March, 2009
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ELOHEIM: After Fear, Then What? Energetics of March 3-4-09
Hello everyone!
Energetics of March, 2009: “Releasing your habitual use of fear to fill your moments.”
This video begins with Eloheim discussing their experience of how the channeling has changed now that they are coming through with my eyes open.
The room where we meet is also used for cub scouts (that is their artwork on the wall behind me) and as a play room for children. The room is filled with games, toys, art supplies, stuffed animals, and all sorts of other colorful items.
The remainder of the clip is about, “Where this discussion of fear goes next.”
There is a nice summary of their teaching on fear and then they ask the question: “If I am not afraid, then what am I? What’s left?”
I had a very strong reaction as I applied Eloheim’s teachings about fear. They talk about my reaction and discuss how similar reactions may become more commonplace. “You’ve been built to be afraid! You are afraid 97% of the time for no good reason! You are going from Homo Sapiens which is a fear based state into Homo Spiritus which is a consciousness based state. You are coming at being in physical form from a completely new paradigm. As you let go of fear occupying your day, something else has to come in!”
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in March 2009
February, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Don’t Bring Your Baggage to the Moment! 2-25-09
This clip is from the meeting held February 25, 2009 in Sonoma, CA.
This was the first meeting where Eloheim came through with my eyes open for the entire meeting. The week before, there were long stretches of eyes open and in the intervening days, the private sessions were all done eyes open. However, when this meeting started it was eyes open from the start!
Whew! Strangely enough, it felt normal to have my eyes open, but it also felt new and different. I had always wondered what it would be like to channel with my eyes open and I had tried to do it in the past, but it just didn’t work. I would get too caught up in the idea of having my eyes open to allow Eloheim’s message to flow.
Then, last week, it just happened.
The interesting part of this for me is that I was unable to follow the conversation. I spent the entire meeting asking questions like, “Did that make sense?” and “Did they even complete that thought?” I figured that since no one said anything or got up and left, Eloheim must have been making some sort of sense! Turns out they were.
When I first started channeling a similar experience occurred. Eloheim would finish a sentence and I wouldn’t be able to remember how the sentence began! Now, that was a strange experience. Especially as it went on for 90 minutes.
As I worked with the video I made another observation. I very carefully set up the camera to center my head in the screen THEN Eloheim slouches and the video ends up looking like I have no body. Which is an ironic twist now that I consider it.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009

ELOHEIM: Consciousness and Fear – My Story
Before the meeting of 2-18-09 three interesting things occurred:
1. I forgot to plug in the laptop, so we don’t have video of the first 30 minutes or so. Managing electronics while in an altered state is a tricky proposition!
2. I requested that Eloheim summarize their teachings about fear.
3. I told a story.
The story was about my recent encounter with a police officer. I have been driving for about 26 years and had never been pulled over for a moving violation.
Recently, on my way through the Sonoma Plaza after dropping off some promotional materials for the Well Being Expo I am producing, I was pulled over for running a stop sign.
The experience continues to teach me quite a lot!
The officer was tucked in at a four-way stop keeping an eye out for folks running the sign. I saw the officer and actually thought, “Wow, he is looking for people to pull over for running the stop sign.” When he quickly pulled in behind me I thought, “He must have somewhere to go.” When he put on his red light I thought, “He must need me to get out of his way!”
He didn’t.
By this time my heart was racing and my body felt so strange. I didn’t have a clue what he wanted or why he had pulled me over. I didn’t know what one does in this situation AND, I kept remembering that Eloheim had used the example of getting pulled over as an example of how to deal with fear.
So, I watched my fear as best I could. It was on the brink of being emotionally overwhelming. However, I really knew that this feeling had a lot to do with my core emotion (everyone has one and mine is ‘fear of being kicked out of the tribe’). I kept watching it and tried to also keep my wits about me.
The conversation with the officer seemed to go on forever, but it was probably only a few minutes. He said that I ran the stop sign. I said that I knew the stop sign was there, felt that I had stopped, and that I had seen him watching the intersection so it is unlikely I would have ran a monitored stop sign.
Then he said the first very interesting thing (I am paraphrasing), “it is strange that we could have such different views on the same event.” Ah, I loved that comment! That put me into a more conscious place immediately. I didn’t find it strange at all. I thought that was the bit that made more sense then anything else that was happening!
You see, I was talking on my cell phone while I was driving. It is legal to talk on your cell hands free in California, but I still felt strange about doing it. Plus, I was leaving a message for a friend who I was ‘worried’ about. I WAS IN LOW VIBRATION.
I feel that I attracted the officer’s attention with my low vibrational state. He saw it as running the stop sign. I saw it as being less than fully conscious of what I was doing.
Once I got that big Aha, things shifted somewhat. I could feel the fear voice saying things like, “this is going to cost you money, you are going to have to go to a class, etc.” But, I knew that it wasn’t about money or time, it was about this moment. So, I focused on what what actually happening right now.
I was able to keep money/time fears at a minimum. The overwhelming adrenaline is another story completely though. Wow, the body response in this situation was so intense!
At some point during our conversation, I heard the small voice say, ‘make the request.’ I asked the officer if he could give me a warning. He then said the second most interesting thing of the conversation, he said, ‘How can I give you a warning for something you don’t think you did?’ I LOVED THAT RESPONSE! It was so conscious.
I replied that I would consider this driver’s training 25 years later and I promised to be more conscious about stopping fully at stop signs.
He said, OK, and let me go with a warning.
Whew! Shortly thereafter my cell phone rang. After stopping the car (!) I answered. It was a good friend saying, “My husband just saw you get pulled over on the plaza and I want to make sure you are ok. I am hosting a meeting at my house in five minutes, but I knew I had to call right away!”
Which goes to show:
1. Sonoma is a small town.
2. I have great friends.
3. I didn’t get kicked out of the tribe! (ah, the healing of the core emotion, such a powerful process)
The residual processing of the body’s reaction to this was much more difficult to process than the actual experience. I was in a lot of discomfort for the remainder of the evening. It has taught me so much that I am actually grateful for it now, but WOW was it hard at the time.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009

