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June, 2010

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ELOHEIM: A Portal to a New YOU 5-26-10

I am almost up to date with the newsletters!

Last week was a very powerful session. Eloheim perceived a new ‘portal’ and passed the baton over to the Visionaries to explain it. The Visionaries explained it all in CLASSIC Visionaries fashion (which means that I barely get to breathe as they say so many words in such a short time.) I included their entire section in the video clip. Here are some quotes from the Visionaries:

You have a different opportunity of experiencing you now.

You have desired this opportunity and it has arrived.

The moment is the only place I want to live. I experience myself completely only as I experience myself experience the moment.

Addiction to the past and the future is a bad habit that you are ready to set aside. It is a play thing of children. It is not for the adults on the spiritual journey. The past and the future really are empty calories. It is not the place where you can actually experience yourself.

The remainder of the meeting has the entire Council speaking about this portal. I have included a bit of Eloheim’s contribution in the video as well.

Whatever it is, YES.

5-26-10 ~ 87 minutes

Eloheim, Visionaries: A portal has opened to the version of you that has made peace with the truth. The time has come when you can be the person who lives in the human form and doesn’t hide from the truth of you.
Say “Yes” to now so you can move forward without being in denial of the reality that you are experiencing.

Girls: It will be very challenging for you to love your complete self if you can’t love the parts of you that you don’t like.

Warrior: Allow the illumination of your soul’s insight to light up the dark places within you. When the dark places are illuminated, look and see what you find.

Matriarch: Call on members of the Council for assistance, and allow them to participate in the journey with you.


Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010


Price: $7.99

July, 2008

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ELOHEIM VIDEO: Recognizing Your Ascension Path

In this quick clip from the 7-23-08 meeting, Eloheim discusses the decision to have your Spiritual Journey become the number one priority in this incarnation and how that relates to the Now and to the Ascension process.

The Eloheim are consistently able to provide penetrating insight into the Spiritual Journey and have been of incredible help to many who felt stuck in their Spiritual Growth. (see below the video for comments)

We hold 5 public meetings per month in Sonoma County, please accept this invitation to join us if you are in the area. Individual sessions by phone can be arranged by sending an email to


Thank you for all you do and being so willing to pass on this wonderful, healing, energetic information. Your group has changed my life so much for the better, I can’t tell you. Now I truly feel like I am on purpose when I go out in the world! What a gift. And I am seeing the results of my sharing what I learn each week.

— Randy C., Kenwood, CA

For thirty years I have explored many avenues on my spiritual path. I have read many books, attended lectures, meditation groups, and seminars. I had lots of knowledge, but I found applying it was difficult. My book knowledge really didn’t help me deal with everyday emotions or events. A year ago I began to attend the Eloheim group in Sonoma. The messages have been life changing. I can feel myself responding differently, as I apply what I have learned. I look at events differently, looking for the gift, rather than slipping into emotion. Eloheim’s teaching is Truth for me. I find it pertinent and supportive. It takes diligence and mindfulness, but the results are powerful. I am very grateful for what I am learning. Thank you Eloheim and Veronica.

— Marilyn P., Sonoma, CA


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