July, 2011
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Conscious Awareness Creates Transformation! ~ 6-29-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of June 29, 2011 was one of those meetings where the entire Council builds on the same subject – To live as your truth, you must acknowledge your truth, and then use conscious awareness to create the transformation you seek. We had a great time and had a large group of folks join us online. More details below:
On 6-28-2011 I was interviewed on the Channels’ Channel radio show. This interview focused on how I became a channel, what it’s like to channel, and my insights on how it helps my spiritual journey. Eloheim has a great message about service mentality toward the end. You can listen by clicking on this link.
The Guardians: Have the intention for attention! What happens if the non-distracted truth of you is in this moment? The completeness of you includes your internal acknowledgment of shadow or shame. Let the truth of you be true.
The Visionaries: Conscious awareness creates transformation it cannot do anything but! Bring the truth of you to every moment. Described what living as Homo spiritus is like. YouTube video below.
Eloheim: Revisited the 10 things, Checking things off the list, Short factual statements, and Circle of possibilities tools and spoke about alternate expressions (past/future lives). They also reminded us that ascension includes ascending all lifetimes and that ascension doesn’t mean “up” but means that your soul comes in. Re-languaged the word abundance. If thinking could have solved it, it would have solved it long ago because you sure have thought about it enough!
The Girls: If something pops up in more than one area of your life, work on those first; they aren’t the hardest thing, they are the just the loudest!
Fred: One year anniversary! Fred spoke about the lament, “I want to go home!” Reminded us that home is within. “You come home to the interior truth and validity of you.”
The Warrior: Spoke about The Council’s tools. Asked us to make a list of our three favorite tools and bring (or email) the list to next week’s meeting. If you would like to learn about The Council’s tools, please refer to our books The Choice for Consciousness and The Homo Spiritus Sessions. They said that this information would give The Council the opportunity to evaluate how the tools are being used so that they can help us more effectively.
Matriarch: Was fascinated by The Warrior’s changed role on the Council and hoped we would all participate in the “home work” assignment.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
January, 2011
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Q&A ~ Living Gracefully From Your Soul’s Perspective ~ 1-16-2011
Hello everyone,
The January Q&A was great. Eloheim loved the questions! The list of questions answered and the links to purchase the entire recording are below.
The video is from the end of the meeting and introduces a new idea: Living from your soul’s perspective is like accessing a search engine of every experience your soul has ever had. The video also includes a discussion about how to handle change gracefully.
The February Q&A will be on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:00pm Pacific. I will have the sign up link posted by the end of January.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
In the last 2 weeks I’ve created 2 triggers around the same issue. The first time I went straight to rage in 2 seconds flat, but on Friday I recognized this was a ”re-cue” issue before getting angry… Without going into the sad details, this is occasions where I get to pick up the slack (clean up the mess, and we’re not talking spilled orange juice…) or pay up financially (or emotionally) for some else’s INCOMPETENCE. It makes me feel like a victim and I don’t like it. There have been a string of these kind of incidents in my life. But what is really going on here? They are script-holding something and I clearly don’t get it.
I am determined to find a very nice living situation that suits my needs. The problem is that having one month of rent AND a deposit at the same time feels impossible. I can’t even remember the last time I had that much money at one time. Just coming up with one month feels like a huge challenge. How do I REALLY change this? I have done all kinds of “money work” and, if anything, it feels like I have less money in my life than ever before. And that scares me. I don’t feel I deserve to live in broken living situations.
Prior to 2010 I was really struggling with building a nest of comfort and relationships. Today I am much more skilled as I have successful experience under my belt and tons of useful Eloheim inspired tools! I often wonder why I choose to start out in this life so far from happiness.
Since we last talked, I have a lot more clarity about my business, but I still tend to get caught up in “do to get”. Even though I have a (long) way to go regarding living from my soul’s perspective, is there a way to do business in a more soul-based way now, instead of being so goal and planning orientated . . . and ending up overworking?
I would like you to discuss dream state and what dreams mean to us and why I keep having drug related “scary” dreams from which I wake up fearful and yucky. I did a lot of drugs in my past, but not my present. How can I have hopeful, uplifting dreams?
