May, 2011
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Remaking Relationships with Clear Boundaries ~ 5-25-2011
Hello everyone,
We had a great meeting on May 25, 2011.
The Guardians: Spoke about how strongly they felt the group “emanating their truth.”
The Visionaries: Summarized “the plan” of this incarnation and updated us on our progress. “More often now you are being reminded of triggers rather than being triggered.” We are past the “prep” work and we are now living from the Homo spiritus paradigm.
Eloheim: Used several examples from the group to speak about setting boundaries. Eloheim elevated “setting boundaries” to equal importance with clearing static/baggage, transforming triggers, and breaking habits; setting boundaries is a vital step on the ascension process.
The Girls: Setting a boundary is a loving act! What you are saying is, “It is not my truth to interact with you in this way.” Don’t set boundaries from an energetically apologetic way – use clarity.
Fred: Made everyone laugh by trying to share his message in a quick way.
The Warrior: Talked about how they experience setting boundaries given that they live in a more survival oriented lifetime.
Matriarch: Enjoyed the irony that The Council is teaching us to set boundaries in order for us to learn that we are all one.
Audio from each of our five meetings held in May, 2011
April, 2011
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Integration of Alternate Expressions (Past/Future Lives) ~ 3-30-2011
Hello everyone!
Well, YouTube and I are not communicating well. I can’t seem to get the video to load up. I will keep trying. [EDIT: it took 11 hours to load a 5 minute video! You will find it below] In the meantime, I wanted to post the links to the March 30, 2011 meeting. It was amazing! A powerful discussion of integration and interaction with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The meeting is full of examples from the group and insight from the Council. Plus, the Warrior told a story from his childhood and Fred talked about Mercury and Mercury Retrograde. The links to the audio and video are below.
A deep discussion of integration of and interaction with our Alternate Expressions (past/future lives). The meeting is full of examples from the group and insight from the Council.
March, 2011
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The 2012 Energetic and Knowing Yourself in a New Way ~ 3-9-2011
Hello everyone!
Some time ago, Eloheim said that the meeting of March 9 would be powerful in some way. Turns out they were right…again! The meeting was an introduction to the energies we will be working with for the next 18 months.
The Guardians came in to help us shift the energies which we were ready to release.
The Visionaries explained how we have to “draw the line in the sand” about our habitual thoughts and to take a deeper responsibility for the creations that stem from our current thinking.
Eloheim spoke at length about the energies of 2012 and how we can work with that portal now. They went on to speak about how we create our current reality from the past and how we can use the new energies to actually create from this moment rather than reconfiguring the past. Eloheim also further clarified the concept of sandpaper people and situations.
Am I going to create this moment from the past or am I going to create it from the insight I have about its potential?
The Girls offered their support and insight.
The Warrior finally told the story of being called in to take care of the dragon.
Fred explained the energies of Mars.
The Matriarch left us with a reminder that instantaneous manifestation can’t be possible until we have a new relationship to our thoughts.
Audio from each of our six meetings held in March, 2011
February, 2011
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A Crash Course In How to Love Yourself ~ 2-9-2011
Hello everyone!
First some announcements!
The book is coming along nicely. It has been to the editor and is now back with me. I am adding the copyright page, the acknowledgments, some background information about the Council, the ISBN, and a few other things. THEN IT WILL BE READY!!!
Once that is done, I will do the additional things that are required for me to sell it on Amazon as a Kindle book and on the other ebook platforms. Things like cover art, writing the blurb (back cover copy), and getting it converted to the correct format to be read on all sorts of different devices.
The meeting of February 9, 2011 included messages from each of The Council members. The highlights for me were Eloheim taking the What is True Now? to a new level, the Warrior making it home in time for the birth, and the Girls giving us a crash course in loving ourselves.
The Girls star in the YouTube video this week:
Audio from each of our five meetings held in February, 2011
Guardians: Opened the meeting with a request to open and clear.
Visionaries: Discussed out hold-out places of fear, and advised us on moving toward consciousness using our tools.
Eloheim: Talked about using the “I’m tempted” tool and “What is true now?” to help us change our neural pathways from fear to consciousness.
The Girls: Gave us a crash course on loving ourselves.
Warrior: Continued his story of Marianna giving birth, including the panic he feels and how he deals with it.
Fred: Checked in on our crown chakra connection to our souls’ perspectives.
Matriarch: Closed with a message of love, and suggested we take the time to notice our crown chakra connection.
December, 2010
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Confused About Your Future? Uncertainty is Infinite Possibilities! 12-15-10
Hello everyone!
Wow, what a busy last seven days. Between channeling, having company, channeling the Q&A, and recovery from everything — the newsletters are late, late, late.
