July, 2010
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ELOHEIM and The Council Channeling: 7-21-10
Wednesday night included another message from every member of The Council. Perhaps that is the new pattern for the meetings. I have video from the Visionaries below. If you would like to download the complete audio recording of the meeting, the links are below the YouTube video.
The Guardians talked about an enormous opening of the crown chakras of the group.
Allow yourself to allow! Allow the open crown chakra to funnel that energy into the body.
The Visionaries described how we can balance the new experience of our completeness expressing in the physical form in ‘real life.’ Including how to deal with the the hard, crusty bits.
How much more is this going to ask of me? Repeated triggers are loosening the grip of habitual responses. You are really getting to the root of the issue. It’s not a very good time to give up.
Eloheim talked about attending to first chakra issues (money, security, survival, stability, etc) using the Grace, Ease, Bliss (Serenity) tool.
Grace, Ease and Bliss is a moment by moment, stimulus by stimulus tool. It is not a one time use.
Grace, I created it.
Ease, I am not alone in interacting with my creations. I have tools, insight, being in the moment, and perspective.
Bliss, a new way of interacting with the world.If you find yourself in bliss about one thing and feeling like a victim about another, that doesn’t mean you are broken.
The Girls:
You are allowed to set a boundary without having to work your self up into a tizzy to do it! ‘I just want to try something else’ is your God given right as a breathing being. It is nice when you can say, ‘I just want to try something else’ without your life having to turn to shit first. Let yourself create something else without having to create static first.
The Warrior continued their story. This installment: Going to see the king.
Don’t take their opinions as your own. You know who you are. It is really fun to see the king when you stink! If you show up authentically, you have done your part to contribute to a conscious conversation. When they ask you to go against your nature in order for them to be comfortable, you should be wary. Your complete self experiences more of your surroundings too. You can’t give away the job of being your complete self.
There was a time when you were formless. You were in a place where the was no change and you moved into a place where there is possibility. You are a soul doing the dance of possibility and the dance of all that is. You went from a passive state of existence to an active state of existence.
The Matriarch, a beautiful closing talk/meditation
Possibility and perspective.
7-21-10 ~ 87 minutes
Visionaries: This is a time full of triggers, some of them “old” triggers. These issues are difficult because we’re taking them up by their roots, and the roots are in deep.
Eloheim: A detailed discussion of grace, ease, and bliss (serenity), with examples. Then, questions are answered from the group regarding short, factual statements.
The Girls: You are allowed to say no, allowed to set boundaries, allowed to change just because you want to; all without having to justify it to anyone.
Warrior: The story of “going to see the king” continues, and illustrates the point that you are your true self regardless of your circumstance, and you do not let others tell you who you are. Knowing who you are and emanating your complete self is the fabric of your being.
Fred: There was a time when you were formless. You were in a place where the was no change and you moved into a place where there is possibility.
Matriarch: The balance between possibility and perspective – where the idea of all the possibilities that are there infuses you, and the perspective that the things that are challenges or triggers have the proper perspective.
Audio from the five meetings held in July, 2010

ELOHEIM: Question and Answer Session ~ 7-18-10
We had a great Q&A with Eloheim last Sunday. Some of the questions Eloheim answered are listed below.
I am chatting with the people at FLIP right now to try and sort out why I am having so much trouble with the video editing software. Hopefully I will be able to add a YouTube video from this meeting soon.
EDIT: About 24 hours later and I got the software working! Video below!
Audio from the five meetings held in July, 2010
My preferences narrow the range of what I like in my surroundings and culture. I think I may have to move to find my people.It would be so much easier to fall in love with the community in my back yard. Is there a tool or something I might develop to have all that I need here?
My husband passed away five years ago and I’m kind of on the fence with whether or not I would like another man in my life. My questions is with all this new energy coming in; I keep hearing that we’re going to be our own best friends. I have been isolated for so long I think I’m to the point that I’m ready to meet someone, if not a love interest at least a really good male friend.
