July, 2011
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TOOL TUESDAY: Preferences / Judgments
Today is Tool Tuesday! Today’s tool is Preferences / Judgments
Judgment is not the same as preference. Judgment is the belief that you have to have a position against something in order to have a position preferring something. So, all of a sudden the choice between chocolate and vanilla must become, “Chocolate is a good flavor and vanilla is a bad flavor, so I am going with chocolate because that’s the good flavor,” instead of just saying, “I have a preference for chocolate.”
The interesting thing about that judgment thing is that you’re an immortal, infinite soul that chooses to have every experience you can manage. If you set out a lot of judgments and you start saying that vanilla’s wrong, then when it comes around time to experience vanilla you have to deal with the baggage of already assigning it as “wrong.” It’s always nice to just not put extra baggage on things that you’ll probably get around to wanting to experience someday. It’s also quite helpful to limit the amount of baggage (static) about anything you are experiencing.
Most of the time, we see that you had to make something wrong — sometimes VERY wrong — in order to set a preference because you weren’t feeling strong enough to just say, “No” as a complete sentence.
When you are new to boundaries and preferences you will sometimes believe that you have to get really worked up in order to use them. Actually, when you discover “What is true now?,” you can set boundaries and state preferences from a very calm place.
Keep in mind that there is a damned good reason for having a preference, which is: You’re a soul experiencing the physical form in a free-will zone. So, if you don’t have some preferences, what the heck is the point of being here in the first place? Not very much that we can see. Having preferences is the one of the main events!
Someone once said to us, “Well, if we are infinite and immortal, aren’t we going to do everything?” And we said yes, but you do them in an order. There’s an order to it. In a linear sense, there’s an order to it. Where today you decided to eat chocolate and tomorrow you’re going to decide to eat vanilla. Even if you’re immortal and infinite, you’re still deciding right now to be here instead of being someplace else. Preference. Choice. Free will. You don’t need to have something be wrong in order to have something else be what you want to do.
Coming from judgment is low-vibrational. It takes a lot of energy to stay invested in a judgment. It can be difficult to change your mind because you are so invested energetically in the judgment. Sometimes your identity can even be wrapped up in a judgment, which makes it that much harder to change. Judgments don’t serve you, on so many levels.
Veronica writes:
Another tool to help you realize that you get to choose. This one helps me realize when I am actually choosing and when I am running an unconscious habit, which shows up as a judgment. I like vanilla and chocolate ice cream so this example is perfect for me. It really is expressing a preference in the moment rather than deciding on a right/wrong.
This tool has whittled down my list of people, situations, and things that I have judgments around and helps me realize how many judgments came through societal conditioning. Preferences allow for choice through fascination and true passion of my life’s purpose. It brings me closer to the relaxed feeling of contentment and fulfillment.
If you would like to read more of our Tool Tuesday entries, use these links:
Candle Wax (Nobody Gets Your Wax)
Who Answers the Door?
Velcro – Don’t Have Velcro For That
There are more Eloheim and The Council tools in our books:
The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living
The Homo Spiritus Sessions

Tool Review and Defining Shadow AKA The Public Farting Video ~ 7-6-2011
Our channeling session of July 6, 2011 was very unusual. During the previous weeks’ meeting, The Warrior asked everyone to write down their three favorite tools and to bring them to our 7/6/2011 meeting. We gathered up the lists and everyone chose one randomly with Eloheim choosing for the folks tuning in online. We then went around the circle with each participant talking about the list of tools they had received.
It was fascinating to see what tools were included and to hear everyone’s comments about how they are using different tools. A number of tools were new to some of the folks attending and they were all great reminders.
If you would like me to choose three tools for you to work with, email eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
The Guardians: Talked about how the experience of having the meeting room doors open gives everyone an opportunity to practice focusing while more stimulated. They tied this to the new “10 things” tool.
The Visionaries: “The upcoming tool review exercise is not intended to put you into a mental space. It does not require obsessive or habitual thinking. Remember to connect to insight, to ‘What is true now?’, and ‘How am I being in this moment?’ Let’s have an exercise as Homo spiritus. Allow the most truth of you to be present. Come at this from a very fresh place!”
Eloheim: Major tool review! Also spoke about shadow: If you feel shame about it, then you are generating shadow. It’s up to you to make a different relationship to shame and a different relationship to the act that generated the shame. YouTube video below.
The Girls: Talked about the “Oh, yeah! There’s a possibility for me!” expansion energy they felt as the group did the tool review. Be in “Oh, yeah!”
