January, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Connecting with Soul, Chakra Check in ~ 1-17-10
Hello everyone from a VERY rainy Sonoma, California!
We had a great webcast on Sunday. We had folks from at least five different countries and had a great variety of questions.
I haven’t booked the February webcast yet. The date I was aiming for is taken up by a planned video shoot with the band. I need to check with the crew and see what other dates work. I hope to get that settled tomorrow night at the meeting.
In the meantime, we are webcasting the weekly meetings and I hope you can join us. Follow this link to sign up: https://eloheim.com/?page_id=1909 Just in case you were with us on Sunday and were wondering what that final little thing was that kept us from using the new microphones: Turns out we needed the latest version of Flash. I downloaded it and got it all working this evening. YIPPEE!
Look at this cute little mixing board! I think she needs a name. Suggestions????
Owning the experience you are having and letting it reveal your truth.
The way you love yourself is how you walk in the world!
AUDIO – 01-17-10 – 83 minutes ~ Q&A Session
List of questions answered during the meeting:
I’m wondering if the folks in Haiti were on board for this (1-13-10 earthquake) as part of the plan to open our hearts and begin operating from our heart center?
What’s going on energetically today? I feel discombobulated – like I’m backslid few steps on my path.
I was there at the amazing meeting Wed night and have experienced some anxiety since then. Is that just the adjusting to the energy shift?
Spent years creating herself, can see the big picture, find the lesson, understand the thoughts and actions of others but this has left her in a place where superficial conversations, lack of expressions of love and folks being angry and upset, keeps her spending most of her time alone. Can’t find anything to connect to and is always the one folks bring their stuff to. She give a lot. How does she live and be happy and how does she stop wanting something in return when it seems like no-one has much to give when in need of so much. Why are people such takers? Good grief!
After experiencing many events during the past five years as 7.0 on the Ritcher scale, how can I clean the old energy out of the house or is that even necessary?
What does Be in Your Truth mean when you’re doing routine tasks like driving or doing the dishes?
Can you expand more on using our freewill to create in our lives? How can we better understand the connection between them?
I have a body ache in the upper part of my body that does not go away. It starts at the neck and goes down the shoulder joint and shoulder blade. It feels stiff and very tight – massaging and physical exercise don’t help but I keep moving the energy from left to right. Both shoulders are painful. Also pain in upper middle chest.
Sometimes I feel that if I had known this spiritual path was going to be this hard I would have chosen a different approach to life. If I keep working with all these tools will it all be worthwhile?
Now that we’ve crossed over the threshold into the new year, how can I connect with my higher self?
I have been dealing with triggers, looking at unconsciousness and there’s been a shift in perception. For some reason I’m starting to experience the world differently. How do I know my first five chakras, especially the 3rd and 4th, are functioning properly?
There is pressure in my throat area.
So asthma and those kinds of things that are coming up right now, might also be about the throat chakra?
I’ve had several experiences where my perception changed from outer to inner reality for a period of time. I’m unsure how to make that a permanent shift.
After the Christmas holidays I had an experience of a total meltdown; dealing with feelings of anger. That then shifted into feeling spiritually productive and wonderfully light (not listless). I’d still like to be having that same feeling of doing a lot of inner work. Now I’m back here doing things I’m not crazy about doing
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010

ELOHEIM: Your Love Relationships 1-13-10
Hello everyone!
Well, January 13th was a epic night. It was the largest gathering we have ever had with 35 people present and 23 on the internet. The Guardians did multiple energy treatments which moved many people to tears. Eloheim acted as the master of ceremonies and came in and out several times while facilitating the Guardians, Visionaries and Girls offerings.
The Girls’ message about aligning free will and love (included in the video) really hit home for me.
Quotes from Eloheim:
Embrace the truth of you. It is not when is the truth of me going to show up, it’s I AM the truth of me.
This is 2010, I am the truth of me.
We only have one rule: You do not get to be mean to yourself! Here is how you know if you are being mean to yourself, would you say it to the four year old child of a friend of yours? None of you would say, “You’re fat!” to a four year old.
Quotes from The Girls:
When you align free will and love it gets to be a pretty amazing time.
Relationships are one of the primary places you disuse your free will.
Everything you observe in your partner is YOU generating that behavior.
AUDIO – 01-13-10 – 93 minutes ~ Includes Jon Williams performing his Eloheim inspired song (http://www.tenfoottone.com)
Guardians: What are you ready to let go of? What are you done with? What are you sick of? What has taught it all it can teach you? Let it go now.
Visionaries: We invite you to be met on a soul level tonight. This is the doorway that is open, is for you on a soul level to experience soul-level transformation.
Eloheim: Embrace the truth of you. When I emanate, where is my emanation running up against walls? Where is my emanation not getting to fully express itself? The creative force. We have one rule: You do not get to be mean to yourself, period. Understanding is overrated. Earth changes and your own personal tsunami.
The Girls: Align your willingness with loving yourself. How free will and love interact. Every single thing you observe in your partner is actually you generating that behavior, and vice versa. The wholeness of you experiencing the wholeness of another.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010

