July, 2011
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How to Experience Oneness Even When You Don’t Understand Others ~ 7-13-2011
Powerful session! So many amazing ideas are covered in this recording:
The Guardians: Allow yourself to know you’re part of the all, part of the one. Let yourself fully embody the part that you have decided to experience. The ascension path connects you to your body more deeply. The physical is the pathway to Homo spiritus.
The Visionaries: (YouTube video below) Profound description of “oneness.” A review of service mentality: Are you reaching over the “big issue” in your life to tell someone else how they should be living?
Eloheim: Reveled in how powerful the Visionaries’ message was. Reviewed and clarified the idea that “it can’t be happening in your external world unless it’s true in your internal world” using the example of the Rupert Murdoch news organization hacking into cell phone records. How to apply the “Go to the bathroom” tool when you find yourself in a conversation full of judgements. Reviewed the “10 things” tool with an example from the group about how well it is working. Eloheim closed their section with an AMAZING talk about aging parents, our “heart’s desire” for a good mommy, how we can be a good mommy for ourselves, and how we can release mommy and daddy from the role that they were never able to fill.
The Girls: “Since you are always looking for growth, it is really easy to find places where you wish you were parented differently. Nurture yourself. What can you do in this moment to help you with the desire for a feeling of being nurtured?”
Fred: “We feel an embraced, supportive, loved, I see you, energy in the room.”
The Warrior: Talked about his love for his wife Marianna and described her strength. Spoke about leadership, “True leaders know the truth of themselves.”
Matriarch: “Energetically you all feel like you are within ’embracing distance.'” Summarized the meeting and expressed gratitude to the group.
Audio from all five sessions held in July, 2011
On 7-12-2011 I was interviewed on the Every Day Connections program. This was a fun interview and one of the only interviews I’ve done where I didn’t channel! We talked a lot about how I have applied Eloheim’s teachings in my life. We discussed other spiritual concepts as well.

SHARING SUNDAY: Realizations About the Nature of Victim Hood
Today’s installment of Sharing Sunday is from Mary George. Mary’s name is familiar to anyone who has followed the Eloheim material. She is our resident “techie.” She sets up and breaks down the meetings, helps with computer problems, formats the digital editions of our books, and generally manages to sort out problems of all kinds of types. Today she shares how Eloheim’s teachings have helped her. To read the other installments in our Sharing Sunday series, click here,here, and here.
From Mary:
I had a very contentious and difficult end to an eleven-year relationship. I discovered she had been having an affair for several months. We did not end our partnership in a friendly manner, to say the least. Over the years since then, the pain slowly, very slowly, subsided—mostly, but not completely. It was a great puzzlement. I couldn’t come to any feeling of resolution, try as I might; the hard feelings and anxiety of bumping into her remained.
One day one of my fellow Eloheim compatriots suggested that I call my ex and ask her out for lunch. Oh my god!!! Fear ran through me. No way! I’m not going to do that!! What if…. She will… I’m not doing that!
After sitting with the proposition for a while, I started to apply the tools. First, what an awesome creation! I created this opportunity. Then, fear is a choice not a mandate. My fear never made sense to me, anyway, so I thanked it for the information, decided to ignore it, and see what else was there, since everything teaches me something.
I didn’t really come up with anything but I felt I needed to make the call. You can’t have change without something changing, right? I have wanted a change in the way I had felt about this relationship but I wasn’t doing anything about it. I wasn’t doing anything differently. So, here was my awesome creation asking, “So you want change? How about this?”
I called her, she didn’t answer, I left a message. Now what? I felt better, now the shoe is on the other foot, but what if she doesn’t call back? What if she does? Where we will meet? Hey, keep the past and the future out of it! Quiet the hamster-wheel mind and stay in the moment. What is true now? I wanted and needed insight from my soul about this. I didn’t want to think about it. So I waited and I waited and I waited, keeping my intention on insight.
Finally—aha! It came to me. I felt like a victim!! Wow, I absolutely did not see that! I understand the concept of victim hood. I have recognized the opportunity to feel victimized in my current experiences but I hadn’t seen how I felt victimized in that relationship. What a relief to finally see my awesome creation in a new way. My soul must have been doing cartwheels of joy after wringing every last drop of learning from that experience.
