questions about uncertainty. Uncertainty is itself an operating system, an attitude shift.
The Girls: Talked about what it looks and feels like to live from your soul’s perspective.
Warrior: Continued his story of going to meet the queen, illustrating the question: What do you do when you have the choice for what you want? Do you get bigger, or do you stay small? Stay or run?
Fred: Urged us to have a different relationship to uncertainty, to reclaim it as the position of power.
Matriarch: Asked us to be especially gentle with ourselves as we turn the corner from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system.
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010

In Uncertainity I Will Find Myself ~ 12-1-10
It’s ok to operate from uncertainty about clarity!
Who knew??? Seriously, this idea has already helped me so much!
The meeting of December 1, 2010 focused on how living the truth of us is actually playing out in our everyday lives.
The video clip this week is Eloheim explaining that: In uncertainty you will find yourself.
I applied this tool Thursday morning with amazing results. I had plans for a day trip on Thursday and I was waiting on confirmation of just what the day was going to hold. I woke up early and hadn’t received the anticipated text message. I made a phone call and got the answering machine. I was UNCERTAIN that the trip was even going to happen.
I started to get flustered by this. Alternate plans were running through my head. Disappointment was creeping in. Then I recalled Eloheim’s words from the night before.
I decided just to be uncertain! I completely relaxed. I started in on my normal Thursday morning activities which primarily include sending out the recordings of the meeting to the subscribers. I felt very peaceful. Whenever thoughts about the day popped up, I just said, “It’s OK to be uncertain!”
Then the call came in and the plans were finalized. It was a full day with lots of opportunities for my habitual responses to crowds of people and new places to request my attention. Anytime I tried to get tense and ‘control outcomes’ or any of that, I just repeated, “It’s ok to be uncertain!” and I asked myself, “Am I emanating my truth?”
This allowed me to stay in the NOW truth of me rather than go with the habitual responses from the past.
The result? I ended up having one of the most enjoyable days of my life.
12-1-10 ~ 88 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by asking us to be more fully present, and telling us that the meeting will be about being fully present in the space, being fully present in our lives, and being fully present on our journeys.
Visionaries: Advised us that the 2011 energy is here now, that it’s all about balance, and that we need to see when we’re striving for certainty instead of reveling in the moment. We are now balancing our transition between Homo sapiens and Homo spiritus.
Eloheim: Talked about accepting the truths of ourselves, using examples. Answered questions about being in the moment and about unconditional love.
The Girls: Discussed the idea that abiding in uncertainty is the greatest kindness we can do for ourselves right now.
Warrior: Continued his story of going to see the queen, “doing battle with the heart chakra,” being smitten, and allowing the truth of the moment to come through.
Fred: Spoke about the balance energy of 2011 and advised identifying where we feel out of balance and then attracting a changed state to that condition. “Where do I feel out of balance?” and then give that a nudge.
Matriarch: Urged us to go looking for the places where we want to hide the truth of ourselves. “The things that you have wanted to hide from will teach you much more about who you are than revisiting your strengths over and over again, which you’ve already done plenty of times.”
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010