November, 2009
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ELOHEIM: November Web Cast VIDEO ~ 11-15-09
What a great web cast! The Visionaries opened the meeting with a short introduction then Eloheim answered questions for about 100 minutes.
Here are some of the questions which were answered:
11-15-09 106 minutes
Questions answered during this meeting:
How to distinguish between certainty and clarity? What is the fine line between the two?
When can I have cheese? It’s a banned substance – my doctor has forbidden it. I want some now đ
What the Visionaries said recently about âsnapshotsâ and increasing the âframesâ was very interesting. Can you expand on this a bit more?
I sense my vocational service responsibilities and my integrity to self are in conflict.
I know that NOW is from this second to the next. I know bliss is a subtle from inside to out type feeling for me even through pain but how do I get past the pain from nerve pain second to second through till my last second?
As Iâve worked at becoming more conscious I needed to move out of the house and away from my relationship. Even though my children are grown and gone from home, they are not happy with me not being in my marriage. I think they would prefer an unconscious mom in a relationship with their dad. I feel badly that they are hurt by this. Any advice?
Is there a way to clearly determine if a current desire is a pure desire or is one still cloaked in your mucky muck?
Distinguishing service from simply caring for/lovingly encouraging another (specifically my father)is still difficult for me. Please elaborate on what is true now in relationship in offering opportunities to change.
The recent energetics seem to be dredging up intense grief, loss, lack, not feeling belonging anywhere, and it has been especially hard to use any tools at all, although I know that Iâm OK and can move through this. When do we get to experience more than moments of bliss?
How can we use our sexual energies in spiritual development?
When i am meditating and pushing the limits of what i have done before I have a shudder thing that breaks my concentration, whats up?
Have been experiencing emotional and energetic ups and downs and physical issues that are almost impossible to deal with. I would like to know what is the most important thing for me to do now is so that I can alleviate these relentless headaches.
I used to open vortexesâ when I was kid. I havenât been able to since, I donât know if its because I forgot or what. Am I suppose to open one some time in the future. I know Iâm not from here, Earth Do you know where Iâm from?
Three years ago I took the leap and moved to the country to my very own forest sanctuary. Although I love my safe haven, Iâm basically a Yankee living in the dixieland bible belt! Is there a reason Iâm here at this location?
How did source energy come to be? Where does All that Is come from? How did the creation begin?
Iâve been practicing the What is True Now. âI donât know anythingâ works really well for âfuture trippingâ. What about âpast trippingâ? Is there a tool to take the mind out of that place and back to Now?
Is there anyone in these times as we stand now that has actually experienced the new paradigm shift of the full complete transition from the Homo sapiens to the Homo spiritus and fully walking and experiencing their integrated soul/body experience; and if so, how many would you say there are and if not are the ones that say they simply faking it?
Is the major shift you sense for January 13, 2010 one that everyone will consciously experience? Did I infer correctly that the less baggage our cells are carrying at that point, the more apparent the shift will be?
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009

ELOHEIM: Losing Weight, Finding the Truth of You ~ 11-11-09
Last night’s meeting started off with 10 minutes from the Visionaries. They came in to further explain the “What is true now” tool and to offer encouragement to us to continue using it.
Eloheim spoke for 78 minutes. They offered deeper insight into how the “What is true now” tool works (with examples). Eloheim also covered obsessive thinking, gave a preview of the energies of 2010, talked about clearing the cells of the body, and much, much more.
The section of the meeting I chose to offer in video form is Eloheim’s answer to a question about wanting to lose weight (both physical and energetic). It has been a long time since Eloheim addressed this issue and their answer felt very powerful to me.
Acknowledge triggers in a new way in order to transform the outcome of those triggers.
My external self is starting to shift to reflect the inner truth of me. I am ready for the physical expression of me to reflect the truth of me I am knowing now.
Until you say YES to the moment you can’t change it.
11-11-09 88 minutes
Visionaries: Discussed âWhat is true nowâ and its use in uncovering our baggage. Issues that weâre unconscious about are always baggage until they become tools. Consciousness shifts baggageâeither throws it off the ship or transforms it into a tool. âWhat is true nowâ points out the places where you get to make that choice so that we can ask ourselves, âIs this something that is an asset or is this something thatâs a liability?â
Eloheim: Opened with a discussion of âWhat is true now,â and then took questions about how people were experiencing the new tool in their lives. This led to one especially deep discussion of body image/body weight and past experiences affecting our current lives.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009