I have a lot of extremely violent nightmares and was wondering if there is anything you could share about why this is.
I’ve had a really fascinating physical experience this week…contact dermatitis with big blisters, swelling, etc. It came on slowly, was very intense, then healed quickly. This morning I woke up and looked at my hands and have been in awe of my body ever since. I’m growing new skin! It’s really beautiful. My question: The entire process seems to have taken place really quickly. Is this part of the “new paradigm”?
We’ve worked on becoming conscious in our thoughts, emotions, and biological responses… what’s next? sleep states?
members of the council say they walk beside us. sometimes i can feel the warrior with me. But I’m wondering if there’s something to say or do to FEEL the council members with us when we REALLY need their support.
Could you, please tell more about the significance of this consciousness convergence weekend?
I would like to know if the person i met in 2006, is my ‘soul’?in other words, did my ‘soul’ came to me in his ‘form’ and interacted with me? If so, why?
How do you give true attention to the process you find yourself in when you have lost any interest or joy in that process and your just trying to get to the end of it. I understand that there is supposed to be valuable stuff there on the journey so how do you really pay attention without the feeling of “Fine lets do this so I can get it over with.” and dragging it out longer than necessary.
I was using short sentences to create the job for me as you suggested at the private session. I feel that something is holding me back for the job to manifest. I would appreciate your insight on what is it and release it.
I wanted to know if you are in the same place as our higher selves are and are you in communication with that part of ourselves. If you are in communication with my higher self I was wondering if there is anything my higher self would like to tell me.
I am currently working for a very demanding boss (new job) who reminds me of my mother who was bipolar and OCD (obsessive compulsive). I have trouble reading his handwriting and my eyesight is worse because of the stress. The channel who usually reads for me says that there is an important life lesson here that I would get again if I were to bail. Do you have any tools/guidance for me in this situation when brings up so much fear?
My question is this: Even though I feel like I won the job lottery, when I look at all the crazy events that led me to this point I almost feel like there was an invisible hand that sort of pulled me to the place that I really had no conscious knowledge. My logical mind and fanciful wishing of how things would go had me pointed in an entirely different and easier direction. And although I AM WILLING and think this will be an interesting experience for growth, I’m kind of amazed at this new life I have created. I could use a little clarity.
How about a flashback video? Since 10/10/10 is coming soon, let’s flashback video to 9/9/9. I had just started channeling the Visionaries when they took on this this really complex idea.

ELOHEIM and The Council: I am OPEN to more ~ 7-14-10
The entire Council was present at the meeting on July 14th. The video files recorded properly, but I can’t get any of my editing programs to work. I have been trying for several days now. I am sure I am learning quite a lot, but I mostly just get to deal with being frustrated. I decided to break my habit of clipping out video from the meeting and do something completely different. Check it out!
7-14-10 ~ 82 minutes
Guardians: Remarked on a strong connections with us through our power chakras. We are constantly in a state of renewal, bringing in new energy and growing. As we do so, it is necessary to release. They advise us to allow for things that no longer serve us to be available to be released.
Visionaries: As we expand and become more conscious, we naturally take time to contract (go inward) to experience the change. The Visionaries advise us to be generous to ourselves in allowing for an expansion-and-contraction way of interacting with the world, rather than demanding that it has to be a certain way.
Eloheim: On being in the world: Allow for your vulnerability, and know that your truth is unassailable. Answered questions on fear of putting oneself out there on the Internet, and also on what would be a good spiritual topic to teach to eight-year-olds.
The Girls: When we go out into the world with our power chakras and our heart chakras, our second chakras are affected, also. The third chakra contains: “This is me taking me into the world,” and the second chakra contains: “This is me allowing the world into me.”
Warrior: Continues their story of going to see the king. They advise: Don’t let fears and habits tell you who you are.
Fred: Be open with willingness to more of the truth of you.
Matriarch: The truth of you can open into much, much more. The truth is a starting place to expand from.
