I received this email in response to this meeting:
“I have struggled with addiction type issues my entire life. I was overweight as a child and had many encounters with drugs and alcohol as I got older. I am also a therapist who has a deep understanding of addiction philosophy and treatment. I have never found the magic ah ha that seemed to explain addiction to me. I have found that nutritional support does wonders for me personally and years of therapy and spiritual practice have allowed me to live basically addiction free but the underlying issue has never really been addressed.
When Eloheim spoke to an attendant at Wednesday’s meeting about the energy of “someday” it was a huge gate latch for me. I have always lived with someday. I remember as a young child tearing out pictures from the Sears catalog of homes and furniture and thinking that someday I would have a nice home/life. As an adult someday I would be happy, someday I would find love, someday I would be ok. I understood in the moment I heard Eloheim speak that the survival instinct had helped me stay here as a child by instilling the idea of someday deep inside me. It was a great gift to me then as my childhood was less then ideal.
However, as an adult it has been a huge impediment to living in the now moment and the source of deep discontent within me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this insight. I know it will change my life.”
Summary of the Session 4-18-2012
The Guardians continued to remind us to be in our truth. They reminded that it is built into the human being to perceive life as a victim; that life is happening to us. They suggested it would be very powerful to ask continuously, “Where do I feel like a victim here?” The most effective way of dropping the habit of victim hood is to continuously “be aware” of it and to OWN it when it comes up.
The Visionaries pointed out that the only barrier to living in our own energy is forgetting to be aware of our truth. We still seem to have the energy of “I refuse to accept the uncertainty about (such and such) in my life.”
Eloheim pointed out to be really aware of “preconceived notions” and “wanting a certain outcome.” They reminded us that the tools, What’s my left eye brow doing? and I refuse to give this moment away help us to come back to the moment.
It’s our responsibility to not agree with body’s adrenalin, fear-based responses. Eloheim advises to catch ourselves and observe when we are tempted to do so.
The Girls spoke about the tool, I deserve and asked us to be really conscious of all the reasons that survival instinct brings up to hold us back from living our truth; in observing the survival instinct, we take away its power. Use the tool, What is, is as the truth that allows us to grow rather than resisting what is.
Fred shared an interesting insight. He asked us to imagine the vastness of the universe and then imagine the smallest nature of the molecular world at the same time. When we do that we get to see that all the daily problems we as humans face are put in their appropriate position in the wholeness scale.
The Warrior reminded that most of the experiences in which we emanate our truth, set boundaries by staying in our own energy are not life or death situations, especially in the way our current society is designed. This awareness can help us to be at ease with our survival instinct and help us stay in our own energy. We are being trained to meet our triggers and uncertainty in a healthy way rather than habitual way. When we walk in this fashion, community gathers around us because of the emanation we offer.
The Matriarch gently asked us to remember every moment to NOT to give away this moment for anything other than for emanating our truth.
If we can do it here together in the conscious community that means we can do it alone as well.
Audio downloads of the six meetings held in April, 2012