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December, 2009

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ELOHEIM: 3rd and 4th Chakras, Emotions ~ GUARDIANS AND VISIONARIES 12-2-09

This week’s meeting was WILD. It started off with me sharing a difficult situation in my life. I was crying and you can likely hear it in my voice. THEN, a NEW GROUP, The Guardians came in.

They are a very different energy to channel and boy was it strange. Then, Eloheim and The Visionaries contributed their perspectives to the discussion of ensouling the emotional system, the merging of the 3rd and 4th chakras, and finishing the questions from last week’s list.

It was an emotional night learning about emotions!

12-2-09 ~ 79 minutes (first appearance of the Guardians)

Summary: (First channeling of the Guardians)

Guardians: Introduced themselves and suggested we call them the Guardians.

Visionaries: Discussed where we are now and where we’re going with the 2010 energetic. They urged us to come to terms with our truth by “recommitting to the authentic expression of you, which is the ensouled energetic expressing physically in collaboration with the personality, and offering that as an emanation without it being dependent upon how it’s received.”

Eloheim: Talked about balancing the energy of our chakras, especially the third and fourth chakras. They also discussed how sometimes it’s hard to be graceful in telling the truth of ourselves. This is something that we will learn with practice. We can start by saying, “Even when I’m triggered, I can still tell my truth.”


Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009


Price: $9.99


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