September, 2010
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The Popcorn Shift and Offering a Changed Energetic ~ 9-1-10
Eloheim and The Council focused the meeting of September 1, 2010 on the “Popcorn Shift” we are in right now.
The Guardians began to work with us non-verbally, the Visionaries focused on working with our Shadow, Eloheim answered questions and focused on how we love ourselves, the Girls further described how loving ourselves offers a changed energetic to the world, the Warrior continued their story explaining more about handling fear and transforming the survival instinct, Fred spoke about the intensity of living from the Soul’s perspective, and the Matriarch led a closing meditation.
Here is Eloheim describing the popcorn shift:
Continue Reading…
August, 2010
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ELOHEIM: More on Feelings are NOT Emotions ~ 8-25-10
Wednesday night included a wide range of topics. The overall subject was: Emanating the truth of you and loving yourself completely. The Visionaries talked powerfully about, “Where don’t I love myself?” Eloheim answered questions about the disappearance of the honey bees and the flooding in Pakistan. In response to several requests, Eloheim further addressed their teachings about Feelings are NOT Emotions. I clipped that section for the YouTube video. Continue Reading…

ELOHEIM: How to be in the Moment when Triggered ~ 8-11-10
A quick post to share some video from the August 11, 2010 meeting. Eloheim and The Council continued their conversation about the difference between Feelings and Emotions. In the video below, The Visionaries summed it up nicely and connected it to the teaching: You are responsible for your reactions to your creations. They are pretty amazing like that! Continue Reading…
July, 2010
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ELOHEIM: I’m Responsible for MY Reactions to MY Creations ~ Energies of August ~ 7-28-10
First off I have some news.
Victoria Vives had a private session with Eloheim recently and wrote about it on her website. You can read here post by following this link:
We are planning a special event for 10/10/10. Our Sunday webcast for October will be held on that date. You can join us in person or via webcast. More details as we get closer.
I will be interviewed and I will channel Eloheim on Tom Murasso’s radio show, Myth or Logic, on September 15th at 11am Pacific. Here is a link to his site:
Now, on to last Wednesday’s meeting!
The Visionaries went old school. Remember when we first met the Visionaries and they were loud and intense? Did you think they had mellowed out lately? Well, some of us sure did and we were surprised when they came in full of passion again this week. WOW!!! They were on fire and started the meeting off with a bang. They spoke for over 10 minutes so I had to cut some of it to make the YouTube video, but it was all so POWERFUL I didn’t want to cut any of it.
If you want to hear the entire meeting or watch the ON DEMAND webcast replay, the links are below. The rest of The Council was equally powerful. It was a great meeting.
YES, the Warrior did continue the story of going to meet the king. Someday I hope to edit all of the Warrior’s story into one DVD or similar media. I would love to hear it all without breaks. Ah, a project for another day!
I choose my reaction to MY creation! I created it all!
The way the truth of you is emanated in the world is through your choices about your reactions to your creations.
What is here right now is here on purpose. There is a reason for it to be here!
7-28-10 ~ 83 minutes
Visionaries: You are responsible for your reactions to your creations. You create all of your reality, and you are responsible for your reactions to everything you create.
Eloheim: Told a story about going to a concert and being overwhelmed by all the input, then finding relief in choosing what to focus on. Also heard examples of and answered questions about where we find equals signs in our lives.
The Girls: Talked about biological-family relationships and setting boundaries.
Warrior: Continued his story of going to see the king. Accompanying the king to the shore to meet the neighbors, and the games that followed. They advise: The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to be consistent regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in. This doesn’t mean the same, this means consistent, whether you’re the victor or the vanquished you still act the same. Being the truth of yourself in any situation.
Fred: We are at a choice point. And the choice is to come out of the belief that things happen to us, and to move into the belief that we are the ones making things happen. And then to choose our reactions to our creations.
Matriarch: The entire council is here to support us in our journey as we walk the path of choosing our reactions to our creations, which brings us toward ascension.