Fred: Checked into the group’s crown chakras which act as the portal between the body and the soul’s perspective. Declared that they are, “Looking good!”
The Warrior: Spoke of their fascination about which tools the group picked for the review. “One of the main reasons we wanted you to look at the tools is so that we could look at your energy field as you look at them.” They saw the tools move through the Heart/Power chakra combination offering the opportunity to discover, “How does this tell me about me and how does this allow me to move the truth of me into the world?”
Matriarch:“You are becoming grown-ups in the Homo spiritus sense. You bring such a sense of your authentic desire to emanate the truth of you into the way you experience the world – energetic authenticity.”
Audio from all five sessions held in July, 2011
June, 2011
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Are You Being a Passive Participant in Your Journey? ~ 6-15-2011
Hello! The June 15, 2011 meeting was full of new tools and new concepts. The meeting started with me telling a story about a miraculous healing experience I had some years ago. I was very surprised that I told this story. I hadn’t shared it with many people. The Council refers to this story several times and used it to spark a fabulous conversation about possibilities.
I clipped out Eloheim explaining how you team up with your Soul. The YouTube video is below.
“You do things every single day that your soul can’t do and we can prove it to you!” ~ Eloheim
The Guardians: We feel more possibilities in your energy fields. Every part of you is accessible.
The Visionaries: We don’t gather to do small things. This is a serious process of transformation. We are here to help you do what it is you wish to do. You’re drawing out of us what you need. Where do you wish to go?
Eloheim: You are not a passive participant in your journey! “I created this and I am ready to have an active interaction with my creation.” Eloheim also spoke about the way you work with your soul and the team you create together. New tool: The circle of possibilities.
The Girls: Turn the tables on your reactions to your creations, when you wake up in the morning say “I am ready to interact with my creation!” Go on the offensive and kick your habits’ asses and name them as tools to use later.
Fred: Checked in on our crown chakras and advised us how to work with the energy we had received during the meeting. Say, “I see you” to the places that are ready for transformation.
The Warrior: Expanded on the “Circle of possibilities” tool and tied it into how it would look on the battlefield. They further explained how to apply it to our habits, fears, and insecurities.
Matriarch: Put her spin on the “Circle of possibilities tool,” expanding it in a powerful way.
Thank you Veronica & Eloheim!
I woke up this morning….I had made a list of goals yesterday and there were some things I had to do to make them happen………..things I didn’t really feel excited about…..but I said “I am ready to interact with my creation!” and pushed forward.
I had to stay on the phone on hold to deal with an old issue I’d been putting off. Luckily they had pleasant music and I was playing on the computer. During that time I received a payment for an order and someone inquiring to sell my product in the U. K………………I thought “Wow…..dealing with my creation isn’t so bad after all……”
Thank you!
I sell flower & gemstone essences: Here is the web page: http://ajourney4you.com/classes-2/ and here is the facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Journey-for-You-Flower-Gemstone-Essences/180929798629452
Just wanted to share….too much to type during a Wednesday night broadcast! LOL!
In Truth, Simplicity and Love,
Shelli L Speaks
Founder ~ A Journey for YOU
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
May, 2011
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The NEW Definition of the Moment, The Gift of the Moment ~ 5-11-2011
Hello everyone!
The meeting of May 11, 2011 included the entire Council sharing their insights. The Guardians and The Visionaries followed up on last week’s conversation about boundaries.
Your attention is a precious commodity. – The Visionaries
The Visionaries also revisiting the “I’m Tempted” tool. I feel the “I’m tempted” tool, along with the “Equal signs” and “Short, factual statements” tools are the most powerful tools The Council has ever offered. You can learn more about “Equal signs” and “Short, factual statements” in our newest book, The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3. The link is at the bottom of this post.
Eloheim spoke about the new definition of the moment and how it connects to insight from your soul. I clipped this section for the YouTube video this week. Eloheim also spoke powerfully about coming of age and parenting. Fred talked about the energies of the Earth.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3 is now available:
Change your life! Transform triggers, set boundaries, and learn to say NO comfortably. Explore possibilities and new perspectives; you are not your circumstances. Live in grace, ease, bliss, and serenity by choosing your reactions to your creations (experiences).
Volume three of the Homo Spiritus Sessions includes the transcript of the July 21, 2010 channeling session and includes the following tools:
Equal signs; How ridiculous does it have to get?; “No” is a complete sentence; Point fingers; Preferences/Judgments; Short, factual statements; Vulnerability vs. Weakness; What is true now?