Audio from the five meetings held in July, 2010

ELOHEIM: It’s WOW, this is happening! Not, WHY is this happening? 7-7-10
The meeting of July 7, 2010 was SO unusual. As soon as the meeting started I went very, very deep. I was still present like I always am, but I felt even more altered and the energy in the room was…thicker? heavier? I don’t know what to call it.
The Guardians have never felt like that before. I can always sense them moving energy, but this time if felt like they were stirring cake batter or something far more dense. It wasn’t just that I KNEW they were moving energy, but I could feel the energy moving and feel the movement affecting the room.
The Visionaries were epic. Their message was so clear and helpful.
Eloheim kept the show running and made sure food and water were consumed. I can rest with Eloheim. It is a pit stop. When I used to take Yoga, the teacher would tell us that someday we would find downward facing dog a resting posture. Since I could hardly do downward facing dog, I never really believed her. But, I have a sense of what she meant now. Channeling Eloheim is a resting posture! That totally cracks me up!
The Girls were more serious than normal and focused on taking the Visionaries message to another level.
The Warrior offered a long message. It felt like they were telling a ‘story of old.’ I wish I could explain my experience of it better, but I just can’t find the words.
Then, there was Fred. Intense, wonderful, powerful, unlike anything else…..I can’t really describe Fred. Maybe next week I will have something more coherent to say.
The Matriarch finished the meeting with a beautiful, supportive, and soft message. Many people are moved to tears by the palpable love they feel from the Matriarch. She opened my heart chakra so wide I felt the entire room as though it was all inside of me.
Once the Matriarch left, it took me a long time to come back. I was so deep in the energies (again, I don’t have words to describe this). It wasn’t so much of the ‘I can’t walk’ feeling as it was just being completely expanded.
Oh, and although the meeting was 71 minutes long it genuinely felt like only 5 minutes elapsed. Many people reported feeling the same sort of time shift. I even have reports of people feeling that way when listening to the recording.
We will webcast again this Wednesday and our Q&A with Eloheim is coming up next Sunday the 18th. Links to join us are below.
7-7-10 ~ 71 minutes
Visionaries: How to deal with being a creator, no matter what your creation is. When you can’t point fingers anymore, instead of asking “Why did I create this?” you say, “Wow. This is my fascinating creation.” You have to shift out of the idea that you have to understand why it’s there and instead say: “It is here.”
Eloheim: Despite feeling very different as you change, you’ll eventually catch up to it and feel better. When in doubt, tell your truth. Truth is unassailable.
The Girls: When you allow yourself to feel the “wow” and be open to it, what you’re actually doing is opening to your soul’s insight.
Warrior: You can’t hide from the truth of your creation anymore. They advise that we say yes to whatever the truth of our creation is; open to it, experience it deeply, and embrace it. Because the truth of your creation is the doorway into the big picture of Homo spiritus living.
Fred: We have reached a place where we can experience our physicality from our soul’s perspective, even if only in short bursts.
Matriarch: Coming to a place where you love yourself so much that you can love your creation and you love your creation so much that you can love yourself. It’s a remarkable simpatico. “I love myself enough to love my creation because it’s part of me and I love my creation enough to recognize how wonderful I am and thus that makes me love me.”
Audio from the five meetings held in July, 2010

ELOHEIM: The Gulf Oil Spill and much more ~ 6-27-10
Hello everyone! The monthly Q&A with Eloheim was great. We had a lot of wonderful questions and Eloheim ate grapes! I have included a video of Eloheim talking about the Oil Spill in the Gulf. This video is (by far) the most popular Eloheim video I have ever loaded to YouTube.
Three quick announcements first:
1. We will find out if we advanced to the next round of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest on Tuesday, July 6th2. We are going to have a special event on October 10, 2010 (10/10/10). We have NO details yet other than the monthly webcast for October will be moved to that Sunday and we have room for people to join us. It will be held at our regular meeting room in Sonoma, CA. So, if you want to have some in person Eloheim and The Council fun on a Sunday – October 10th is your chance. More details will be provided as we decide what sounds fascinating.
