July, 2011
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How to Experience Oneness Even When You Don’t Understand Others ~ 7-13-2011
Powerful session! So many amazing ideas are covered in this recording:
The Guardians: Allow yourself to know you’re part of the all, part of the one. Let yourself fully embody the part that you have decided to experience. The ascension path connects you to your body more deeply. The physical is the pathway to Homo spiritus.
The Visionaries: (YouTube video below) Profound description of “oneness.” A review of service mentality: Are you reaching over the “big issue” in your life to tell someone else how they should be living?
Eloheim: Reveled in how powerful the Visionaries’ message was. Reviewed and clarified the idea that “it can’t be happening in your external world unless it’s true in your internal world” using the example of the Rupert Murdoch news organization hacking into cell phone records. How to apply the “Go to the bathroom” tool when you find yourself in a conversation full of judgements. Reviewed the “10 things” tool with an example from the group about how well it is working. Eloheim closed their section with an AMAZING talk about aging parents, our “heart’s desire” for a good mommy, how we can be a good mommy for ourselves, and how we can release mommy and daddy from the role that they were never able to fill.
The Girls: “Since you are always looking for growth, it is really easy to find places where you wish you were parented differently. Nurture yourself. What can you do in this moment to help you with the desire for a feeling of being nurtured?”
Fred: “We feel an embraced, supportive, loved, I see you, energy in the room.”
The Warrior: Talked about his love for his wife Marianna and described her strength. Spoke about leadership, “True leaders know the truth of themselves.”
Matriarch: “Energetically you all feel like you are within ’embracing distance.'” Summarized the meeting and expressed gratitude to the group.
Audio from all five sessions held in July, 2011
On 7-12-2011 I was interviewed on the Every Day Connections program. This was a fun interview and one of the only interviews I’ve done where I didn’t channel! We talked a lot about how I have applied Eloheim’s teachings in my life. We discussed other spiritual concepts as well.

SHARING SUNDAY: Realizations About the Nature of Victim Hood
Today’s installment of Sharing Sunday is from Mary George. Mary’s name is familiar to anyone who has followed the Eloheim material. She is our resident “techie.” She sets up and breaks down the meetings, helps with computer problems, formats the digital editions of our books, and generally manages to sort out problems of all kinds of types. Today she shares how Eloheim’s teachings have helped her. To read the other installments in our Sharing Sunday series, click here,here, and here.
From Mary:
I had a very contentious and difficult end to an eleven-year relationship. I discovered she had been having an affair for several months. We did not end our partnership in a friendly manner, to say the least. Over the years since then, the pain slowly, very slowly, subsided—mostly, but not completely. It was a great puzzlement. I couldn’t come to any feeling of resolution, try as I might; the hard feelings and anxiety of bumping into her remained.
One day one of my fellow Eloheim compatriots suggested that I call my ex and ask her out for lunch. Oh my god!!! Fear ran through me. No way! I’m not going to do that!! What if…. She will… I’m not doing that!
After sitting with the proposition for a while, I started to apply the tools. First, what an awesome creation! I created this opportunity. Then, fear is a choice not a mandate. My fear never made sense to me, anyway, so I thanked it for the information, decided to ignore it, and see what else was there, since everything teaches me something.
I didn’t really come up with anything but I felt I needed to make the call. You can’t have change without something changing, right? I have wanted a change in the way I had felt about this relationship but I wasn’t doing anything about it. I wasn’t doing anything differently. So, here was my awesome creation asking, “So you want change? How about this?”
I called her, she didn’t answer, I left a message. Now what? I felt better, now the shoe is on the other foot, but what if she doesn’t call back? What if she does? Where we will meet? Hey, keep the past and the future out of it! Quiet the hamster-wheel mind and stay in the moment. What is true now? I wanted and needed insight from my soul about this. I didn’t want to think about it. So I waited and I waited and I waited, keeping my intention on insight.
