Channeling Video | Eloheim and The Council - Part 6

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April, 2010

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ELOHEIM: Can We Control Aging? 4-18-10

Hello everyone, here is a portion of the Q&A meeting we had with Eloheim on the 18th.

The list of all of the answered questions and links to the entire meeting are below.

4-18-10 ~ 82 minutes ~ April Q&A session

Questions answered during this session:
For the past two and a half years I’ve been experiencing what I would call bleed throughs from concurrent life times. This has triggered various phobic attacks from time to time. I’d like to heal the phobia that is related to fear of glue, stickers, sticky tape and also knives. Feels like I experienced death by torture using some of these implements in some other time line. I’ve used conscious breath work, acknowledging the fear I’m feeling and even welcoming the wounded aspect back home to me. Then I read about acknowledging the fear and asking for only the highest vibrational aspect of that lifetime to be present. I’m still experiencing total fear even though I’m consciously working on this. Do you have any extra information relating to my intention to heal this please?

I’d like to know if it’s possible and if so, how, to regenerate my physical body to its original blueprint and keep it in that state to such time as I decide to leave this dimension. Is this possible in my current state of consciousness? I don’t seem to age at the same rate as everyone else and was wondering if this was due to increased light quota?

We’ve heard the Eloheim mentioned in several other channels. Recently one from St Germaine speaking about Eloheim as one of the many energies assisting on Earth right now. Are you the Eloheim that St Germaine and others have spoken about? If so, will you talk about your relationship to them.

The last two places I’ve lived have reached dramatic and very unpleasant crescendos, with my room mate getting an eviction notice which propels me to find a new place.This is happening right now though it’s less harsh than last time. How do I create a totally non-harsh way of moving on, severing ties etc? Ever since I’ve moved to New York it’s been like this.

If a belief you have worked on a lot and thought you had changed, reappears, and you realize is deeply entrenched and affecting you significantly, what’s the best way to transform it?

I’m overwhelmed. What’s the one thing I can do with fear to get some clarity? I really need help with the parenting of it all and the mate that’s not helping and the direction of my life’s path – to leave parenting or keep doing it or changing it, or?

Do you have some tools to take questions of the past and the future from your head or mind into your heart? I’m having trouble bringing that into the heart. What does that look like, how do you do that?

I’d love to hear more about our group connection to you and to each other. The love and openness is contagious. This is where I want to be.

Can you touch on the fine line between being helpful and infringing on other people’s journeys. I don’t mean giving our wax away but when you have extra to give; when it’s helpful and our responsibility to help others, and to what extent?

I am wondering whether the inverse gravity generator, as invented by John Searl, is poised to replace our fossil fuel energy worldwide soon and is my involvement with this project my life’s work here?

I expect to be very successful as a singer/musician/artist. My question is while I believe I will some day achieve great financial success, is expecting it the same as expecting ‘how things will go’? What’s the difference? I was visualizing a million dollars a week ago and I wondered, is this worth it, can I manifest it? Or is this getting me nowhere because I’m expecting a certain amount of money.

At a retreat this weekend I became very angry with someone that I thought talked too much. I was bored and became very angry and said so. This anger was unexpected. Where do it come from?

What’s the role of astrology in our lives? I’d love to hear Eloheim’s viewpoint on this.

What is our group collapsed warrior experience and to each other and you?

I was once attracting and ended up surrounded by secret groups who were feeding off of my energy in every imaginable way.
It was through these kinds of people I learned about my light but I also learned about secret societies. Now that I’m aware of secret societies I know symbols, hand gestures in our media and society that are very occult/ritualistic in nature. What kind of roles are these secret groups playing in our society as we head towards 2012?

I get the thinking part.However that’s all of who I am and what I do. How do I stop thinking? I don’t understand the heart stuff.

Are my Ahas from the soul? I had a dream that actualized completely last week. Seems to be happening more and more.
I wonder if that’s my soul’s input?

What color crayons are available? What can I get from this situation that I haven’t gotten? I want to see this from a different perspective.

Do you have something to say about confusing, disconcerting dreams?

This morning I woke up hearing a funny sound, six tones long. Seemed kind of odd.


Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010


Price: $7.99

ELOHEIM: The Four Levels of the Law of Attraction

Eloheim slide show presenting the four levels of the Law of Attraction:

ELOHEIM: Dealing with Sandpaper People 4-14-10

Wednesday’s meeting was really nice. Waller made this great slide show sharing Eloheim’s teachings on their new tool “short factual statements.”