3. We webcast our weekly meetings on Wednesday nights and our monthly Q&A on the 3rd Sunday. You can find the links to sign up for our webcasts on this page: https://eloheim.com/web-casts/ I will add the July links very soon!
Questions answered during the meeting included:
- What’s really going on with the Gulf oil spill?
- I know Souls exist beyond the Akashic records so where do you teach from – the planes beyond the causal level consciousness?
- I heard in somebody else’s channeling that we offer the maximum amount of help to others just through our energetic expressions and that when we perceive being of help to others that that is only really for us to perceive what we offer. So basically the physical expression of us “helping” others doesn’t add anything more to what we are already energetically expressing. Based on the singular simultaneous experience thingy you talk about that seems to make sense to me but I would like your view of it.
- Is it necessary to let go of what we attracted ‘before’ to let in what we are attracting ‘now’? Is it a choice? or that is the only way it works? Why can’t I have both?
- When you talk about a “Free Will Zone” how does that relate to other places? By your use of the term it implies that there are Non-Free Will Zones so can you expand on what that means or is like?
- I was wondering if you could tell me about one or a few of my most confident (past) lives? What they did, who they were, etc… and what is a good way to integrate them into my life?
- I have been meditating with the intent to channel for about 2 years now (I HAVEN’T CHANNELED YET) and I wanted to know if you could take a look at me energetically and see if there is anything there that you can tell me that I could work on that will aid me in channeling…or if there is anything blocking or hindering my channeling progress…any info will help thank you! I discovered is that I really have a fear of experiencing my reality in an altered way……….any advice on how to not be fearful while in an altered state…..also is this blocking my channeling?
- I feel like a a horrible pet parent because I can’t find out why my dog’s skin itches.
- Does my ego run my free will and please describe the ego and it’s purpose. When I stop operating from my ego and live from soul’s perspective, do I still need or use free will?
6-27-10 ~ JUNE 2010 Q&A with Eloheim ~ 90 minutes
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010
June, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Money, Worth, Financial Flow, Abundance and More ~ 6-23-10
This week’s meeting was really powerful. Eloheim walked us through a new tool for financial flow. The rest of The Council shared their perspectives on money, worth, value, wages, and lots of other aspects of abundance. It was quite a meeting. At 90 minutes, it was also one of the longest meetings we have had recently, but it flew by for me.
The YouTube video for this week is Eloheim talking about the tool. I edited out the conversation about the various streams of income the group came up with (beyond the obvious) so that I could include more of Eloheim talking about the tool. Here are some of the ideas. Please feel free to add your ideas in the comments section.
- Found money
- Won money
- Coupons
- Tips
- $5 from PayPal
- $100 for opening a bank account
- Gifts
- Selling things
- Winning money playing games
- Garage sale proceeds
- Gift certificate from Trader Joes because he brought his own grocery bags
- Recycling bottles
- Inheritance
- Doing laundry and looking in the pockets
- Winning an award at work for a good idea
- Making things and selling them
- Repaid loans
- Winning the lottery (any amount)
- Trading credit card points for money
I like how Eloheim tied this conversation to the but/because and short factual statements tools.
Well, it has been a fascinating journey, this book contest/adventure/ competition/inspiration! There are only a few days left for voting. Recently, I had a dream that I got 3rd place. I thought a lot about what I might DO today to help that become true.
Should I email all my facebook and youtube friends?
Should I say yes to the invitation to be on an Internet radio show?
As it turns out, I was drawn to write a love letter to Eloheim. Now, because it is me and it is Eloheim, this isn’t your typical love letter. In fact, it is a cartoon. It really is a long inside joke. But, what better way to say: I love you Eloheim.
Just in case you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, here is our contest page:
http://www.nexttopauthor.com/profile.cfm?aid=1933Voting ends on Monday, June 28th.
6-23-10 ~ 90 minutes
Eloheim: An exercise demonstrating the tool: I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways. Exploration of equal sign, magnetizing needs met, and comparing you to you. Discussion of how various group members are interacting with the flow of money in their lives.