It’s been a really rough few years of struggle with little relief. Losing jobs, homes, income, pets, and so on. I feel like I’m finally at the end of my tolerance/endurance, and none of the “inspired actions” I’ve been taking to find income or a job to support my son, dogs and I have had any positive result. What’s going on? Is there relief in sight? Regardless of all my spiritual studies and practices and all actions I’ve taken, I am losing hope.
I feel like I am completely clear about what I want and why I want it. I have spent almost a year turning my life upside down to convince the not so bright part of myself that I really want this manifestation and change. So what else is there and is there anything I can do to force the issue if necessary?
I am having difficulty in telling the difference between my soul’s perspective to my mind’s voice, so are there any tools, that would help and also tools that bring in the soul’s perspective into a more 24/7 reality connection other than my connection within my meditation.
I have been consciously taking out the equal signs around my finances. Do you see other areas where I can increase financial flow in my current life?
I find myself telling myself that I have plenty of time to accomplish my chores is not working so very well. My focus is easily distracted. I then consciously breathe in ease and grace to complete the highest priority. I start and am distracted yet again. How do I better define and keep the highest priority?
I had an experience while meditating a couple of years ago and was wondering if you could shed some insight on anything about the experience that you can see…any information. While meditating I remember having this thought about “oh’ that’s right… I just forgot who I really am – This is who I really am”….and the feeling was that of great power and strength but not that of physical power but of wisdom and confidence and steadfastness. I remember seeing the room as it was but my eyes where closed….except right in front of me was a outline of a head and it was filled with blackness….it was just the shoulders and head. The feeling was great and at the time it seemed that me having the experience was not that unusual at all. It was not until after I was done meditating that I realized that I just experienced something grand. In trying to find the words to describe it….myself now feels in comparison very immature compared to the wisdom and confidence that I had in that moment. Can you tell me what was behind this experience at all?
How can we be more graceful during this time of huge change?
How can we be more conscious with our partner?
April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Steps to Live From Your Soul’s Perspective
Hello everyone,
This wonderful video was created by my co-author Waller. This message came out of a private session last year.
Eloheim has given us details about each of these steps and, as I type this, it occurs to me that this information would make a great book!
January, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Connecting with Soul, Chakra Check in ~ 1-17-10
Hello everyone from a VERY rainy Sonoma, California!
We had a great webcast on Sunday. We had folks from at least five different countries and had a great variety of questions.
I haven’t booked the February webcast yet. The date I was aiming for is taken up by a planned video shoot with the band. I need to check with the crew and see what other dates work. I hope to get that settled tomorrow night at the meeting.
In the meantime, we are webcasting the weekly meetings and I hope you can join us. Follow this link to sign up: https://eloheim.com/?page_id=1909 Just in case you were with us on Sunday and were wondering what that final little thing was that kept us from using the new microphones: Turns out we needed the latest version of Flash. I downloaded it and got it all working this evening. YIPPEE!
Look at this cute little mixing board! I think she needs a name. Suggestions????
Owning the experience you are having and letting it reveal your truth.
The way you love yourself is how you walk in the world!
AUDIO – 01-17-10 – 83 minutes ~ Q&A Session
List of questions answered during the meeting:
I’m wondering if the folks in Haiti were on board for this (1-13-10 earthquake) as part of the plan to open our hearts and begin operating from our heart center?
What’s going on energetically today? I feel discombobulated – like I’m backslid few steps on my path.
I was there at the amazing meeting Wed night and have experienced some anxiety since then. Is that just the adjusting to the energy shift?
Spent years creating herself, can see the big picture, find the lesson, understand the thoughts and actions of others but this has left her in a place where superficial conversations, lack of expressions of love and folks being angry and upset, keeps her spending most of her time alone. Can’t find anything to connect to and is always the one folks bring their stuff to. She give a lot. How does she live and be happy and how does she stop wanting something in return when it seems like no-one has much to give when in need of so much. Why are people such takers? Good grief!