ELOHEIM: Witness the Truth of You 11-4-09 THE VISIONARIES
Two videos from last week were recently added.
Visit to watch them.
Hello everyone!
Well, WOW. Last night took everything up a notch. All the INTENSITY that has gone on in the last ten days seems to have been fertilizer for the process.
Some feedback from the meeting thus far:
WOW, can I just say WOW again, this week’s session was amazing.
The Visionaries came in for the first 30 minutes. Eloheim spoke for an hour after that. Here are some quotes from the Visionaries section. You can purchase the entire 92 minute audio file by following the links below.
I clipped out 10 minutes of the Visionaries talk for the video, but the entire 30 minutes was VERY powerful. I have listened to it many times already. If you are unclear about applying the “What is true now?” tool, this meeting offered lots of clarification; It was the only subject covered during the meeting.
“What is true now?” is a Bliss place of existence rather than a place of information.
“What is true now?” is a question that needs to be experienced constantly.
We are clear that “What is true now?” is dredging up all kinds up stuff…when you have to manage the past, the future, the biological response…you are constantly working on consciousness…you are clearing your cellular memory.
“What is true now?” will illuminate to you the places where you still have baggage. It is not the aHa that tells you where the baggage is. “What is true now?” is what comes up from the past, what comes up from the future, what comes up in the biology. “What is true now?” is shown by what the past/future/biological response reveals. The truth of you is what remains when you process through those things. That’s why you end up in bliss.
11-04-09 92 minutes
Visionaries: Talked much longer than usual, nearly half the meeting, about the importance of getting ourselves in shape to move from Homo sapiens to Homo spiritus. To do so, we use the âWhat is true nowâ tool. In this, our complete selves will begin to infuse our day-to-day lives.
Eloheim: Opened by talking about their perception of the Visionaries. Discussed in further detail the use of the âWhat is true nowâ tool. Answered questions about the Visionaries, the move to Homo spiritus, and the coming changes and energetics.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in November 2009
October, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Instantaneous Manifestation ~ 10-21-09
Hello everyone,
Wow, last night was great. The meeting had two distinct sections. The first was Eloheim following up on the Visionaries’ teaching of last week, “What is True Now?” Click here to review that message.
Many people (in person and by email) reported that it was quite challenging to be in the moment in this new way. It sure has been for me!
The second part of the meeting was VERY interesting. Earlier that day, Eloheim had asked me to make sure I had a $50 bill in my purse. They proceeded to pass that bill around the circle asking everyone to just, “Take a moment” with it.
Then they asked everyone to instantaneously manifest a $50 bill in their hand.
The conversation that followed is condensed in the video. The very end of the video includes a detailed one-on-one example of using the tools that Eloheim describes.
It really takes, “What is True Now?” to the next level and gives some really interesting insight on manifestation, creation, and being in the moment.
AUDIO 10-21-09 ~ 80 minutes
Eloheim: Why it seems so hard for us to be into the moment. Our habits have tended toward victim hood. Allowing the mind to take a back seat and experience the moment without it being thought-dominated. Making space and then finding what is there to connect in that space. Do we need to be adrenaline junkies to feel we can find meaning in our lives? We are in the messy middle-ground now, on our way into Homo spiritus. Questions and answers about experiencing âWhat is true now?â over the previous week.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in October 2009