Visionaries: Talked about how well the group did energetically with their triggers around money.
The Girls: It’s a kindness to yourself to become in the flow of knowing you’re living in an abundant universe.
Warrior: Talked about how they live in a barter environment, where intake is not generalized. What’s most important now is that our value is not based in how much we are paid for something, our value is based on how we perceive ourselves within the transaction. Don’t let anyone tell you your worth.

Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: You are an Actor in MY Play ~ Script Holding ~ 6-16-10
It is a busy time around here. Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest ends on June 28th. That also marks the last day of public voting. The remaining rounds will be decided by the expert panel. Please, if you like our proposal, take a moment to cast your vote for us. If you know anyone who would be interested in this material, feel free to pass it along. Our page is located at: http://www.nexttopauthor.com/profile.cfm?aid=1933
Here is a link to some local press about our entry in the Next Top Spiritual Author contest
I filmed myself out and about promoting my entry in the contest. I had some fascinating experiences!
My latest cartoon!
The meeting of the 16th included discussion and examples of using the Short Factual Statements tool. SFS is proving to be a powerful tool! The YouTube video focuses on another tool, Script Holding. It has been some time since Eloheim reviewed Script Holding. I like the way they tied it into Short Factual Statements.
6-16-10 ~ 85 minutes
Eloheim: An intense review of the usage of short, factual statements, using examples from members of the group covering guilt, boundaries, and jealousy.
Also an overview and discussion of script-holding and grace, ease, and bliss/serenity.
Visionaries: Allow the truth of the short, factual statement to settle into your body rather than just spend a bunch of time spinning in your head. It s a real thing you re doing and you re really creating from that position. The tool may feel intellectual at the start, but getting to the real you in it is important. You are creating consciousness in your life by looking at things consciously.
The Girls: Creating consciousness requires you to experience yourself in a new way; part of experiencing yourself in a new way is being disciplined about how you allow yourself to critique yourself during the use of these new tools. Do not be mean to yourself
Warrior: As you walk along a new path [use a new tool], you start out a bit wobbly. Do not fear, because the more you walk the path the more stable you become on your legs with it.

Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: Short Factual Statements TOOL 6-9-10
Today I have the video from 6-9-10 and a new cartoon!
June 9, 2010 was a powerful meeting. Eloheim and The Council elaborated on a new tool: Short Factual Statements (followed by a period).
I used this tool just this morning to deal with ‘disappointment’ and I can tell you it WORKS!
I have included Eloheim introducing the tool and The Girls giving their take on it in the Youtube video below. If you would like to watch the ON DEMAND webcast replay or download the complete audio recording of the meeting, the links are just below the video.
But, before we get to that, here are three bits of news and my latest Cartoon!
Watch Veronica on the radio! Or, if you rather, you can just listen. Veronica will be on the Mornings in Sonoma radio program Friday, June 18th at 9:15am Pacific. You can listen http://sunfmtv.com/fm/ (link at the very top of the page) or watch http://sonomasuntv.com/ online.
Wow, have you seen our voting page lately??? They have added a comments section just below our video. Please consider leaving a comment of your own and if you haven’t voted, please do that while you are there!
I just received confirmation that the expert panel (their opinion counts for 50% our score in round two) will take the comments into account. Your comments are part of our proposal!!!
Here is the link to our page:
My newest cartoon! A classic Eloheim quote: You Can’t Have Change Without Change done up in old school black and white. Do you have a favorite Eloheim quote or concept you would like me to put into a cartoon? Email: eloheimchannel@yahoo.com
6-9-10 ~ 84 minutes
Eloheim: Short, factual statements. Examples of short, factual statements with health issues and with work and self-confidence issues.
Visionaries: Living from a place of clarity and insight is the path to Homo spiritus. Clarity is an easeful path.
Girls: When using short, factual statements, be sure not to wallow in self-deprecation. Be doubly careful that not only are you observing what you’re tempted to from a position of the moment, but that you’re cautious not to abuse yourself in the process.