But wait, there’s still more to learn here. I reported my “aha” to Eloheim in a meeting. I was excited about my brand-new shiny “aha.” Eloheim was supportive, of course, and then they lead me down the path to another “aha.” I could feel them holding the energetic of the moment, of my victim hood. Aha! I realized I felt like I was “right” in the relationship, I felt like my position was the righteous one. How embarrassing is that?!
Next, I asked for insight about feeling right. I have created many opportunities in my life to look at judgments. The “aha” I have gotten so far is that my feeling “right” is at the root of it. What an awesome creation! D’oh, of course! Judgments say this is right, that is wrong. How could I have missed that?!
When I look back and compare me to me, I get a feeling of accomplishment for my work of increasing my awareness, of being conscious. I see how far I have come on the path to ascension. And I can relax, knowing that I have tools that assist me in the journey to Homo spiritus. I love this journey and I love me! Taking the time to compare me to me gives me the option of gratitude rather than embarrassment. I get to take a little break and bask it the light before soldiering on to the next lesson. I earned it.
Thank you, Eloheim and The Council for all of the tools to live a conscious life with grace, ease, and bliss!!
Are you looking for help formatting your eBook? Visit Mary’s new website: http://www.epubpub.com

GUEST AUTHOR: Kate – Why is this film in my camera?
Hello everyone! Today we have the third installment in my continuing Guest Author series. You can read the first two posts here and here.
Today Kate tells us about her journey with Eloheim and her favorite Eloheim tool: Why Is This Film In My Camera?
When I first came across Veronica Torres and her work with Eloheim and the Council, I knew right away that the information that was coming through her was what I was looking for. I had been on a spiritual path for many years and was familiar with “the talk” but at this point, I was looking for concrete tools to help me “walk the talk.” I wanted to take my spiritual “beliefs” and put them into action.
Eloheim is all about the tools so this was perfect! Each tool (and there’s a full tool box of them!) has been incredibly helpful to me, but the one I use every single day is Why is this film in my camera? Whenever there’s anything going on in my life that I don’t want to be there, it’s automatic now for me to ask myself, “Why is this film in my camera? or why am I creating this? What subconscious beliefs (or static as Eloheim calls it) am I holding on to, that are sabotaging me from creating the peaceful, drama free, abundant, healthy and absolutely fabulous life that I really want?”
I love this tool because it brings everything right back to me where I have control over my own beliefs and my own responses. Pointing fingers outwardly simply doesn’t bring me any satisfaction anymore. In fact, it feels like a complete waste of my time and energy now to indulge in the dramorama. It took awhile to move away from it and occasionally, where a belief is really firmly entrenched, I find myself back in the blame groove for a few seconds but very quickly now, I’m able to recognize what I’m doing and switch back to asking myself, “Why this film is in my camera?” It takes me out of victim mode and puts me firmly in the driver’s seat.
Working with Veronica, Eloheim and the Council for the past year and a half has been dramatically life changing for me I love being a part of the Wednesday meetings and more often than not, the topics for the evening are synchronistically, exactly what I myself have been dealing with that particular week. Through the weekly gatherings we’re encouraged to take the next step, and the next and the next and always with a “tool” to help us navigate our way. There’s a great combination of fun and laughter, as well as a sincerity and respect for the process. It’s down to earth, practical, hands on spirituality which suits me perfectly!
Kate Iredale
Thanks Kate! Why is this film in my camera? is a tool I haven’t thought of in awhile. Thanks for the reminder! That tool was the star of the show during the 10-20-10 meeting. Here are the Girls talking about it:
One of the ways to love and appreciate yourself well is that when you look out and you see the movie screen and you like what you see and it feels good and it’s conscious and it’s high-vibrational and supportive of growth and maybe it’s even fun … love yourself for having put that film in your damn camera. Hello? Do you hear what we’re saying? When the flowers on the side of the road are beautiful, love yourself for putting that film in your camera. Yes? OK? Remember, it can’t happen in your world unless it’s true in you. So you can appreciate yourself, appreciate yourself, for what you see in your world.