Finally—aha! It came to me. I felt like a victim!! Wow, I absolutely did not see that! I understand the concept of victim hood. I have recognized the opportunity to feel victimized in my current experiences but I hadn’t seen how I felt victimized in that relationship. What a relief to finally see my awesome creation in a new way. My soul must have been doing cartwheels of joy after wringing every last drop of learning from that experience.
But wait, there’s still more to learn here. I reported my “aha” to Eloheim in a meeting. I was excited about my brand-new shiny “aha.” Eloheim was supportive, of course, and then they lead me down the path to another “aha.” I could feel them holding the energetic of the moment, of my victim hood. Aha! I realized I felt like I was “right” in the relationship, I felt like my position was the righteous one. How embarrassing is that?!
Next, I asked for insight about feeling right. I have created many opportunities in my life to look at judgments. The “aha” I have gotten so far is that my feeling “right” is at the root of it. What an awesome creation! D’oh, of course! Judgments say this is right, that is wrong. How could I have missed that?!
When I look back and compare me to me, I get a feeling of accomplishment for my work of increasing my awareness, of being conscious. I see how far I have come on the path to ascension. And I can relax, knowing that I have tools that assist me in the journey to Homo spiritus. I love this journey and I love me! Taking the time to compare me to me gives me the option of gratitude rather than embarrassment. I get to take a little break and bask it the light before soldiering on to the next lesson. I earned it.
Thank you, Eloheim and The Council for all of the tools to live a conscious life with grace, ease, and bliss!!
Are you looking for help formatting your eBook? Visit Mary’s new website: http://www.epubpub.com

Tool Review and Defining Shadow AKA The Public Farting Video ~ 7-6-2011
Our channeling session of July 6, 2011 was very unusual. During the previous weeks’ meeting, The Warrior asked everyone to write down their three favorite tools and to bring them to our 7/6/2011 meeting. We gathered up the lists and everyone chose one randomly with Eloheim choosing for the folks tuning in online. We then went around the circle with each participant talking about the list of tools they had received.
It was fascinating to see what tools were included and to hear everyone’s comments about how they are using different tools. A number of tools were new to some of the folks attending and they were all great reminders.
If you would like me to choose three tools for you to work with, email eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
The Guardians: Talked about how the experience of having the meeting room doors open gives everyone an opportunity to practice focusing while more stimulated. They tied this to the new “10 things” tool.
The Visionaries: “The upcoming tool review exercise is not intended to put you into a mental space. It does not require obsessive or habitual thinking. Remember to connect to insight, to ‘What is true now?’, and ‘How am I being in this moment?’ Let’s have an exercise as Homo spiritus. Allow the most truth of you to be present. Come at this from a very fresh place!”
Eloheim: Major tool review! Also spoke about shadow: If you feel shame about it, then you are generating shadow. It’s up to you to make a different relationship to shame and a different relationship to the act that generated the shame. YouTube video below.
The Girls: Talked about the “Oh, yeah! There’s a possibility for me!” expansion energy they felt as the group did the tool review. Be in “Oh, yeah!”
Fred: Checked into the group’s crown chakras which act as the portal between the body and the soul’s perspective. Declared that they are, “Looking good!”
The Warrior: Spoke of their fascination about which tools the group picked for the review. “One of the main reasons we wanted you to look at the tools is so that we could look at your energy field as you look at them.” They saw the tools move through the Heart/Power chakra combination offering the opportunity to discover, “How does this tell me about me and how does this allow me to move the truth of me into the world?”
Matriarch:“You are becoming grown-ups in the Homo spiritus sense. You bring such a sense of your authentic desire to emanate the truth of you into the way you experience the world – energetic authenticity.”
Audio from all five sessions held in July, 2011

Conscious Awareness Creates Transformation! ~ 6-29-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of June 29, 2011 was one of those meetings where the entire Council builds on the same subject – To live as your truth, you must acknowledge your truth, and then use conscious awareness to create the transformation you seek. We had a great time and had a large group of folks join us online. More details below:
On 6-28-2011 I was interviewed on the Channels’ Channel radio show. This interview focused on how I became a channel, what it’s like to channel, and my insights on how it helps my spiritual journey. Eloheim has a great message about service mentality toward the end. You can listen by clicking on this link.
