November, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Feeling Sorry for Another vs. Compassion
Since the video from the 11-19-08 meeting didn’t come out, here is an extra clip from the 11-12-08 meeting. One of the group members mentioned that she felt the healing she was doing was supporting healing for the women in her lineage. This lead into a discussion of Feeling Sorry for Others compared to Feeling Compassion for Others.
Occasionally, Eloheim catches me completely by surprise with some of their concepts. This clip includes the latest installment!
Quotes from the clip:
I am doing a service to all by healing myself
Compassion is: “I feel a truth here within me that seems to be a truth that is within you”
Feeling sorry for them is making them a victim, not only of whatever circumstances they are in, but of your inability to be conscious.
When you feel sorry for someone, you are making them a victim of your unconsciousness.
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ELOHEIM: You can’t have change without CHANGE!
This clip is from the beginning of the 11-5-08 meeting. In it Eloheim talks about how the US election results are part of a huge energy shift. “Today is the first day of the run up to 2012!” Eloheim gets quite passionate toward the end of this clip!
The full meeting also included a lengthy discussion of the new presidential administration.
As the new energetic establishes itself …. keep in mind the exponentially more powerful, more transformational, ability that high vibrational action has.
As you feed the system with your high vibration you’re not pushing against a wall any more, you are flowing, it is like you are all rowing in the same direction now, instead of kind of rowing to keep your place in the stream, you are actually rowing with everyone else in movement toward transformation.
Movement through growth is the Soul’s journey as a Homo Sapiens moving into Homo Spiritus….Today is the first day of the run up to 2012!…The energy has transformed, and shifted, and moved into a new category.
We are moving along the ascension path and that the energetics have shifted to facilitate that.
You’re living transformationally! But the job isn’t done!
When you hear them chanting YES WE CAN, that’s not just YES WE CAN because Barack Obama says. That’s YES WE CAN because their Souls are screaming for an opportunity to experience growth.
When you hear that add on, YES WE CAN experience growth, YES WE CAN live high vibrationally, YES WE CAN infusing the society with consciousness, YES WE CAN be leaders simply by taking a breath.
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October, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Soul to Soul Vibrational Communication 10-15-08
This clip is from the 10-15-08 meeting. Often Eloheim opens our meetings with a talk which typically last 30 minutes or so. This meeting they left the subject up to the group. One of the participants asked a question about music. He wondered if music exists in other types of incarnations or even on a Soul level.
This subject led into a very interesting discussion about communication. The clip I chose describes Vibrational Communication and how we communicate Soul to Soul. Eloheim speaks to Margaret Henderson who opens and closes our meetings with intutive sounds. Eloheim describes how sound healing works and talks about the potential that exists within that modality.
When you are generating vibrations from your entire being and it is not limited to language, but is actually infused consciousness….this is the ability to communicate vibrationally.
When your vibration gets high, you emanate ripples of high vibration. Imagine that you were actually able to modulate and, in essence, control those ripples that you send out. Then you have a completely new level of communication available to you which is modeled on the communication style you use as a Soul.
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ELOHEIM: Helping the Body adapt to High Vibrational living
This clip is part of the meeting from 10-22-08.
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ELOHEIM 10-8-08: Summary of their Teachings
This clip is from the beginning of the meeting of 10-8-08. Eloheim took some time to summarize their teachings and give an overview of what is going on for light workers at this time.
The clip begins with Margaret Henderson providing intuitive sounds. Margy is a sound healer in Sonoma, CA. Her website is:
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September, 2008
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ELOHEIM 9-24-08: Preview of the next 6 months
In this clip from the 9-24-08 meeting, Eloheim summarizes what is going on energetically and previews what the next 6-7 months will be like:
This is the time of choice.
You are choosing, every single moment, to support your high vibrational life, your high vibrational experience, OR to go habitual, to go matching low vibration, and to go diminishing.
No one can take that choice from you because you live in free will zone, and no one can make those choices for you and, more importantly, no one can make you choose.
Eloheim is channeled five times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Our meetings are open to the public. Admission is by donation. Private sessions by phone or in person are also available. For session information or to purchase a CD of any of our previous meetings, email

ELOHEIM VIDEO: 9-24-08 Ask, does this support High Vibrational living?
During this clip, Eloheim gets SERIOUS. They talk frankly and directly about how we are living and how those choices affect our ability to live in a high vibrational manner.
The question that needs to be asked over and over again: Is this a high vibrational situation? Because if it is not, especially now, you need to re-think the situation.
There is NOTHING ELSE YOU HAVE TO DO but be high-vibrational.
If, for some reason you think the consequences of ‘sucking up’ a low vibrational situation are somehow acceptable, then we want you to reconsider what you feel you deserve and what standards you have for yourself. Because no one else can give you permission but yourself. This is the pathway to embracing who you truly are. This is the way to become an Ascended Being.
Eloheim is channeled five times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Our meetings are open to the public and admission is by donation. Private sessions by phone or in person are also available. For session information or to purchase a CD of any of our previous meetings, email

ELOHEIM VIDEO: 9-17-08 Who You Truly Are
This video is from the 9-17-08 meeting. Eloheim talks about the Energetic Opportunity to find out “who you truly are” which we all have access to right now. This clip builds and builds to a very powerful summary of what we are able to access right now!
I am no longer going to deny the expansiveness of my Soul that I have access to.
Eloheim is channeled five times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Our meetings are open to the public and admission is by donation. Private sessions by phone or in person are also available. For session information or to purchase a CD of any of our previous meetings, email
August, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Your Relationship to Sexual Energy and Physicality
This audio clip came from a private session on August 16, 2008. In it, Eloheim speaks clearly, deeply, and bluntly about experiencing a new relationship to physicality and Sexual Energy.
The light workers’ sexual experience is going to be rewritten in the next six to eight months.
(The key) is to go into the sexual experience with the exact same frame of mind you are going into everything else (with). Where am I habitual with this? … Where are you holding a pattern within you that is old?
This is a beautiful opportunity to blow the doors open and to tap into an incredibly powerful force within you that that wants to have expansion…
Here is an invitation to (find) another place where you are habitual and where you have an opportunity to have a completely new experience.
That is another thing to own – I was built for this…I am a Sexual Being by construction!
Having this re imagined experience of sexuality is the fastest way to re-write your biology…the most powerful engine you have for biologic transformation is the sexual energy.
Click on this link below to access the audio file. It will bring up a new page and you will need to click on the link again. It may take a few moments for the file to start playing. Sorry about the multiple steps. I really don’t know why the site works that way!

ELOHEIM VIDEO: Use language to break habitual response
This short clip is from the 8-13-08 meeting. In it, Eloheim explains how to use language to remove yourself from the habitual responses of the culture.
Veronica channels Eloheim 5 times a month in Sonoma County, CA. Phone sessions are also available. Email for more information.