You are not here for the conclusion! The Visionaries

How am I supposed to love me when I know all of this about me? The Girls

If you don’t love yourself well, the moment is a scary place because you are afraid of your own company. The Girls

Here is video of The Visionaries, The Girls and Eloheim. The Warrior, The Guardians, and the Matriarch also shared during the meeting.

4-14-10 ~ 84 minutes

Visionaries: There is a misunderstanding that you are going to “get somewhere” past this and that this is what you’re doing by ascending; No. You are here now. It’s the journey, not the destination. The only place where things are happening is here, now.

Eloheim: The question of You. Accumulation of all of the “now’s” is ascension. You can’t get ascension until you get “the now.” The triggers you experience are the hand holds for you to climb with. Sandpaper people—You can ask for the same lesson to come to you in another way from someone less harsh. It’s up to you. With possibility comes responsibility comes free will transformation. Keep your “wax” precious to you—share your flame, keep your wax for yourself.

TOOLS discussion
What’s my big toe doing? (check in with body)
2010 version of self—who am I now and what is my truth, now?
Stay present in the moment.
Speak your truth
Stay out of “service” mentality
Hold firm to your boundaries; or create a boundary as the situation requires
Make clear and concise statements
Eloheim discusses the manifesting process of the “why” of the “want” and using clear, concise statements of why you want.

Girls: Don’t give your wax away—You can love yourself most/best—transform your inner most secrets by making clear, concise statements about them and looking again. The gift that you give to the all that is; is self-love. Short, factual statements. Stay present in the moment.

Warriors: We empower you all to show up with your tools. Which tools do you carry close to you?—Most comfortable tools? Keep them sharp and clean; in good repair; get new ones all the time. PRACTICE THEM. Use every opportunity to practice. Be not afraid to practice. Be ready to USE them.


Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010


Price: $7.99

March, 2010

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ELOHEIM: This is a CHOICE ~ The Warrior and More 3-24-10

Hello everyone!
First some news. Tomorrow, March 29th, marks the beginning of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. I will send an email tomorrow morning with all the details! Please join us for this brand new chapter in the Eloheim journey.
In the video, I have included Eloheim explaining how each of the members of The Council attune to a specific chakra and how you can use that resonance to work with them in a new way.

The Warrior joined us again this week and this time I have included their message.

The video concludes with Eloheim talking about boundary setting and re-experiencing your core issues from a more powerful, healed place.

3-24-10 ~ 86 Minutes

Guardians: Opened the meeting by offering us a clearing of any energetic excess we no longer need.

Visionaries: Told us that all of the Council walks with us through our world. Discussed triggers: A trigger is an opportunity for you to know you; and then the next step, out of the triggered state and into consciousness, is you expressing the vision of you.

Eloheim: Took comments and questions about last week’s experience of the new Warrior energy coming through, and how it affected people since then.

The Girls: Looked at what the second chakra energy in our lives really means, from the fun aspects to the very serious aspects.

Warrior: Told us that judging ourselves, especially in our shadow aspects, brings suffering. Advised us to remember that our reactions to triggers are a choice.

Matriarch: Talked about lifting the veil from our true selves and allowing ourselves to experience our true nature. Asked us to accept the paradigm shift away from: “Will I ever get there?” to: “I’m there and I just need to reveal the truth of me.”


Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010


Price: $9.99

ELOHEIM: Betrayal, Work, Money, and More ~ 3-14-10

Hello everyone!
Sunday’s Q&A webcast was wonderful. The video has a sample of the answers Eloheim offered. I loved this quote:

There is no wiggle room for being unconscious about your choice to be conscious!

We are webcasting tonight (March 17th). I hope you will join us. The sign up link is at the top of this page.

If you would like to watch a replay of the webcast or download the audio recording of the meeting, please follow these links:


Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010


Price: $9.99

ELOHEIM: A Different Way of Looking at You ~ 3-10-10

Wow, the monthly Q&A webcast is this afternoon at 3:00pm Pacific! (hope you can join us!) So, this newsletter will be a bit more brief than usual. I have included a You Tube video staring Eloheim! (just like the old days!)

