July, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Question and Answer Session ~ 7-18-10
We had a great Q&A with Eloheim last Sunday. Some of the questions Eloheim answered are listed below.
I am chatting with the people at FLIP right now to try and sort out why I am having so much trouble with the video editing software. Hopefully I will be able to add a YouTube video from this meeting soon.
EDIT: About 24 hours later and I got the software working! Video below!
Audio from the five meetings held in July, 2010
My preferences narrow the range of what I like in my surroundings and culture. I think I may have to move to find my people.It would be so much easier to fall in love with the community in my back yard. Is there a tool or something I might develop to have all that I need here?
My husband passed away five years ago and I’m kind of on the fence with whether or not I would like another man in my life. My questions is with all this new energy coming in; I keep hearing that we’re going to be our own best friends. I have been isolated for so long I think I’m to the point that I’m ready to meet someone, if not a love interest at least a really good male friend.
I have a lot of extremely violent nightmares and was wondering if there is anything you could share about why this is.
I’ve had a really fascinating physical experience this week…contact dermatitis with big blisters, swelling, etc. It came on slowly, was very intense, then healed quickly. This morning I woke up and looked at my hands and have been in awe of my body ever since. I’m growing new skin! It’s really beautiful. My question: The entire process seems to have taken place really quickly. Is this part of the “new paradigm”?
We’ve worked on becoming conscious in our thoughts, emotions, and biological responses… what’s next? sleep states?
members of the council say they walk beside us. sometimes i can feel the warrior with me. But I’m wondering if there’s something to say or do to FEEL the council members with us when we REALLY need their support.
Could you, please tell more about the significance of this consciousness convergence weekend?
I would like to know if the person i met in 2006, is my ‘soul’?in other words, did my ‘soul’ came to me in his ‘form’ and interacted with me? If so, why?
How do you give true attention to the process you find yourself in when you have lost any interest or joy in that process and your just trying to get to the end of it. I understand that there is supposed to be valuable stuff there on the journey so how do you really pay attention without the feeling of “Fine lets do this so I can get it over with.” and dragging it out longer than necessary.
I was using short sentences to create the job for me as you suggested at the private session. I feel that something is holding me back for the job to manifest. I would appreciate your insight on what is it and release it.
I wanted to know if you are in the same place as our higher selves are and are you in communication with that part of ourselves. If you are in communication with my higher self I was wondering if there is anything my higher self would like to tell me.
I am currently working for a very demanding boss (new job) who reminds me of my mother who was bipolar and OCD (obsessive compulsive). I have trouble reading his handwriting and my eyesight is worse because of the stress. The channel who usually reads for me says that there is an important life lesson here that I would get again if I were to bail. Do you have any tools/guidance for me in this situation when brings up so much fear?
My question is this: Even though I feel like I won the job lottery, when I look at all the crazy events that led me to this point I almost feel like there was an invisible hand that sort of pulled me to the place that I really had no conscious knowledge. My logical mind and fanciful wishing of how things would go had me pointed in an entirely different and easier direction. And although I AM WILLING and think this will be an interesting experience for growth, I’m kind of amazed at this new life I have created. I could use a little clarity.
How about a flashback video? Since 10/10/10 is coming soon, let’s flashback video to 9/9/9. I had just started channeling the Visionaries when they took on this this really complex idea.
March, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Betrayal, Work, Money, and More ~ 3-14-10
Hello everyone!
Sunday’s Q&A webcast was wonderful. The video has a sample of the answers Eloheim offered. I loved this quote:
There is no wiggle room for being unconscious about your choice to be conscious!
We are webcasting tonight (March 17th). I hope you will join us. The sign up link is at the top of this page.
If you would like to watch a replay of the webcast or download the audio recording of the meeting, please follow these links:
Audio downloads of six meetings held in March, 2010
January, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Connecting with Soul, Chakra Check in ~ 1-17-10
Hello everyone from a VERY rainy Sonoma, California!
We had a great webcast on Sunday. We had folks from at least five different countries and had a great variety of questions.
I haven’t booked the February webcast yet. The date I was aiming for is taken up by a planned video shoot with the band. I need to check with the crew and see what other dates work. I hope to get that settled tomorrow night at the meeting.
In the meantime, we are webcasting the weekly meetings and I hope you can join us. Follow this link to sign up: https://eloheim.com/?page_id=1909 Just in case you were with us on Sunday and were wondering what that final little thing was that kept us from using the new microphones: Turns out we needed the latest version of Flash. I downloaded it and got it all working this evening. YIPPEE!
Look at this cute little mixing board! I think she needs a name. Suggestions????
Owning the experience you are having and letting it reveal your truth.
The way you love yourself is how you walk in the world!
AUDIO – 01-17-10 – 83 minutes ~ Q&A Session
List of questions answered during the meeting:
I’m wondering if the folks in Haiti were on board for this (1-13-10 earthquake) as part of the plan to open our hearts and begin operating from our heart center?
What’s going on energetically today? I feel discombobulated – like I’m backslid few steps on my path.