After experiencing many events during the past five years as 7.0 on the Ritcher scale, how can I clean the old energy out of the house or is that even necessary?
What does Be in Your Truth mean when you’re doing routine tasks like driving or doing the dishes?
Can you expand more on using our freewill to create in our lives? How can we better understand the connection between them?
I have a body ache in the upper part of my body that does not go away. It starts at the neck and goes down the shoulder joint and shoulder blade. It feels stiff and very tight – massaging and physical exercise don’t help but I keep moving the energy from left to right. Both shoulders are painful. Also pain in upper middle chest.
Sometimes I feel that if I had known this spiritual path was going to be this hard I would have chosen a different approach to life. If I keep working with all these tools will it all be worthwhile?
Now that we’ve crossed over the threshold into the new year, how can I connect with my higher self?
I have been dealing with triggers, looking at unconsciousness and there’s been a shift in perception. For some reason I’m starting to experience the world differently. How do I know my first five chakras, especially the 3rd and 4th, are functioning properly?
There is pressure in my throat area.
So asthma and those kinds of things that are coming up right now, might also be about the throat chakra?
I’ve had several experiences where my perception changed from outer to inner reality for a period of time. I’m unsure how to make that a permanent shift.
After the Christmas holidays I had an experience of a total meltdown; dealing with feelings of anger. That then shifted into feeling spiritually productive and wonderfully light (not listless). I’d still like to be having that same feeling of doing a lot of inner work. Now I’m back here doing things I’m not crazy about doing
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010
September, 2009
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ELOHEIM: The Completeness of You 9-16-09
SAVE THE DATE! ~ Sunday, October 11th, 4:00pm California time ~ Eloheim’s first live webcast! The details are still being arranged, but I wanted to put the date out as soon as it was decided. I will provide all the details and instructions on how to join the webcast very soon!
Talk about 180 degree turn around! Last week was the INTENSE Visionaries. This week we had a new visitor who is soft, supportive, and even tender. Eloheim later explained that it was the collective voice of the Souls present.
I decided to present their message in the video.
This meeting also includes a really interesting and lengthy conversation about Shame which is a continuation of the Visionaries message from last week.
Everything has given you the opportunity to come to the knowing of the completeness of you that still seeks.
Be nice to yourselves.
I’m patient with me, because I’m not through with me yet.
I am complete
yet I seek
and I am patient with myself in the process.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009
May, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Abundance defined
Abundance of money is not the only,
or even the most important, way to measure what abundance is.
Abundance is the air that you can breathe,
it’s the nature you can see,
and it’s the opportunity to experience the expanded state of your
It’s not the limited poor mind.
It’s the expanded rich soul that’s offering you insight.
That’s the true state of abundance..

ELOHEIM: A Big ‘AHA’ from Veronica
I am often asked if I remember what I channel. The answer is, sort of.
When the channeling is happening a variety of things occur. Sometimes I feel very present in my body, sometimes I feel like I am sitting in one of the chairs in the circle listening along with everyone else, sometimes I realize that my mouth is moving and sound is coming out but I wasn’t aware of it for a period of time, sometimes I can’t recall how they began a sentence when they get to the end of it.
It is always different and often odd and completely wonderful all at the same time.
Lately, it is becoming increasingly clear that I don’t remember very much of the actual language of the channeling. I remember the energetics, I can say, WOW, the beginning of the meeting last week was incredible but, I don’t recall what was actually said.
As we are working on two books right now, the transcribers send me quotes and paragraphs pretty regularly. This is a huge wake up for me. I find myself saying, ‘WHOA that is cool’ all the time!
Of everything I have been sent so far, this is the one that really gave me the big AHA. I have been channeling Eloheim weekly for almost seven years now. This quote puts many of their teachings into context. It shows how they have been taking us step by step as we move along the path of Ascension.
This quote came out of a private session, so even the folks that attend the weekly meeting haven’t seen it.
Living from the soul’s perspective, of course, is only achievable by being in the moment.
And being in the moment is really only achievable by not having baggage with you in the moment.
And not having baggage in the moment is only achievable by becoming conscious of your baggage.
