April, 2011
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What is the opposite of GUILT? What Happens When We Die ~ 4-17-2011
Hello everyone!
We had a wonderful Q&A with Eloheim last Sunday. Eloheim answered 18 questions (listed below). For some time now, I have noticed that many people are searching for: “What is the opposite of guilt?” so I asked Eloheim to address this specifically.
You can download the entire audio recording and/or watch the webcast replay for $1.99. The link is at the bottom of this post.
REMINDER: I will be interviewed and will channel Eloheim on REFLECT RADIO, Thursday, April 21st at 6:00pm Pacific. Listen free by following this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/reflectradio/2011/04/22/a-journey-for-you-meet-veronica-torres-eloheim-channel
Questions answered during this session:
Earlier this year I asked about these burning sensations I was getting in my thighs and you told me it was from one of my other lives. A fellow referred to as Grey Beard who had been wounded in a battle and was no unable to care for himself to too proud and ornery to ask help from any of the village members. I tried telling him it was okay to ask for help. I no longer have the burning sensation but now both knees are very stiff and there is pain in the right thigh when I lay down. You told someone at a recent meeting that pains that we have are rarely from a past life. So is this now ascension symptoms or something else? I’m confused. Thank you.
You have mentioned that you sometimes answer not the question asked rather than the one you wish people had asked… Maybe you could answer the question you wish I would ask? I have been working on soothing alternative expressions with relation to traumatic events keeping me from learning Spanish. I say working, it’s been very interesting. Can I have some more clues because I still can’t even force myself to go back to studying, I just can’t.
My Core Emotion session wiped out my question box. While I am in this pause I’d like to create a big bright me. Bigger than I’d previously wished for, so today I’d like to look at a fun alternate expression or two. I’d like to fold them into my today to create this bigger expression. Would you like to play with this imagination with me please?
In February, my intuition led me to ask out a guy I’d been gradually noticing for the last 4 months or so. He accepted, but despite his assurances that he was interested, I found myself crying a number of times as my “hopes were dashed” – he didn’t call when he said he would, didn’t show up or follow through on tentative planes, and we have only officially met up a scant few times over the last 2.5 months. He says it’s just timing and that it’s not personal, and I know he’s been hurt in the past, and my intuition seems to sense he’s telling the truth. Yet I long / “need” physical contact and more demonstration of interest than he’s shown. Again, my intuition says to hang with it, despite “common perception” that such actions mean he’s not interested.
Is this a lesson for me to detach from “needs” or “desires” in a relationship, like someone eagerly seeking me out, calling more frequently, and physical touch? What is the difference between having conscious needs/desires and being needy? How much of what I think I need do I need to let go of?
I was at an event where someone talked about a cathedral of souls. Is there such a thing?
What happens when we die?
What is the opposite of guilt?
I seem to attract low-vibrational people; they seem to flock to me. What do you suggest I can do to attract a higher vibration of people?
I just wanted to check in and see where I might be resistive.
So when I walk down the street I may see ten people IN A ROW that look down at their feet IMMEDIATELY when they see me. I create stuff like this ALL the time… it started years ago. People will cough when I linger on a negative thought for too long. I get snaps, crackles and pops in my ears. This can occur when I’m at the brink of overeating. The walking signal is related to how I feel about my legs. I have baggage about fairly recent physical changes and I even create people literally calling me retarded, stupid, etc. In fact I created the idiot commentary almost non-stop for a few years. I thought those very direct remarks were over but it occurred last night at a party when I was not exactly sober. A person was literally calling me out as if he knew things about me. I end up meeting people who just “know” that I’m stupid, etc. I know that I’m NOT stupid, and that it’s my baggage. Last night’s signal was a clear indicator of how I’ve been mean to myself in the past and the fact that it came through another person was at first alarming, but then quite empowering FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER – I left that environment immediately and felt very happy that it happened. I’ve never been happy to be called stupid before! So that’s cool. But sometimes I have NO idea why these signals are happening. They can come at random. I’ll just get air pops in my ears. Sometimes my mouse cursor just moves itself. I understand the communication on some level, but not entirely. I wonder if these are bleed-throughs.
I just wanted to say that the last time we spoke I was trying to be comfortable with being in uncertainty with a lot of things including job, place to live, money, and my divorce. And I just wanted to say that I am so proud of how well I did and how I stuck with it ….trying to be comfortable with uncertainty and now I have got a fantastic job and am still enjoying my uncertainty with the rest of the things in my life right now and I feel more confident about being in uncertainty because I saw how i opened up this opportunity with my new job. Question: I am still meditating with the intent to channel. Recently I have been receiving thoughts of ideas that are new to me…or new perspectives of things and it almost seems like so much information that I have to write the ideas down. This is very exciting and I think I am channeling the information but I am not sure if it’s just my imagination or not. Can you tell me if it is my imagination or not? Am I working with a spirit such as you are to veronica or am I just opening to different perspectives? Also, do you have any suggestions on how I could tune in more so that I could work up to direct voice channeling…..that as always been a passion that I have wanted to do.
