October, 2010
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October Q&A ~ 10-10-10 ~ A new tool and MORE!
Hello everyone,
We had a wonderful event on 10-10-10. It started off with a potluck which always delights Eloheim.
The meeting began with an introduction by The Visionaries. Eloheim answered questions and ended the meeting by introducing a new tool: The Strongest Chakra.
I have received multiple emails about this new tool and how powerfully it is already working in people’s lives. It sure is helping me!
This week’s video is a review of the tool: Short Factual Statements. Eloheim feels this is the most powerful tool they have given us recently and this is a great review of how it works.
The list of questions answers during the meeting is below
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May, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Say YES to Now, YES This is MY Creation! 5-19-10
Hello everyone!
I am still catching up on the newsletters for the May meetings. Preparing our Round 2 submission for the Next Top Spiritual Author contest took center stage over the last two weeks!
Eloheim and the Council have made it really clear that saying YES to now is vitally important in our spiritual journey at this time. I have included Eloheim’s discussion of this concept in the video below, but all the Council members are talking about it.
It is taking the ‘being in the moment’ idea to a completely new level. There is more about this in the 5-26-10 meeting.
You can say YES to something that is difficult, without believing that you are creating more of it. When you consciously consider your shadow you often fear you are creating more shadow, however what you are actually creating is more conscious consideration.
5-19-10 ~ 75 minutes
Guardians: Brought our attention into the moment by pointing out the choice we can make between shifting our focus from the habitual mental way of experiencing ourselves, or allowing ourselves to be open to the moment without obsessive thinking.
Eloheim: Took questions and discussed our confusion about our creatorship. You’re allowed to have confusion about the need for your creation, but you must say yes to your creation nonetheless. Saying yes does not mean you want it to continue, it means that you acknowledge your creatorship. Also discussed the Warrior and how their energy is been experienced by people in the group.
The Girls: The body is an integral part of the Ascension process and the movement to Homo spiritus. When you say yes to your creations, be sure to be kind to your body and acknowledge that what it feels is valid.
Warrior: As you start off on a new path where there has been no path before, allow yourself to open to the possibility that there is a trail where you don’t see one, because what tends to happen is you assume you know and then you don’t explore. You have to allow yourself the presence of the observing moment to inform you of options you have yet to consider.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting by reminding us that we are all One.
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010

ELOHEIM: What Makes my Heart Sing? 5-16-10
Our proposal for Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest/adventure is NOW LIVE!!! Please take a look. Follow this link: http://www.NextTopAuthor.com/?aid=1933 to view our book proposal and read the first chapter of our book, The Choice for Consciousness. The links to the new material are directly above the video on that page. THANKS!!!! You can only vote once per round per author.
Now that our submission is finalized, I have time to create the videos from the last two meetings and to upload the finalized transcripts I have stacking up on my desk!
I am starting with the Q&A webcast held on Sunday, May 16th. It was a great session and there is a lot of really interesting information included. Eloheim described how they see the energetics of our questions and explained how to phrase questions to maximize their effectiveness.
The video features a question about how to find a job or purpose that makes your ‘heart sing.’
Remember, when you are interviewing for a job, you are interviewing THEM! Can I emanate the completeness of me in this space? Do I want to?
What part of you are you showing me? What is this telling me about me.
The first thing you have to do when you wish to make a change is to say YES to now. You have to sit into, What is true now?, first.
This situation is here to teach me something not just make me suffer until perfect shows up!
Here are some of the questions answered during the meeting:
I am currently working with youth and children that have been medically diagnosed with various mental and emotional disorders and that come from very difficult backgrounds and situations, and at best are very difficult to interact with. Despite using my tools when I remember to, how can I best reach these children, while still being in integrity and not compromising myself.
I have not been able to determine my passion, what I am here to do. I am actively looking for a job, still need to create money flow. What I really want is to do something that my heart would sing. Please help me to determine what it is so I can create it.
Can you go over again the whole process of manifesting something specific into our experience, especially the requesting part?
HOW and WHY is it that a child can manifest very similar experiences to their parent often around the same age as the parent when the parent had the similar experience?
In my understanding, if all is perception and our reality and experience is based on that which is perceived by our conscious selves, is then the information that is given to us by you, The Eloheim, your own perception of how this ascension process should best unfold for us all? Or Or….do we each of us hear it differently according to our own perception, understanding and unique personal journeys?
Hi Eloheim, on the subject our hidden stuff….while I am doing the money mantra and telling myself that everything works out at the perfect time in the perfect way, I realized that although I am saying it to myself I really don’t believe it. The result is an ongoing stomach issue. How can I really believe the positive stuff because deep down I am not confident in it?