Audio from the five meetings held in July, 2010
June, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Money, Worth, Financial Flow, Abundance and More ~ 6-23-10
This week’s meeting was really powerful. Eloheim walked us through a new tool for financial flow. The rest of The Council shared their perspectives on money, worth, value, wages, and lots of other aspects of abundance. It was quite a meeting. At 90 minutes, it was also one of the longest meetings we have had recently, but it flew by for me.
The YouTube video for this week is Eloheim talking about the tool. I edited out the conversation about the various streams of income the group came up with (beyond the obvious) so that I could include more of Eloheim talking about the tool. Here are some of the ideas. Please feel free to add your ideas in the comments section.
- Found money
- Won money
- Coupons
- Tips
- $5 from PayPal
- $100 for opening a bank account
- Gifts
- Selling things
- Winning money playing games
- Garage sale proceeds
- Gift certificate from Trader Joes because he brought his own grocery bags
- Recycling bottles
- Inheritance
- Doing laundry and looking in the pockets
- Winning an award at work for a good idea
- Making things and selling them
- Repaid loans
- Winning the lottery (any amount)
- Trading credit card points for money
I like how Eloheim tied this conversation to the but/because and short factual statements tools.
Well, it has been a fascinating journey, this book contest/adventure/ competition/inspiration! There are only a few days left for voting. Recently, I had a dream that I got 3rd place. I thought a lot about what I might DO today to help that become true.
Should I email all my facebook and youtube friends?
Should I say yes to the invitation to be on an Internet radio show?
As it turns out, I was drawn to write a love letter to Eloheim. Now, because it is me and it is Eloheim, this isn’t your typical love letter. In fact, it is a cartoon. It really is a long inside joke. But, what better way to say: I love you Eloheim.
Just in case you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, here is our contest page: ends on Monday, June 28th.
6-23-10 ~ 90 minutes
Eloheim: An exercise demonstrating the tool: I am in financial flow and money comes to me in infinite ways. Exploration of equal sign, magnetizing needs met, and comparing you to you. Discussion of how various group members are interacting with the flow of money in their lives.
Visionaries: Talked about how well the group did energetically with their triggers around money.
The Girls: It’s a kindness to yourself to become in the flow of knowing you’re living in an abundant universe.
Warrior: Talked about how they live in a barter environment, where intake is not generalized. What’s most important now is that our value is not based in how much we are paid for something, our value is based on how we perceive ourselves within the transaction. Don’t let anyone tell you your worth.

Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: You are an Actor in MY Play ~ Script Holding ~ 6-16-10
It is a busy time around here. Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest ends on June 28th. That also marks the last day of public voting. The remaining rounds will be decided by the expert panel. Please, if you like our proposal, take a moment to cast your vote for us. If you know anyone who would be interested in this material, feel free to pass it along. Our page is located at:
Here is a link to some local press about our entry in the Next Top Spiritual Author contest
I filmed myself out and about promoting my entry in the contest. I had some fascinating experiences!
My latest cartoon!
The meeting of the 16th included discussion and examples of using the Short Factual Statements tool. SFS is proving to be a powerful tool! The YouTube video focuses on another tool, Script Holding. It has been some time since Eloheim reviewed Script Holding. I like the way they tied it into Short Factual Statements.
6-16-10 ~ 85 minutes
Eloheim: An intense review of the usage of short, factual statements, using examples from members of the group covering guilt, boundaries, and jealousy.
Also an overview and discussion of script-holding and grace, ease, and bliss/serenity.
Visionaries: Allow the truth of the short, factual statement to settle into your body rather than just spend a bunch of time spinning in your head. It s a real thing you re doing and you re really creating from that position. The tool may feel intellectual at the start, but getting to the real you in it is important. You are creating consciousness in your life by looking at things consciously.
The Girls: Creating consciousness requires you to experience yourself in a new way; part of experiencing yourself in a new way is being disciplined about how you allow yourself to critique yourself during the use of these new tools. Do not be mean to yourself
Warrior: As you walk along a new path [use a new tool], you start out a bit wobbly. Do not fear, because the more you walk the path the more stable you become on your legs with it.