ELOHEIM: Fear Patterns, Concurrent and Cascading
Eloheim has spent the last month discussing various aspects of fear. They have made it very clear that transforming our relationship to fear is a key component of the Spiritual Journey at this time.
In this clip, they describe two different fear patterns.
This clip is especially interesting as you can see how Eloheim develops a concept and then build on it as the meeting continues.
Cascading anxieties tend to take you into your childhood where you hear the voice of an authority figure telling you that you are not doing a good something-or-other.
Concurrent anxieties are issues which are alive in your life today.
The generating experience: the trauma, the drama, the thing your Soul wants to learn results in cascading and concurrent fears. Of course the generating event needs to be dealt with. Sometimes you can’t tackle the generating event until you have transformed all the fear pictures you are being shown. You are too wrapped up in [the fears] to even become conscious of the generating event.
Recent Eloheim messages about fear:
Transforming Fear from 1-28-09
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009

ELOHEIM: The Fear Freeway ~ 2-4-09
The meeting of February 4th was a continuation of the discussion of fear from the previous meeting. Click here to visit that posting.
Eloheim introduced a new concept: the fear freeway. It is a very entertaining way to look at our habits. Here are some quotes from the entire meeting. The video below covers the section about the fear freeway and includes a discussion of rewriting our neural pathways.
In this clip, Eloheim refers to the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know. You can learn more about that movie here.
[Life] could be MORE, are you interested?
Feel the fear and open to insight anyway!
You are asking the body to inform this moment rather than control this moment.
When you experience fear say, “I know that this is only a choice; this isn’t the only state of being that is allowed here.”
You have always thought that there was [only] one way of being: Fear or Not Fear – Duality. What we are trying to wake up in you is a brand new paradigm that says, “there is also consciousness.”
You have the golden ticket and all you want is wind in your hair down the fear freeway! There’s more for you but you have to make the spiritual choice using your free will to get on that back road and re-write those neural pathways. If there isn’t an AH HA, look for it!
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in February, 2009