Eloheim gives us a preview of the Warrior Energy, speaks about working with our shadow side in a new way, and preparing for the shifts coming up in late March and early April.

The meeting included Eloheim, The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries and an extended time with The Matriarch.

3-10-10 ~ 77 minutes

Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to bring our attention to the moment.

Visionaries: Came in at the end of the meeting and advised us to use another question as a tool: “What am I trying to be certain about?” When we ask that question, we can better understand what is keeping us from being in the moment.

Eloheim: Talked about the energy that the Matriarch brings in, and also about warrior energy. They also discussed the intense changes we’re going through, and how this is a time to give more consciousness to our spiritual path. Answered questions about body issues and about shadow work.

The Girls: Encouraged us to look again at our core issues as we are growing and developing. The intense energy of this time has allowed us to “peel another layer of the onion,” and it’s beneficial to examine our core issues closely.

Matriarch: Talked about the energy that we hold, relating it to a vessel that is filled. They suggested an exercise in which we imagine ourselves as a vessel, and what that vessel holds—alternate expressions, our soul’s energy, et cetera.


Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010


Price: $9.99

February, 2010

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ELOHEIM: Living Authentically in The Moment ~ 2-24-10

Last night was a wonderful gathering and not just because the Girl Scout cookies arrived 🙂

The Guardians came in multiple times to help clear unneeded energies, Eloheim popped in and out as the ring master and also to offer their insight (and eat a cookie), The Visionaries offered clarification on living authentically. and The Girls spoke about emotional detox. BUT, the highlight of the evening was The Matriarch.

WOW! She came further into my body than ever before and the energy she carries is unlike anything I have ever felt. It felt like she was embracing the entire room. It was remarkable. I had no idea that channeling could feel like that.

How do you walk the truth of you? Release the need for there to be a result..some kind of a finish line…some kind of a pay off. Are you going to live in what [the experience] taught you or live in the pain of it? Ask yourself, where am I still carrying the baggage of this lifetime? The Visionaries

You are purging your cells of places where you haven’t loved yourself well….it is like a detox. This emotion is a choice! Recognize that they emotion you are having has many layers to it. Let yourself have the emotion, but know why you are having it.The Girls

“I don’t know anything” is freedom because it takes you out of the limited mind based perspective. I am willing for my Soul’s insight to partner with me in this experience.Eloheim

2-24-10 ~ 90 minutes

Guardians: Opened the meeting us by helping us feel ourselves being in the moment, and encouraging us to open to the opportunity of focusing into it.

Visionaries: Discussed the question: How do you live the truth of you? Also further discussed the effects of integrating our alternate expressions and our soul’s energy.

Eloheim: Answered questions and discussed the idea of releasing baggage. They talked about the idea that what is changing now is an internal process. The internal change will eventually be evidenced in our external world, but we tend to think that the external world will change first. There’s another layer past creating your reality and that is magnetizing your truth. Magnetizing a reflection of your internal journey, seen. That’s where we’re headed.

The Girls: Said that as we learn to love ourselves more, we go through something like a detox. The love goes in, fears and other emotional baggage gets shaken loose. When you’re feeling powerfully emotional, it’s very difficult to see it as a choice, but it is a choice. The more you train yourself to see emotions as choices the better you’ll be able to handle the detox that you’re going through and other intense situations that we are going through in this time.

Matriarch: Closed with a loving message of how they see the truth of us at all times, and advised us to call on them when we want to experience ourselves as they do.


Audio recordings of the 4 meetings held in February, 2010


Price: $5.99

ELOHEIM and the Council: INTEGRATION 2-17-10

Wednesday’s meeting included channeling with Eloheim, The Guardians, The Visionaries, The Girls and the Matriarch. You can watch the ENTIRE meeting on our new webcast replay.

2-17-10 ~88 minutes


Guardians: Led the group in an exercise to energetically release parts of ourselves in order to open to transformation.

Visionaries: Discussed this time as a time of integration. We are integrating our alternate expressions and our soul’s energy. The advise us to be aware of the new energy that is coming into our beings, and be aware of the habits that keep us from integrating that energy.

Eloheim: Took questions on the topic of integration and more fully explored integrating alternate expressions and the soul’s perspective. This is an exceptional time that we live in and many of our issues are very intense, but we have assistance in dealing with our triggers. We are not alone in our journey.

The Girls: Advised us that as we integrate new energies into our beings, to be gentle with ourselves.