If you would like to hear the entire 10-20-10 meeting for $1.99, please follow this link:
Would you like to share your story? Please email Eloheimchannel@yahoo.com.
June, 2011
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Deep Sadness Due to Soul Disconnect ~ 6-08-2011
Hello everyone,
Last Wednesday was a busy day for me. I was interviewed by David McMaster on the New Potentials program just before our weekly meeting. David and I talked about self-publishing and I also channeled Eloheim. You can listen to the 60 minute program by following this link:
Veronica and Eloheim interviewed by David McMaster on New Potentials
There was lots of powerful information in the June 8, 2011 meeting.
The Guardians: Your attention directly impacts the information available. You give us permission through your attention to access your energy field, to access what is happening within you and that allows us to assist you in releasing that what you are ready to release and to help you open to what you are ready to open to.
The Visionaries: Got tongue tied for the very first time! Free will is: Everything is your responsibility. Your attention creates an energetic, transformational place. Where will the depth of me be explored? Where will I have an energetic exchange?
Eloheim: Followed up on recent questions by three group members. Revisited the “Go to the bathroom” and “What’s behind the mirror?” tools. They also spoke about the deep sadness that can result when “the truth of me is not accessible to me” due to the separation we feel from our Soul.
The Girls: Explained how saying, “I can’t believe so and so has that problem” alerts your soul to something it might find interesting even if you don’t! They then detailed how to respond to seeing choices that others make that you don’t want to make.
Fred: Spoke about the energies of Chiron – the energy of the things being revealed.
The Warrior: Started a new chapter in his story picking up 20 years later. Talked about what it is like to be older and experiencing changing roles. Spoke about Cedric’s kindness.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting with a “hug.”
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011

A Doorway to a New Experience ~ 6-1-2011
Hello everyone,
The channeling session of June 1, 2011 included messages from each of the Council members.
The Guardians: What is in your experience that you are ready to move beyond? It is very important to be aware of that which you wish to infuse with your soul’s perspective.
The Visionaries: Is it “go” or “no go”? We will tell you that it’s “no go” if your habits, baggage, static, and un-boundaried perspectives are not being attended to. You don’t have to be finished or done. What you need to be is willing to align your free will behind the idea that this is what you desire and be attentive to what arises.
Eloheim: Took questions from the group including a profound discussion about lack. They also introduced a new tool: Doorway to a new experience.
The Girls: Were very impressed by Eloheim’s new tool and spoke about how the energies shifted in the room as the tool was explored. They also spoke about desiring “healing above all else.”
Fred: Finally talked about the energy of the Sun. The Sun is the life force, it’s the engine. It’s all about receiving!
The Warrior: Talked about setting boundaries quickly. Get clear about what your truth so that you can express it clearly early in the emotive cycle.
Matriarch: Remember, when you get triggered be sure to say, “I accept you, but I want more than you” to ensure you don’t build more static during the transformation of the trigger.
Audio from all six meetings of June, 2011
January, 2011
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Dealing with Heartbreak Consciously ~ 1-19-2011
Hello everyone!
Our meeting on January 19, 2011 began with the Guardians doing energy work on everyone. They see us “bringing forth a whole presentation of your energetic structure.”
The Visionaries noted that “fear is so strong and so limiting and so familiar to you all that it can be present without your awareness.” They continued, “You don’t have to have a solution! You just have to be aware of what IS! Be aware of the truth of the moment where it is possible for the truth of you to be known. What judgments do I have about the truth I find myself in?”
Eloheim asked people to speak about their reactions to the previous meeting. The video clip this week is Eloheim responding to an inquiry about heartbreak. “Your relationship to change is really under the microscope at this time.” Eloheim also indicated that there seems to be “something cooking” for the first part of March and suggested that March 9th might be an especially important meeting.
The Girls reminded us “What better way to stay in the fear-based operating system than to be mean to you, what better way to backtrack the work you have done than to be cruel to you in that way.”
The Warrior jumped ahead five years in their story. They spent time catching us up on the events which have transpired and left off by saying they will be speaking about community in the coming weeks.
Fred…Fred was Fred. “We want you on a steady progression of transformation that feels like it meets your needs and it gives you opportunity.” They also got all happy with the fact that they got to experience ‘holding it’ as I needed to use the bathroom.