ELOHEIM: Transforming Fear 1-28-09
In this clip from the meeting held in Sonoma, CA on 1-28-09, Eloheim discusses fear. This was a long meeting (105 minutes) as after their introductory comments, Eloheim did a mini session with each person present to look at and help transform the fears they were feeling. Since Eloheim moved around the room, there isn’t a lot of video beyond what I have included!
Eloheim has previously shared that it is the body’s job to stay alive. Fear is the way that the body lets you know, “Hey, this could get you dead!” The body views change as a risk to its’ survival and reacts with fear. The Soul enters the human body with the express desire to experience change (transformation).
Managing these very different perspectives is a major component of the spiritual journey.
Here are some quotes from the video:
Your body is constantly looking for things it needs to be afraid of in order to protect you from those things.
In your desire for transformation you are actually pitting your spiritual journey against your survival instinct….[this must be] dealt with consciously or it can be paralyzing.
You are shepherding the body into this transformational space, as you shepherd the body …you have to be conscious that its’ job, all this time, is to look out for things it should be afraid of. Therefore, you live in fear until you become conscious of how those fears are either serving you or restricting you.
Here are some quotes from one of the mini-sessions during the meeting:
[When you desire to make a change] The mind and the body say, “Plan, plan, plan.” The spiritual journey is saying, “You can allow insight to inspire action.”…. now, because you are all raising your vibration to such a degree, you are starting to experience the gulf … between how you used to do it and how you [now] know it works better for you. In
between those two places is this void of, “I have to choose.” Sometimes, because these are two distinctly different vibrational
levels, you are trying to have your body in one ….and your spirit …[in another]. The two cannot be reconciled because they are too
vibrationally different now.You are now wanting to handle things from a high vibrational perspective so …. nothing seems to happen [unless you approach the situation from high vibration].
Be cautious that you don t feel you have to match energy to solve a “problem.”
You are asking yourself to start functioning from a completely new place, that you are not familiar with, in big decision making. In the “I am going to get dead” place, you are not used to making that become high vibrational. Sure maybe you can make the speech, but can you make a major life decision from high vibration? That s why we are talking
about it tonight. Because you need to start being able to do that. So, it s not easy, but we are starting; we are just at the beginning of
this process.Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January 2009
January, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Defining High Vibration ~ 1-14-09
This clip is from the beginning of the meeting held 1-14-09. In it Eloheim clarifies what they mean by ‘High Vibration” and “High Vibrational Living.”
Here are some quotes from the clip:
It’s not ‘I feel good’ so I am high vibrational or ‘I feel sad’ so I am low vibrational.
Consciousness generates high vibration. Conscious acts raise your vibrational rate. Being in a conscious frame of mind, even if you don’t like what you are experiencing, is the key to being a high vibrational being in this world.
Am I conscious about how I am feeling?
Am I aware of what’s going on in my body right now….am I asking for this moment to show more to me than what the surface level is revealing?
Judgments and triggers from the past shape your current time, shape your current experience.
Take that ‘fresh look’ at what you are experiencing.
There is a deeper layer of revelation available to you, but you are the one who has to use free will to choose to explore it.
Are you asking, ‘what is this teaching me?’
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January 2009

This clip from the 12-17-08 meeting includes Eloheim’s final remarks for 2008 and an introduction for 2009. Eloheim also takes a few moments to express their thanks to the folks that participate in the meetings. I join them in expressing my thanks to you all.
This work and these offerings would not be possible without the contributions of those that come to the meetings and are WILLING to share themselves with the group.
I would also like to express my thanks to those of you who access this information online. I am very grateful for your comments, donations, and general ‘spreading of the word’. It is quite remarkable to see how a post that I create here in my office gets spread across our globe.
If you missed the longer post about the energies of 2009, please visit this link: Energies of 2009
Quote from the clip:
When you make change from a high vibrational perspective, you have change that is high-vibrational!
November, 2008
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ELOHEIM: The Tipping Point and Your Contribution!
This clip is from the 11-12-08 meeting in Sonoma. Eloheim explains how we are at the tipping point moving into high vibrational living. They clarify how we can each make a contribution toward the increase in vibration of our entire race.
We are talking about the discipline to hold the course, to hold onto the truth of the matter, which is: lower vibrational temptations are constantly presented to you, non-stop, opportunities for fear are constantly presented to you, opportunities to feel like you are in lack are constantly presented to you, those things don’t abate, what does abate is your willingness to engage with them….you are learning not to fall for the trap of low vibration, the trap of habit.
Be disciplined in the energetic you are willing to run….that is the great service you can offer.
As you are at this fulcrum point, you are being invited to be disciplined about your contribution.
…when you spill the orange juice in the kitchen it DOES matter how you react to that, even if you are the only one in the house. It DOES matter. It does matter, because that could be the tipping point! You don’t know. We don’t know. But, the tipping point is there and your contribution not only blesses you on your spiritual journey but it infuses society with a high vibrational energetic which can help with the tipping point.
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ELOHEIM: You can’t have change without CHANGE!
This clip is from the beginning of the 11-5-08 meeting. In it Eloheim talks about how the US election results are part of a huge energy shift. “Today is the first day of the run up to 2012!” Eloheim gets quite passionate toward the end of this clip!
The full meeting also included a lengthy discussion of the new presidential administration.
As the new energetic establishes itself …. keep in mind the exponentially more powerful, more transformational, ability that high vibrational action has.
As you feed the system with your high vibration you’re not pushing against a wall any more, you are flowing, it is like you are all rowing in the same direction now, instead of kind of rowing to keep your place in the stream, you are actually rowing with everyone else in movement toward transformation.
Movement through growth is the Soul’s journey as a Homo Sapiens moving into Homo Spiritus….Today is the first day of the run up to 2012!…The energy has transformed, and shifted, and moved into a new category.
We are moving along the ascension path and that the energetics have shifted to facilitate that.
You’re living transformationally! But the job isn’t done!
When you hear them chanting YES WE CAN, that’s not just YES WE CAN because Barack Obama says. That’s YES WE CAN because their Souls are screaming for an opportunity to experience growth.
When you hear that add on, YES WE CAN experience growth, YES WE CAN live high vibrationally, YES WE CAN infusing the society with consciousness, YES WE CAN be leaders simply by taking a breath.
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