Matriarch: Encouraged us to open to the truth of ourselves by allowing that truth to be revealed to us. Closed the meeting by reminding us that they hold us in a loving way.

This week’s video excerpt includes a message from The Visionaries and The Matriarch.

The Visionaries really don’t seem to breath! How can they say so many words with no break???

The Matriarch is just the opposite. She takes her time expressing her thoughts. Her energy is so powerful and present. I am getting quite a few reports of POWERFUL experiences happening during her talks.


Audio recordings of the 4 meetings held in February, 2010


Price: $5.99

ELOHEIM: Your Internal Journey ~ 2-10-10 ~ Girls, Visionaries, Guardians, Matriarch

Hello everyone!
Wednesday was another powerful channeling session.

All of your experiences can be measured by one standard: Am I in bliss? The Visionaries

When you bring a vibration of appreciation into your day to day life you create within you a magnetism for being appreciated…..appreciation is another way to bring yourself into the moment. The Girls

We love being with you! It so fun and fascinating and interesting and it is getting more and more juicy every week! Eloheim

Guardians: Opened the meeting by calling us together, asking that we “bring our presence to the present” and allow ourselves to be open to the energetic of our time together.

Visionaries: Your inner truth is externalized through your life, and a lot of times it’s the discomfort that you notice. Try to start paying attention to the bits that reflect an internal journey that’s actually moving toward bliss, that’s actually on a transformational path.

The Girls: Asked for examples of how people in the group were expressing self-love, then discussed them in detail. When you start with an energetic appreciation for yourself, it becomes magnetic for others to appreciate you.

Eloheim: Took questions from the group and discussed neutral observation, alternate expressions, intimate relationships, and abundance.

Matriarch: Talked about the interaction between the chakras and how they support each other.


Audio recordings of the 4 meetings held in February, 2010


Price: $5.99

ELOHEIM: The Matriarch and The Council of Seven 2-3-10

This week’s meeting really started to fill in the picture about how the channeling sessions are going to change to reflect the energies of 2010. The plan is to channel seven (!) different entities/groups which will be called The Council.

  • Eloheim
  • The Guardians
  • The Visionaries
  • The Girls
  • Fred (has only said one sentence, we know very little about this energy, Eloheim said Fred is the comic relief…)
  • The Matriarch (first appearance this week!)
  • The Warrior Energy (yet to be introduced, Eloheim says that the night they come in will be VERY powerful and they will give us advanced notice.)
  • Eloheim explained that just as The Visionaries can be considered Eloheim’s guides, The Matriarch can be considered as The Girls’ guide.

    I experience them as sitting in a line of big chairs behind and above me. Each of them feel very different as I channel them and they move my body in different ways.

    They also talk among themselves and move around during the meeting!

    I included Eloheim speaking about service, The Visionaries speaking about preconceived notions, and The Matriarch introducing herself in the video below.

    The meeting also included The Girls explaining The Visionaries, The Guardians moving energy, and Eloheim answering questions about service, free will and other subjects. WHEW! A lot went on in 86 minutes!

    After the Matriarch finished, Eloheim asked one of the group members to find a chocolate bar I had in my purse and feed it to me. My arms weren’t really working at that point. My hands were, but my arms were not. It is all very new and if I tried to understand it, I am sure I would be confused.

    I don’t even bother trying to sort it out with my brain. I just say, “I AM WILLING” and see what comes.

    Let go of preconceived notions! The Visionaries

    Eloheim: Talked about experiencing our emanation, and experiencing the emanation of others. How we deal with this, with a special focus on not being in service-mentality and not being intrusive.

    Visionaries: Advise us to let go of preconceived notions and future projections in order to allow in the expansiveness of our creations.

    The Girls: Opened by talking about the Visionaries and the way that we experience their energy. Then they advised us to nurture the newness of the heart and power chakra combination that we are experiencing.

    Matriarch: Introduced themselves, and explained that while the Girls hold the energy of the Goddess, they hold the energy of the planet, the Gaia. They explained that they are not Gaia but hold the energy of Gaia.

    Note: This was also the first appearance of Fred, but no one knew it for a while. They popped in, said, “There is hope,” and then were gone! They did not make their “official” appearance until June 30th.


    Audio recordings of the 4 meetings held in February, 2010


    Price: $5.99


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