May, 2011
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Doing the “Stump and Stew”? I’m in Confusion! ~ 5-18-2011
Hello everyone!
Powerful meeting on May 18th, 2011 and I’m not the only one who thinks so!
This last channel was so great…there wasn’t a thing in it I couldn’t use…thank you so much.
There were so many amazing sections that I had a really hard time deciding which section to use for the YouTube video! I finally settled on “doing the stump and stew!”
You’re stumped and then you stew. Then you stew until you’re stumped!!
Those authority figure voices you are still hearing? You need to say, “Not my voice!”
When you know it’s not your voice, you won’t listen to it with the same authority!
If you have a project that feels stuck or confusion about moving forward, this is the video for you! It’s a longer video than I normally post, but I didn’t want to break up the teaching.
Each of the Council members made profound contributions to this meeting. Eloheim offered a new tool: “Past-Future-Moment,” told us what it looks like energetically when we are mean to ourselves, discussed the “Stump and Stew,” and explained how they are able to read our energy. Fred offered a powerful update about his portal. The Matriarch offered a new way of looking at our progress. The Girls talked about how when we deny an aspect of ourselves, we deny “the all” access to it as well. The Warrior offered further insight on how to work with the survival instinct.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
May, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Where you HIDE from yourself 5-12-10
We are busy creating our entry for Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. Voting will begin on May 24th! More details in the next newsletter.
The meeting of May 12, 2010 focused on how we hide things from ourselves. The entire Council shared insight on this topic. There was also a long discussion of clarity versus certainty.
We upgraded our technology to include a flip camera for capturing video of our events. Of course, upgraded technology = learning curve which contributed to the delay in getting the newsletter out this week.
The other contributing factor was that the Warriors really knocked me out this week. I am going to copy a FaceBook conversation here because it so clearly illustrates everything I want to share:
Sue: It was a fantastic meeting Veronica and I love the Warrior. You talked about holding back with them – I kept seeing you trying to hold back a team of Clydesdale horses when they came in. Great facial expressions from the Warrior which helped me to really get an image of who they are. And the Matriarch, as usual, made me teary. The puzzle pieces and the connections were awesome. Thank you so much.
Veronica: Thanks Sue! Mary said it this way:“There are times when I think they want to bust out of your skin. Which I would imagine is not very comfortable for you. Or your skin.”
🙂 both your assessments made me smile. The Warrior comes with so many PICTURES! There is this amazing mental movie that I don’t get with the other members of the Council. I… See More can see what he is wearing and all the weaponry and the forest and the fields and everything. It is remarkable. Last night he was, get this, sort of picking his teeth after eating. I am serious! He was looking down at the fire, it was dark out, he was picking his teeth and talking. Then, he would look up and it was like he was looking at ME! No wonder it took until 5:30pm to feel like myself again!
Sue: I think if you watch the video you can get the picking teeth image. I can see why you’re uncomfortable if they’re looking right at you. Even your hair looked different to me as they were talking. Oowh-weee. Talk about wondering what your left toe is doing!!! You must really have to resettle back into your body.
Veronica: I haven’t watched the video yet. I bought a new flip camera for recording the meetings and I just didn’t feel up to figuring it all out today! I know there is a LOT more the Warrior has to share. There is something big coming with that dude.
I know we have barely scratched the surface.
So, without further ado! Here is the video of the Warrior we were discussing. I am still trying to sort out the Flip camera’s software so I went for the simple choice of including the Warrior unedited and uncut.
If you would like to listen to or watch the entire 5-12-10 meeting, follow these links:
5-12-10 ~ 87 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by discussing bringing the body into the transformation that we’re experiencing, especially when we work on our shadow aspects.
Visionaries: A further examination of where we lie to ourselves, and how to transform those places we are ashamed of or fear. If you want to have transformation in your life, you have to deeply say “Yes” to what the current truth of you is.
Eloheim: A deep discussion of truly working through our shadow areas. They see us in fear of doing the work to fully examine our shadow areas, but want to reassure us that bringing the light of consciousness to our shameful aspects will in fact bring us to our true selves.
The Girls: “It’s all right.” By allowing ourselves to have ease with ourselves as we work through our shadow areas, we bring ourselves closer to the truth of our soul’s perspective.
Warrior: As we walk onto the field of battle, which is within us, we must be ready and armed with the tools we’ve been given.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting by reminding us: Each of the members of the Council is embracing you and supporting you on different levels, so that you can experience the completeness of you.

Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010