Volume three also includes 112 definitions of terms and concepts including the following new terms:
Checking things off of your list; Fire hose; Lack; Triggers are handholds.
The Homo Spiritus Sessions series offers channeled messages from Eloheim and The Council.
The Council is comprised of seven different groups: The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, The Eloheim, The Warrior, and Fred. During a channeling session, each of The Council members take turns sharing their teachings. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.
The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into the consciousness-based operating system. These tools are developed during private sessions and public gatherings.
Each book in the Homo Spiritus Sessions series consists of the transcript of one of our public sessions, enriched with supporting material. The supporting material includes information about Eloheim and The Council, descriptions of tools referenced in the session, and over 100 definitions of terms and concepts.
Each of the Homo Spiritus Sessions books can stand alone, but taken together will allow the reader to follow along with the progression of the teachings including the introduction, in-depth explanation, and evolution of The Council’s tools.
When you order the eBook from my website, you will receive it in two different formats: PDF and EPUB. I prefer to read the book as an EPUB. You can download Adobe Digital Editions for free and use it to read the EPUB version. Follow this link for more details:
http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/. If you are happy reading as a PDF, then you don’t need Adobe Digital Editions. Either way, you get the same book.The Homo Spiritus Sessions, Vol. 3 eBook – $2.99
April, 2011
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The Magnificence of YOU – You Will Know It ~ 4-13-2011
Hello everyone,
As the meeting of April 13, 2011 started, it was very clear that the energy of the room was very different. Everyone in the room had huge energy “standing behind them.” The YouTube video this week is the Visionaries explaining why this was happening and what it means.
You are going to know the magnificence of you through this journey. You will experience yourself as part of the infinite nature of creation. We are going to explore awe! ~ The Visionaries
The Guardians opened the meeting. Eloheim’s section of the meeting included very moving examples of integrating Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The Girls reminded us to be loving to ourselves as we encounter these other lifetimes. Fred spoke about Pluto. The Warrior continued the story of being a young man and traveling away from his home village. The Matriarch concluded the meeting.
Veronica will be interviewed and will channel Eloheim on REFLECT RADIO, Thursday, April 21st at 6:00pm Pacific. Listen free by following this link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/reflectradio/2011/04/22/a-journey-for-you-meet-veronica-torres-eloheim-channel
Audio from each of our five meetings held in April, 2011
March, 2011
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The 2012 Energetic and Knowing Yourself in a New Way ~ 3-9-2011
Hello everyone!
Some time ago, Eloheim said that the meeting of March 9 would be powerful in some way. Turns out they were right…again! The meeting was an introduction to the energies we will be working with for the next 18 months.
The Guardians came in to help us shift the energies which we were ready to release.
The Visionaries explained how we have to “draw the line in the sand” about our habitual thoughts and to take a deeper responsibility for the creations that stem from our current thinking.
Eloheim spoke at length about the energies of 2012 and how we can work with that portal now. They went on to speak about how we create our current reality from the past and how we can use the new energies to actually create from this moment rather than reconfiguring the past. Eloheim also further clarified the concept of sandpaper people and situations.
Am I going to create this moment from the past or am I going to create it from the insight I have about its potential?
The Girls offered their support and insight.
The Warrior finally told the story of being called in to take care of the dragon.
Fred explained the energies of Mars.
The Matriarch left us with a reminder that instantaneous manifestation can’t be possible until we have a new relationship to our thoughts.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011
January, 2011
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Are You Living or Just Coping? ~ 1-5-11
Hello everyone,
January 5, 2011 started off with The Guardians doing silent energy work and the Visionaries jumping in to passionately speak about uncertainty. This meeting is FULL of examples of how we easily experience uncertainty in some situations (How does the car actually work? How does my body actually digest its’ food?) yet become paralyzed in other situations (What does he think of me? What job should I take?)
When coping craps out, consciousness comes in. Turn on the engine of consciousness. – The Visionaries
I don’t know what’s going on here – YEAH!!!! You are uncertain all the time and this isn’t something to be ashamed of. – The Visionaries
Eloheim tied the uncertainty/certainty idea into how we handle our relationship to safety.
[Being uncertain] is normal human stuff. If you are not resisting I don’t know….you take away the tension. We’ve come to the meat of it – what do you do with uncertainty? – Eloheim
The Girls, wow, they are great!