The Guardians: Have the intention for attention! What happens if the non-distracted truth of you is in this moment? The completeness of you includes your internal acknowledgment of shadow or shame. Let the truth of you be true.
The Visionaries: Conscious awareness creates transformation it cannot do anything but! Bring the truth of you to every moment. Described what living as Homo spiritus is like. YouTube video below.
Eloheim: Revisited the 10 things, Checking things off the list, Short factual statements, and Circle of possibilities tools and spoke about alternate expressions (past/future lives). They also reminded us that ascension includes ascending all lifetimes and that ascension doesn’t mean “up” but means that your soul comes in. Re-languaged the word abundance. If thinking could have solved it, it would have solved it long ago because you sure have thought about it enough!
The Girls: If something pops up in more than one area of your life, work on those first; they aren’t the hardest thing, they are the just the loudest!
Fred: One year anniversary! Fred spoke about the lament, “I want to go home!” Reminded us that home is within. “You come home to the interior truth and validity of you.”
The Warrior: Spoke about The Council’s tools. Asked us to make a list of our three favorite tools and bring (or email) the list to next week’s meeting. If you would like to learn about The Council’s tools, please refer to our books The Choice for Consciousness and The Homo Spiritus Sessions. They said that this information would give The Council the opportunity to evaluate how the tools are being used so that they can help us more effectively.
Matriarch: Was fascinated by The Warrior’s changed role on the Council and hoped we would all participate in the “home work” assignment.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
June, 2011
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Are You Being a Passive Participant in Your Journey? ~ 6-15-2011
Hello! The June 15, 2011 meeting was full of new tools and new concepts. The meeting started with me telling a story about a miraculous healing experience I had some years ago. I was very surprised that I told this story. I hadn’t shared it with many people. The Council refers to this story several times and used it to spark a fabulous conversation about possibilities.
I clipped out Eloheim explaining how you team up with your Soul. The YouTube video is below.
“You do things every single day that your soul can’t do and we can prove it to you!” ~ Eloheim
The Guardians: We feel more possibilities in your energy fields. Every part of you is accessible.
The Visionaries: We don’t gather to do small things. This is a serious process of transformation. We are here to help you do what it is you wish to do. You’re drawing out of us what you need. Where do you wish to go?
Eloheim: You are not a passive participant in your journey! “I created this and I am ready to have an active interaction with my creation.” Eloheim also spoke about the way you work with your soul and the team you create together. New tool: The circle of possibilities.
The Girls: Turn the tables on your reactions to your creations, when you wake up in the morning say “I am ready to interact with my creation!” Go on the offensive and kick your habits’ asses and name them as tools to use later.
Fred: Checked in on our crown chakras and advised us how to work with the energy we had received during the meeting. Say, “I see you” to the places that are ready for transformation.
The Warrior: Expanded on the “Circle of possibilities” tool and tied it into how it would look on the battlefield. They further explained how to apply it to our habits, fears, and insecurities.
Matriarch: Put her spin on the “Circle of possibilities tool,” expanding it in a powerful way.
Thank you Veronica & Eloheim!
I woke up this morning….I had made a list of goals yesterday and there were some things I had to do to make them happen………..things I didn’t really feel excited about…..but I said “I am ready to interact with my creation!” and pushed forward.
I had to stay on the phone on hold to deal with an old issue I’d been putting off. Luckily they had pleasant music and I was playing on the computer. During that time I received a payment for an order and someone inquiring to sell my product in the U. K………………I thought “Wow…..dealing with my creation isn’t so bad after all……”
Thank you!
I sell flower & gemstone essences: Here is the web page: http://ajourney4you.com/classes-2/ and here is the facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Journey-for-You-Flower-Gemstone-Essences/180929798629452
Just wanted to share….too much to type during a Wednesday night broadcast! LOL!