Audio from the six meetings held in June, 2010

ELOHEIM: A Portal to a New YOU 5-26-10
I am almost up to date with the newsletters!
Last week was a very powerful session. Eloheim perceived a new ‘portal’ and passed the baton over to the Visionaries to explain it. The Visionaries explained it all in CLASSIC Visionaries fashion (which means that I barely get to breathe as they say so many words in such a short time.) I included their entire section in the video clip. Here are some quotes from the Visionaries:
You have a different opportunity of experiencing you now.
You have desired this opportunity and it has arrived.
The moment is the only place I want to live. I experience myself completely only as I experience myself experience the moment.
Addiction to the past and the future is a bad habit that you are ready to set aside. It is a play thing of children. It is not for the adults on the spiritual journey. The past and the future really are empty calories. It is not the place where you can actually experience yourself.
The remainder of the meeting has the entire Council speaking about this portal. I have included a bit of Eloheim’s contribution in the video as well.
Whatever it is, YES.
5-26-10 ~ 87 minutes
Eloheim, Visionaries: A portal has opened to the version of you that has made peace with the truth. The time has come when you can be the person who lives in the human form and doesn’t hide from the truth of you.
Say “Yes” to now so you can move forward without being in denial of the reality that you are experiencing.
Girls: It will be very challenging for you to love your complete self if you can’t love the parts of you that you don’t like.
Warrior: Allow the illumination of your soul’s insight to light up the dark places within you. When the dark places are illuminated, look and see what you find.
Matriarch: Call on members of the Council for assistance, and allow them to participate in the journey with you.
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010
May, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Say YES to Now, YES This is MY Creation! 5-19-10
Hello everyone!
I am still catching up on the newsletters for the May meetings. Preparing our Round 2 submission for the Next Top Spiritual Author contest took center stage over the last two weeks!
Eloheim and the Council have made it really clear that saying YES to now is vitally important in our spiritual journey at this time. I have included Eloheim’s discussion of this concept in the video below, but all the Council members are talking about it.
It is taking the ‘being in the moment’ idea to a completely new level. There is more about this in the 5-26-10 meeting.
You can say YES to something that is difficult, without believing that you are creating more of it. When you consciously consider your shadow you often fear you are creating more shadow, however what you are actually creating is more conscious consideration.
5-19-10 ~ 75 minutes
Guardians: Brought our attention into the moment by pointing out the choice we can make between shifting our focus from the habitual mental way of experiencing ourselves, or allowing ourselves to be open to the moment without obsessive thinking.
Eloheim: Took questions and discussed our confusion about our creatorship. You’re allowed to have confusion about the need for your creation, but you must say yes to your creation nonetheless. Saying yes does not mean you want it to continue, it means that you acknowledge your creatorship. Also discussed the Warrior and how their energy is been experienced by people in the group.
The Girls: The body is an integral part of the Ascension process and the movement to Homo spiritus. When you say yes to your creations, be sure to be kind to your body and acknowledge that what it feels is valid.
Warrior: As you start off on a new path where there has been no path before, allow yourself to open to the possibility that there is a trail where you don’t see one, because what tends to happen is you assume you know and then you don’t explore. You have to allow yourself the presence of the observing moment to inform you of options you have yet to consider.
Matriarch: Closed the meeting by reminding us that we are all One.
Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010

