January, 2010
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ELOHEIM: January Portal and LOVE ~ 1-6-10
Hello everyone!
Well now! Wednesday just went to another level. I know I say something along those lines a couple times a month BUT seriously this week was WOW.
The Guardians started us off by setting the energy in the room. The Visionaries came in and got all excited and got their point across in a very intense way. THEN, a new group, The Girls, came in.
Talk about a change of pace! The Girls “crashed the boy’s party” because “it was about time some feminine energy” joined our circle.
I have included most of The Girls’ message in the video below. They are really cool.
I am always fascinated by how new energies choose to use my physical body to convey their messages. The Guardians can’t speak easily, but they move my arms a lot. The Visionaries sit on the edge of the chair and speak REALLY LOUDLY. Eloheim is so familiar to me that it is hard to pick out something, but I can say that their energy is quite masculine. The Girls immediately sat back in the chair, got comfortable, crossed my legs, and settled in for a chat.
The video includes one minute of The Visionaries, seven minutes of The Girls, and two minutes of Eloheim.
Where is your attention? You’ve got to get your attention to where it can do some good! To acquire the information that the moment has for you, you must be in it! ~ The Visionaries (loudly!)
Make it a cozy home for your Soul by loving yourself deeply … find that comfort of loving yourself well … open up your Love reservoirs within and let them splash all over you. Every breath is the expression of loving yourself more. Just go on and love yourself. ~ The Girls
Next week is a portal ~ Eloheim
01-06-10 – 100 minutes ~ first appearance of The Girls
Visionaries: Is the highest expression of you sitting in the chair here with us tonight? “What does it mean to be my complete self?” Nothing in your world is more vital and important to your experience than what is immediately expressed in your moment.
The Girls (first appearance): There comes a time, there comes a time, there comes a time when the feminine energy needs to be entered into this circle, don’t you think? So just go on and love yourself. Every little bit of you is lovable.
Eloheim: It’s win-win or I won’t. Managing your emanation. Fingertip tool. You want your life to change- twenty minutes a day just sit in fascination. The distinction between interesting and fascinating. Your external world is reflecting your internal world.

Audio recordings of the five meetings held in January, 2010
December, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Ascension Update ~ VISIONARIES 12-9-09
Hello everyone!
This week’s meeting was an interesting combination of the Visionaries giving us a Holiday pep talk and Eloheim discussing how our ‘past’ lives will start to be integrated into our current expression. WOW.
We want to make sure that in the busyness of the season, you don’t lose track of the reality of the moment which is that you are accessing the completeness of you …. and you can have that be who you are in all moments.
Stay with this! Don’t let this slip away from you! Everything you have worked for and all the attention you have paid to being conscious …. have all led up to … “I am prepared for the next movement into the beingness of [me].”
As an infinite and immortal Soul, are you really going to be satisfied with ascending just one lifetime?
12-9-09 ~ 66 minutes
Guardians: Opened with a mostly silent energetic alignment.
Visionaries: Want us to bring into focus the idea that our soul’s energy and perspective are available to us now. Urged us to seek our soul’s perspective in our everyday activities.
Eloheim: Talked about the how the Guardians are helping us with our heart chakras, and the effects we’re feeling. Urged us to practice being in the truth of ourselves no matter the situation. Also talked a bit about how our alternative expressions will become more apparent to us as we go forward.
Audio recordings of the six meetings held in December, 2009
October, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Instantaneous Manifestation ~ 10-21-09
Hello everyone,
Wow, last night was great. The meeting had two distinct sections. The first was Eloheim following up on the Visionaries’ teaching of last week, “What is True Now?” Click here to review that message.
Many people (in person and by email) reported that it was quite challenging to be in the moment in this new way. It sure has been for me!
The second part of the meeting was VERY interesting. Earlier that day, Eloheim had asked me to make sure I had a $50 bill in my purse. They proceeded to pass that bill around the circle asking everyone to just, “Take a moment” with it.
Then they asked everyone to instantaneously manifest a $50 bill in their hand.
The conversation that followed is condensed in the video. The very end of the video includes a detailed one-on-one example of using the tools that Eloheim describes.
It really takes, “What is True Now?” to the next level and gives some really interesting insight on manifestation, creation, and being in the moment.
AUDIO 10-21-09 ~ 80 minutes
Eloheim: Why it seems so hard for us to be into the moment. Our habits have tended toward victim hood. Allowing the mind to take a back seat and experience the moment without it being thought-dominated. Making space and then finding what is there to connect in that space. Do we need to be adrenaline junkies to feel we can find meaning in our lives? We are in the messy middle-ground now, on our way into Homo spiritus. Questions and answers about experiencing “What is true now?” over the previous week.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in October 2009
September, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Deepening the Experience of the Body 9-2-09
Hello everyone,
This week’s Eloheim channeling focused on deepening the experience of body. It was a very warm night and we had both of the big doors open in our meeting room for the first time this summer. You can probably hear the crickets in the background. We could also hear the breeze in the trees.
This clip also includes the Energies of September.
The sound can become a feeling. Can you feel that sound as it just washes across the skin? When you are operating as an ensouled human…your senses become heightened because you are not ONLY operating from the human perspective any longer.
You’re the one deciding how deeply you experience the moment.
Energies of September 2009: Sneaky September. The truth of you has found you!
You start to live in a place that has no opposite: This is my TRUTH! That is how you live free: When your position is not dictated by someone else, but is instead created by your internal process.
I found a new function on my video editing software which is going to save me A LOT of time preparing the videos. This made it possible to pick snippets from various parts of the meeting for this week’s video.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009
August, 2009
Back to TopJuly, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Men, Money, and the Spiritual Journey
The Eloheim session of July 22, 2009 covered many topics including:
This meeting was unusual in that a married couple attended. Their conversation with Eloheim centered on their financial situation. The husband explained that he liked his job, but it was not sufficiently providing for his family financially.
Eloheim mentioned that it is quite rare for men with families to come to the group so this was one of the first times they addressed this issue:
You are not only a man if a certain amount of money is coming in through your labors. You are also a man through your ability to emanate high vibrational, conscious choices to your family. That is how you get over being emasculated. Because you stop only baseing yourself as a man on the numbers, the dollars, the bank account. That is a huge transformation.
I am a man based on the authentic me being expressed to my kids and my wife.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in July 2009