And becoming conscious of what’s going on in the moment is only possible if you’re willing to break habits.
And breaking habits is only possible if you’re willing to confront the biology that says, “Change is too scary.”
And confronting the biology is only possible if you have courage.
So it starts with the courage to say, “Life can be different”.
And once you have the courage to say, “Life can be different”,
then you confront the biology
and then you become conscious
and then you start seeing where your baggage is
and then you release your baggage,
then you are in the moment,
and because by then your vibration is so high,
the moment allows you access to your soul,
to the Akashic Records, and to a completely different way of living
which is being in the body but living from your soul’s perspective.
~ Eloheim

ELOHEIM: You’re Already READY! ~ 5-20-09
You, as a Soul, already have it all clear. You already have clarity.
You [as the personality] are ready for a collaborative experience [with your Soul].
It’s been ‘Earth school’ and you have been learning. And, you know what you’ve learned? You’ve learned that there is nothing here but you being and you’ve learned to open up to the idea that a new way of being is your birthright. So it’s time to get out of the classroom and get out on the playground.
Eloheim says it feels like the crest of a wave tonight, embodying all that has been learned.
-Its really time to let go of the morbid curiosity.
-Its time to BE here, BE ready, observe, and realize the playground of the experience; no longer school.
-Take off the costume of fear, habit, and biology to really BE the expression of your soul in physical form.
-Romantic Love: My body and your body are yummy.
-Parental Love: Its hard to see my life without you in it.
-It’s the binding agent. It is the nervous system of God, In the end it is knowing that there is a plan, a purpose, guides, sense. It is the atunement of the parts to the whole so that reactions happen.
-Detectable Input: information from your guides. Eventually from your soul; the soul needs a high vibrational body to interact with; guides are more go betweens.
-Why would life be easier living somewhere else? (One of the group is moving).
-some people learn by recognizing habitual patterns.
-others learn by making big changes.
-Why are we all so tired? Rest; pay attention. You’re not only on the bus of ascension, you are the bus. Slow it down or sleep more in order to keep up. The point is the bliss, balance, and grace of the process.
-Ask for support, but not to go back to what you once knew.
-Transform your habits become more conscious raise vibration make room for soul.
-Avoid planning ahead and anticipating an outcome-allow it to come and be what it is.
-As shifts of awareness happen, avoid fear, avoid thinking. Ask for help to flow into the shifting.
Audio recordings of the four meetings held in May 2009.
April, 2009
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ELOHEIM: 2012, Ascension, and much more! ~ 4-1-09
Hello everyone. The Eloheim channeling meeting held on April 1, 2009 was incredibly powerful. I was in an extremely altered state until about 2:00pm the next day. I feel I received a preview of what it is like to live from my Soul’s perspective.
It was confusing.
I had a completely new grasp on how time, creating our reality, physical structures, etc. work. Yet, I couldn’t understand spacial relationships.
I didn’t know how we were going to get the car out of the parking area since someone was parked behind us. It didn’t occur to me that they would move and then we would move.
When I got home (no, I didn’t drive myself! Thanks Margy and Randy) I didn’t know what to do. Randy had to instruct me to put down my purse, take off my cape, and sit down.
Most intriguing of all, I later found that my arms no longer moved. I laid on the couch, unafraid, examining my habits. I could only watch the impulses to get up, to have a snack, to watch a show, to scratch the itch, etc. I couldn’t react to them physically so I just watched them come in and go out of my attention.
The most interesting habit was the habit that said, “As soon as this passes we can get back to our habits!” That one came up a lot.
I am not sure how much actual time passed before I could move again. My guess is 30-60 minutes.
When I woke up the next day I was still deeply in an altered state. I called Margy and we talked as I manage to figure out how to make toast. Now, I am typically unskilled in the kitchen, but I have never struggled to make toast before!
So, what is this teaching me?
I realized that this altered state was a higher level of awareness. I also realized that I couldn’t function in my current life from that state. I found myself feeling like I was forced to choose: Accept this advancement of consciousness (and be non-functional) or go back to my normal life and lose these insights.
Time for a call to Marne.