ELOHEIM: This is HARD and I CREATED it ????? 5-5-10
We just learned we have advanced to Round 2 of the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. Round 2 officially starts on May 24th.
Round two has us creating a book proposal which includes:
A one page description of the book,
a detailed outline of the book,
a sample chapter,
our author bios,
our complete marketing plan,
and a list of published books/authors that are most like our book.
So, we will be busy and I will be sure to keep you informed. THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
See the entire list of Round 2 authors (we are number 1933):
Hello everyone!
Last night’s meeting was a lot of fun. The Visionaries ‘stole’ Eloheim’s planned topic so Eloheim switched to discussing and expanding upon their Pin The Tail On The Donkey example. It is all captured in the video below and had everyone laughing.
The Girls, Guardians, Warrior and Matriarch all contributed to the meeting as well.
The Warrior’s contribution was especially powerful this week. I am getting more and more….I don’t think comfortable is the right word, but perhaps able is…able to hold the Warrior’s energy. There are so many visuals when I channel the Warrior. None of the other Council members come in with such a mental movie playing in my head.
If you would like to watch the webcast replay or download the complete audio recording, here are the links:
5-5-10 ~ 79 minutes
Guardians: Opened the meeting by asking us to bring the truth of ourselves into the moment. We bring what is into the moment, acknowledge it and then expand from that place—expanding from the truth of you into the possibilities that exist for you. The possibilities that exist for you are found in the moment.
Visionaries: We are creators and we create in every moment and we always have choice. Advised us to not fall into the belief that we are the victims of our creations. If we don’t appreciate or enjoy what we create, we state preferences, set boundaries, and move in another direction.
Eloheim: Discussed the idea of the Pin the Tail on the Donkey game, how we desire and enjoy challenge, yet we also feel victimized by it.
The Girls: Further discussed the idea of creatorship and victimhood. Told us: Once you recognize, “Oh, wait, I’m being a victim,” you are immediately in consciousness. That consciousness raises your vibration and allows you access to your creatorship immediately.
Warrior: Fear may affect you, but it doesn’t tell you who you are. Invited us to call on them when we are in need, and that they will walk with us.
Matriarch: Encouraged us to connect with them through the heart chakra, and discussed the process of growth and change. You take in, and then you release that which you don’t need. You allow high-vibrational information to come in, which displaces low-vibrational information. You allow consciousness in, which displaces victimhood and fear.

Audio download of the five meetings held in May, 2010
April, 2010
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ELOHEIM: Dealing with Sandpaper People 4-14-10
Wednesday’s meeting was really nice. Waller made this great slide show sharing Eloheim’s teachings on their new tool “short factual statements.”
You are not here for the conclusion! The Visionaries
How am I supposed to love me when I know all of this about me? The Girls
If you don’t love yourself well, the moment is a scary place because you are afraid of your own company. The Girls
Here is video of The Visionaries, The Girls and Eloheim. The Warrior, The Guardians, and the Matriarch also shared during the meeting.
4-14-10 ~ 84 minutes
Visionaries: There is a misunderstanding that you are going to “get somewhere” past this and that this is what you’re doing by ascending; No. You are here now. It’s the journey, not the destination. The only place where things are happening is here, now.
Eloheim: The question of You. Accumulation of all of the “now’s” is ascension. You can’t get ascension until you get “the now.” The triggers you experience are the hand holds for you to climb with. Sandpaper people—You can ask for the same lesson to come to you in another way from someone less harsh. It’s up to you. With possibility comes responsibility comes free will transformation. Keep your “wax” precious to you—share your flame, keep your wax for yourself.
TOOLS discussion
What’s my big toe doing? (check in with body)
2010 version of self—who am I now and what is my truth, now?
Stay present in the moment.
Speak your truth
Stay out of “service” mentality
Hold firm to your boundaries; or create a boundary as the situation requires
Make clear and concise statements
Eloheim discusses the manifesting process of the “why” of the “want” and using clear, concise statements of why you want.
Girls: Don’t give your wax away—You can love yourself most/best—transform your inner most secrets by making clear, concise statements about them and looking again. The gift that you give to the all that is; is self-love. Short, factual statements. Stay present in the moment.
Warriors: We empower you all to show up with your tools. Which tools do you carry close to you?—Most comfortable tools? Keep them sharp and clean; in good repair; get new ones all the time. PRACTICE THEM. Use every opportunity to practice. Be not afraid to practice. Be ready to USE them.
Audio downloads of the five meetings held in April, 2010