In Truth, Simplicity and Love,
Shelli L Speaks
Founder ~ A Journey for YOU
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011

Deep Sadness Due to Soul Disconnect ~ 6-08-2011
Hello everyone,
Last Wednesday was a busy day for me. I was interviewed by David McMaster on the New Potentials program just before our weekly meeting. David and I talked about self-publishing and I also channeled Eloheim. You can listen to the 60 minute program by following this link:
Veronica and Eloheim interviewed by David McMaster on New Potentials
There was lots of powerful information in the June 8, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians: Your attention directly impacts the information available. You give us permission through your attention to access your energy field, to access what is happening within you and that allows us to assist you in releasing that what you are ready to release and to help you open to what you are ready to open to.
The Visionaries: Got tongue tied for the very first time! Free will is: Everything is your responsibility. Your attention creates an energetic, transformational place. Where will the depth of me be explored? Where will I have an energetic exchange?
Eloheim: Followed up on recent questions by three group members. Revisited the “Go to the bathroom” and “What’s behind the mirror?” tools. They also spoke about the deep sadness that can result when “the truth of me is not accessible to me” due to the separation we feel from our Soul.
The Girls: Explained how saying, “I can’t believe so and so has that problem” alerts your soul to something it might find interesting even if you don’t! They then detailed how to respond to seeing choices that others make that you don’t want to make.
Fred: Spoke about the energies of Chiron – the energy of the things being revealed.
The Warrior: Started a new chapter in his story picking up 20 years later. Talked about what it is like to be older and experiencing changing roles. Spoke about Cedric’s kindness.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting with a “hug.”
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011

A Doorway to a New Experience ~ 6-1-2011
Hello everyone,
The channeling session of June 1, 2011 included messages from each of the Council members.
The Guardians: What is in your experience that you are ready to move beyond? It is very important to be aware of that which you wish to infuse with your soul’s perspective.
The Visionaries: Is it “go” or “no go”? We will tell you that it’s “no go” if your habits, baggage, static, and un-boundaried perspectives are not being attended to. You don’t have to be finished or done. What you need to be is willing to align your free will behind the idea that this is what you desire and be attentive to what arises.
Eloheim: Took questions from the group including a profound discussion about lack. They also introduced a new tool: Doorway to a new experience.
The Girls: Were very impressed by Eloheim’s new tool and spoke about how the energies shifted in the room as the tool was explored. They also spoke about desiring “healing above all else.”
Fred: Finally talked about the energy of the Sun. The Sun is the life force, it’s the engine. It’s all about receiving!
The Warrior: Talked about setting boundaries quickly. Get clear about what your truth so that you can express it clearly early in the emotive cycle.
Matriarch: Remember, when you get triggered be sure to say, “I accept you, but I want more than you” to ensure you don’t build more static during the transformation of the trigger.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
May, 2011
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The NEW Definition of the Moment, The Gift of the Moment ~ 5-11-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of May 11, 2011 included the entire Council sharing their insights. The Guardians and The Visionaries followed up on last week’s conversation about boundaries.
Your attention is a precious commodity. – The Visionaries
The Visionaries also revisiting the “I’m Tempted” tool. I feel the “I’m tempted” tool, along with the “Equal signs” and “Short, factual statements” tools are the most powerful tools The Council has ever offered. You can learn more about “Equal signs” and “Short, factual statements” in our newest book, The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3. The link is at the bottom of this post.
Eloheim spoke about the new definition of the moment and how it connects to insight from your soul. I clipped this section for the YouTube video this week. Eloheim also spoke powerfully about coming of age and parenting. Fred talked about the energies of the Earth.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3 is now available:
Change your life! Transform triggers, set boundaries, and learn to say NO comfortably. Explore possibilities and new perspectives; you are not your circumstances. Live in grace, ease, bliss, and serenity by choosing your reactions to your creations (experiences).