ELOHEIM: January Portal and LOVE ~ 1-6-10
Hello everyone!
Well now! Wednesday just went to another level. I know I say something along those lines a couple times a month BUT seriously this week was WOW.
The Guardians started us off by setting the energy in the room. The Visionaries came in and got all excited and got their point across in a very intense way. THEN, a new group, The Girls, came in.
Talk about a change of pace! The Girls “crashed the boy’s party” because “it was about time some feminine energy” joined our circle.
I have included most of The Girls’ message in the video below. They are really cool.
I am always fascinated by how new energies choose to use my physical body to convey their messages. The Guardians can’t speak easily, but they move my arms a lot. The Visionaries sit on the edge of the chair and speak REALLY LOUDLY. Eloheim is so familiar to me that it is hard to pick out something, but I can say that their energy is quite masculine. The Girls immediately sat back in the chair, got comfortable, crossed my legs, and settled in for a chat.
The video includes one minute of The Visionaries, seven minutes of The Girls, and two minutes of Eloheim.
Where is your attention? You’ve got to get your attention to where it can do some good! To acquire the information that the moment has for you, you must be in it! ~ The Visionaries (loudly!)
Make it a cozy home for your Soul by loving yourself deeply … find that comfort of loving yourself well … open up your Love reservoirs within and let them splash all over you. Every breath is the expression of loving yourself more. Just go on and love yourself. ~ The Girls
Next week is a portal ~ Eloheim
01-06-10 – 100 minutes ~ first appearance of The Girls
Visionaries: Is the highest expression of you sitting in the chair here with us tonight? “What does it mean to be my complete self?” Nothing in your world is more vital and important to your experience than what is immediately expressed in your moment.
The Girls (first appearance): There comes a time, there comes a time, there comes a time when the feminine energy needs to be entered into this circle, don’t you think? So just go on and love yourself. Every little bit of you is lovable.
Eloheim: It’s win-win or I won’t. Managing your emanation. Fingertip tool. You want your life to change- twenty minutes a day just sit in fascination. The distinction between interesting and fascinating. Your external world is reflecting your internal world.

Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010

ELOHEIM: 2010, The Year of the Physical
Hello everyone and HAPPY CONSCIOUS NEW YEAR!!!!
First off, let’s do announcements (just like at our meetings).
WE ARE NOW WEBCASTING EVERY WEEK and we will continue to webcast once a month.
This week’s meeting was a great way to end 2009. The Guardians came in and did energy work on the group. The Visionaries came in and were all passionate and excited. Then, Eloheim came in and gave a preview of the energies of 2010.
The video this week is a portion of Eloheim’s insight about the energies of 2010.
The first 6-8 months of 2010 will be the YEAR OF THE PHYSICAL.
What do I think about my body? Honestly! What do I actually think about my body?
Ask yourself the question and STAY IN THE MOMENT WITH IT!
The Soul loves every square millimeter of you. Your physical expression is delightful….it is an opportunity for experience, it is a doorway.
My [physical] creation is being created by my internal journey.
12-30-09 ~ 79 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by encouraging us to breathe into now.
Visionaries: Urged us to be in the truth of ourselves in our physical bodies, and told us, “The energies of 2010 start with yes to now.”
Eloheim: Questions and answers about what shifted in our lives, and what energies came in, in 2009. Talked about 2010 being about physicality. Helped us with an exercise to learn to appreciate the current expression of our physical bodies, even if we want our physical bodies to change.
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009
December, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Influencing the Physical, Collasping the Lifetimes ~ 12-23-09 VISIONARIES
Wednesday’s meeting was LONG – 104 minutes!
The Guardians started us off with an energy alignment and they even managed some commentary.
The Visionaries then spoke about our increasing ability to affect our physical world. I included a portion of their talk in the YouTube video below.
Later two group members shared the experiences they are having with the collapsing lifetimes phenomenon. (If you would like a review of this concept, view the video in this post https://eloheim.com/?p=1829. The section on collapsing lifetimes starts at about 5:45.)
Eloheim clarified the energetics around these experiences and also encouraged us not to limit our experiences by ‘needing to understand how they work.’ Their example of how we are willing to use things we don’t understand rounds out the YouTube video for this week.
We are VERY close to being able to web cast the weekly meetings. I will have more details on that very soon.
Many Blessings,
12-23-09 ~ 104 minutes
Guardians: Open the meeting with energetic work. They say we carry the truth of us in our hearts like a basket, and ask us to carry that truth with our chins up and shoulders back.
Visionaries: Told us that we are coming up to a portal in which we will experience our own creativity more intensely. They urged us to meet our triggers and challenges with the truth of us, and said: “The only creative force is you experiencing the completeness of you internally and then emanating that into the world, which allows for the complete experience of the world to be revealed to you.”
Eloheim: Discussed the fingertip tool that was introduced last week and asked group members how they used it during the past week. Questions and answers with the group led to a deep discussion of alternate expressions.
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009

ELOHEIM: Emanation Tool and Money Mantra 12-16-09
Hello everyone!
WOW, the meeting on Wednesday was unusual. It started with the Guardians shifting the energies. The Guardians are no longer offering verbal insight as they are just really, really not accustomed to working with the physical. However, THEY CAN MOVE ENERGY! They did an individual energy treatment on each person in the room. I am getting feedback that folks are feeling a personal energy shift listening to the recording of the Guardians working with the group.
Even though I wasn’t at the meeting, I felt a wave of energy move through my heart and solar plexus, like I was being opened up. It was soothing and invigorating at the same time. Then when they did the clearing, I actually felt lighter afterward. It was wonderful.
We also had a little experiment. Eloheim AND The Guardians attempted to share my body so that Eloheim could speak and The Guardians could move energy.
I almost threw up! It was a LOT of energy to work with.
So, we need practice 🙂
The Visionaries shared encouragement to not be distracted by the crossroads or off ramps on the path, but to keep moving in the direction we are already going in.
Eloheim then came in to offer a tool to assist us in getting more comfortable with emanation. The tool also includes a new mantra to generate financial flow. I chose this section of the meeting for the YouTube video.
The purpose of this tool is to give you practice emanating…in a way that feels safe.
We say to you, “Ok it is time to emanate”, parts of you are hearing, “That means it’s time to get dead!” [Due to past life influence]
I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways
12-16-09 ~ 87 minutes
Guardians: (silent energy work)
Visionaries: We have come to a crossroad where it is easy to feel that we can turn off our path. The Visionaries ask us to attend to the truth of the moment, which is that we’re not in bliss yet, we’re not done yet, so to continue on our path.
Eloheim: Asked us to choose something (the thing) that we want to let go of and allow the energy to be cleared away by the Guardians. (very intense energetic work!) Then led us in a powerful exercise—the fingertip tool—to emanate and move the energetics we feel around particularly stagnant energy.
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009

ELOHEIM: Ascension Update ~ VISIONARIES 12-9-09
Hello everyone!
This week’s meeting was an interesting combination of the Visionaries giving us a Holiday pep talk and Eloheim discussing how our ‘past’ lives will start to be integrated into our current expression. WOW.
We want to make sure that in the busyness of the season, you don’t lose track of the reality of the moment which is that you are accessing the completeness of you …. and you can have that be who you are in all moments.
Stay with this! Don’t let this slip away from you! Everything you have worked for and all the attention you have paid to being conscious …. have all led up to … “I am prepared for the next movement into the beingness of [me].”
As an infinite and immortal Soul, are you really going to be satisfied with ascending just one lifetime?
12-9-09 ~ 66 minutes
Guardians: Opened with a mostly silent energetic alignment.
Visionaries: Want us to bring into focus the idea that our soul’s energy and perspective are available to us now. Urged us to seek our soul’s perspective in our everyday activities.
Eloheim: Talked about the how the Guardians are helping us with our heart chakras, and the effects we’re feeling. Urged us to practice being in the truth of ourselves no matter the situation. Also talked a bit about how our alternative expressions will become more apparent to us as we go forward.
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009