VISIONARIES: What is True Now? ~ 10-14-09 ~ ELOHEIM
Hello everyone,
I had a strong suspicion that the meeting of October 14th would be a powerful time. The clue? Needing two naps and barely having any energy to get to the meeting. That typically indicates something ‘big’ is coming.
Sure enough, the meeting started with about 16 minutes from the Visionaries (click here for more about the Visionaries). They were less intense than usual, but still WAY more intense than Eloheim. They shared a really powerful message which started with, “Are you serious?” and went into “What is true now?”
I really got a lot of out of their message and I hope you will too. I pulled about 9 minutes and included it in the YouTube video.
The remainder of the meeting was Eloheim doing energy work on each person present while discussing the Visionaries’ teaching and answering questions about how to apply the teaching in our lives.
A powerful meeting!!
Each moment you are experiencing breathing, you are experiencing spirituality. Each moment you breathe, you have an opportunity to move through transformation.
What is true now? Consistently requesting that you have that piece of information…turn on the tap of the AHA.
“What is true now?” is not answered by the mind. “What is true now?” is answered by an AHA from the Soul. By asking yourself, “What is true now?” constantly you are creating a very strong connection between you and your Soul.
You are at the brink of bliss, “What is true now?” is the pathway.
We invite you to envelop your life in the question of, “What is true now?”
10-14-09 ~ 73 minutes
Visionaries: Asked the question: Are you serious? They discussed what the full meaning of âWhat is true now?â can be in our lives, and how our willingness to be conscious is necessary. They encouraged us to envelop our lives in âWhat is true now?â
Eloheim: Walked around the room and did energy work on each person. Expanded on what the Visionaries talked about. Encouraged us to move toward being conscious in every moment of our lives. Questions and answers about trust, faith, dealing with children, rage, how to be in the moment.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in October 2009

ELOHEIM: Audio Recording From Web Cast of 10-11-09
Hello everyone!
Well, the web cast yesterday was a lot of FUN! Eloheim really loved it. I will announce the date for the next web cast as soon as I have it finalized.
I was not able to record the VIDEO that was shown, but we did record the AUDIO. Given the huge amount of technological ‘stuff’ we had to do to: register folks, broadcast video and audio, receive questions, interact on the chat board, record the audio, I am amazed that we only missed one thing! The camera said it was recording, but I haven’t found any video on the tape so far. Mysteries!
Here is a link to purchase the audio and a list of some of the questions asked.
Many Blessings and thanks to all that participated,
I realized that I could make a YouTube without video, so here is section of the web cast audio
- Are you associated with the God of the Bible?
- How does one really know one’s self?
- Eloheim, despite all of the consciousness we put in the moment, you’re having a good day one day the next day you find yourself back in time again. It’s soooo frustrating. How can we get through these tough times without so much anxiety and those caca feelings?
- I want to know why I cannot hear or see my guides and thus wonder why I don’t get the intuitive answers for myself? I can get them for others.
- I am receiving psychic messages and tools so to speak that I believe help me, and others people that I am comfortable to share them with. Could you please kindly give your comment?
- We are about to move into some major changes on how we handle money.. letting go of the banks/debt … do you feel this is forward momentum for us?
- How can we bend time?
- What can I do to step into my full power, trusting myself and my abilities more?
- When I have been experiencing expanded moments I feel much more aware of what is around me and AH-HAy but I also feel very much still human me-ish. I guess I was expecting to be very different. Comments?
- Why has pain/fear been such a powerful thing in my life?
- Could you talk a bit about the energies of October being about living our potential? Any advice about how to go about living our potential? How we discover our potential(s)?
- The concept of service has come up twice in this web cast. What is the state of healing the old service of the outside world and the state of service healing the self?
- I have been experiencing emotional and energetic ups and downs that are almost impossible to deal with. What do i need to know ??? What am i missing???
- I’m getting better at neutral observation, but one person really triggers me. I have a knee jerk reaction and remember neutral observation too late – how can I change that?
- I’ve been sick for several days which I feel is telling me to stop doing so much and just “Be” and I also feel it’s to experience manifesting my needs without working for it, but I’m still confused about what “just being” looks like. I am so used to be doing something…
- With my core emotion “I define my own destiny” is it that I agreed to have a limited perception of other realities at times so I could focus on this work with exploration of consciousness?
- Are some souls more “spiritually” advanced than others?
- Is everyone on this planet ensouled?
- On July 31st our very dear and highly spiritual cat Germain (aka St Germaine) disappeared. He always was a free spirit and came back home but this is long now. Me and a lot of friends feel he is still alive… Is he with somebody else? On a mission? or dead. I really would appreciate insight because I am emotionally really exhausted searching for him.
- I have been practicing staying in the moment and leaving the past and future out of it but I keep feeling this energetic push or anxiety to finish this up or get to some vague threshold that I am not totally sure what it looks like. Is this a just me thing or a side effect of this process? It is really getting annoying when I am trying to get cool with being in the moment. The weird thing is that the more I have been getting into the moment the worse this feeling seems to be getting.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in October 2009

