Guest post from Rene Duer, Astrologer

Capricorn Full Moon – July 3, 2012

We are feeling the effects of the first exact Uranus – Pluto square of June 24. Several days after the square commenced, on June 29, the Sun at 8 degrees Cancer opposed Pluto and squared Uranus, reinforcing this contentious configuration and activating another leg of the cardinal axis. Saturn, having turned direct on June 25 occupies the fourth cardinal sign, Libra. He is on his way to finish his time in Libra and will make no direct aspects to this grouping during that time. As the ruler of Capricorn and this Full Moon, Saturn reminds us to take inventory of our physical surroundings and to make note of what is true now. He encourages us to exercise the power of neutral observation and to formulate an open and non-judgmental stance. He also suggests that we get serious about the transformation that lies ahead. Saturn is not a fan of the undisciplined approach. He sternly reminds us that the tolerances for this new consciousness will be tighter and that we need to adopt a more rigorous and scrupulous stance. These tools and suggestions will serve us well in the coming years. The energy of the Uranus – Pluto square is no longer theoretical. We are in it and we will stay in this pattern until the spring of 2015. Seven exact squares will form between now and then. We are charged with nothing less than evolving and embodying a radically new consciousness during the next three years.

As the Full Moon forms on July 3, 2012 at 11:53a.m. PDT at 12 degrees, 13 minutes Capricorn it conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, catching the energy of the Uranus-Pluto square. At about the same time, Mars finally leaves Virgo after an eight month stay! As he enters Libra, the sign of relationship, he will no longer be attending to the practical details that consumed him in Virgo. Mars in Libra will concern himself with justice, social causes, contracts of all sorts, and of course – relationship in every sense of the word. Libra is a Cardinal sign of action and diplomacy.. Mars will be ready for new projects here. It’s been a long trek through Virgo for Mars and for us as well. Even though the change of scenery offered by Libra is welcome, we are bound to feel some disturbance in the flow of daily affairs as Mars stretches out and sets up in a new sign after his long tenure in Virgo. Later in the month he will participate in a massive Tsquare with Uranus and Pluto. Let’s be realistic. Although this T square will not be exact, we might as well say that the minute Mars sets foot in Libra he will be in the mix and definitely part of the action. Mars enjoys a good set to and it certainly appears as though he will give as good as he gets as he mixes it up with the big boys, Uranus and Pluto. Libra will want a diplomatic resolution to this challenge. It seems unlikely that any attempt at smoothing this energy over will hold very long. But we shall see. The pressure just doesn’t let up.

Uranus will station retrograde on July 13. During this five month phase we will be challenged to uncover our resistance to change – specifically the changes necessary to reinvent, evolve and embody the emerging paradigm. The revolutionary energies of Uranus in fiery Aries are very pure and idealistic. They are also impatient, aggressive and explosive. Expect the unexpected. Resist the temptation to plan. Refuse to revert to habitual behaviors and solutions. Insist on innovation. Applaud the unusual. Seek out and participate in groups that support the transition to a new consciousness. These directives can pretty much form the core of your behavioral imperative for the next three years. Implement this program as soon as possible! Check your chart to see which areas of the chart are impacted by this transit/ placement of Uranus. This will provide valuable information about the nature of the changes necessary and your ability to manifest and complete the transition.

Mercury stations retrograde on July 15 at 12 degrees, 33 minutes Leo. Mercury in Leo is generous, courageous, and creative and likes to look at the big picture. The next three weeks will be an excellent time to review your personal big picture. In addition to turning retrograde within a day of each other, Mercury and Uranus will trine during this time, reinforcing the fiery qualities of each sign. The energies of these two planets and signs dovetail perfectly. Uranus is the higher and universal octave of Mercury. Aries and Leo are both fires signs: creative, idealistic and militantly intuitive. Again, this is a time to expect the unexpected. Mercury stations direct on August 7 at 1 degree, 26 minutes Leo. Mercury will enjoy a longer than usual stay in Leo, moving into Virgo on September 1.

Needless to say, the Uranus-Pluto square will be in effect this entire time. It could be a long hot summer! We are already experiencing an early and rapacious fire season in the western United States. Violent and deadly weather patterns persist in many parts of the world. The Uranus-Pluto square gives the feeling of Scorched (Uranus in Aries) Earth (Pluto in Capricorn). Scorched Earth is an ancient (but still much used) military strategy that involves destroying anything that might be useful to the enemy, usually by means of fire. This operation can be carried out in either enemy territory or at home. It is not necessarily a punitive measure, although that can figure into the strategy. Scorched Earth can also be seen as agricultural burning which involves setting fire to crop residue after harvest to hinder pest infestation and prepare the soil for better drainage and optimal planting in the spring. And finally, it can refer to the process of controlled burning practiced by fire departments everywhere to clear brush and prevent potential fires. Adding Mars into the mix is the kicker, brings it home, and makes it personal. This energy cannot be ignored. The heat is on. The battle lines are drawn. This is a potentially incendiary moment. Everything is beginning to change. Can you feel it?

It’s interesting to consider the Uranus-Pluto square from these perspectives. Especially in light of the ongoing conjunction of Chiron and Neptune in watery Pisces whose signature is: Healing above all else! That is a very revolutionary directive in itself! How will all this contentious energy resolve itself? Will the fires of evolution and revolution burn to destroy, to protect, or to prepare for the new season of planting? Or will they in some measure, accomplish all of these objectives? Neptune and Chiron aren’t saying much right now but they will be traveling together as a soothing and cleansing counterpoint to the wild clashing energies of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square. They will provide a place of refuge from the storms that will continue unabated through 2015. Stay in the now and continually check in with what is true now.

Change will happen. It is not a case of good or bad, better or worse, or even yes or no. It simply is. Change will happen and there can be no judgment attached. These obsolete terms describe a dualistic reality that is crumbling. Neptune and Chiron in Pisces know this. Pisces has no use for dualistic thought. It’s all one to Pisces – one vast ocean of consciousness. And that will be our task – to recognize, unite, and to simply be – all one.

It will be a fascinating summer.

Rene is a passionate astrologer, writer and visual artist. She received her Master of Fine Arts Degree in 1990. She has studied Astrology, Tarot, Egyptian Mystery School traditions and Yoga for many years. Rene offers in-depth natal and predictive horoscopes for individuals, couples, families and business partners, AstroCartography, and relocation charts. She attends weekly Wednesday night Eloheim meetings in Sonoma, California.

Consultations in person or by phone. Sliding scale available.

Contact her at or at Home Planet Astrology on Facebook.

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The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Conscious Living: Vol. 1 and Vol. 2