Volume three of the Homo Spiritus Sessions includes the transcript of the July 21, 2010 channeling session and includes the following tools:
Equal signs; How ridiculous does it have to get?; “No” is a complete sentence; Point fingers; Preferences/Judgments; Short, factual statements; Vulnerability vs. Weakness; What is true now?
Volume three also includes 112 definitions of terms and concepts including the following new terms:
Checking things off of your list; Fire hose; Lack; Triggers are handholds.
The Homo Spiritus Sessions series offers channeled messages from Eloheim and The Council.
The Council is comprised of seven different groups: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, The Eloheim, The Warrior, and Fred. During a channeling session, each of The Council members take turns sharing their teachings. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.
The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into the consciousness-based operating system. These tools are developed during private sessions and public gatherings.
Each book in the Homo Spiritus Sessions series consists of the transcript of one of our public sessions, enriched with supporting material. The supporting material includes information about Eloheim and The Council, descriptions of tools referenced in the session, and over 100 definitions of terms and concepts.
Each of the Homo Spiritus Sessions books can stand alone, but taken together will allow the reader to follow along with the progression of the teachings including the introduction, in-depth explanation, and evolution of The Council’s tools.
When you order the eBook from my website, you will receive it in two different formats: PDF and EPUB. I prefer to read the book as an EPUB. You can download Adobe Digital Editions for free and use it to read the EPUB version. Follow this link for more details:
http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/. If you are happy reading as a PDF, then you don’t need Adobe Digital Editions. Either way, you get the same book.The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3 eBook – $2.99
January, 2011
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Fear-Based and Consciousness-Based Operating Systems ~ 1-12-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, January 12, 2011 is a meeting we won’t soon forget! The night before, Eloheim kept me awake for over an hour telling me all about the meeting and making sure I knew just what was needed for the presentation they had planned.
This was the first time in over 8 years of weekly meetings that we didn’t sit in a circle. Everyone sat in two half-circle rows so that they could all see what Eloheim was writing.
Eloheim proceeded to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. I have included a portion of their talk in the video below.
It was very different to channel Eloheim in this ‘mode’. Typically Eloheim reads the energy of the room. This time, since they were summarizing their teachings they didn’t access the energy of the room. To me, it constantly felt like I was trying to remember something and couldn’t…for 85 minutes.
Added to the challenge was that Eloheim can get distracted by ANYTHING! Imagine keeping them on track when they were sitting in a new chair and writing on a white erase board! This just might have been the first time they ever really wrote. They did draw a picture for us once before, but an entire night of spelling and spatial orientation and all that…..never before.
I’m right here doing a compare U2U and I’m just going to say it, this would have been impossible not that long ago.
Making something hard look easy once again. 🙂
The whiteboard meeting! Eloheim planned a special presentation for the meeting. The other Council members did not interact verbally in this meeting. Eloheim used a whiteboard to outline the transition from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system, and explaining the tools we use to make our transition while creating the presentation.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
April, 2009
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ELOHEIM: 2012, Ascension, and much more! ~ 4-1-09
Hello everyone. The Eloheim channeling meeting held on April 1, 2009 was incredibly powerful. I was in an extremely altered state until about 2:00pm the next day. I feel I received a preview of what it is like to live from my Soul’s perspective.
It was confusing.
I had a completely new grasp on how time, creating our reality, physical structures, etc. work. Yet, I couldn’t understand spacial relationships.
I didn’t know how we were going to get the car out of the parking area since someone was parked behind us. It didn’t occur to me that they would move and then we would move.
When I got home (no, I didn’t drive myself! Thanks Margy and Randy) I didn’t know what to do. Randy had to instruct me to put down my purse, take off my cape, and sit down.
Most intriguing of all, I later found that my arms no longer moved. I laid on the couch, unafraid, examining my habits. I could only watch the impulses to get up, to have a snack, to watch a show, to scratch the itch, etc. I couldn’t react to them physically so I just watched them come in and go out of my attention.
The most interesting habit was the habit that said, “As soon as this passes we can get back to our habits!” That one came up a lot.
