November, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Greatest Hits Flashback #1 Souls
This morning, I was filling an order for the CD version of one of our recent meetings.

ELOHEIM: Living in the AH AH Moment 11-2-08
This clip is from our first meeting in Martinez, CA on 11-2-08. We have scheduled the next Martinez meeting for Sunday, January 11th, 4:00-6:00pm. If you would like to attend the January 11th meeting, please RSVP by email to If you would like an audio download or CD of the meeting, please visit our new download page at
Eloheim was thrilled to be in Martinez. They were ‘fired up’ and the meeting moved at a fast pace. This clip begins with a question about dreams and extends into a discussion of living in the Ah Ha moment, Free Will, communicating with your guides, Soul to Soul communication, moving from Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritus, running your life through insight, living in the moment, Ascension, raising your vibration, consciousness, transformation of your biology, ‘shaking your finger’ at your guides and Soul, and even more!
Take the revelation of the Ah Ha moment and use it to inform the next moment!
Give up on ‘I’ve got to figure it out’ and open up to ‘I can just let it in’. It is all there waiting for you now.
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October, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Past Lives, Concurrent Lives 10-15-08
This clip is part of the 10-15-08 meeting. I had a cold and was feeling “under the weather”. Eloheim was excited about my cold symptoms and had all sorts of fun when I sneezed and even more fun when I ALMOST sneezed.
In this clip Eloheim explains how the idea of ‘past lives’ and the idea of ‘all our life times are happening concurrently’ fit together.
I like how Eloheim says “you can’t understand this” and then sort of ‘digs deep’ to try and explain it anyway! At the time, my foggy brain wasn’t of much help (which Eloheim points out to comedic effect).
Since the process of channeling is the translation of energetics into vocabulary, it does require mental processing on my part. I don’t choose the words they use. However, they do use my mental processes (available vocabulary especially) as they select the terms they want. I am not sure that makes clear sense, but it is the best I can do to describe it!
This clip is a good example of the conversational style which many of our meetings follow.
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