I was there at the amazing meeting Wed night and have experienced some anxiety since then. Is that just the adjusting to the energy shift?
Spent years creating herself, can see the big picture, find the lesson, understand the thoughts and actions of others but this has left her in a place where superficial conversations, lack of expressions of love and folks being angry and upset, keeps her spending most of her time alone. Can’t find anything to connect to and is always the one folks bring their stuff to. She give a lot. How does she live and be happy and how does she stop wanting something in return when it seems like no-one has much to give when in need of so much. Why are people such takers? Good grief!
After experiencing many events during the past five years as 7.0 on the Ritcher scale, how can I clean the old energy out of the house or is that even necessary?
What does Be in Your Truth mean when you’re doing routine tasks like driving or doing the dishes?
Can you expand more on using our freewill to create in our lives? How can we better understand the connection between them?
I have a body ache in the upper part of my body that does not go away. It starts at the neck and goes down the shoulder joint and shoulder blade. It feels stiff and very tight – massaging and physical exercise don’t help but I keep moving the energy from left to right. Both shoulders are painful. Also pain in upper middle chest.
Sometimes I feel that if I had known this spiritual path was going to be this hard I would have chosen a different approach to life. If I keep working with all these tools will it all be worthwhile?
Now that we’ve crossed over the threshold into the new year, how can I connect with my higher self?
I have been dealing with triggers, looking at unconsciousness and there’s been a shift in perception. For some reason I’m starting to experience the world differently. How do I know my first five chakras, especially the 3rd and 4th, are functioning properly?
There is pressure in my throat area.
So asthma and those kinds of things that are coming up right now, might also be about the throat chakra?
I’ve had several experiences where my perception changed from outer to inner reality for a period of time. I’m unsure how to make that a permanent shift.
After the Christmas holidays I had an experience of a total meltdown; dealing with feelings of anger. That then shifted into feeling spiritually productive and wonderfully light (not listless). I’d still like to be having that same feeling of doing a lot of inner work. Now I’m back here doing things I’m not crazy about doing
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010
November, 2009
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ELOHEIM: November Web Cast VIDEO ~ 11-15-09
What a great web cast! The Visionaries opened the meeting with a short introduction then Eloheim answered questions for about 100 minutes.
Here are some of the questions which were answered:
11-15-09 106 minutes
Questions answered during this meeting:
How to distinguish between certainty and clarity? What is the fine line between the two?
When can I have cheese? It’s a banned substance – my doctor has forbidden it. I want some now š
What the Visionaries said recently about āsnapshotsā and increasing the āframesā was very interesting. Can you expand on this a bit more?
I sense my vocational service responsibilities and my integrity to self are in conflict.
I know that NOW is from this second to the next. I know bliss is a subtle from inside to out type feeling for me even through pain but how do I get past the pain from nerve pain second to second through till my last second?
As Iāve worked at becoming more conscious I needed to move out of the house and away from my relationship. Even though my children are grown and gone from home, they are not happy with me not being in my marriage. I think they would prefer an unconscious mom in a relationship with their dad. I feel badly that they are hurt by this. Any advice?
Is there a way to clearly determine if a current desire is a pure desire or is one still cloaked in your mucky muck?
Distinguishing service from simply caring for/lovingly encouraging another (specifically my father)is still difficult for me. Please elaborate on what is true now in relationship in offering opportunities to change.
The recent energetics seem to be dredging up intense grief, loss, lack, not feeling belonging anywhere, and it has been especially hard to use any tools at all, although I know that Iām OK and can move through this. When do we get to experience more than moments of bliss?
How can we use our sexual energies in spiritual development?
When i am meditating and pushing the limits of what i have done before I have a shudder thing that breaks my concentration, whats up?
Have been experiencing emotional and energetic ups and downs and physical issues that are almost impossible to deal with. I would like to know what is the most important thing for me to do now is so that I can alleviate these relentless headaches.
I used to open vortexesā when I was kid. I havenāt been able to since, I donāt know if its because I forgot or what. Am I suppose to open one some time in the future. I know Iām not from here, Earth Do you know where Iām from?
Three years ago I took the leap and moved to the country to my very own forest sanctuary. Although I love my safe haven, Iām basically a Yankee living in the dixieland bible belt! Is there a reason Iām here at this location?
How did source energy come to be? Where does All that Is come from? How did the creation begin?
Iāve been practicing the What is True Now. āI donāt know anythingā works really well for āfuture trippingā. What about āpast trippingā? Is there a tool to take the mind out of that place and back to Now?
Is there anyone in these times as we stand now that has actually experienced the new paradigm shift of the full complete transition from the Homo sapiens to the Homo spiritus and fully walking and experiencing their integrated soul/body experience; and if so, how many would you say there are and if not are the ones that say they simply faking it?
Is the major shift you sense for January 13, 2010 one that everyone will consciously experience? Did I infer correctly that the less baggage our cells are carrying at that point, the more apparent the shift will be?
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009