I am afraid my body can’t hold the light it is supposed to.
Instantaneous manifestation.
In relation to what was discussed in the last meeting about acknowledging the changes in yourself first and then the outer will express that change. How does that work with something like instantaneous manifestation where you can believe that it is possible but haven’t actually experienced it yet? You know the potential is there but how do you get past that hump without something instantaneously manifesting?
Could you please talk about the re-wiring of body to hold increasing flow of light, and the symptoms, outcomes, what to expect, and how to help the body through this process?
If my husband mirrors me, wow! He stubbed his toes on a chair and blamed me. Was it about me or him?
Will we ever unravel or peel all of the layers or is it an never ending process where once you get to another level, there is a whole new set of layers to peel albeit from that particular stage or dimension of consciousness?
I am experiencing flow of energy through my body. It is sound like in my head, concentric circles like from my heart. In my stomach I feel no flow, and it shows physically as pain, feeling blockage. I would like you to help me move the energy in the muddle of my body by bringing the blocks there to my consciousness. I am accepting where I am and want to move to experiencing fit, flexible, strong body that brings joy of ease.
When you say “the light worker type” what do you mean?
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010
April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: The Four Levels of the Law of Attraction
Eloheim slide show presenting the four levels of the Law of Attraction:
October, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Instantaneous Manifestation ~ 10-21-09
Hello everyone,
Wow, last night was great. The meeting had two distinct sections. The first was Eloheim following up on the Visionaries’ teaching of last week, “What is True Now?” Click here to review that message.
Many people (in person and by email) reported that it was quite challenging to be in the moment in this new way. It sure has been for me!
The second part of the meeting was VERY interesting. Earlier that day, Eloheim had asked me to make sure I had a $50 bill in my purse. They proceeded to pass that bill around the circle asking everyone to just, “Take a moment” with it.
Then they asked everyone to instantaneously manifest a $50 bill in their hand.
The conversation that followed is condensed in the video. The very end of the video includes a detailed one-on-one example of using the tools that Eloheim describes.
It really takes, “What is True Now?” to the next level and gives some really interesting insight on manifestation, creation, and being in the moment.
AUDIO 10-21-09 ~ 80 minutes
Eloheim: Why it seems so hard for us to be into the moment. Our habits have tended toward victim hood. Allowing the mind to take a back seat and experience the moment without it being thought-dominated. Making space and then finding what is there to connect in that space. Do we need to be adrenaline junkies to feel we can find meaning in our lives? We are in the messy middle-ground now, on our way into Homo spiritus. Questions and answers about experiencing “What is true now?” over the previous week.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in October 2009
July, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Men, Money, and the Spiritual Journey
The Eloheim session of July 22, 2009 covered many topics including:
This meeting was unusual in that a married couple attended. Their conversation with Eloheim centered on their financial situation. The husband explained that he liked his job, but it was not sufficiently providing for his family financially.
Eloheim mentioned that it is quite rare for men with families to come to the group so this was one of the first times they addressed this issue:
You are not only a man if a certain amount of money is coming in through your labors. You are also a man through your ability to emanate high vibrational, conscious choices to your family. That is how you get over being emasculated. Because you stop only baseing yourself as a man on the numbers, the dollars, the bank account. That is a huge transformation.
I am a man based on the authentic me being expressed to my kids and my wife.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in July 2009
March, 2009
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ELOHEIM: After Fear, Then What? Energetics of March 3-4-09
Hello everyone!
Energetics of March, 2009: “Releasing your habitual use of fear to fill your moments.”
This video begins with Eloheim discussing their experience of how the channeling has changed now that they are coming through with my eyes open.
The room where we meet is also used for cub scouts (that is their artwork on the wall behind me) and as a play room for children. The room is filled with games, toys, art supplies, stuffed animals, and all sorts of other colorful items.
The remainder of the clip is about, “Where this discussion of fear goes next.”
There is a nice summary of their teaching on fear and then they ask the question: “If I am not afraid, then what am I? What’s left?”
I had a very strong reaction as I applied Eloheim’s teachings about fear. They talk about my reaction and discuss how similar reactions may become more commonplace. “You’ve been built to be afraid! You are afraid 97% of the time for no good reason! You are going from Homo Sapiens which is a fear based state into Homo Spiritus which is a consciousness based state. You are coming at being in physical form from a completely new paradigm. As you let go of fear occupying your day, something else has to come in!”
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in March 2009
December, 2008
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ELOHEIM: Law of Attraction – Greatest Hits Flashback #2
Recently I posted a collection of audio clips about our relationship to our Souls. Today I have a collection of clips about the Law of Attraction. These date to the time when The Secret was all the rage. I found Eloheim’s take on the whole thing incredibly powerful. It was especially helpful in answering questions such as “Why did I create this?” In these clips, Eloheim speaks about ‘the closet’. The closet refers to that part of us that is holding onto old patterns, old thoughts, habitual responses, fear, guilt, lack, etc.