ELOHEIM: 3rd and 4th Chakras, Emotions ~ GUARDIANS AND VISIONARIES 12-2-09
This week’s meeting was WILD. It started off with me sharing a difficult situation in my life. I was crying and you can likely hear it in my voice. THEN, a NEW GROUP, The Guardians came in.
They are a very different energy to channel and boy was it strange. Then, Eloheim and The Visionaries contributed their perspectives to the discussion of ensouling the emotional system, the merging of the 3rd and 4th chakras, and finishing the questions from last week’s list.
It was an emotional night learning about emotions!
12-2-09 ~ 79 minutes (first appearance of the Guardians)
Summary: (First channeling of the Guardians)
Guardians: Introduced themselves and suggested we call them the Guardians.
Visionaries: Discussed where we are now and where we’re going with the 2010 energetic. They urged us to come to terms with our truth by “recommitting to the authentic expression of you, which is the ensouled energetic expressing physically in collaboration with the personality, and offering that as an emanation without it being dependent upon how it’s received.”
Eloheim: Talked about balancing the energy of our chakras, especially the third and fourth chakras. They also discussed how sometimes it’s hard to be graceful in telling the truth of ourselves. This is something that we will learn with practice. We can start by saying, “Even when I’m triggered, I can still tell my truth.”
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009
November, 2009
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ELOHEIM: The Places Where you Lie to Yourself ~ 11-25-09 ~ VISIONARIES
Wednesday afternoon I took a walk. During my walk Eloheim asked me a series of questions. The questions really illuminated places where I had been ‘telling myself stories.’
When I got back home, Eloheim instructed me to make up worksheets for the meeting. The following four questions were included in the worksheet. I believe it would be helpful for you to answer the questions before watching the video or listening to the meeting.
We only had time to cover the first two questions during the meeting. However, since two people answered the first question with money issues, there is a long discussion of that subject.
What single subject most often takes you out of the moment?
Currently, what is your greatest fear?
What one thing would you change about your body?
What aspect of your financial situation concerns you the most?
11-25-09 92 minutes
Summary: Veronica opened the meeting by passing out worksheets containing four questions for the group to consider:
• What single subject most often takes you out of the moment?
• Currently, what is your greatest fear?
• What one thing would you change about your body?
• What aspect of your financial situation concerns you the most?
Visionaries: Spoke about relaxing our judgment around the words “lie” and “truth” and allow ourselves to see them more as blocking or allowing our complete selves.
Eloheim: Asked the group for volunteers to answer the questions on the worksheet, then discussed their responses and tools to use to for particular experiences and situations.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009

ELOHEIM: New Tool for Finding the Truth ~ VISIONARIES 11-18-09
Hello everyone from rainy Sonoma!
The meeting this week was an intimate affair. I took some time before the channeling started to chat about what has been going on in my life primarily having to do with (gasp) DATING!
The Visionaries took this ‘truth drop’ as an opening to discuss how to truthfully express the moment. This lead into a new tool for revealing the authentic nature of the ensouled self.
A completely new perspective on the things that you don’t want anyone else to know.
When truth is told authentically…it has a great magnetizing force.
In this moment, there is no future, there is only a moment where you can tell yourself a truth. Sit in the moment of, “This is true about my life.”
What are you using to show the world instead of showing the world this truth of you?
The video includes the Visionaries walking you through the new tool and Eloheim adding their insights.
I couldn’t fit it into the video, but at the end of the meeting there is a very funny Eloheim-talks-about-aliens section.
11-18-09 62 minutes
Visionaries: Talked about telling the truth about ourselves, and in doing so, discovering the static that lies between living as our complete beings. Gave us some pointers on what to do when the truths we reveal to ourselves seem overwhelming.
Eloheim: Discussed a companion tool for “What is true now,”—“What am I afraid of?” Further discussed ways to discover and heal the static in our lives. Closed with a “fun” question about the Pope talking about aliens!
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009