September, 2009
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9-9-9 was so powerful I am not sure where to begin with this summary. From the opening moments of the meeting, I knew something big was coming. I actually got up and opened the door as I started feeling really hot. The Visionaries came in first and did a group energy treatment. Then, they started in on their message.
Let me just say, the Visionaries are INTENSE!
They talk non-stop, they move my body around a lot, they are LOUD, and they bring a lot of energy into the room.
I just started playing the video from the meeting and I felt like I needed to move away from the computer! Their energy is so forceful.
Years ago (I remember the night quite clearly) Eloheim told us that there were two modifications made to the free will zone after it was created. Since external modifications to a free will zone sort of negate the whole ‘free will’ part it was a VERY BIG DEAL that these changes were made.
However, it was deemed necessary and ‘approval’ was received.
At that time, Eloheim shared one of the things that was changed and told us that they couldn’t share the other.
Well, the Visionaries decided to share it on 9-9-9.
The entire meeting (aside from the last question) was a discussion of this revelation. The Visionaries turned the meeting over the Eloheim after about 20 minutes and Eloheim told the story from their point of view as well.
Writing these summaries isn’t the easiest thing for me to do and this week is much more challenging that most. What direction do I take this posting? Do I talk about how it feels to channel the Visionaries compared to how it feels to channel Eloheim? Do I talk about the awe I felt when this information was finally shared.? Do I talk about Eloheim sharing that I am healing the core emotion of the collective? Do I talk about how liberating it was to hear Eloheim talk about their “Fuck up” without that meaning a mistake was made? Do I talk about why I wept in amazement after the meeting?
I really don’t know. I guess it will have to suffice to say that this meeting rocked me to my core and you just might like to hear the whole thing.
It was short meeting, only 66 minutes. I could hardly sit up by the time we got to the one hour mark. I was very tired yesterday, but feel like myself today.
Perhaps this quote from one of the group members sums it up:
“I’m very altered from last night. WOW. On the way home my third eye had so much activity and my muscles didn’t want to work. Then after I got home I started to sweat. Interesting night of dreams and teaching all night long. I feel pretty listless this morning still integrating what happened. I would have to say, that was the most phenomenal experience of my life.“
Here is video from the Visionaries.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009

ELOHEIM: Deepening the Experience of the Body 9-2-09
Hello everyone,
This week’s Eloheim channeling focused on deepening the experience of body. It was a very warm night and we had both of the big doors open in our meeting room for the first time this summer. You can probably hear the crickets in the background. We could also hear the breeze in the trees.
This clip also includes the Energies of September.
The sound can become a feeling. Can you feel that sound as it just washes across the skin? When you are operating as an ensouled human…your senses become heightened because you are not ONLY operating from the human perspective any longer.
You’re the one deciding how deeply you experience the moment.
Energies of September 2009: Sneaky September. The truth of you has found you!
You start to live in a place that has no opposite: This is my TRUTH! That is how you live free: When your position is not dictated by someone else, but is instead created by your internal process.
I found a new function on my video editing software which is going to save me A LOT of time preparing the videos. This made it possible to pick snippets from various parts of the meeting for this week’s video.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009
August, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Living the Truth of YOU 8-26-09
The meeting of 8-26-09 started off mellow and funny. It was a nice change of pace from the Visionaries’ BIG energy of last week!
This video is from later in the meeting. Eloheim discusses how to ‘live the truth of you’ in relationships and partnerships.
Did anyone ever imagine hearing Eloheim say, “Go monster truck out!” I sure didn’t.
If you are not living as your complete self in your relationships, what are you leaving behind and are willing to let it be left? If you could never get it back, would you leave it behind?
The delight is in the process your partner uses rather than in the demand that it be the same (process you use). This is conscious partnership.
Maybe it’s not all that interesting to you what I have going on, but can you be interested in my interest? Can my delight..delight you? Can you be happy that I am happy?
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in August 2009

ELOHEIM: The Truth of You VISIONARIES 8-19-09
Hello everyone,
Wow! The Visionaries made their second appearance Wednesday night and it was INTENSE! They spoke for 20 minutes solid. I have included their entire message in two videos below.
After the introduction, the Visionaries walked around the room and did energy work on each person present. Like I said, INTENSE!
After the energy work, the Visionaries left and Eloheim came in. It was a fairly seamless transition. Their energies are so very different though.
The Visionaries come through with my eyes closed, they are quite forceful and loud, they move my body in very different ways, and they even walk in a more intense fashion.
Here is a weird example that might give you a sense of it. As the Visionaries were moving around the circle, they came to an empty chair which they just pushed of the way. It was on wheels so it rolled smoothly away. Eloheim would have walked between the chairs. The Visionaries just clear a path!
Take the step into the truth of the entirety of you in the moment. That’s the invitation.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in August 2009