If you desire certainty and control all the time, but you can’t have it, then you can feel like a failure. A new relationship with uncertainty makes it easier to love yourself. – The Girls
The Warrior
MARRIED!!!!! Everyone agreed that they should pick up the story right where they left off the week before. It is the story of the wedding feast and making peace with the neighboring king through Cedric and the other stable boy getting into a fight! This week’s story concluded Chapter 1 of their story.
Fred and the Matriarch finalized the meeting by adding their unique signatures.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in January, 2011
Guardians: (Silent energy work)
Visionaries: A deep discussion of uncertainty. Moving out of just coping with our fears and into finding comfort in uncertainty.
Eloheim: Told us that being uncertain is our nature, and when we become comfortable with our nature, we can be more in the moment. Questions and answers about uncertainty and practical usage in our lives.
The Girls: Because we can never attain certainty, striving for it leads us into being mean to ourselves. Whenever you want certainty, you’re setting yourself up to fail. When we can find peace with uncertainty, we can find serenity. Peace with uncertainty is serenity.
Warrior: Continues his story of the wedding, using Cedric getting into a fight with a boy from the neighboring kingdom to help illustrate the points: When you tell your truth you help other people to be more sure about who you are and where you stand. When you’re comfortable in uncertainty, you make it easier to be around you.
Fred: Talked about the joy of uncertainty, using a story comparing playing pool to creating the universe and the fun and creativity that can only be experienced in uncertainty.
Matriarch: Commented on The Girls’ talk about setting ourselves up to fail when we look for certainty.
November, 2009
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ELOHEIM: The Places Where you Lie to Yourself ~ 11-25-09 ~ VISIONARIES
Wednesday afternoon I took a walk. During my walk Eloheim asked me a series of questions. The questions really illuminated places where I had been ‘telling myself stories.’
When I got back home, Eloheim instructed me to make up worksheets for the meeting. The following four questions were included in the worksheet. I believe it would be helpful for you to answer the questions before watching the video or listening to the meeting.
We only had time to cover the first two questions during the meeting. However, since two people answered the first question with money issues, there is a long discussion of that subject.
What single subject most often takes you out of the moment?
Currently, what is your greatest fear?
What one thing would you change about your body?
What aspect of your financial situation concerns you the most?
11-25-09 92 minutes
Summary: Veronica opened the meeting by passing out worksheets containing four questions for the group to consider:
• What single subject most often takes you out of the moment?
• Currently, what is your greatest fear?
• What one thing would you change about your body?
• What aspect of your financial situation concerns you the most?
Visionaries: Spoke about relaxing our judgment around the words “lie” and “truth” and allow ourselves to see them more as blocking or allowing our complete selves.
Eloheim: Asked the group for volunteers to answer the questions on the worksheet, then discussed their responses and tools to use to for particular experiences and situations.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009
October, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Ensouling the 3rd and 4th CHAKRAS ~ Using the Tools ~ 09-30-09
Hello everyone,
Wow, September was sure full of great Eloheim sessions and last night was no exception.
They started with a description of how we are now ensouling the 3rd and 4th chakras. They explained that these two chakras are actually merging.
Over the last seven years, Eloheim has given us many tools to assist us on the journey. Last night’s meeting was focused on how the various tools can be combined to facilitate transformation and help us to live in bliss.
I loved this meeting. I loved how it felt coming through and I loved the information that was shared. It is a key component in the Eloheim teachings.
I have been working on an Eloheim “Tool Book” for some time now and this meeting really lit my fire to get back into it.
Use your tools to refine the energetic you are offering!
Regularly ask yourself, what is your past and future status? Meaning, are you in the past or the future right now or are you in the moment in a clear way?
Primary tools:
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009
September, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Deepening the Experience of the Body 9-2-09
Hello everyone,
This week’s Eloheim channeling focused on deepening the experience of body. It was a very warm night and we had both of the big doors open in our meeting room for the first time this summer. You can probably hear the crickets in the background. We could also hear the breeze in the trees.
This clip also includes the Energies of September.
The sound can become a feeling. Can you feel that sound as it just washes across the skin? When you are operating as an ensouled human…your senses become heightened because you are not ONLY operating from the human perspective any longer.
You’re the one deciding how deeply you experience the moment.
Energies of September 2009: Sneaky September. The truth of you has found you!
You start to live in a place that has no opposite: This is my TRUTH! That is how you live free: When your position is not dictated by someone else, but is instead created by your internal process.
I found a new function on my video editing software which is going to save me A LOT of time preparing the videos. This made it possible to pick snippets from various parts of the meeting for this week’s video.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009