I am not sure how much actual time passed before I could move again. My guess is 30-60 minutes.
When I woke up the next day I was still deeply in an altered state. I called Margy and we talked as I manage to figure out how to make toast. Now, I am typically unskilled in the kitchen, but I have never struggled to make toast before!
So, what is this teaching me?
I realized that this altered state was a higher level of awareness. I also realized that I couldn’t function in my current life from that state. I found myself feeling like I was forced to choose: Accept this advancement of consciousness (and be non-functional) or go back to my normal life and lose these insights.
Time for a call to Marne.
Marne helped me realize that I could ask Eloheim for a recalibration of my system. The recalibration would assist me in integrating this new level of consciousness into my life.
I asked Eloheim for this recalibration and slowly started to feel like I could function again.
I am deeply in this journey.
The meeting of 4-1-09 covers many subjects. There is a further explanation of the energetic billboard, a discussion of meditation, and many other items.
At about an hour into the meeting, the conversation turns to ascension, how to bring the energies of 2012 into the now, black holes as the galactic vending machine, and so much more!
At the end, there is a tool for releasing excess energy and getting back to sleep!
As you en-soul your body, raise your vibration, and walk the path of ascension, you are expanding what it means to be human, transforming the physical vessel, and empowering yourself with the perspective of your Soul.
That’s what an ascended human looks like. The ascended human vibrationally offers a shifted paradigm to the planet and offers a shifted paradigm to how one is on Earth as well.
The shit needs to get shifted before the shift gets here!
The video clip is an interesting take on the energetics of 2012 and how to bring that powerful transformational force into this moment. It also shows how much fun we have at the meetings.
4-1-09 – 96 minutes
CELLULAR PURGING–Past Life release-open up space for higher vibrations to come in Akashic Records-Pull IN the information that can serve you; Stay in the moment in order to release the negative energy in the now-make room;
BILLBOARD—Eloheim discusses the billboard messages in multiple settings: a new job, attracting>
friends, consciously approaching un-healed subjects;
RE-LANGUAGING key subjects for conscious attraction; Spiritual Tools–Take a deep breath about forgetting to use tools–be willing to go from a screwdriver to a power tool;PULLING IN VIBRATIONS FOR HEALING–Stay neutral–Stay present–Avoid resisting incoming energy–Re-language meditation expectations–no longer absence of thought; conscious thought –Be willing to re-language “old tools”–don’t overvalue a quiet mind now;
2012 is not as relevant as NOW
-HOMO SPIRITUS PARADIGM SHIFT–Black hole opens like “Galactic Vending Machine” for availability NOW– STEPS –1)transform fear 2)satisfy core emotion 3)tap into the Galactic Vending Machine 4)”All Access Pass”
–Don’t the rules change for everyone once the shift occurs?–Aborigines don’t know/care about the internet…
–Each CREATING NEW LIFE FORM – Homo spiritus
-ONE DIMENSION AT A TIME–Going from 3rd-4th to 5th–Let that thought be enough for now
-Eloheim discusses “ASCENSION” and the process involved in shifting–Focus desires for transformation
-Keep walking toward consciousness
-THE BIG CIRCLE TOOL–Tool describes how to “vent” excess energy in order to rest/sleep
-APRIL MONTH-April personifies physical life journey–it begins with the “Trickster”; we pay taxes; the Resurrection is celebrated
-All PROPHECIES are in flux–The moment is plenty-stay in what the moment can teach you-worry not about prophetic outcomes –
I am reading, Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, by Robert Schwartz. I have never read a book that so clearly explains what I know to be true about ‘why we are here’ and ‘what it is all about.’ I read 80 pages in one sitting the first time I picked it up. The author has an amazing way of describing the new paradigm of living as a creator and letting go of the habit of being a victim.
For more information, you can follow this link to the Amazon listing.
Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born
I get a couple of quarters if you order from this link.
However you come to it, I highly recommend this publication.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in April 2009