Marne helped me realize that I could ask Eloheim for a recalibration of my system. The recalibration would assist me in integrating this new level of consciousness into my life.
I asked Eloheim for this recalibration and slowly started to feel like I could function again.
I am deeply in this journey.
The meeting of 4-1-09 covers many subjects. There is a further explanation of the energetic billboard, a discussion of meditation, and many other items.
At about an hour into the meeting, the conversation turns to ascension, how to bring the energies of 2012 into the now, black holes as the galactic vending machine, and so much more!
At the end, there is a tool for releasing excess energy and getting back to sleep!
As you en-soul your body, raise your vibration, and walk the path of ascension, you are expanding what it means to be human, transforming the physical vessel, and empowering yourself with the perspective of your Soul.
That’s what an ascended human looks like. The ascended human vibrationally offers a shifted paradigm to the planet and offers a shifted paradigm to how one is on Earth as well.
The shit needs to get shifted before the shift gets here!
The video clip is an interesting take on the energetics of 2012 and how to bring that powerful transformational force into this moment. It also shows how much fun we have at the meetings.
4-1-09 – 96 minutes
CELLULAR PURGING–Past Life release-open up space for higher vibrations to come in Akashic Records-Pull IN the information that can serve you; Stay in the moment in order to release the negative energy in the now-make room;
BILLBOARD—Eloheim discusses the billboard messages in multiple settings: a new job, attracting>
friends, consciously approaching un-healed subjects;
RE-LANGUAGING key subjects for conscious attraction; Spiritual Tools–Take a deep breath about forgetting to use tools–be willing to go from a screwdriver to a power tool;PULLING IN VIBRATIONS FOR HEALING–Stay neutral–Stay present–Avoid resisting incoming energy–Re-language meditation expectations–no longer absence of thought; conscious thought –Be willing to re-language “old tools”–don’t overvalue a quiet mind now;
2012 is not as relevant as NOW
-HOMO SPIRITUS PARADIGM SHIFT–Black hole opens like “Galactic Vending Machine” for availability NOW– STEPS –1)transform fear 2)satisfy core emotion 3)tap into the Galactic Vending Machine 4)”All Access Pass”
–Don’t the rules change for everyone once the shift occurs?–Aborigines don’t know/care about the internet…
–Each CREATING NEW LIFE FORM – Homo spiritus
-ONE DIMENSION AT A TIME–Going from 3rd-4th to 5th–Let that thought be enough for now
-Eloheim discusses “ASCENSION” and the process involved in shifting–Focus desires for transformation
-Keep walking toward consciousness
-THE BIG CIRCLE TOOL–Tool describes how to “vent” excess energy in order to rest/sleep
-APRIL MONTH-April personifies physical life journey–it begins with the “Trickster”; we pay taxes; the Resurrection is celebrated
-All PROPHECIES are in flux–The moment is plenty-stay in what the moment can teach you-worry not about prophetic outcomes –
I am reading, Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, by Robert Schwartz. I have never read a book that so clearly explains what I know to be true about ‘why we are here’ and ‘what it is all about.’ I read 80 pages in one sitting the first time I picked it up. The author has an amazing way of describing the new paradigm of living as a creator and letting go of the habit of being a victim.
For more information, you can follow this link to the Amazon listing.
Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born
I get a couple of quarters if you order from this link.
However you come to it, I highly recommend this publication.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in April 2009
December, 2008
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ELOHEIM: List of things the Soul wants to learn
The 12-10-08 meeting had a different format as Eloheim wanted to use all the time we had together to answer questions. They especially wanted to focus on things that we were ready to release before the New Year begins.
This clip includes an interesting discussion of how our Soul’s “list” of things it wishes to learn is dealt with over many lifetimes.
As a reminder, this week’s meeting will be the last meeting for 2008. Eloheim has already mentioned that they have a lot for us in 2009. We will resume our weekly Sonoma meetings on January 7th. We will also meet in Martinez, CA on January 11th. Feel free to email Eloheimchannel@yahoo.com if you would like to attend a meeting or schedule a private session by phone or in person.