ELOHEIM: Living Your Potential ~ Oct. Energies ~ 10-7-09
Hello everyone!
Wednesday’s meeting was great. Eloheim shared that the energies of October are all about Potential. They went on to describe how we can live our potential (see part of the 85 minute meeting in the 10 minute video below).
Quotes from the video:
How do you know if you are living your potential? You know you are living your potential when the truth of you is all you experience. When you enter a moment, that moment is not colored by coping mechanisms, it is not distracted by the past and the future, and you are not removed from the moment by triggers.
You live the truth of you when you don’t allow outside influences to dictate your internal world.
AUDIO 10-07-09 ~ 85 minutes
Eloheim: The energies of October, 2009 are Potential. How do you know when youâre living your potential? You know you’re living your potential when the truth of you is all you experience. Also, questions and answers about various topics including being our true selves, physical changes, memory changes, receiving insight, a young person dying.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in October 2009

ELOHEIM: Ensouling the 3rd and 4th CHAKRAS ~ Using the Tools ~ 09-30-09
Hello everyone,
Wow, September was sure full of great Eloheim sessions and last night was no exception.
They started with a description of how we are now ensouling the 3rd and 4th chakras. They explained that these two chakras are actually merging.
Over the last seven years, Eloheim has given us many tools to assist us on the journey. Last night’s meeting was focused on how the various tools can be combined to facilitate transformation and help us to live in bliss.
I loved this meeting. I loved how it felt coming through and I loved the information that was shared. It is a key component in the Eloheim teachings.
I have been working on an Eloheim “Tool Book” for some time now and this meeting really lit my fire to get back into it.
Use your tools to refine the energetic you are offering!
Regularly ask yourself, what is your past and future status? Meaning, are you in the past or the future right now or are you in the moment in a clear way?
Primary tools:
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009

We are now WEBCASTING WEEKLY watch live or on demand!!!
Hello everyone!
I am very excited to announce that we are now webcasting our weekly channeling sessions.
The webcast will begin at 7:30pm (Pacific Time) every Wednesday. If you can’t watch live, we are now archiving the recordings and you can watch the replay on demand!
September, 2009
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ELOHEIM: Update on the Energetics of Now 9-23-09
SAVE THE DATE! ~ Sunday, October 11th, 4:00pm California time ~ Eloheim’s first live webcast! The details are still being arranged, but I wanted to put the date out as soon as it was decided. I will provide all the details and instructions on how to join the webcast early next week!
Hello everyone,
This week’s meeting started with Eloheim discussing the energetics present at the meeting. That isn’t a common way for them to begin and they had some really interesting things to share.
The YouTube video is from three different sections of the meeting.
I also included Margy Henderson’s intuitive sounds which closed the meeting. Her closing contribution was especially moving to me this week.
A large percentage of the meeting was Eloheim checking in about how last week’s gathering was settling in with folks. Last week the meeting opened with a message from the ‘Collection of the Soul’s present.’ I suspect this also includes the Soul’s of the people who listen to the meeting at a later time.
What I found especially interesting is the powerful and VARIED experiences folks reported. People really did experience their individual ‘Soul flavor’ in the mix of Soul energy present.
Audio recordings of the five meetings held in September 2009