Warrior: By telling yourself the truth about the moment and allowing yourself to experience yourself there, you have the opportunity of self-revelation. To experience transformation requires courage to face what is actually present. Are you ready to live in the truth? Stay where the moment is, experiencing the truth of what you see and know, and asking for it to transform into something that is more constructive, more high-vibrational, and moving away from fear.
Matriarch: Sees the energy of the group as luminescent, touching in truth, which is an energetic state that reflects accurately the actuality of living your soul’s perspective, the actuality of existing, experiencing, and knowing the truth of you.
To download the audio recording of this meeting for $1.99, please follow this link: Shopping Area.
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM – Why are you SKIPPING this Moment? 6-2-10
Wow, there is a lot going on. Today, I have the summary of the 6-2-10 meeting, a new cartoon, and updates about the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. Let’s do them in reverse order!
The Next Top Spiritual Author contest — Round 2.
Round one of the contest saw 2800 entries reduced to 271. We must be in the top 25 to advance to round 3 at the end of June. There were only supposed to be 250 authors advancing to round 2, but the bottom 25 authors HAD THE SAME NUMBER OF VOTES! I guess what they say is true, every vote does count.
We spent the last few weeks preparing our round 2 entry and voting for round 2 is now live! You can read our book proposal and the first chapter of our book, The Choice for Consciousness, Tools for Personal Transformation, at this link: http://www.nexttopauthor.com/profile.cfm?aid=1933. If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you can now leave a comment about the book and/or your experience of Eloheim.
Cartoon #5
I LOVE making these cartoons.

What is it about this moment that I am afraid of, that I don’t think is valuable, that I have made assumptions about, that I am habitual about?
There’s no such thing as — that other moment over there is more valuable than this one!
You wake up in the morning and you start skipping and we want you to know why.
You are purifying your experience of the moment in order to have the moment BE your experience.
6-2-10 ~ 83 minutes
Eloheim, Visionaries, Girls: Insight is only found in the moment. When you skip over experiences and feelings, you skip the moment. Questions you can ask yourself are: “What am I skipping?” “What do I want to skip?” “What do I wish I could skip?”
Wring every bit of experience out of every moment.
Say “Yes” to your creations.
“ ‘Yes’ is the way to ‘Wow.’ ”
“I’m on the Yes bus.”
Warrior: Facing the truth of self will set you free.
Matriarch: Setting boundaries is part of saying “yes” to your creations.
Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: A Portal to a New YOU 5-26-10
I am almost up to date with the newsletters!
Last week was a very powerful session. Eloheim perceived a new ‘portal’ and passed the baton over to the Visionaries to explain it. The Visionaries explained it all in CLASSIC Visionaries fashion (which means that I barely get to breathe as they say so many words in such a short time.) I included their entire section in the video clip. Here are some quotes from the Visionaries:
You have a different opportunity of experiencing you now.
You have desired this opportunity and it has arrived.
The moment is the only place I want to live. I experience myself completely only as I experience myself experience the moment.
Addiction to the past and the future is a bad habit that you are ready to set aside. It is a play thing of children. It is not for the adults on the spiritual journey. The past and the future really are empty calories. It is not the place where you can actually experience yourself.
The remainder of the meeting has the entire Council speaking about this portal. I have included a bit of Eloheim’s contribution in the video as well.
Whatever it is, YES.
5-26-10 ~ 87 minutes
Eloheim, Visionaries: A portal has opened to the version of you that has made peace with the truth. The time has come when you can be the person who lives in the human form and doesn’t hide from the truth of you.
Say “Yes” to now so you can move forward without being in denial of the reality that you are experiencing.
Girls: It will be very challenging for you to love your complete self if you can’t love the parts of you that you don’t like.
Warrior: Allow the illumination of your soul’s insight to light up the dark places within you. When the dark places are illuminated, look and see what you find.
Matriarch: Call on members of the Council for assistance, and allow them to participate in the journey with you.
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010