The Matriarch expressed how much we are loved. It was awesome.
You can watch the video replay or listen to the audio recording by following the links below.
Follow the READ MORE link to access the free video clip.
Continue Reading…
November, 2010
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Respecting Yourself, Setting Boundaries ~ 11-17-10
Hello everyone! The November 17, 2010 meeting was full of great information:
Visionaries: Something new is on the horizon! Abide in ‘I Don’t Know’ as a position of strength.
Eloheim: You’re not meant to have the final product figured out. What you are meant to do is, in the moment, open up to what insight allows. Ideas don’t come when you are trying to be at the end. Ideas come when you are in the now.
Eloheim also gave a long description of the Re-Queue tool to help us handling situations, problems, and triggers.
In this week’s video clip, The Girls talk about the challenge of setting boundaries and the importance of doing so.
Warrior: Is officially smitten by the Queen! Their discussion centered around working with chakras that aren’t our strongest in order to become more balanced. The year of 2011 is the year of balance.
Fred: Gave an example of working with the portal reminding us that we can slow down the flow of transformation, but be sure not to limit it. Be kind to yourself by asking it to slow down and be gentle with yourself by not going into lack when you do!
The Matriarch: Closed with a powerful definition of ‘transformational energy.’
October, 2010
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Why is that Film in Your Camera? 10-20-10
Hello everyone!
Last Wednesday’s meeting was “one of the most impact-full” meetings we have ever had. Eloheim started the meeting by drawing a picture which illuminated their new idea: The Discernment of the Why.
As we realize we create our reality and we take responsibility for our creations, how do we discern WHY we created what we have created and how do we shift that creation to something we prefer?
I have to agree with the emails I have been receiving, Eloheim’s explanation and examples have sunk so deeply into me. It is quite remarkable. I find myself looking at my life in a brand new way.
May, 2010
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ELOHEIM: A review of 50+ tools! 4-28-10
The Eloheim channeling session of April 28, 2010 was unique and wonderful! Eloheim had me prepare worksheets which I distributed to the group. Eloheim and the group used these worksheets to review and categorize more than 50 of the tools Eloheim has taught over the last seven years.
I clipped out a bit of the meeting for the YouTube video, but there is SO MUCH in the 90 minutes we were together.
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010
Here is the list of tools Eloheim reviewed during the meeting.
1. Am I in danger in this moment
2. Blue bubble
3. Checking things off your list
4. Choose and choose again
5. Clarity vs. certainty
6. Coloring with the unseen crayons
7. Don’t bring your baggage to the moment
8. Don’t put handcuffs on God
9. Fear is a choice and not a mandate
10. Feel your toes
11. Grace, ease and bliss
12. Going to the bathroom
13. How ridiculous does it have to get
14. Letting go of the rope
15. Magnetizing needs met
16. Neutral observation
17. None of your business
18. On the bus
19. Preferences, boundaries and consequences
20. Shovel or ladder
21. Set it outside of yourself
22. Superhero powers
23. Velcro
24. What am I learning from this
25. What is this teaching me
26. What am I afraid of
27. Why is this happening FOR me
28. Why, why, why
29. You can’t have change without change
30. Collapsing and integrating alternate expressions
31. Combined heart/power chakra
32. Letting go of service mentality
33. Where am I lying to myself
34. What is true now
35. Go on and love yourself
36. Short factual statements
37. Four levels of the law of attraction
38. Being a question mark
39. Compare you to you
40. Your energetic billboard
41. This emotion is a choice (math problem example)
42. What am I ashamed of
43. Fascination, integration, emanation
44. Appreciation brings you into the moment
45. I don’t know anything
46. Money mantra
47. Equal signs
48. Candle
49. Cascading and concurrent fears
50. Is it in your lap
51. Get me dead
52. Spilling the orange juice
53. Circle tool
54. Fingertip tool
55. Don’t be mean to yourself
[/stextbox]Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010
April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: In HABIT? Do you want a shovel or a ladder? 04-2009
Classic Eloheim quotes set to Rob’s amazing photography! Thanks to Laney for the idea!