I was wondering if you might be able to shed some light on something for me. Perhaps this is past-life related, but I seem to experience a negative reaction when seeing what Kerri and myself refer to as “strange farm equipment”. These are typically vehicles or tractors with blades or other tools used for farming attached, that when seen instantly send shivers down my spine. Any insight would be appreciated.
I had a job interview this past week. I felt really good about the position, and I felt myself being able to grow spiritually, being fully conscious and my truth. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the job, which I’m not sure why, and wonder if they might come back to me in some way after the fact….or what am I sensing here? Also, I did notice that regardless, I felt a sense of inner peace over it, which surprised me – given the circumstances. How am I doing in creating the right job for me? What suggestions do you have?
I’ve always believed that my body aches and pains are big road signs that I need to change. I also have believed that transformation and ascension relieves all pain. Is ascension the road to a pain free body?
I have body related question. Feeling differently my left and right sides. The right side is strong, the left one is faded. At the point where neck is connecting to a shoulder feels like a hanging balloon. Also, couple of weeks ago started to have a paint in the lumbosacral plexus. Both pain spots feel very stiff. Could you please give me a read on those.
I have a mentor, who has helped me immensely over the last 3-4 years and continues to do so especially regarding the creation of my career and my future. I’m not sure what I “do” with this relationship, but I notice that I really yearn for her approval and her insight. When I read her email correspondence, I often feel like I’m not able to measure up….No matter what she says I often feel that I am just a “client”, even though I know one can love one’s clients. What are you seeing to help me with this?
I have had headaches nearly every day of my life, how can I change this?
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011

Integration of Alternate Expressions (Past/Future Lives) ~ 3-30-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, YouTube and I are not communicating well. I can’t seem to get the video to load up. I will keep trying. [EDIT: it took 11 hours to load a 5 minute video! You will find it below] In the meantime, I wanted to post the links to the March 30, 2011 meeting. It was amazing! A powerful discussion of integration and interaction with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The meeting is full of examples from the group and insight from the Council. Plus, the Warrior told a story from his childhood and Fred talked about Mercury and Mercury Retrograde. The links to the audio and video are below.
A deep discussion of integration of and interaction with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The meeting is full of examples from the group and insight from the Council.
March, 2011
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A High-Vibrational Relationship to TAXES!! 3-23-2011
Hello everyone,
We had a great meeting on March 23, 2011.
The Guardians talked about the “Potentiated Space” we are experiencing; The sense that anything is possible. They shared that we are experiencing an awareness of opportunity in our heart chakras.
The Visionaries talked about how they see our separate paths coming together and joining with other people of “similar desire, even if they are not exactly like you.” This is in sharp contrast to the loneliness that many light workers report and was surprising to hear them talk about it. They called it: A Gathering of the Pathways.
The You Tube video this week is Eloheim talking about how we relate to taxes. Eloheim also talked about vibrational mismatches and the difficulties that can generate in social situations.
The Girls spoke about how we will work with our Alternative Expressions (past/future lives) in a deeper way.
The Warrior told a very emotional story of Marianna being ill and the repercussions of her illness.
Fred told us about the energies of Earth’s Moon. Fred made it very clear that he wants to talk before the Warrior in the future because “only the Matriarch is studly enough to follow the Warrior.”
The Matriarch closed the meeting in her wonderfully loving way.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011

Equal Signs – The Tool – PowerPoint Video
Hello everyone! Mary has finished the PowerPoint video of Eloheim’s recent talk about their tool Equal Signs. For twenty-two additional tools and much more, see the bottom of this post for Eloheim’s first book, The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living – Vol. 1
For more video from this meeting, please visit:

It’s All Here Because YOU Put it Here! 3-20-2011
Hello everyone,
WOW! What a powerful Q&A we had on March 20, 2011. It was amazing how the questions, which were submitted at the beginning of the meeting, all followed the same theme: How am I denying my epicness? If you feel like you are not living your potential or if you are intimidated by your power, this is the meeting for you!