Clicking on these links will open your audio player. It may take a moment or a minute to start playing, it all depends on the set up of your computer.
This clip is from the 02-21-07 meeting. It is 11:55 minutes long. In this clip, Eloheim introduces the four levels which we are creating from.
ELOHEIM: 02-21-07 Law of Attraction
This clip is from the 02-28-07 meeting. It is 4:10 minutes long. It starts with one group member sharing how the insight into Law of Attraction is helping her. Eloheim then talks about, “If I create my reality, then I created cancer? Why would I have done that?”
ELOHEIM: 02-28-07 example of 4 levels of creating
In this clip from 03-06-07 Eloheim discusses getting clear about what you desire to manifest and what the intention is behind the desire. Are you creating from lack or fear? If you are, it will be more difficult to manifest what you desire. The clip is 5:36 minutes long.
ELOHEIM: 03-06-07 Are you creating from lack or fear?
October, 2007
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Eloheim: 09-26-07 Be to Receive Your Needs Met
All thanks go to Marilyn who spent some time transcribing part of a recent Eloheim meeting! Eloheim had shared with us the concept of Rather than continuing to Do to Get, Be to Receive Your Needs Met. This proved to be a real challenge to me as I have identified myself as a person that “Gets things done!”. In this meeting, Eloheim started explaining how your experience differs when you shift into Be to Receive and how this shift is a way of increasing Consciousness as well.
Here are the highlights:
When you do to get, you get something very different than you receive when you be.
When you be to receive, you receive what you need.
When you do to get you get things like a paycheck with the taxes all taken out, or the sterile thing you receive in the mail, or it gets automatically deposited into the bank and you don’t even know it is happening. That is a get thing. And that kind of a get thing is very generic and of course money being a most generic thing because you can exchange it for just about anything. There is a very generic exchange that occurs.
If (winning a million dollars) was the answer to where you are in your life, that would have been very easy to create a long time ago, but that is not the answer to the need that is responding to you being. In fact the reason why a million dollars doesn’t manifest instantaneously for almost every single one of you is because that would then not let you to address the reason you were embodied in the first place. Fighting against that truth is a waste of your time. You be to receive what you need in the moment. Doing, getting is old school waste of time.
Now somewhere between doing to get and being to receive there’s a bridge. And you are all scattered along that bridge in various places depending upon what has triggered you in that moment. In some cases, you are all the way over into be to receive. In other cases you are still over in Do to get.
You go back and forth on the bridge depending on what the stimulus is and how you are able to handle it in that moment and depending upon who comes along and gives you that stimulus. So it might be a family member who freaks you out so you are back in do to get or with a friend you can be in be to receive. Does everyone get the picture…back and forth across the bridge?
The reality here is that you want to resist the temptation of the mind to beat yourself up about where you are on the bridge. This is the main focus that you should have. You are not ready to simply “be” 24/7. You are not there yet. One of the reasons you’re not there yet is because your society holds a different energetic and it is very difficult to be involved in society and be able to be. So don’t abuse yourself for not having that ability yet.
But again apply consciousness so you can recognize “where am I on the bridge”? If I’m beating my head against the wall trying to pay my bills, then let’s look at where I am on the bridge about each specific bill. You will be amazed to find that with different bills you’re in a different place. As we have pointed out before, being to receive the mortgage payment seems a lot harder than being to receive the P,G,& E payment. OK? We understand that and we are not going to beat you up about that and we ask you to
facilitate the process of becoming a being to receiver by not beating yourself up either. Because that is a mind action that withdraws you from the ability to be to receive and puts you into do to get world.
You can probably understand that be to receive is a high vibrational state and do to get is a lower vibrational state. Do to get is very habitual. Be to receive is a conscious choice, right? It is very obvious, the difference between those two states? The bridge between those two is a walk of consciousness then. Yes? So, just as we have brought up all these other ways, the weather, the core emotion, with the things going on in your body, and all these other things that can help you apply consciousness, the do to get/be to receive bridge is a place for you to do that as well.
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July, 2007
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Eloheim 06-13-07: No inertia for work – How do we feel good about work?
This clip came out of a discussion about how many members of the group couldn’t get motivated to do their work. Eloheim explains that as we move toward instantaneous manifestation we leave behind the “gotta get it done” daily grind. They also give us some tips about how to walk the fine line between Homo Sapiens and Homo Spiritus as it relates to money and earning a living.
Eloheim 06-13-07: No inertia for work – How do we feel good about work?