So, I will be brief as I also want to get the Q&A post from the 19th done before the meeting tonight. 🙂
December 15, 2010 continued the idea of uncertainty being the portal to Homo spiritus and ascension. Here is a GREAT video from the Visionaries.
If you don’t like the word uncertainty, use the word possibilities!
Audio downloads from the six meetings held in December, 2010
12-15-10 ~ 90 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by urging us to leave any baggage from the past behind as we enter the opening portal of now.
Visionaries: Talked about the uncertainty portal and advised: “Look for uncertainty for that will be the portal. Uncertainty will bring you into the moment and uncertainty with the moment will take you into Homo spiritus on the path to ascension. Because it’s going to uncover the places within you that you have hidden from yourself or you’ve been unwilling to look at.” They closed by suggesting we “frolic in the field of infinite possibilities.”
Eloheim: There was a small group present at the meeting, so Eloheim asked a question around the circle and also around the webcast participants: What does it bring up in you to frolic in the field of possibilities? They went into each of the answers offered up by the group. Also, a discussion of short, factual statements as opposed to short, factual paragraphs.
The Girls: By becoming more comfortable in uncertainty, we have the opportunity to thrive in a place that is stereotypically stressful. We make it easier on ourselves, and thus open to more interaction with others.
Warrior: Continued their story of being with the queen. This week, a neighboring king and his five sons come for a visit. Uncomfortable uncertainty ensues.
Fred: Just popped in for a few quick words about how much he enjoyed the Warrior’s story.
Matriarch: Reflected on the word “beloved,” and how we are her beloved.
November, 2010
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Success, Apathy, and the Survival Instinct ~ 11-24-10
Hello everyone,
The meeting of November 24, 2010 was unusual. The Council appeared in the order of the chakras they resonate with. Thus we had The Guardians, The Girls, The Visionaries, The Matriarch, Eloheim, The Warrior and then Fred. They came in to explain, in further detail, how each work with our energy and to help us learn to use the Strongest Chakra tool.
It was an emotional and very powerful meeting for me. Each of the Council members spoke intensely and, at times, passionately. I find it quite challenging and rewarding to consider my ‘weak’ chakras.
The video clip this week focuses on the idea of success.
Continue Reading…

Respecting Yourself, Setting Boundaries ~ 11-17-10
Hello everyone! The November 17, 2010 meeting was full of great information:
Visionaries: Something new is on the horizon! Abide in ‘I Don’t Know’ as a position of strength.
Eloheim: You’re not meant to have the final product figured out. What you are meant to do is, in the moment, open up to what insight allows. Ideas don’t come when you are trying to be at the end. Ideas come when you are in the now.
Eloheim also gave a long description of the Re-Queue tool to help us handling situations, problems, and triggers.
In this week’s video clip, The Girls talk about the challenge of setting boundaries and the importance of doing so.
Warrior: Is officially smitten by the Queen! Their discussion centered around working with chakras that aren’t our strongest in order to become more balanced. The year of 2011 is the year of balance.
Fred: Gave an example of working with the portal reminding us that we can slow down the flow of transformation, but be sure not to limit it. Be kind to yourself by asking it to slow down and be gentle with yourself by not going into lack when you do!
The Matriarch: Closed with a powerful definition of ‘transformational energy.’
October, 2010
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Is This A Healing Relationship? 10-27-10
Hello! The meeting of October 27, 2010 was long and full of powerful information. In the video clip below, Eloheim addresses the ideas: Is this a healing relationship? Do I want your film in my camera? The lack we feel when we consider changing relationships or ending friendships. The freedom this lifetime offers for choosing our location and companions. AND MUCH MORE!
The meeting also included Eloheim explaining how creating our reality works with large events like the World Series. They also gave further information about how to clear static from our lives.
The rest of the Council shared their insights including a new addition to the Warriors’ band!
What am I going to lose if I tell the truth in this moment?
Not having a good relationship with yourself if the greatest form of lack we know.

NEW PORTAL – Your Relationship to Triggers ~ 10-6-10
Hello everyone!
The meeting of October 6, 2010 revealed a new portal. The Council described our ability to have a new relationship to triggers. I clipped out the Visionaries section for this week’s YouTube video because, let’s face it, when it comes to laying out the details of something new, they are the best!
Trigger = Opportunity. Evolving your spiritual outlook! You are looking at the opportunity to experience triggers as the great friends they are.
August, 2010
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ELOHEIM: More on Feelings are NOT Emotions ~ 8-25-10
Wednesday night included a wide range of topics. The overall subject was: Emanating the truth of you and loving yourself completely. The Visionaries talked powerfully about, “Where don’t I love myself?” Eloheim answered questions about the disappearance of the honey bees and the flooding in Pakistan. In response to several requests, Eloheim further addressed their teachings about Feelings are NOT Emotions. I clipped that section for the YouTube video. Continue Reading…