For the YouTube, I selected Eloheim’s closing thoughts about: It’s all here because you put it here.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011
Questions answered during this Q&A:
It feels like an earthquake followed by a tsunami has occurred in my life over the past two weeks, preceded by all sorts of similar “natural disasters” over the past several years. Although I sense how all of this is happening “for” me, I do wonder when and how I will create new forms of stability in my life – all the basics are needed: job, new friends, new “family”, love relationship – I need it all – brand new…what existed before, has been “washed” away. My primary concern is a job, providing financial stability. I’ve had some time off due to an illness, and am ready to jump back in and rejoin the working world. I’ve been doing some leg work since the end of last year in reconnecting with people I know in my former industry. Am I on the right track and doing the right things? I feel sort of lost…..Any insights?
I am ONCE AGAIN in a state of confusion around my body-image issues.
Perhaps because I’ve had the issues all my life, or maybe because they are some of my “final” issues on my “list,” they feel harder for me to be clear about. I ask for insight and honestly feel like I can’t feel any coming in. It’s like I can’t see the forest for the trees. When it comes to these big, overarching issues, can you give me advice on how to work through them? I have thought about them my entire life, so now I fear that any insight that might come through will just feel like more thinking.
I have a mean old story running through my life which says, “Skip the journey and get to the happy life you should have had all along”. With that kind of bashing and limitation I will never get to happy. Please, will you talk to me, again, about the value of the journey?
I have been bumping into a lot of external “You Can’t Do That” the past few weeks. Although I am aware that it is a reflection of my inner journey, I am uncertain if this is my hump that I need to pass thru; a compare U2U opportunity, or is it a sign that I need to work on this energy more in order to move forward?
I want to discuss something that happened day before yesterday at some shop.
(and this happened many many times before too). I bought lot of stuff in that shop and at the counter, while they are bagging them, that person licks his finger and opens the bag.
And that’s it. I come home; I do not feel like using anything that I bought.
I feel his spit everywhere. Even washing does not take away my feeling.
Many times in the past i returned them all. Now also I am thinking of doing the same. I just don’t know what to do. What is my recourse? Why just ‘washing them’ is not enough for me?
I’m working on my short list. I’ve been doing the toe2toe thing and taking responsibility,
but not getting any insight. Do you have any?
As far back as I can remember I have had a “problem” (quote-unquote) with sleep in regards to the amount I need before I feel fully rested. It seems that I “need” more than I am ever able to attain. For example, I find it difficult to wake up to alarms, and when I do not set an alarm, I may sleep a good 12 or more hours before finally waking up late into the afternoon. Lately this has been presenting a problem with both my personal and professional lives, and I was wondering if you could provide any insight or advice on this matter.
People say everybody is born with a particular talent…is this true? If so can you look at someone’s energy and see a potential talent that is being untapped or unknown by the person?
Can you look at me and see if there is a talent there I am not aware of?
Much has changed since last month so I just wanted to get your opinion on where I am and where I might be resistive currently, like I have a new pain in my right forearm.
At this time my core emotion is in every aspect of my life. My mood swings often in wide array from happy to depressing. It is a lot on my plate these days which is overwhelming at times. I’d like to get an advice from you. Am I moving too fast? I’m afraid of not measuring up? Or is it anything else I am not aware of? What I noticed is I can feel almost paralyzed when not knowing what to do while I should make an instant decision and act on it.
I had a wonderful creation at work – someone I’ve had trouble with at work with is leaving. Instead of living in the joy of the creation I’m annoyed – annoyed that she got what she wanted, annoyed that she’s going to make more money, blah, blah, blah. Is that just me choosing to live in grumpiness?
My husband has what can only be described as chronic sinusitis. As expected it gets worse under stress/worry. I think it started around age 12 and a situation involving his dad, and then escalated during the breakup of his first marriage/family (2 yrs before we met).
Any insights into what is really causing this and how to make this more easeful?

The 2012 Energetic and Knowing Yourself in a New Way ~ 3-9-2011
Hello everyone!
Some time ago, Eloheim said that the meeting of March 9 would be powerful in some way. Turns out they were right…again! The meeting was an introduction to the energies we will be working with for the next 18 months.
The Guardians came in to help us shift the energies which we were ready to release.
The Visionaries explained how we have to “draw the line in the sand” about our habitual thoughts and to take a deeper responsibility for the creations that stem from our current thinking.
Eloheim spoke at length about the energies of 2012 and how we can work with that portal now. They went on to speak about how we create our current reality from the past and how we can use the new energies to actually create from this moment rather than reconfiguring the past. Eloheim also further clarified the concept of sandpaper people and situations.
Am I going to create this moment from the past or am I going to create it from the insight I have about its potential?
The Girls offered their support and insight.
The Warrior finally told the story of being called in to take care of the dragon.
Fred explained the energies of Mars.