ELOHEIM: Judgment, Preferences, Summary of their Teachings 8-12-09
Hello everyone,
We had a great meeting this week.
This is an unusual video as I actually put the clips in reverse chronological order.
Lately, the concept of judgment has come up in a lot of private sessions. Eloheim has a very powerful tool to help us know when we are in judgment and when we are in preference. The first part of the video came at the very end of the meeting, but since it has been the “hot” topic lately, I moved it to the front of the clip.
Preference says, “In this moment, this is my choice.”
You think it is hard enough already, don’t make it harder by creating energetics that you then have to heal because you need to justify your position in order to state a preference because of habit, fear, or, or or.
So this is incredibly liberating.
State preferences and don’t require [the experience of] anger, habit, divisiveness in order to feel safe having a position that you own.
It also makes it a lot easier if you change your mind!
The second part of the video is Eloheim responding to a person who was attending our meeting for the first time. Eloheim summarizes the emphasis of their teachings for the last two years in just about 5 minutes. I WAS impressed. It is really interesting to get in all in one place.
Also included is a discussion about how much of your Soul you are embodying. They haven’t talked about this in quite awhile so it was really nice to get an update.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in August 2009
July, 2009
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ELOHEIM: The Moment, What is True Right Now? 7-29-09
Hello everyone,
Can I just say, right here, right at the beginning…..Eloheim cracks me up! This video is full of classic Eloheim moments.
Wednesday night was a LONG, INTENSE, and POWERFUL night. Eloheim had been giving me clues about what they planned to discuss for a couple of days. They really wanted to help us get clear on what the moment actually is.
They came in READY and excited to share their message.
Eloheim did a mini session for each person in the room. They asked, “What is true for you in this second right NOW? What frightens you about that truth?” Eloheim then helped clarify how that fear could be transformed.
There were 17 people in attendance and each had a different answer. I can’t include everyone’s comments and frankly I can’t pick between the 17. So, the video is Eloheim’s introduction. The audio download includes the mini sessions.
Here are the fears which are covered:
- Fear of confusion.
- Fear of feeling.
- Fear of not getting my spiritual work done.
- Fear of not feeling safe.
- Fear of not measuring up.
- Fear of facing what is really here.
- Fear of dealing with other people’s negative responses to my choices.
- Fear of silence.
- Fear of showing up as the complete me.
- Fear of letting go of my ‘masks’.
- Fear of life not being certain.
- Fear of failure.
- Fear of not knowing who I am.
- Fear of loosing control.
- Fear of doing it wrong.
- Fear of not having enough energy.
- Fear of lack.
Thanks to Margy and Richard for the opening sounds!
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in July 2009

ELOHEIM: Men, Money, and the Spiritual Journey
The Eloheim session of July 22, 2009 covered many topics including:
This meeting was unusual in that a married couple attended. Their conversation with Eloheim centered on their financial situation. The husband explained that he liked his job, but it was not sufficiently providing for his family financially.
Eloheim mentioned that it is quite rare for men with families to come to the group so this was one of the first times they addressed this issue:
You are not only a man if a certain amount of money is coming in through your labors. You are also a man through your ability to emanate high vibrational, conscious choices to your family. That is how you get over being emasculated. Because you stop only baseing yourself as a man on the numbers, the dollars, the bank account. That is a huge transformation.
I am a man based on the authentic me being expressed to my kids and my wife.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in July 2009

ELOHEIM: Why don’t I have any passion or excitement? 7-8-09
Hello everyone,
The meeting of 7-8-09 in Sonoma, CA focused on how the group biological reactions to the ascension energies and the en-soulment process.
Personally, I have been feeling dizzy and exhausted so this post will be shorter than is typical.
The section of the meeting I chose to include on the video answers these questions:
Why don’t I feel passionate about anything?
Why is everything so boring?
There is also some really helpful information about why we don’t live in the moment. Here is a portion of that section.
I can stop thinking about next and start being in now.
One of the reasons you can’t be in the moment is….that the next moment could be scary and you don’t know how to deal with the ‘could be scary’. But, now we believe that you have enough tools to deal with ‘could be scary’ that you can stop living in ‘could be scary’ and start living in what the moment actually is.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in July 2009