The Matriarch left us with a reminder that instantaneous manifestation can’t be possible until we have a new relationship to our thoughts.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011

Open to Possibilities -Don’t Skip the Moment ~ 3-2-2011
The meeting of March 2, 2011 was intense and full of powerful information. The Guardians started off with a long (for them) talk about how to make sure that while we open to possibilities, we don’t skip over the moment. I have chosen their section for the YouTube video below.
The Visionaries challenged us to stand toe-to-toe with our triggers, later the Warrior continued this idea by explaining that our triggers are our most intimate companions and how we can use them for our growth.
Eloheim’s section was long as they lead a discussion of the ‘speed bump’ we are all moving over and how to get to the other side. They tied this idea into the equal signs discussion from February 16th.
You cannot allow yourselves to repeat patterns you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy or your best friend.
Your relationship to “I am uncertain, I don’t know” is going to define you going forward. How you handle “I don’t know” is how you are going to know yourself.
The Girls section was skipped due to time, but Eloheim did a very funny summary of what they had planned to say.
Fred continued the study of the planets he began last week by describing how our soul’s interact with Jupiter
The Matriarch closed the meeting.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011
February, 2011
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Sing the Song of Your Soul with Saturn ~ 2-23-2011
Hello everyone,
Wednesday’s meeting was long and powerful. Fred, The Visionaries, The Guardians, and the Warrior all caught me by surprise with what they decided to talk about.
FRED even made the YouTube video this week. He talked about how a part of our soul hangs out in the rings of Saturn and sings. Trust me, I wasn’t expecting anything like that, but it is very cool and they explained it really well.
The Warrior and Cedric took some time to themselves to discuss Cedric getting married. You are going to love the Warrior’s marital advice. I think it will surprise you.
The Guardians spoke for a long time (for them) about engaging the heart chakra and the power chakra in a new way.
The Visionaries told us that many changes are on the horizon and how to handle them.
Eloheim, the Girls, and the Matriarch offered wonderful contributions as well. You can listen to the entire meeting by following the links below.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011

What Is Insight From My Soul? How Do I Access it? ~ 2-16-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of February 16, 2011 was a partial whiteboard meeting. Eloheim did an amazing presentation about the tool: Equal Signs. The video clip today is from the end of that presentation when Eloheim was asked about Insight.
All of the members of the Council participated in the meeting as well.
You can access the entire video or audio of the meeting by following the links below.
The book is moving right along. The cover art has been finalized, the content is 98% finalized, and I am doing all the zillion things that need to be done in order to have it offered as an ebook, paperback, and hardcover. Stay tuned! I anticipate having more news very soon.
Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to get out of our brains and centered into the moment.
Visionaries: Talked about embedded advertising and how we can be conscious of it and use it as a game to open our awareness.
Eloheim: Used the white board to discuss the equal signs tool.
The Girls: Encouraged us to recognize that we have become more than we were, and to experience the grander version of ourselves.
Warrior: Continued his story of having more children, then discussed worry and how worrying makes you impotent by taking you out of the moment.
Fred: Talked about remembering the experience of why we chose to live our lives in the human form.
Matriarch: Closed with a message of love and encouragement.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011
January, 2011
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Dealing with Heartbreak Consciously ~ 1-19-2011
Hello everyone!
Our meeting on January 19, 2011 began with the Guardians doing energy work on everyone. They see us “bringing forth a whole presentation of your energetic structure.”
The Visionaries noted that “fear is so strong and so limiting and so familiar to you all that it can be present without your awareness.” They continued, “You don’t have to have a solution! You just have to be aware of what IS! Be aware of the truth of the moment where it is possible for the truth of you to be known. What judgments do I have about the truth I find myself in?”
Eloheim asked people to speak about their reactions to the previous meeting. The video clip this week is Eloheim responding to an inquiry about heartbreak. “Your relationship to change is really under the microscope at this time.” Eloheim also indicated that there seems to be “something cooking” for the first part of March and suggested that March 9th might be an especially important meeting.
The Girls reminded us “What better way to stay in the fear-based operating system than to be mean to you, what better way to backtrack the work you have done than to be cruel to you in that way.”
The Warrior jumped ahead five years in their story. They spent time catching us up on the events which have transpired and left off by saying they will be speaking about community in the coming weeks.
Fred…Fred was Fred. “We want you on a steady progression of transformation that feels like it meets your needs and it gives you opportunity.” They also got all happy with the fact that they got to experience ‘holding it’ as I needed to use the bathroom.
The Matriarch expressed how much we are loved. It was awesome.
You can watch the video replay or listen to the audio recording by following the links below.
Follow the READ MORE link to access the free video clip.
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